Wednesday, January the 21st, our developers visited our shard for a meet and greet. With great pleasure I’m able to share both the transcript but also pictures of the event.

: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Good evening Lake Austin
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Good Evening everyone
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Hi Rasesar
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: good evening 

: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: seems you are our only question tonight
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: aye
so i can ask a few questions
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: curious: can we get any spoilers on the next publish? date and what will be in it?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Our next publish is a bug fix
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but I will give you one hint to the one after
: [Crystal] Misk says: ONE bug fix…
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we are doing currency conversion!
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: nice!
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: will we be able to do large quantity trades in the trade window? 500M?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the rest will be revealed a little later
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes money will be transferred via trade window with a slide
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: fantastic!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Yes we feel its long over do
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: ok next question: I have been noticing lots of multiboxers at events and blatant cheaters.
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: are these being policed at all or is something being done?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I have answered this question every time
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: oh
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Its a matter of catching them macroing at this point
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: if the GM’s catch them unattended they will action them
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: ok so that’s interesting. you say “unattended”
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: the players may still be attended despite mirroring keyboard and mouse inputs across characters
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: this is illegal is it not? controlling multiple characters with single keyboard and mouse inputs
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Since Supreeme put in the multi client option he opened the door to this
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the only way we can action anyone is to get them macroing
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: at this time
: [Crystal] Bleak says: attended play of multiple accounts is not illegal
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: what about using programs to mirror actions across clients
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: with “attended” keystrokes
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I will only say the only thing we can do is action against unattended macroing
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: ok so its legal. roger
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: last question
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: can I get my masks dyed 😀 after the m&g
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: depends on how late we are
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: depends too
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: ok cool thanks
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thanks =)
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: thank you all
: [Crystal] Rasesar Wej says: have a good night
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: hi
: [Crystal] Garion says: Hello and welcome to LA. =)

: [Crystal] Garion says: I appreciate your visit and want to thank you all for so many years of fun
: [Crystal] Garion says: I have two questions.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Garion says: First, I know in the past you have talked about revamping the bod system.
: [Crystal] Garion says: at least as far as the rewards go. is there any thought to making it more point based…..
: [Crystal] Garion says: ….for turning in as some of the bods are rather not worth it to do?
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: We’ve talked about that in the past
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Where you get to pick the reward based on an accumulated pool of points
: [Crystal] Garion says: right.
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: That is certainly something we’ll look at when we take a look at the BoDs
: [Crystal] Garion says: *nods* this sort of relates to the issue I emailed you on Mesanna.
: [Crystal] Garion says: its still a problem
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm hun I get over 300 emails a day
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: can you be a little more specific
: [Crystal] Garion says: the one on the problem with incorrect bod rewards
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok
: [Crystal] Garion says: not sure if I should say it publicly
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: go ahead you started it =)
: [Crystal] Garion says: Ok. some of the tailor LBODs are producing incorrect and higher rewards than one should get.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: You know the rates were changed in 2008
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: to improve the rates
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: they are not incorrect
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we did test this
: [Crystal] Garion says: yes but lately I have been getting a lot of barbed kits and 120 PS on things that historically
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: and all the test were found to be as design of the system
: [Crystal] Garion says: never gave them out
: [Crystal] Garion says: so I am not sure if that is intended.
: [Crystal] Misk says: In 2008-2009 we made changes to increase the odds of getting high end runic tools
: [Crystal] Garion says: which was why I emailed a few examples.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will review it again
: [Crystal] Garion says: its only in the last 4 months it seems to have been an issue for me
: [Crystal] Misk says: I got your bug report, investigated the issue and it is working as intended
: [Crystal] Garion says: ok.
: [Crystal] Garion says: 2nd question. for us fishers, is there any change lobster traps can be redone to be less labor?
: [Crystal] Garion says: similar to fishing poles at least.
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Could you be more specific?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: why do you find it difficult
: [Crystal] Garion says: with fishing its cast and something comes up
: [Crystal] Garion says: with lobster traps its drop, wait a random time, and sometimes you get something.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will not change it to be like fishing
: [Crystal] Garion says: its rather labor intensive to do fishing vs crustaceans
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: this is how it works
: [Crystal] Garion says: could the traps be guaranteed to have something then?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: lol no we trashed the easy button
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: *grins*
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: I find the best way to lay out a string of traps just like they do on Deadliest Catch
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Set your boat to go forward and put them out, then turn the boat around
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: And pick them up
: [Crystal] Misk says: and hope you don’t fall overboard…
: [Crystal] Garion says: ok. thanks. =)
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Thanks for your feedback
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Thank you

: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: good evening lady mesanna and fellow devs
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Hello Veronica
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Good Evening
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: i have a few questions
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: first are there any plans to once and for all identify and decay all ownerless homes
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: no there is not
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: very well
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: next questions
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: er question
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: are there any plans to change the vendor system?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: can you be more specific
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: and what i mean specifically is the ability to move our vendors within our homes to other spots
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: and to drop say 1 million dollar cheques on them for maintenance
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: another player brought this up
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we found it to be an interesting idea that we are still discussing
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok we are doing away with checks
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: ok
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: with the currency conversion
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: alright very well but u may look into us being able to move our vendors?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm we are still talking about the best way to handle this
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: very well
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: question regarding abyss rewards
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: have they been toned back since pub 80?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: that is a very general question sorry
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: all the abyss rewards?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: loot on mobs
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we have not toned anything back
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but if we have more information as to what you are asking we can answer it correctly
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: i wish to release this
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: i wish to release this
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: i wish to release this
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: *That is not locked down*
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: well the artie drops have been fewer since pub 80 in the mini champ area
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: You must be in your house to do that!
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: my macro excuse me 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we have not changed anything
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: very well
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: final question from me mlady
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we can look into it but it was not intentional
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes?
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: any plans to revamp the outdated guild roster system ?
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: such as announcing guild or alliance members logging in and out?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Not at this time but I agree it needs to be done
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: one final question
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: I just remembered
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: sorry
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: any plans to implement a log system home owners can access to see who comes in and out?
: [Crystal] Bleak says: Good suggestion. I will add it to my list
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: thank you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thanks you Veronica
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: that is all for now so others may ask.. thank you for your time Lady Mesanna
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: and devs
: [Crystal] Veronica Mars says: for visiting LA 

: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Themis
: [Crystal] Themis says: Greetings.
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Hello
: [Crystal] Themis says: Could we get an update on the high res graphics update for the EC? Could some examples be posted to UO.com?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: With the movement to Broadsword and one artist we have alot of other tasks we want done
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: until we can get some help that is a very slow process to update 1000’s of tiles
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: When we have something we will show it off I promise
: [Crystal] Themis says: What happened to the “quick way” talked about last year?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: It wasn’t good enough
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: it was only slight
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: after it was done
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: great try by Bleak though
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we all had our fingers crossed
: [Crystal] Themis says: Unfortunate.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: agreed
: [Crystal] Themis says: Those were my only questions. Thank you for your time.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: hi Helpaestus

: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: evening, and thank you all for being here “after hours” 
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Greetings
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: i will make mine pretty quick
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: there has been some discussion recently about maybe just adding a reward or two to ML peerleses
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: *on stratcis
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: just wanted to see what you guys thought of that idea – maybe a new artie like the crimson
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: I’ve been watching the thread
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: to “refresh” old content
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Some great ideas, we have a list of bosses that definitely need a hard look at their loot
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Charybdis is a good example
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: So when and where we can, we’ll look to revitalize those encounters
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: not too much!
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: just a new reward or two would be good 
: [Crystal] Hephaestus says: thats all – and thanks for all you do!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Thanks!

: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: Good evening Mesanna, Kyronix, Bleak, Misk and
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: Augustus.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Longstooth
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: I would like to first thank Mesanna for assisting with
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: Johnny Ray aka Dregg aka Jacob and the unbelievable
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: nightmare resulting from the FIFA hack at EA/Origin.
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: I would like to ask when Broadsword plans on taking over
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: the Account Management and Origin Store?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Origin store is EA
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will never take over that store
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: maybe offer other ways in the future to buy items =)
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: also
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: through game?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the Account management is being redone as we speak by us
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: excellent
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: The last meeting we had on this I requested the ability for you guys to be able
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: to unlink accounts
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: and give them to other players
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: 😉
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: since I get that request alot
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: any eta or..?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I am hoping within a month
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but please do not hold me to it
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: its a mess to clean up
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: understood
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but we are trying to KISS it
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: and make it alot easier to navigate
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: I like easy
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: most people do
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: indeed
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: I really appreciate ya’lls time…..
: [Crystal] Longtoothz says: That is all I have, have a great evening!!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you

: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: hi Jahajx
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Good evneing Everyone
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: thank you for taking the time to talk to us
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Our pleasure
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Do you have any plans to expand on the role of governors? Because if not I have a few ideas.
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: If you’ve got ideas you can feel free to email them over
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: We’re always open to new ideas
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: i will certainly do that. what email can i spam .. i mean .. use..
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: send it to me
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I will make sure the team gets it
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: what is your current address that we should use?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: [email protected]
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: broadsword
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: can’t type =P
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Attracting new players to the game. Any plans?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes we have plans
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: … … care to share ?
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: with the coming of Steam and adding a new player experience
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: that will benefit new and returning players
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Steam?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but as I said that is later this year
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes UO will be on steam
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: i guess i’d better go find out what steam is 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: as you know we have already greenlighted
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: lol
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: It’s a digital distribution platform
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: For PC games with 75 million users
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: that a good pool to pull from
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: It sure is!
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: something else that i thought of while Garion was asking questions..
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Did Mento Seasoning etc ever become stackable?
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Unfortunately I don’t think we can make that one stack
Mesanna: no we still have the gerbals
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: because it damn near broke my house last time i bought it.
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: I looked at it with the last publish when we made some items stackable
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: and it can’t be stackable?
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: And unfortunately they were implemented in a way that makes making them stackable
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Undoable
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: from a non programers perpsective it appears to be like any other resource.. can it be .. ..
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: unimplemented..
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: or .. it’s just completely a no go?
<26596035>Markus: steam does have its own client software dunno if they going that rout
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: We’d have to reimplment it completely
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: so you saying there’s a chance? 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: no chance
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: sorry
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: doh
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: its a lot of work for only one item
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: that’s a shame
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: aye.. that I agree with..
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: it just make fish pies almost uncraftable.
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: Also, one last quick question. Do you intend to kill us all at any point this evening?
EM Augustus: *looks at Jov, thinks he is tempting fate*
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: *looks at Jov, thinks he is tempting fate*
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm I can kill you now and get it over with if you want
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: I’ve never been able to attend your events before
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: so I’m not sure when the death happens
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: there you go

EM Augustus: Well then…
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: lol
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: about there
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: ah ..
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: there we go
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: feel better *grins*
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: 17 years.. and you finally got me
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: *laughs*
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: hehe
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: is it possible to sign EM Augustus to a 50 year contact as our EM?
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: we kind’a want to keep him here
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: no I might get rid of him for being late tonight
EM Augustus: *raises eyebrow, he has already been stapled to the floor of Lake Austin*
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: *raises eyebrow, he has already been stapled to the floor of Lake Austin*
EM Augustus: > <
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: > <
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: we only used stables
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: have a good evening
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: you’re going no where
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: shoo =P
: [Crystal] Jahajx Jov says: thank you everyone for your time
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you

(I apologize if I misnamed anyone)
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: hello all
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: ill be quick
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: greetings LongHorn
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Hello
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: Any plans on revising the trial account program?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Not at this time
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: any plans on revising idocs?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will be in the future
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: how so?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: No but I will let Bleak answer it
: [Crystal] Bleak says: No plans at this time
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we are going to turn them private if they go into OSI owned
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: nothing that would benefit IDOC’ers
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: any plans to add a PR person?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: You see the PR people for UO
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: where? 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: in front of you
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: hehe
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the team
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: Gold changes coming soon?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: *does happy dance*
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: thanks
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: have a good night
: [Crystal] LongHorn says: *waves*
: [Crystal] John Sally says: Hail!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Hi John
: [Crystal] John Sally says: Two things
: [Crystal] John Sally says: hail
: [Crystal] John Sally says: Is there anything going to be done with the stat lose to non VVV
: [Crystal] John Sally says: members?
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: If you flag as a VvV participant
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: by attacking or healing a VvV player (orange)
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: You will suffer stat loss
: [Crystal] John Sally says: why?
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Are you seeing something else?
: [Crystal] John Sally says: im confused
: [Crystal] John Sally says: we just wanna pvp
: [Crystal] John Sally says: not stat
: [Crystal] John Sally says: we would do factions
: [Crystal] John Sally says: hate stat
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Well without stat nobody ever wins a battle
: [Crystal] John Sally says: yes they do
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: And it opens up all the problems we had with blue healers
: [Crystal] John Sally says: the losers do
: [Crystal] John Sally says: when they all die
: [Crystal] John Sally says: we shouldnt have to go in stat if we arent in VVV
: [Crystal] John Sally says: and not in the battle ground
: [Crystal] John Sally says: we dont get the rewards
: [Crystal] John Sally says: we just want to fight
: [Crystal] John Sally says: everyone should be VVV then
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Thank you for the feedback, but we have no plans to change that at this time
: [Crystal] John Sally says: ok….
: [Crystal] John Sally says: i guess we will all join VVV
: [Crystal] John Sally says: since it’s forcing us to.
: [Crystal] John Sally says: but ok i guess.
: [Crystal] John Sally says: now to idocs.
: [Crystal] John Sally says: the system i understand is to stop scripters
: [Crystal] John Sally says: which if anything helps them
: [Crystal] John Sally says: last 10 idocs i have went to have dropped at 3-5:30am
: [Crystal] John Sally says: est
: [Crystal] John Sally says: so you follow idocs
: [Crystal] John Sally says: to decay state
: [Crystal] John Sally says: idoc
: [Crystal] John Sally says: and its 1-24hrs drop
: [Crystal] John Sally says: all drop between
: [Crystal] John Sally says: 3-5:30am
: [Crystal] John Sally says: only ones that are going are scripters
: [Crystal] Bleak says: That is not the intention. I will look into it
: [Crystal] John Sally says: they are setting up scripts
: [Crystal] John Sally says: that when
: [Crystal] John Sally says: the house drops
: [Crystal] John Sally says: chrs run in
: [Crystal] John Sally says: grab items
: [Crystal] John Sally says: and hold them there.
: [Crystal] John Sally says: so only one that this system is helping is scripters
: [Crystal] John Sally says: because no active player is waiting
: [Crystal] John Sally says: 1-24hrs
: [Crystal] John Sally says: in idoc state
: [Crystal] John Sally says: for house to fall
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: We said we would look into it, that is not our intention for it to drop only those hours
: [Crystal] John Sally says: which they all go from 3-5:30am
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok John
<: [Crystal] John Sally says: please revist VVV also. that is very unfair.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Bleak will check the system
: [Crystal] John Sally says: thanks for your time.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Bleak says: thank you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Super
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Hail and well met!
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Hello!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Thanks you for the time!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: I am a long time player!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: I love the ladies and love the game!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: *smiles*
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: You guys are doing a great job! Keep it up! and long line UO!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: live even
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we are trying
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Have a nice night! Oh
: [Crystal] Bleak says: thank you
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: We had a few statues removed on Atl
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: character ones
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the vet reward character statues
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: they were glorious
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: that were naked?
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: umm maybe?
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: with the club pose?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: that maybe looked a little suggestive?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yes
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: those what 4?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I believe
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: ahh well not really inteneded hehe
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yeah ok
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: intended
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: lol
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: then why did the female not have a club and naked?
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: anyway love the game and like I said
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: lol thank you
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Long live UO!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: oh
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: have a good evening
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: parties
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: lets do them again
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: attended a
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Dave and Busters
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: in Columbus Ohio
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: lol
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: fantastic time
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Vegas!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: meet and greats rock
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: I love you and what you do!
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Thanks for your time!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Super Kraxal says: Good night!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: night
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Diggy
: [Crystal] Diggy says: Howdy all
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Hello
: [Crystal] Diggy says: One quick question for boaters
: [Crystal] Diggy says: Is the re anything or any thoughts about
: [Crystal] Diggy says: new gates for boaters
: [Crystal] Diggy says: too be able to travel from fel to tram like the serpent pillars
<13575260>Edward Teach: its great if you play vvv. it only sucks if you dont play vvv yet you get stat loss
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: when we redo the priates and the quests etc we will look into it
: [Crystal] Diggy says: thank you so much
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: We have alot we want to do
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: but that is on our list
: [Crystal] Diggy says: i wish to secure this item
: [Crystal] Diggy says: awesome
: [Crystal] Diggy says: thank you for all your time here this evening
<: [Crystal] Taka says: Good Evening Mesanna, Kyronix, Bleak, Misk and Augustus
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Taka
: [Crystal] Taka says: I love Uo and is close to 15 year player
: [Crystal] Taka says: I have a few question
: [Crystal] Taka says: you mention Uo will be on steam this year
: [Crystal] Taka says: so any chance purchasing UO stuff though to steam ??
: [Crystal] Taka says: Example like selling more ingame stuff which third party site been doing
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we are looking into their store there
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: or into a in game store
: [Crystal] Taka says: ahh cool
: [Crystal] Taka says: i hope to be able to buy gold
: [Crystal] Taka says: Will we get some new tameable animal or more sea creature in the world of UO??
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: stay tuned
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will announce that later
: [Crystal] Taka says: ahh cool
: [Crystal] Taka says: any chance of more sea creature in Uo
: [Crystal] Taka says: like turtle
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I am not talking about this
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: as I just stated we will talk about that later
: [Crystal] Taka says: oh thank
: [Crystal] Taka says: Last but not least you guys did awesome for 2014 really love the vendor search and global loot
: [Crystal] Taka says: change
: [Crystal] Taka says: just want to say thank and have a good night
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: welcome and good night
: [Crystal] Dregg says: Hail, I would first like to thank Mesanna for helping deal with my EA/Origin issue
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Dregg
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Most welcome
: [Crystal] Dregg says: my wife is beside me and she wants me to thank you as well
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thats sweet thank you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I am glad I can help
: [Crystal] Dregg says: my first thing i would like to ask is if there is gonna be a chance at a faster in game mount
: [Crystal] Dregg says: or even vet reward setup
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: as far as the mount no
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: the vet reward set up do you mean like a turn in system?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: oh oh
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I get it
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: sorry
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: you mean using a vet reward to go faster
: [Crystal] Dregg says: or even quest type system for reward of a mount that might go like 10% faster
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we have never talked about this to be honest with you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: its a little scary to even go there imo
: [Crystal] Dregg says: all good
: [Crystal] Dregg says: was just throwing that idea out if it was not yet
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we love to hear ideas
: [Crystal] Dregg says: some of my questions already got ansewrred while standing in line
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: send them all day long
: [Crystal] Dregg says: only other thing i would like to ask is about an event item i have
: [Crystal] Dregg says: a pair of boots on Atl that i would like dyed back to original color
: [Crystal] Dregg says: aat a time that is good for you
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm what
: [Crystal] Dregg says: it was an event drop
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: sorry did you dye them
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: from the color that was given out?
: [Crystal] Dregg says: I bought them and the previous owner had dyed them
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: hrm
: [Crystal] Dregg says: i tried ficxing it but could not
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: email me I will think about this
: [Crystal] Dregg says: so i figured while i was here i would ask
: [Crystal] Dregg says: yes mam
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: not sure I want to open that door
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thank you
: [Crystal] Dregg says: i shall
: [Crystal] Dregg says: that is it for me
: [Crystal] Dregg says: thank you for your time
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: good night
: [Crystal] Dregg says: night
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Greetings Thumper
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Ok, I own house
Cootie is co-owenre
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Are you the Thumper that I know?
: [Crystal] Thumper says: I snogged you
: [Crystal] Thumper says: duh
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: lol
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Anyways
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I have your email
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: just fyi
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok what is your question
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Awesome
: [Crystal] Thumper says: So –
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Cootie got Kings collection
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Put stuff in my house that I own – she is co-owned
: [Crystal] Thumper says: she can’t use it
: [Crystal] Thumper says: as designed?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I am pretty sure only the owner can use the items but let me check
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: which items
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: like the pictures?
: [Crystal] Thumper says: But – she is co-owner — the fire shield,
: [Crystal] Thumper says: for example
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok she should be able to use them
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: we will look into it tomorrow
: [Crystal] Thumper says: 3 items in the kings collection give items, correct
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: and see if there is an issue
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: you have the kings collection?
: [Crystal] Thumper says: she does
: [Crystal] Thumper says: put it on my house, which she is co-owned to
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I will let you know
: [Crystal] Thumper says: and she can’t use it
: [Crystal] Thumper says: says “you need to be in your house to use this”
: [Crystal] Thumper says: when she tries to use it
: [Crystal] Thumper says: even though she is co-owner
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Can I have your Stuffs?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: LOL
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I am not dead or quitting
: [Crystal] Thumper says: I always have to ask that too 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I know =P
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Nice shoes
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: thanks
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: they do this =P
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Anyways – yea, if you got my E-Mail on the 13th, please reply
And I understand
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: Fiery boots.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: ok I will fix it
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Take care y’all, you ROCK!
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: just need to get with a GM
: [Crystal] Thumper says: For real?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: I will email when finished
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: yep
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Thank you for having us Lake Austin
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Is Raimeus in line?
: [Crystal] Bleak says: Thanks everyone!
: [Crystal] Thumper says: Dude, it’s a system problem
: [Crystal] Raimeus says: partially
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: I was about to ask is Raimeus and Stonewall were next.
: [Crystal] Raimeus says: he’s mainly a trouble maker
: [Crystal] Thumper says: ok, will do. Thanks Mesanna 
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Thanks Thumper
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: So Raimeus coming up?
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: Rasesar… xD
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: hi
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Greetings!
: [Crystal] Bleak says: hello
: [Crystal] Kyronix says: Hooray!
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: Hoorah.
: [Crystal] EM Augustus says: Stonewall were you coming up?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Thamks for having us Lake Austin
After the Meet and Greet, we had a very special surprise for EM Augustus

: [Crystal] Garion says: This is quick.
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: Hi Garion
: [Crystal] Garion says: Augustus is awesome. Do you by chance have that little surprise for him?
: [Crystal] Lady Mesanna says: umm let me pull you some place else

Veronica Mars: a blue dragon stuffy??
Jahajx Jov: hee
Trinity: Aww lol that’s adorable!
Jack Sparrow: ohhhh thats purdy
Jahajx Jov: Good call 
Veronica Mars: its turned off?
EM Augustus: Going to have to put this somewhere it can be seen. 

Jack Sparrow: that stuffy is cool, congrats
Veronica Mars: congrats EM Augustus!
EM Augustus: “Thanks From All Your LA Mindreaders”, yeah.
EM Augustus: There are a lot of them too.
EM Augustus: Oooh.
EM Augustus: I like the sound of this.
EM Augustus: Good night Mesanna.
EM Augustus: Thank you Veronica, and everyone. 
EM Augustus: Garion, did not see that coming. xD
Tamais : lol
EM Augustus: Guess I should have consulted one of the mind readers… damn.
Veronica Mars: *GROUP HUG*
EM Augustus: I think I will go set this down in the hall right now. 
EM Augustus: *hugs back*
Brienne: You’re trapped!
EM Augustus: Thank you all.
Veronica Mars: we got u now 
Veronica Mars: and youre not going anywehere 
EM Augustus: It’s okay, I am already stapled and glued to the floor here.
Veronica Mars: except the EM Hall
Veronica Mars: teleport us to the hall! 
Tamais : we are never letting you go 
Veronica Mars: lets see the event
John Sally: lets have a event
Veronica Mars: of u placing the dragon
Veronica Mars: 
Veronica Mars: gate to the hall ?
EM Augustus: Yep, trying to find my bar!
Veronica Mars: ok
Veronica Mars: 
Tamais : lol
Veronica Mars: historic LA night
Veronica Mars: EM gets gift from Mesanna 
Tamais : a very very special gift
Garion: one we knew hed like
Veronica Mars: neat
EM Augustus: There, now its within reach to smack Thalia with.
Veronica Mars: can u turn it on?
Jahajx Jov: hehe
Garion: Actually I should get someone else for this part. hang on.
Tamais : lol i’ll even hold on to Thalia
Jahajx Jov: aye
Jahajx Jov: Thalia should really be here for this.
Jahajx Jov: oh well.. speek of the devil 
Thalia: Woo!
EM Augustus: Why hello there.
Thalia: Blue Weld Stuff Doll!
Thalia: muahahaha
EM Augustus: *picks up the Blue Weld Stuffy and whacks Thalia with it*
EM Augustus: Look, its real!
Thalia: hehe
Thalia: our evil plans worked.
Tamais : 
Rasesar Wej: we need a replica of that to drop *wink*
Rasesar Wej: its so pretty
EM Augustus: I see that, its been engendered into existence.
Tamais : Thalia has been planning this for a while
EM Augustus: Rasesar is correct… but when…
Rasesar Wej: *grins*
Thalia: imagine if they turned a snowball into that so you could really toss em
EM Augustus: Now I have something to build a Replica from, muahah.

and so ended a wonderful Meet and Greet