Ancient Treasure Day 10 part 1

September 30, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Lake Austin shard

Agaris looked up from his papers, “Have you heard, Merrick turned himself in? I am not sure what it is about, but Dahlia would not tell me anything. Captain Corian has been speaking to him since.”  ” Yes,”  I replied,” I was with him when he decided that. He turned himself in because of Tolivar the Fence. Agaris thought.  “Tolivar,  huh that isn’t important at the moment. We can speak of that later. There are more pressing issues.” Looking back down at his notes, he explained.” I was sent in Dahlia’s place. It seems late last evening, Dahlia and Corian changed the plan. They decided to send her to the parlay, in disguise of course. It was believed to be safer, and it will give her a chance to get a read on this Pirate Captain.”  “I hope that doesn’t go bad. Does the King know about this?” I asked. ” All has actually been going well, strangely.” He looked worried. “The extra Guards placed outside of Vesper guarding the entrance from land to Buc’s Den has helped. We tried to get some placed on the island itself, but believe it or not, the town’s folk of Buc’s Den didn’t exactly appreciate the thought. So we will have to make due with reinforcing it from the Vesper side.” he replied trying to reassure me. Hum, I thought to my self, he didn’t answer if he had informed the King. “Were you informed of the map that was found?” I asked. “Yes, to that effect, I would like to thank Governor Jov of Trinsic. It seems his extra ships have been enough to discourage any Pirate Galleons from trying to hang around outside of Buc’s Den. The king was very pleased how Trinsic’s support was instrumental in making this parlay happen. We have been told to report and make sure the parlay goes through unhindered. We can enter through the Vesper side, and make sure the Guards are still safe as well. As it is the easiest access point, even if it requires a bit more force for whoever our enemies are. We should proceed away. He stopped looking at me. “If you notice Dahlia in disguise, just ignore her. ”

With that Agaris called for the royal guard and we left for Buc’s Den.  Arriving at Trinsic side of the gate, we were attacked by mercenaries. Stealthing over to leader, Targon the Vicious, I wondered who is he working for? That wasn’t important now as the battle became heated. “Hold the gate!” shouted Targon the Vicious, “You don’t get paid if you die! Ha… well at least I don’t to pay the bloody fools. The rest of you better not fail me! ” I couldn’t help but notice that Targon the Vicious stay out of the battle as he shouted at his men. “How dare you flee from combat, if I get my hands on you. “he yelled at a retreating Mercenary. he yanked him back , “You, keep fighting. You die you don’t get pay!” he shouted at the man as he kicked him a back into the battle.” “They told me, “Bandits are weak, don’t hire Juka, hire from the Tokuno Island chains.” He muttered to him self. Spiting on the ground, he began berating his men again. “You, keep fighting. You die you don’t get pay! At least Juka get results.” I looked at him in surprise.  Hiring Jukas? I looked around to see where Agaris was. He was surrounded by mercenaries. I would have to inform him after the battle. Targon the Vicious: continued yelling at his men, “You fight like rabbits! he shouted kicking another mercenary. Seeing we were winning the battle, Targon turned to sneak away muttering . “Why did I not hire Orcs? I told them, you can’t take it from land. Use your bloody ships. Did he listen, No, we can over power them.” he told me. Well I’m out of here, there has to be a better way in.” and he disappeared.

battle at buc gate


foxes defeat

When I was able to return to Agaris”s side,  he was  wiping the blood off his blade, “Huh, they tried anyhow? We should get into Buc’s Den. I don’t think that one’s ready to give up.” He began moving toward the city.. We were greeted by Gallia, a member of the Royal guard. She seemed familiar. Looking carefully at her I realized it was Dahlia. Agaris approached her, “We encountered some resistance outside of Vesper.” Gallia considered what Agaria said. “Did you and the Guards manage to hold the entrance to Buc’s Den?” she asked “Yes, we did” he replied. “Is this the Captain? Gallia whispered?” We will speak when it quiets down.” Looking up, handing Agaris a note, “There is word of an ambush. What do you want us to do? she asked, ” It seems their plans changed, but someone slipped up.”  While they were discussing their plans, first Mate Tibbers sauntered up,” Well we be not exactly t’ only ones after this treaaye.” Ignoring him, Gallia added , The source is mostly reliable.”  “We’ll take care of this.” replied Agaris, turning around, he was shocked to see Whitebeard was listening. “Hello Whitebeard? Why are you here?” A good pirate stays on top of things.” he winked at Agaris, “I have news of the mercenary’s. They’ve somehow dug a tunnel through the side of Buc’s Den. It isn’t very stable, but it’ll allow them to sneak in from the edge of the Island, and into the main tunnels.” Agaris considered what Whitebeard had told him. “Yes, far enough away no one would be looking. Dahlia seems to think… ahem, Gallia, seems to think it’s good. The information, that is.” he quickly looked to see if anyone noticed the slip. I shook my head.  “I will check it out, wait here. Just in case it is false….” said Agris started walking away. Captain Whitebeard stopped him. “We need to speak after your guard has stopped the  mercenaries. Meet me in Britain.” Scowling, Agrais looked at him, “Where exactly Whitebeard? I don’t feel like hunting you down.” “The Pub below West Britain Bank, I won’t speak of the matter here. It has to do with Merrick.” Whitebeard replied walking away.







Ancient Treasure Day 9 Part 3

September 18, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Lake Austin shard

I found Dahlia at the Hall. “Where is Merrick, that coniving… wait… what?” She stopped in surprise.  “My lady,” I continued, ” Merrick has turned himself in to Captain Carian.  He told me Tolivar is the one behind the troubles.” Dahlia thought about the news, ” Tolivar. Did he say why? I told Dahlia of the meeting I had seen. “Tolivar said that he had been betrayed by the very people he had protected as Spymaster.” Dahlia looked at me, nodding her head. “That was something I could never figure out… Merrick said the old Spymaster died, but he never said who replaced him. I couldn’t find out who it was before Merrick. There was a gap in the scrolls, that listed the Spymaster’s names, after they died of course. There are reports of some pretty brutal things done, during those years. All in the name of “Britannia” of course. But, people who should have been jailed for crimes, ended up dead. There was a good period of peace, but lots of bodies. People had other things on their mind then, though. Invasions, terrible rulers. So that’s who Blackthron had Corian setting up to go after. I had a spy listening at the last Town Council Meeting. I suppose I don’t give Blackthorn enough credit, as heso recently returned. Anyhow. Merrick, he should have come to me. I could figured something out. Instead he turns himself in, to the Royal Guard. This is a headache, and we can’t just let him rot in a prison if… Dahlia stopped talking worried that she was bordering on treason.  Looking at me, she asked “Promise me, you won’t let him rot if it comes to it? Perhaps Captain Corian and the King will hear what he has to say.” Shaking her head,  “Tolivar, a Spymaster… he looked like a doddering old fool. But Merrick always said, Tolivar more clever  than he appeared to be.  He warned me to keep my distance. I get it now. If they get a hold of him now, he’ll definitely be executed. He won’t even given a trial like Vos. He attacked two Britannian cities in the same day. Did Merrick say what he was really after. I shook my head. “No, but he did say that someday he will explained how this started.”


start of 7-21 oracle

Looking at me sadly, Dahlia said, ” Enough, I need to think and we have to formulate a plan, to protect Buc’s Den. If the Captain of the Blood Flagon isn’t behind the recent attacks. We need to know what he knows. Whitebeard clearly knows he’s after the same Ancient Treasure. I’ll assume from now, that the parlay is real, Which means we need to keep him alive to know what he does.” I replied that it could be a problem as the pirates had gone in to hiding. Dahlia sighed, ” Pirates, Sherry mentioned a pirate in the Vaults. There was one Finneas mentioned being in Trinsic trying to sell jewels. So we have to assume, one of the Blood Flagon’s main pirate crew, is likely helping Tolivar. Which would explain the Blood Flagon ship attacking Jhelom. What a mess…Ahem.” She turned to leave us. “You all rest up, and take care. We’ve got pirates to deal with in a week.”

Ancient Treasures Day 9 Part 2

September 18, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Lake Austin shard

I found Merrick deep in conversation with Tolivar. I quietly moved closer to hear what was being said. ” Tolivar…You can’t do this, Tolivar!” Merrick shouted at him. The shouting drew a curious crowd. This made it ever easier to get closer. Tolivar Fence looked at the crowd in anger. “You know who protected the cities of Britannia, before Blackthorn magically returned? We did, Merrick. Now they have Vos in chains in Yew, to put on public Trial.” he paused, ” A public Trial for all the lives he saved, and the people he protected. They brand me an enemy of Britannia. Are you aware? Blackthorn himself, has Corian ‘working on it.’  Me, who protected it as well as I could absentia a King. No thanks, in the shadows, like a good spy. What about you Merrick, what have they done for you? ” he asked in anger.” Merrick shook his head, ” It isn’t about me, Tolivar. None of this is, it isn’t even about Britannia. All you want is what you stumbled across. What I denied you.”

“Maybe at first, Merrick. Until they branded me a traitor, ‘crimes’ that saved Britannian citizens. All these, good citizens around me. They made it about this, they made it about us. I even helped them get rid of the Traversis. I will not lie down like a good little dog. just disappear.” Tolivar replied turning red in anger.

“You were always good at not being noticed. No one even knew you became the Spymaster, when the original died. After what happened to him… when he went to see his daughter… you’d think we would learn better. All you have to do is call off the attacks, and walk away Tolivar. They won’t ever find you.” Merrick said trying to calm Tolivar.

” Ever the loyal little lad, Merrick. If only I had left you on that pirate ship. You interfered before, but not this time friend. You’ll all be far too busy defending your cities to look for little ol’ me. Even now while you sit here listening to me prattle. I’ll make sure of it. If only they knew, what we did for Britannia, Merrick. But they’ll find out what we can do to it.” Tolivar Fence began laughing ” Perhaps, you should go stop Minoc from burning to the ground.” Still laughing Tolivar disappeared.

Merrick disturbed by what Tolivar said, looked at me. ” What? Minoc, burning? Quick gather the Royal Guards. Quickly.” I didn’t need encouragement. I was already hurrying  to Britian even using magic which I didn’t trust.

orcs in minco


When we arrived back at Minco, we found the outer buildings burning. The city guard was losing to a band of Orcs lead by the orc chiefs Varfu and Lurzuk the Strong.  Seeing us Merrick shouted, “Clear them out, don’t let them into the city!”  After a long battle with many deaths on both sides, we captured the few orcs left. Searching the bodies of the chiefs Merrick found another crude Orchish map. I wondered if these orcs were part of the band we had run into before.  Merrick studied the map, trying to decipher what it said. “It seems to show the orcs are stationed near the…SE End of Covetous along a dirt path.  Hurry we must stop them!”  Without looking to see if we followed, he stepped through a gate.  Arriving, we surprised the orcs.  Catching from behind, we made short the battle.

moutain battle

 I went to talk to Merrick expecting him to be happy or at least relieved. Instead he was muttering in sadness,  “Is it my fault? I thought he had changed…This is my fault, I should have warned Dahlia.  Instead of trying to…He placed his hand on his forehead. ” Tolivar isn’t entirely wrong, Vos will likely be executed, unless someone can persuade judge otherwise. Not that he doesn’t deserve it, a little.  I don’t suppose if they decide to put me in Yew prison as well, you would throw me a spare key? he asked me hopefully. Before answering, I thought carefully. “I will not help you escape, but I will speak to Captain Corian and Dahlia.”  That seemed to reassure him. ” Good, because I’m about to go face some pretty nasty music. ‘m going to turn myself into Corian, and perhaps work it out, if not. Well, if I get a chance, perhaps I’ll tell you what started this. I’m off to face the music, or so it goes. I told Tolivar, you either stay invisible as a Spymaster, or end up dead, Ahem, if I don’t get a second chance. The archery contests… you had to know how terrible an idea, that was.” Merrick stopped grinning. ” Yet you still came. Cheers. Tell Dahlia, I’m turning myself in. If Corian throws me in a cell, tell her she can see me there. Before I change my mind… you should go see Dahlia in Britain Hall” *Kal Ort Por* and he was gone.

Ancient Treasures Day 9 – Part 1

September 18, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Lake Austin Shard

I found Dahlia at the Royal Spies headquarters. Distracted, she keep looking around as it waiting for someone. As she greeted me, a royal courier arrived. Looking around, the courier hesitated as if thinking it would be best to come back later. However Dahlia motioned for her to come forward. “Mistress, I have word. It is about that… ” she said as she handed Dahlia a sealed letter. “Mistress,”  the courier said bowed low then turned and quickly left the room.  Looking over Dahlia’s shoulder, I tried to see who’s seal was on the letter. But Dahlia moved away, as she read the letter. ” Hmm… So it does exist…”, Dahlia said to her self.  Still trying to see what was on the letter, I asked ” Is it news of the treasure my lady?”  Shaking her head, Dahlia replied “No, something else. I should send word to Corian later.” Turning back to me, she asked for my notes about Sherry the mouse.” Rereading the last line, she looked up, Sherry has been found?” “Yes, my lady. She has been found hiding the the kitchen at Blackthorn Castle. ” Folding and unfolding the courier’s message, she seemed to come to a decision. “I want you to go check on Sherry and see that she is okay. I need to go inform Corian about this development.”



I found Sherry the Mouse nervously hiding under a table. Getting down on my knees I asked her if she was okay. “Y-yes, now.” she answered.  I wondered what could have scared her so. “Did you see something Sherry?” I asked. She began shivering. I carefully I picked her up. “Twas terrible, the way they came into the Vaults. Tis a secret, but they are gone and others have forgotten. Yes, a lot of strange things, I canst say what they all are.” Sherry replied lost in thought.  Concerned about what might have been taken, I asked “Do you know what was taken?” Sherry the Mouse had stopped shivering, ” Uh-huh! Therein, things that Nystul, and Clainin, and others left.” Frowning I thought to myself. Items from court wizards are best left lost in the Vaults. ” Did they take anything else?”  “Yes,” She replied. “Lots of other things, tall things, odd things.” When I asked Sherry if she could describe the items, she looked away, as if not sure she should. I had to find out if she knew who broke in. “Sherry, Can you tell us who broke in? ” Sherry the Mouse started up towards my sleeve. “Twas a ‘tall man, with several Juka, and other humans. They passed through the walls.” Sherry cowered in my sleeve, ” They slipped through the stone like ghost.” Surprised I asked,” They came through the walls like ghost? Are you sure.” ” Oh yes!” Sherry said peeking out . ” They slipped through stone, right through. Like ghost, and one saw me and tried to grab my tail! ” Sherry squeaked with indignity. I could see that Sherry was tired and still on edge. Carefully I put her down. Quickly she ran into a mouse hole. Looking up I saw that Dahlia had joined me. She was also distrubed by what Sherry had told me. “We should probably let her rest, she should be safe enough in Blackthorn’s Castle. I am curious, to what exactly she knows about the contents of those Vaults. Sherry was  hesistant to speak of them . If the court wizards stored things in there, who knows what other dangerous items are there.”  We began to discuss what Sherry had told us. Dahlia was worried that someone could walk through walls. I suggested that maybe a wizard or perhaps a secret passage.  She changed the subject as we started toward Britain Hall.  ”

I have word Merrick was spotted, Finneas is keeping tabs on him. We should head to the Britain Sewers entrance and speak with Finneas.”  Yuck,  I thought to myself. It would be too much to expect that he had bathed since I last talked to him. But when we found him, he stank as much as ever.  Dahila didn’t seem to notice, she was focused on finding Merrick.  Aksing Finneas about Merrick, he became upset. “That one is a wily one. Taught me most of what I know. Sure I can find him, that isn’t the question. It is ugly business, I want no thanks for it. Now be on your way. ” No matter how Dahlia pressed for more information, Finneas ignored her. Walking away, I again questioned the wisdom of trusting him. Looking at me, Dahlia explained ” I don’t blame Finneas for being upset. But we can trust him. Tolivar did take him away from his life as a peasant.  Finneas… is odd. He seems relatively happy just tracking people, so we’ve allowed him to do it. But he’s also viciously “Britannian.” If he thinks Tolivar is up to something bad, he won’t protect him. Especially if it is bad for Britannia. You should head to Trinsic, West Trinsic Bank. See if you can find Merrick and slow him down. I would go, but I’m afraid that would spook him. Please find him.”


Ancient Treasures-Oracle 7-21

September 03, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

garden 7-31

I was playing my harp in Clainin’s Memoral garden. Hoping the peacefulness would help me compose a ballad of the recent events. But so little was know of the Royal Vault break in ,what was taken and who the thief might be. A noise distracted me. Looking up a messenger had been waiting to hand me a note. It was Dahlia requested a meeting. Sighing I put away my harp and went to the Royal Spies hall. A happier Dahlia greeted me. Before I could greet her, she told me that the Royal Spies could continue our efforts to find out more of what Merrick was up to and the ancient treasure.

start of 7-21 oracle

She further shared  that after receiving word from his captain, Red Roberts delivered the message to Captain Corian. The Captain had requested that a parlay be held at Buc’s Den in a week and half. “So we have time to prepare then,”  I replied.  “I had some of the Royal Spies tracked Red Roberts, and watch the meeting he had with several others. During the meeting, another pirate’s name was mentioned,  Ain Kivar.” She paused and looking puzzled, ” Their behavior was odd after his name was mentioned. They seemed to be nervous. There is something not right about the man. Tamias, I want you to track down this man and see what you can learn “Do you have any leads ?” I asked. She thought for just a second. “Start with Finneas, he might have heard something.

finneas the sewer rat

I headed out to see Finneas. Remembering my last meeting with him, I didn’t  hurry.Finneas was at the same spot by the Britian Sewers. If any thing he smelled even worse. I decided this was going to be a short meeting . With out a greeting I began questioning him, “What do you know of a the pirate Ain Kivar? ” Looking around he replied,” I heard  a man matching the description was seen in Trinsic lately. He was fencing jewels. Thought  it is strange that a Blood Flagon would have the jewels since his captain has asked for a parlay.”     Jewels?  my first thought was of the Royal Vault robbery. Could it be that the parlay was a trick. Did Ain Kivar act without his captain knowing. I had to learn more. “What else do you know Finneas?” With a hand extended, he looked at me. How dare he ask for payment . Angrily I reminded him, that for Dahlia’s support he would be in a Yew Cell.  Quickly he continued, “A witness stated that the jewels reportedly looked familiar.  Like the ones once given to Queen Dawn.  Speak to Sherry the Mouse, she can tell you if Queen Dawn’s jewels are missing.  ” “What was the name of the witness?” Thinking for a second, he said” Tammy a jeweler in Trinsic . Now go away ! I have nothing more to tell. ”



I left to speak to Tammy. She was speaking to a customer. Waiting, I looked at the displays to see if  any were Queen Dawn’s. Finally Tammy was finished. Coming over, she asked , ” Are you here about the stolen jewels. I can only tell you what I told the last man.”   “The last man? Tell me more.” I said.   ” He was a strange fellow, I didn’t catch his name. Anyhow he said the man with him, was Ain Kivar.  Ain had the stolen jewels. I knew since I recognized the jewels. A wealthy merchant, I cannot remember his name presented them to Queen Dawn.”   I asked her how she knew the jewels were the same as the ones given to Queen Dawn. “It was  hard to forget them,  remarkable jewels. ” she explained.  I hated to ask the next question.  “Did you buy the gems?” Standing taller, she glared at me. ” I did not, I knew they  were stolen.”    “Can you tell me what he looked like and where he went?” I asked.   She described him as having grey hair and wearing a white doublet and grey pants. That matched what Finneas had told me.  “He stormed out of here muttering he needed a drink.”  she added.  Knowing  the  Trinsic taverns, I went to the largest one. There I found an old friend,  Antonio the Minstrel.  Sitting down, I bought each of us ale.



I asked him if had seen any one or any thing strange. Replying, he told  “I saw a distraught  man with grey hair and pants, a white doublet come in and sit  down with a small group of men. They were an ill looking bunch. I thought it was strange, he began whispering that it was too hard to sell a few family heirlooms. Carefully watching, I saw him drop a jewel, then quickly pick it up. Looking to see if any one noticed, he and the men got up to leave.  Leaving, he dropped a piece of paper.  Seeing no one had noticed, I picked it up.”   Thinking that this might be important, I asked him what it was.  “Well it seemed to be a map of some sort. I believe of an island. Perhaps Buc’s Den, it is east of here. “What else did you see on the map?” I asked.  Wrinkling his head in thought, he continued. “Well, there were crude drawings of ships on it, but it was strange. It appeared to be some kind of battle plan.  The ships weren’t  attacking each other, instead  lines were drawn towards the island. The ships seemed to be attacking the city.” Knowing that the Governor of Trinsic, expressing concern,  had reported seeing pirates hanging out in Buc’s Den and had men watching them.  I had to know more. “Did you notice anything about the ships?” He told me that each ship had a different flag, Perhaps pirate flags.

Hum, two different groups of pirates. Could Whitebeard and the Captain of the Blood Flagons be working together? If so why. I asked to see the map, but Antonio replyed  that the man came back for it.  “He asked if I had read it. There was something about him that made me say of course not. Relieved , he told me that his letter it was very private, from his wife and that she can be somewhat embarassing. He then left without saying anything more. Looking at him, I could see that he was still distrubed about the encounter. When I asked why he hadn’t told one of the royal guard. He admitted that he was worried the man could be back. Buying Antiona another drink, I quickly left. I had to take this information to Dahlia and Captain Corian before the attack began.

Ancient Tresures, Oracle Event (7-25)

August 22, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

After having several good glasses of wine at the Shattered Skull in Skara Brae, I began my long walk back to Britian.  Crossing the ferry, I was surprised to see a pirate on the dock.  Looking around I didn’t see either guards or rangers.  He approached me and asked if I had the King’s ear.  I explained that I was the King’s bard and could relay any message he had.  His captain wanted a parlay with the King.  Surprised I asked when and where Captain Whitebeard wanted to hold the parlay.   Laughing the pirate Red Roberts told me Whitebeard wasn’t his captain.  His captain was the leader of the Blood Flagons.  Since they had attacked several of our cities, the captain wanted a parlay so he wouldn’t end up in the Yew Prison.  I told him I would indeed pass the message to the king and hurried on my way.

pirate 2

Arriving at the castle, the King granted me an audience.  I could tell at once that he was worried about something.   I explained what Pirate Red Roberts had told me.  The King thought for a moment the waved off the information.  “I have more important concerns that that.  I’ve received disturbing information concerning Dahlia.  Captain Corian is concerned about her loyalty.  I need you to go speak to her in  Trinsic. ”      Recalling to Trinsic, I found Dahlia in front of the Keg and Anchor. She seemed very distracted.  Maybe the king was right to be concerned.  I told her of the Blood Flagon captain wanting a parlay.  “I haven’t time to speak to you right now.  I need to find Merrick,  he is being irrational and foolish.”  Suddenly she became aware of what I had told her.  He wants a parlay.  Hum, I need you to find out more about him.  Go to my  spy in Britain. His name is Finneas the Street Rat. You can find him at the sewers.  See what he knows of this captain and if he has been following him. Now I must get back to my search. With that she recalled way.


I quickly recalled to Britain and found Finneas the Street Rat.  Boy did he stink. I made sure not to get to close.  I began to ask him about the Blood Flagon captain.  Finneas looked slyly around before he answered.  After giving him Red Robert’s name, he told me that he had followed the captain to the Nu’jelm garden, the one behind the Sultan’s palace. ” I heard him muttering about a gem. Oh yes, he was muttering about a gem., something Shimmering.  He seemed to desperately want it.”  When I asked for more information, Finneas grew angry, “I look for people not lost property.  Off with you before I am seen with you.”

finneas the sewer rat

When it was clear that he would not give me anymore information, I went to the garden and began to search it.  It wasn’t long before I found a  skull cap and a pair of sandals.  Then I saw it the Shimmering Star of  Eschia.  Knowing that the real gem had been locked up by Merrick, I looked at it carefully.  I found the Vesper jeweler’s mark,  Sensing I was nearing the end of the trail, I recalled to the jewelry shop.

gem in garden

Entering the shop, I quickly found Webb.  He seemed very nervous and frequently looked around.  He told me that a man had hired him to make several gems.   “I had to make the gems.  He knew I had large gambling debts.  He promised to pay me enough to pay them off.  I didn’t want to go to prison, so I took his offer.  He had me make several gems. There was a blue stone, several clear white ones, and a green one. I have delivered all but two of them.  What should I do? he asked wringing his hands.  I told him to hold on to them and that some one would be contacting him.

webb the jeweler

I hurried back to speak to Captain Corain.   Disturbed about the news, he assured me that Webb would be watched carefully. When Webb delivered the last two gems he would be followed.  Reassured by the news I wandered off to my favorite pub to compose my report for the king.

Ancient Treasures Day 8 Part 1

August 15, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News


When Dahlia called a meeting of the Royal Spies, the King requested that I attend.  Arriving early, I noticed  few had arrived.  But the hall quickly filled up until there was standing room only.  People were quietly discussing the treasure hunt, the recent pirate attacks and Merrick’s role.   When Dahlia arrived the room became silent as we stopped our discussions.   Looking around, she began to frown, “Has anyone seen Evidias, did she step out?”
” I haven’t seen her,” replied Richard Cranium.
Lady Thalia said, ” She seems to be following clues from Merrick”
“Her investigation is still going on,” added Meanie Monster.
“Following clues from Merrick, what are you talking about?” Dahlia asked in a puzzlement.  Lady Thalia handed her the book of clues that she had found.
As Dahlia readed the report frown lines began to form.
” When I talked to Adama,” said Lady Thalia, “he  said Evidias read some notes from Merrick and rushed out.”
Slightly irked, Dahlia closed the book, ” He has been busy then. When I asked her earlier, she lied to me saying that she hadn’t.  Did she at least finish this?”

Looking at each other, no one replied.  In frustration Dahlia kicked the table and grabbed the crook of of it. ” Wo… ah… what… woah…” Where did these items come from.  Is this crook the key we have been looking for? I sent Evidias to finding a way to finish a key for the door outside of Occllo.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “The wheel  was use to make the keys.” reminded Zippy Bubblelips


” Perhaps so, can you use it on the orb?” asked Richard Cranium:
“Come we need to go to the door in  Occllo to test it.”  and she started for the door.  “Wait… wait a minute,  I haven’t been outside of Occllo in a few days.  I’m not sure how safe it is. Before we get going we need to be prepared. Others are after what’s behind the door.””
“I’m sure its not,” Restless said as he called for his dragon to follow and guard him.
Quickly we followed Dahlia though the gate she had cast. ” We must have gotten here first.”  as she  looked around.  Suddenly Bloody Flagon pirates attacked.  ” I spoke to soon,” she shouted and the battle began.

1st attack

Out numbering the pirates the battle was quickly over.  ” Perhaps they didn’t have a way in, and wanted to take ours?” Dahlia said as she approached the door.  “So do I just…?” and she waved the staff around the door.  When nothing happened, she tried tapping the door with the crook. Again nothing happened.  “Does anyone have any, experience unlocking magical doors?”
Sabrina Banana replied pointing at Meanie,  ” Meanie does.”
Everyone looked hopefully at him.  “I’m sorry while I have opened magic chests.  I haven’t had experience with doors.” he said shaking his head.

door won't open

People began shouting out suggestions.  “Kick it,” suggested Jinx.  *
Dahlia kicked the wooden door with no luck. “You said, Evidias got off to somewhere, or something of Merrick’s?  Did you find out what it was?”
“Yes.  we found several of Merrick’s notes in Trinsic, but the trail ended at two sets of coordinates.” replied Lady Thalia.
“What did the Weld, or Marouk have to say about it?” she asked Lady Thalia. knowing she has a special relationship with the Weld.
Shaking her head, Lady Thalia replied, ” I did not see her at Mongbat village. I did not ask Marouk”
“Bah, Coordinates, don’t have time to track down coordinates. Dahlia said with disgust.
“There has to be something more to open the door.” Dahlia poured Dreamshade into the lamp.  It is time to try… things.” with that she dipped the crook into the lamp. “Alright… this might not be safe…”
Remembering what had happened before with Dreamshade,  “My lady are you sure you want to do that?” I asked backing up.
“Well…oaky then” Dahlia said with a determined look and proceeded to prod door with the Dreamshade enchanted staff.
Slowly the door opened. Smiling Dahila said, ” That seemed to work,”  leading us through the door.   To our surprise we ended up in a cavern that had several passages.  “It seems so empty, why so empty.  I guess we need to spread out. ” Dahlia said as she started down one of the passages.   We began to search the passages and found our selves back where we had begun.  “Is this a maze or some kind of joke?’ Dahlia said angrily as she lead us back  down the passages and into a gate that suddenly appeared.   Walking through the gate we found ourselves surrounded by an enclosed hedge area.  In the corner stood a strange person, Yanice the Odd.   Dahlia approached, “Hello, yes you.” she said as
Yanice the Odd, slowly seemed to notice her, and answered with a riddle, “It winds around, and disappears beneath when tread upon.”
Thinking about the passages we just went through Dahlia said, ” A road?”
Yanice the Odd looked at the Dahlia, “How can you answer an unfinished riddle?”
“Excuse me, go on?” Dahlia blushed.
Yanice the Odd continued, ” It melts into the air at dawn, refilling under the crackling sky, teeming sky.  If you trip, it will carry you away, and if you do not struggle it will take your breath.”
All of us began to think and discuss possible answers.  When Manticore  said “Water?”
Richard Cranium nodded his head in agreement, “Water.”
Dahlia nodded to Manticore and Richard Cranium,” Water… a river?” she asked Yanice the Odd.
Yanice the Odd answered with a wise smile, “They say swim, we say struggling; struggling is all life is.  Against time, or a current.”
Puzzled by the answer, Dahlia asked, “Is there more to the riddle?”
“No,  just advice.” Yanice the Odd replied.
“Which is?”
“If you can see both sides of a situation, perhaps you can solve anything, even this.” But if you are too naive and blind, then you will be lost for all of time.”
“Thank you,” said Sylvar.
“Yes, thank you, but again, what do you ask of us?  asked Dahlia.
“Proceed through the gate to the other side, and remember what I said. Yanice the Odd replied disappearing .

August Schedule for Ancient Treasures.

August 15, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Just posted on EM Augustus’s Web site (


Event: Town Council Meeting
Description: Meet King Blackthorn in Castle Blackthorn, to discuss matters of importance. Governors and all interested citizens welcome to attend and bring matters before the King.
Location: Skara Brae docks (Gate from Luna Bank)
Date: 8-16-14
Time: 8:00pm CST (9:00pm EST)


Event: Who leads the Blood Flagon? (Oracle Event)
Description: Though the Blood Flagon has requested a parlay, with the Spymaster; Dahlia has been able to find out little about who they will be meeting. When you meet with the Pirate Captain’s representative to set the meeting, try to trip him up and reveal his name. If you can find his real name, you may be able to take it to Finneas to better track the man’s movements.
Location: Meet Dahlia in Britain Hall before you head out to meet with the Blood Flagon representative.
Date: 8-16-14
Time: 8:00pm CST (9:00pm EST)


Event: The man called Tolivar Fence.
Description: Though keeping tabs on Merrick’s movement has been sketchy at best, due to his continued persistence in slipping tails. It has come to Dahlia’s attention that Merrick plans to meet with the man known as Tolivar Fence and she wishes to get there first.
Location: Britain Hall (Gate from Luna Bank)
Date: 8-23-14
Time: 8:00pm CST (9:00pm EST)


Event: The Alchemist.
Description: Merrick is willing to meet, and will send a gate to Luna Bank, to any who wish to help him.
Location: Unknown (Gate provided from Luna Bank)
Date: 8-30-14
Time: 8:00pm CST (9:00pm EST)

Ancient Treasures Day 7-part 2

July 25, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

 When we stepped out of the gate, we found ourselves in the capital city of Tokuno.  Lady Dahlia led us to the Rokuon Cultural Center. There we found Vos Marigna.


Dahlia greeted him.  Smirking, he looked at us,”  I would ask how you found me, but it does not matter does it?”

” No it doesn’t.” agreed Dahlia.

What you want is information, perhaps we can work out a deal.” Vos asked with a wink.

Shaking her head, Dahlia replied ” No deals Vos, not now, all I want is information and you will give it to me.”

“And if I refuse to give it to you? What are you going to do?” smirked Vos.

Dahlia was still clearly upset from the earlier encounter with Whitebeard, “You will not have a good day then, Vos Marigna.”

Vos Marigna smiled, “Here Tolivar thought you were just a softy to be pushed around, guess he was wrong.”

Suddenly from behind we were attacked by Blood Flagon Mercenaries

“You caused this attack !” shouted Dahlia drawing her sword.

” I did not send them after you. In fact I am pretty sure they were after me and not you.” said Vos Marigna as he hid.”

“Stop them. We have to keep him alive for questioning.” shouted Dahlia leading the attack.

1st mercnary fight

The battle was short but fierce.  Just when we thought we had killed them all,  Governor Veronica Mars called out that one was trying to escape.

“Hurry.” She shouted, “He is trying to slip between the buildings.”


Dahila, herself, killed the last pirate.  Cleaning her sword, she shouted, “Quickly find Vos, make sure he didn’t escape.”

Image our surprise to find him waiting for us.

“So they were after you?” asked Dahlia.

“So how about you haul me away to a nice safe cell in Yew. I’ll play nice.” replied Vos without answering her question.

With an odd look on her face, Dahlia asked.” Play nice huh? ”

If you keep me alive and well, maybe I’ll even talk a bit.” said Vos looking around.

“You want to be… jailed… you shall have your wish.” Turning to us she asked. “Would you all please escort this, guest of ours to Yew Prison?

“Of course, my Lady,” Answered Lady Thalia.

Guard him carefully, We can’t have him getting out once we have him.”  Opening a gate to Yew for us, She said, “I need word with Corian ”

yew prison

Jahajx Jov placed shackles on Vos. “I trust these aren’t too tight” Jahajx Jov smiled as he pulled them tighter.

“Lead the way to the prison.” smiled Vos. ” Or you can… let me go.” Then remembering the attacked, he said in a worried voice, ” Scratch that I guess.”

As we lead him to the prison, his mood shifted from worried to almost happy.

“This way,” said Lady Thalia walking beside Vos.

“Come with me Vos”, said Jahajx Jov as he pulled on the shackles.

” Oh come on.” said Vos winking at  us. “How much gold would it take?  I’ve got coin.”

His only answers was Jahajx Jov pulling on the chain and Lady Thalia putting Artemis, her Greater Dragon, closer to Vos.

“Ouch, gently,” whimpered Vos. “One of you lot set me free. “ow”

Suddenly Vos looked at the forest.  “Oh look, company.  Why don’t you all kill those, so I live.”

At the same time, Governor Veronica Mars and Governor Markus shouted, “We have pirates here. Help us fight them off”

You lad, you don’t care they’re being attacked? Vos asked Jahajx Jov.

Jahajx Jov ignored him, pulling once more on the chains.

“Fine fellow you are. Not aiding your friends.  Fine by me, lead on!  He smirked, “There’s more coming you know.  Better keep me alive.”

At last we arrived at the Yew Prison.  There we were met by Captain Corian.

“Good Evening Captain,” Jahajx Jovs said as he handed his prisoner over. ” We have a new resident for you.”

“Dahlia sent word she was sending a prisoner she did not want to escape.”Captain Corian replied as he took the chain.

“Prisoner sounds so cruel, I offered to help.” Vos said with a smile.

Captain Corian ignored Vos and addressed us.  “King Blackthorn has authorized the presence of Royal Guard here. Take him through the black door and put him in the first cell past it on the left. Once he is in the cell, come see me again”

We escorted Vos to his cell. ” in you go” said Jahajx Jovas  tossed him unceremoniously in. Where he vanished.

“That’s odd.” said Jahajx Jov shaking his head in puzzlement.

“What happened to him?’ asked Natsuhi:

“Hmmm” Restless said troubled.  When suddenly he shouted,”  he’s gone! its a trap!”

Captain Corian came in with a smile. “A little surprise from Evidias.

hidden prison

” Disappearing prisoners?” Lady Thalia said in surprise.

“Ah,” Jahajx Jovsaid in relief, ” so this is intended?”

“I assure you he is in there, quite annoyed as well.” Captain Corian said as he nodded.  Dahlia sent a warning ahead of your, so we rigged it up making sure he couldn’t get out.

Looking at what seemed to be an empty cell, Lady Thalia said, ” I’m not clear that we got any information from him”

” Information, out of him? asked Captain Corian, shaking his head, “It’s more likely she intends to use him as bait.”

Thalia: No, Lady Thalia said shaking her head. “Dahlia had planned to ask him some questions”

“She can try, he’s better off as bait if you ask me.” said sadly Captain Corian, ” No telling what Tolivar told him.”  With a sigh, He continued. “Tolivar,  what is that old man up to… I thought he was a friend. Come he said opening a gate. “We should check out his house in Jhelom.”

Arriving Captain Corian pointed out that Tolivar’s house was across from his.  He had been keeping an eye on him.  “No sense knocking,” he said as he entered the house.  ” Not sure he left anything to find.”

the house

Just then Lady Thalia pointed at  a book she had found.

Just a book, what of it?  Hold on…” Captain Corian said excitedly,


Ah… I guess he was getting suspicious, and knew I was catching on to him.” Sighing, Captain Corian said to himself,  “Tolivar… I thought I knew you better.”

Refocusing, Captain Corian said, “So those Royal Guards I threw out, the ones gambling and stealing, they were his. At least I appear to have gotten all of them.  Huh… the Blood Flagon had a spy in the Royal Guard as well, from Tolivar’s notes.”

“That explains the pirate attacks.”  I noted.

“Yes,” agreed Corian, ” He notes I found the man as well… I wonder which one he was.  Guess we’ll never know. King Blackthorn had them hanged for treason.

“Which one got hanged?” Asked Lady Thalia?

” All of them, including  the Blood Flagon spy. Blackthorn doesn’t tolerate betraying Britainnia citizens.”

Jahajx Jov asked? “Is it worth the time to figure out which one it was?”

” It might be. I still have their belongings in some chests, as evidence. I’ll have to go through it all.” Corian answered.

“From the sounds of this note, Vos was on a mission of some sort.” observed Jahajx Jov

” Dahlia seems to have gone ahead to detain Whitebeard for a bit longer. Tell her from me, Merrick doesn’t seem a bad sort.” he led us outside.

“Wait outside, she mentioned sending a gate when she was here.”

“We will tell her” Jahajx Jov.

Captain Corian began to walk away. “The gate should come soon enough, about here.” Then he wandered off to think.

“Hmmm, trust no one,” Dolomite muttered. “Is Dahlia trustworthy”

At last the gate arrived.  Dahlia was waiting for us when we stepped out.  Looking around I noticed we were back at the beach where we began.

” I sent for you as soon as arrived… there’s footprints at the shoreline. Something must have spooked him.” Dahlia said.

“Shall we follow the foot prints?” asked Jahajx Jov

” Wait… Dahlia said looking at the tracks. “There’s… two tracks going in opposite directions… One goes to the shoreline..  Must be Whitebeard toward his ship”

looking at the two sets of tracks, Jahajx Jov asked “Shall we track them both?”

“So why is there another track… that way?” wondered Dahlia,” Of course, Whitebeard must have fled. But from what.”

The answer came quickly. Everything dissolved into darkness as  a Mercenary Elite’s burning eyes filled your vision and I found my self frozen.

“Well now we know why Whitebeard fled.  He’d rather we do the fighting for him.” Dahlia raised her sword and the battle began.

As we began to fight, the mercenaries seemed to retreat,  from behind them came Golden Dragons.  At first the number of deaths made it seem that the fight would be lost.  We regrouped and the battle turned.







the defenders


At last the battle was over.  Looking around Dahlia mused,  “Whatever he knews though, must be worth it. They were willing to tangle with the city Guards. Those bandits just kept coming, and dying…”

“But golden dragons? asked Thalia, “That’s a little beyond pirates.”

“That’s is possible.” Replied Dahlia. “I have no idea what power is working with them.”

Dahlia suddenly changed the conversation. ” I had word with Calin, whatever he found, we are going after. Calin mentioned something, about the location of a key. I’m assuming it is to the door we found outside of Occllo.”

“What of Merrick?” I asked. “Captain Corian sent us with a message for you.”

“And what was it? Dahlia asked?

“That Merrick is not a bad person.” Answered Lady Thalia.

“If Merrick shows up, so be it, he can help. But I’m not leaving it to his discretion.” Dahlia grumbled about Merrick. ”

Jahajx Jov aced ” Thalia, have you relayed everything we discovered in Jhelom?”

“Jhelom?” questioned Dahlia.

Thalia explained all that had happened and what we had learned.   From the attack to taking Vos to the Yew prison.

Jahajx Jov told that we had learned that there had been a Blood Flagon spy, but that King Blackthorn had them all  hanged so we don’t know who it was.

Dahlia thought about all she had been told.  “Ahem, I need to go speak with Evidias, Calin and then report to King Blackthorn again. He wanted an update, I’m inclined to follow that word to the letter at the moment.  Prepare for our next meeting.  We are going after the key and will try to find out what is behind the hidden door.”

final orders




Ancient Treasures Day 7-Part 1

July 25, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

When Lady Dahlia called for a meeting, King Blackthorn sent me to see what her concerns were.  When I arrived at the meeting hall, it was already crowded with the Royal Spies.  She was warmly greeted by Thalia, Natsuhi, Longtoohz and others.


beginning of day 8

I could tell that Lady Dahlia was not  her normal pleasant self.  Instead she seemed angry with us.  I asked what the trouble was.  She scowled at me, responding, ” I am glad that you asked.  In fact, I have a simple question for all of you.”  “Shoot” , said Longtoothz.

In a demanding, annoyed tone, Dahlia demanded! “Who is the Spymaster.”

We looked at each other in confusion.  Lady Thalia asked question we all had. ” Today?”

“Do you think that amuses me?” Dahlia stated turning to Lady Thalia

Bravely, Lady Thalia continued, “I believe that you are the Spymaster, my Lady.”

This answer seemed to make Lady Dahila even angrier.   “I am? Not Merrick? or a handful of other people, who seems to ask for things and all of you  get it done.  Why is it that when Merrick says jump, all of you keep saying, how high?”

This caused even more confusion.  We had been asked by Captain Corian to keep an eye on Merrick.  He had told us, he would inform Lady Dahila.  Could he have forgotten or worse had he been delayed.

” Merrick seems to cause a lot of trouble. Its more that we’re trying to keep him out of it.” answered Lady Thalia.

Looking tired Dahlia sighed. ” Last time I checked, he retired,  he has no affiliation with the Royal Guard, or  King Blackthorn.  I know you are all just trying to help. But I am afraid Merrick has gotten himself mixed up in murky things.” Shaking her head, Lady Dahila added.  “Do you know who just called me in for a meeting?   The King himself . He asked me if what Merrick was doing endangered  safety of Britannia. “You  know the look I had on my face, when he asked me those questions and I could not answer him?.”  “The King asked me if Merrick was putting the safety of Britannia in danger, I didn’t know  how to answer.”  Lady Dahlia sighed again

Rock stated with a frown, ” then maybe…… the king should be king like and come and kill him”

” It isn’t that Rock.”  Dahlia replied. ” I have gotten too used to doing things Merrick’s way.  I am not sure I have that luxury anymore  It is a blurry line is it not?”

We became quiet and thoughtful.  ” We should have informed you what Merrick was up to.” I told her

” Corian was right to go to Blackthorn with questions about what Merrick was doing. He had a right to.  Though I wish he had also informed me.” said Lady Dahila.

Hum, I thought to myself.  That is strange that Corian hadn’t informed Dahila.  I wonder why.

Odd that Corian didn’t confront Merrick though.” Lady Thalia pondered.  “But  then Corian… does things by the book.”

“Have we been appointed knights now? Asked Restless.

Shaking her head, Dahlia replied. ” The King feels we would be more effective as Royal Spies for now.”

“I’m not trying to crucify Merrick, he taught me everything I know. But we need to handle this, Merrick made it our issue, my issue.” said Dahlia. “What has he gotten himself into.”

“Perhaps we should question Merrick.” said Restless.

“Lady Dahila,” said Lady Thalia, “I think it relates to a past obsession of his and Whitebeard. I have found Whitebeard.”

Jumping up Rock shouted. ” Ok lets kill him and be done with it.”

“Lady Thalia, where did you find Whitebeard?” Questioned Dahila.

“He is on a beach, South of West Britain Bank. If you take the Southwest Bridge out of Britain. There is a beach straight south of there.  That is where I last saw him.” Lady Thalia said getting out of her chair.

” You’ll have to get yourselves there. when last I saw him,  I promised I would come alone, and need time to explain your presence.

Looking puzzled Restless asked? “Promised who you would come alone? Who are we meeting?”

“I’m sorry Restless, I got a head of my self.  We are meeting Whitebeard.” said Dahila.

“Do we get to kill?” asked Rock.

“Knowing Whitebeard, I would be prepared for fight.”  Dahila said checking her sword.

Whitebeard was still on the beach when we arrived.  It was as if he knew we were coming.  When Dahila began questioning him about Merrick, He told us his history with Merrick.  “When he was a boy I found him, nothing more than a wittling away lad, living in a gutter somewhere.I took pity on the boy, took him aboard my ship, taught him to be a regular fiend of a pirate” he grinned. He continued, ” One day a man, Tolivar, came calling, trying to hire a pirate crew to chase some “Ancient Treasure.Sent the boy to meet the man and bring him back to me ship. It was a mistake, didn’t know I would regret it so…” Looking hard at us Whitebeard asked, “You’ve heard the name, aye?

Nodding their heads,” Yes,”  said Lady Thalia.  “Aye,” Jahajx Jov added .


“Nice,” Longtoothz, agreed.

Later I heard that Tolivar used the lad for bait I heard later, to kill off a man’s guards while Tolivar could get at this gem, The Shimmering Sea of Eshica.”  WhiteBeard shook his head sadly. ” Merrick was a fine pirate in his youth. ” I remember Merric khad  met a girl somewhere along the way, before I had to maroon them on that island. Her name was Amelia I remember.  He wouldn’t tell me who she was, or what importance she had to him.”  looking at Dahlia, he warned her, “Tolivar didn’t just train Merrick, there was another lad, named Vos Marigna . Don’t trust that one. I’ve a pretty good idea…that lass you know where to find Vos.  I’d get to him before he slips away.”

” If he’s right, we need to get our hands on Vos before he runs. No time, come. this way.” Quickly Dahlia opened a gate.