Archive for the ‘Chesapeake News’

EM Events – October 2011

October 10, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

EM Events For October 2011
Monday, October 3rd @ 8pm ET – Healer’s Guild Admission Quest, Vesper Healer

Friday, October 7th @ 8pm ET – Tight Lines, Gate from Luna Bank

This event will continue the Poseidon’s Fury restoration project

Sunday, October 9th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ The Hall of Commons

Friday, October 14th @ 8pm ET – Hidden Identities, Gate from Luna Bank

Saturday, October 15th @ 8pm ET – Where No Olmec Would Go, Gate from Luna Bank

Sunday, October 16th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ The Hall of Commons

Thursday, October 20th @ 8pm ET – The Sosarian Solstice Fair at the Fairgrounds

Friday, October 21st @ 8pm ET – Royal Guard Mission, Royal Guard Depot @ Serpent’s Hold

This event will include the 2nd admission requirement for those seeking entry into the Healer’s Guild. Those seeking entry will need to register with the Royal Guard as field medics and act in that capacity during the mission

Sunday, October 23rd @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

Sunday, October 30th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting at the Hall of Commons with “Something Spooky” to follow
Stay toon’d!

Guardians Gate Auction Recap!

October 10, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

                                                                   Guardians Gate Auction Recap
                                                                              by: Tertius Wands

<>    Another Friday another auction in the town of Guardians Gate! The once biweekly auction in a land of auctions is now the only auction in the land. As this reporter has been told that it will now be a weekly auction. The auction this week showed more of the economic volatility that has plagued Sosaria since the fall of Lord Casca. There were between 75 and 100 lots that were put up for sale and only 8 lots remained unsold at the end of the night. That being said it would appear that the upper economic levels are the most unstable. The largest selling lot of that night was an intriguing skull rug that while decorative also has the interesting property of somehow magically collecting messages in bottles. This item sold for 10 million gold to Macabre. While there were some notably hot bidding wars, like the one between Abby Normal of UFO and Tempest of TFD over an Alacrity scroll for imbuing that shot up from an open bid to 250,000 gold, most items either sold quickly or did not sell at all. Much like the teleporter tiles from last week higher end items seemed to suffer the most from the weak economy with a 15 million conjures trinket not generating even raised eyebrows when it was offered. Lottery sales were strong and there were many winners although not all the prizes were claimed in the long run. All still signs that with no ruler in sight Sosaria runs the risk of slipping ever further into an economic abyss. A pic by Emma Silvermane of the night’s action below:


House of Commons Report 10/9/11

October 10, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

                                                                           House of Commons Report
                                                                                    Britain Plains 


      Players made the trek to the plains of Sosaria’s capital city of Britain this Sunday’s eve to meet with shard EM’s Dudley and Drosselmeyer. Announcements led the evenings event off with Dudley updating us on this weeks events about the realm. Two events highlight the week as on Fri. Oct. 14th, 2011 at 8pm est gates will apear at the Luna Bank leading to the “Hidden Identities” event. Along with that the following evening at 9pm est gates from Luna will lead one to the “Where No Olmec Would Go” event that according to the moderators themselves is a highly anticipated event in which they expect a great turnout! Of couse on this coming Sunday’s eve they will once again host the realm to answer thy queries about events and scenarios etc. at 9pm EST. Once the weeks recap was complete, Dudley went on to commend the player base for thier efforts in the recent Healer’s guild admission event that took place last week. The EM’s then went on to explain upcoming happenings with this quest. The following notatiuons were made regarding the next upcoming healer event:

 – The next event will take place on Oct 21st , 2011 @ 8pm est during the next scheduled outing for the rp Royal Guard
 – 3 players from each town or guild seeking admission will need be present and dressed on the appropriate healer’s guild garb to qualify for consideration of completion of this part two of the quest as they play “Field Medic” to the the Guard

 – “Double Dipping” or dual clienting to both play a royal guardsmen and healer was highly discourage!

 – The event is considered as “Open enrollment” throughout the scenario as one may still get involved. They may catch up with the current status of this event herein.
 – Submissions or suggestions for the actual construction of a healers area within the player towns of the realm are welcome however the evil one herself Lady Mesanna will have the final say on design and location of each shrine placed!

       After some Q&A regarding various areas in the realm including the blocked off area around the Humility Gate, an “Adda Boys” for the great restoration event last week as well as reminding us that the ship shall remain in Jhelom for those who missed the event to pay a visit the night was soon wrapped up as in a flash of light and fury the EM’s went poof and quickly as they arrived reminding us all to “Stay Tooned!”

Halloween Decoration – Township Challenge

October 09, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Townships wishing to take part in the Challenge will sponsor a team to design and create a Halloween Display to enter into the challenge. The team will choose one plot within city limits to create their best Halloween Display and compete against other participating townships. The display can be anything your mind can create but must have a Halloween display (Scenes from Horror Movies are allowed)

– Team Size can be as small or as large as you wish
– Team Members must be from your township
(Example: Shelra from Zedland cannot join the Kijustsu Anei Team)
– Plot Regulation size is anywhere from 7×7 – 18×18
(Towers are allowed)

Displays will be judged on
-In depth Details

Grand Prize
The Winning township will be awarded 25,000,000gold!!!
Prize gold will be given to the Township leader only for security reasons.

If you have any questions feel free to Contact Lady Phoenix of Dragons Watch or Lord Gareth of Kijustsu Anei.

Pumpkin Madness!

October 06, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

A call to arms its time to defend the plow-shears with your swords!
By: Tertius Wands
Photos by: Emma Silvermane

Horrifying monsters are disrupting the annual pumpkin harvest that started on Friday 9/30/2011. As is so often the case with so many pumpkins ripening so quickly a call went out for any and all to help bring in the crop before it spoiled in the fields. Many a happy adventurer left the dungeons singing songs about how lovely it was to bring in the pumpkin harvest one Emma Silvermane a tamer of RBG was heard singing “i like punkins … punkins like me .. I like punkins cant u see” (sic). As the pumpkin harvest was well underway odd shaped large pumpkins were notice and when these were examined large monsters of fire and pumpkin attacked those bringing in the harvest. Quickly the crowd gathered their swords and spell books, their bows and their pets and began fighting back these monstrosities. The strong and early showing of members of RBG and UFO in numbers in the fields outside of Britain enable the defenders to protect the harvest. Of course more and more of these evil pumpkin monsters are showing up necessitating continual vigilance by the all those in the lands. So come out and help protect the crop and the plow-shear with your sword.

House Of Commons Meeting Notes 10/3/11

October 03, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


House of Commons
Sunday Oct. 2nd, 2011
Players gathered for the weekly meet with EM’s Dudley and Drosselmeyer north of the Brit Moongate this eve as announcements were heard and questions answered concerning upcoming events and other EM related activities. Events announced for the month of October were:

Monday October 3rd, 2011: 8pm Vesper Healers – First installment of the latest in the township attainable series.

Friday October 7th, 2011:  “Tight Lines” event – Continuation of the Poseidons Fury  Restoration effort

Friday October 14th, 2011:  “Hidden Identities” event

Saturday October 15th, 2011 9pm EST:  “Where No Olmec Would Go” event

Thursday October 20th, 2011 8pm EST:  Sosarian Solstice Fair opens its doors once  again

Friday October 21st, 2011:  Royal Guard Exercises, and 2nd installment of the Healers Guild attainable series

Sunday October 30th, 2011: “Something Spooky” in honor of the all Hallows Eve!

Q&A soon followed with questions regarding the next event at the Fortunes Fire Casino, requirements for the first healers series night as well as some announcements from players in the crowd. Gareth announced the the city of Kijustsu Anei would be enlisting players to take part in thier city patrol guard as well as a Halloween home deco contest in the works worth up to 50,000,000 to the winner cosponsored by the city of Dragons Watch. Ozog showed off his new belt earned through promotion within the Royal Guard ranks and Dudley even showed us his best Fred Estair busting a move!

Join us for the next shard meet this coming Sundays at 9pm EST with gates provided from Luna!

Nidaros Marks One Year Rebirth!

September 29, 2011 By: petra Category: Chesapeake News

The player run city of Nidaros marked it’s first anniversary last eve as members of the Paxlair Alliance gathered at the cities banner for a night of fun, food, and festivities to mark the occasion. Kicking off the night was the Tuesday Paxlair meeting with announcements and convocation from Governor Winfield with upcoming scheduled events from around thier alliance. Lady Pheonix spoke of a Thanksgiving feast held yearly in the city of Dragons Watch, where players will bring hired npcs to dinner in the hopes of winning the “name game” by creatings a famous persons name with the two npc’s. A pumpkin pie eating contest, along with a Thanksgiving Turkey (chicken) battle to be held much to the delight of those in attendance! Also noted were the emergence of thier Friday Night Adventures beginning at 8pm est. Last weeks run was to the hallowed grounds of the foul Medusa! 

With the area decorated to the hilt the festivities soon were well underway as the custom brewed ale and liquers flowed like spring rains. Foods aplenty as fruits of the cities labor were abundant. Players enjoyed each others company and anxiously awaited the start of the nights main event, the Horse Race!

Riders mustered along the start/finish line with thier freshly tamed and unbonded mounts, Governor Winfield was spotted laying fish along the road in the hopes that perhaps they may guide him along his way or even perhaps slip up his fellow racers as well! I bought two myself for 3 gold peices per! Once all racers were set the horn was sounded to begin as competitors ran hard and fast en route from Nidaros to Minoc and back.

The trail long and treacherous, racers distanced themselves from one another along the stretch. In the end as he crossed the finish line slightly a screen or two ahead of Lady Winmere, The Old man Winfield himself was delcared the winner! Shortly following Winmere in Second place was Lord Nanoc of Dragons Watch in third. The course claimed a few as Lady Pheonix wandered in lost and beleaguered after the long run.
Immediately following the nights main event speeches were heard from the Statehood’s Governor Winfield, Nidaros’ Mayor Zanku, along with the Town Librarian Maedhros. Winners were announced in the short story contest as Lord Mach of DWxC was named the champion writer with his selection being added to the city library for all to enjoy. Gifts were exchanged as the Paxlair Kitchen presented an anniversary cake to the Town Mayor along with Nidaros’ offer of thanks to the Statehood’s leader in the form of a lucky fishing hat pictured below! Winfield looked quite sporty in his new duds! The city of Guardians Gate and the Royal Britannian Guards also presented the city with a commemorative engraved trophy and Limited edition library selection to add to it’s ever growing collection.

With the formalities now complete the party really got goin as the attendee’s did their best to empty the various selections of home brewed spirits and such about the area. My head a tad fuzzy today, I can say that the brewers of Nidaros know thier brew! Alas with any good party the night must come to an end…..
Thanking those in attendance Mayor Zanku wished everyone a good eve and closed the evenings festivities.
Congratulations to the city of Nidaros on thier First anniversary!

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Guardians Gate Auction Reveals Shows Fragile State of Sosarian Economic Recovery
Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2011, 10:11 PM EDT by Morpheus Mardox (Chesapeake)
Submitted by: Tertius Wands
Photo by: Emma Silvermane 

The successful RBG auction held Friday September 23rd  from 9pm to 12:10pm showed that despite the better employment numbers the Sosarian economy is still a rapidly changing. Selling everything from cow statues to teleport tiles to random elemental scythes the RBG auction is currently the only auction on Chesapeake. This makes it invaluable to see the current economic state of Sosaria and while the unemployed hordes that we had sadly grown used to seeing around all the banks have disappeared, the Sosarian economy is still highly volatile. 

Things that once sold for 20 million gold have are now barely moving for 11 million. Other items continue to gain value though making it difficult for the average Sosarian to judge what things are worth. The RBG auction had 2 separate lots of teleport tiles that would have once fetched 20 million. The first sold for 12.2 million and the second for a mere 11 million, with the second lot only gathering one bid. Messana Cat Statues from Catskills sold for a mere 550,000 gold for a set of 2. Pushme Pullyu’s have also seen a dramatic loss in value with a set of two going for a mere 1.5 million. Of course some items have held their value very well as the bidding war between Abby Normal of UFO and Oberon over a set of 120 Mysticism, Imbuing and Focus scrolls, they ended up selling to Oberon for 7.2. A Crystallized Essence of course sold rapidly for 5.5 million gold. A total of 20 lots did not sell including EM Christmas Items and 20 powders of fortification showing that past economic trends are not necessarily holding true. The key lesson of the auction tonight is that Sosaria is currently a buyers market so remember to come out and see the deals!

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SKS Sweeps Feeling Crabby Tournament 2011!

September 29, 2011 By: petra Category: Chesapeake News

Submitted by : Gareth 7/18/11

Skeleton Key Shipping Company Sweeps The 2011 Crabbin Tournament, Sons of the Sea in Trinsic City Friday, September 16th 2011

The crew of the SKS Star, sponsored by the township of Kijustsu Anei Village has something to be proud of for years and years to come. Through the power of teamwork and months and months of dedication they have swept every category in the Sons of the Sea, 2011 Feelin’ Crabby Tournament!!!

The ship may have been sponsored by Kijustsu Anei Village however are not all of its crew are inhabitants, they also come from other townships and entities. We feel that each township should share in the victory such as Assistant Vice Admiral Adrianna from Zedland City, Crabber Calixtula from Moria Village, Janitor Poopsie from Area 51, Firstmate Kaiko from Kijustsu Anei Keys, Deck Boss Elves from Kijustsu Anei Village, Crabber Lure Alie from Pitmuck Settlement, Crabber Heimaterde from Kijustsu Anei Village, Deck Boss Bishop from Kijustsu Anei Village and Captain Orin from Kijustsu Anei Keys. Guildmaster Santiago from the Sons of the Sea welcomed the crews from the SKS Star and the never give up, never surrender crew of the Lil’ Morsel.

Ahoy every body And welcome to da ‘wards ceremony here. It be a long tournament dis summer with lot’s o’ BEEG Crabs bein’ caught BUT…in da end der can only be da one winner. Lotsa crew be ‘aulin’ dat crab dis summer! But dere be one crew dat deserve a special mention. Beeg mention for BEEG effort! Da Crew o’ da Lil’ Morsel Captain Sushi! She be da baddest crabber around! Just by ‘erself she caught seven thousand crabs over da tournament.

Now we get to da moment ye be waitin’ for! Ahem! Ahem! We start with Vessel achievements. Amassing a total of 11,617 total crustaceans Dat be crabs and lobstahs, Da award goes to The SKS Star!

Da next vessel achievement be for da most crabs and lobstahs be caught Dat are BEEG BEEG crustaceans Catching 155 BEEG Crustaceans Da winners be da crew o’ da SKS Star!

Santiago went on to announce the Individual achievements in the following categories.
-Most Caught Crustaceans
-Most Named Catches By Individual
-Heaviest Crab Caught
-Heaviest Lobster Caught

Sweeping all four categories was Captain Orin of the SKS Star and in a very close second for Heaviest Crab Caught was SKS Star Deck Boss Bishop from the Empire of Valor guild!

After der been five tournament windows. After bravin’ da ‘igh Seas, Fighten da Mobey Lobstahs. Worryin dat ye may not be commin’ ‘ome to ya lovies. Dem ‘igh Seas be unforgiven! An amazing 4599 crabs and lobstahs is da record set by da winner o’ da individual catch category Orin! 

In recognition of dees many achievements. Da Son’s o’ Da Sea is ‘onored to dub Orin da Champion o’ dis tournament!

Santiago embroidered the back of Orin’s hat recognizing the accomplishment. To assist with the embroidering was none other then the mischievous and more diabolically ebil goddess in the history of world Hot Pi… *cough* err Proverbial Goddess of Death Mesanna! The SKS Crew was thrilled to see her once again after their encounter with her on the Seas during one of the tournament windows, where they plotted the downfall of the Noble and innocent Gareth.

The crew of the SKS Star presented Santiago with a gift of appreciation in the form of backpack art depicting the SKS Santiago [Sons of the Sea, Trinsic] crabbing on the high seas which was put together by Calixtula, a statue engraved “Santiago may have Crabs but we still Lobs him” and a chest engraved Santiagos Chest, 2011 Crabbin tournament.

Santiago sent a message for us to pass along to the Crew of the SKS Star Crew names will be added to ships in the Sons of the Seao Also, Crabbin’ Club sashes are doable for the winning ship. I have the Crew, let them know to see me at some point and I’ll get them for them

The crew of the SKS Star would also like to say a few words and sing a song for those who are baffled by their ability to have five crabbers going on one vessel with such high catch results. First for high results just remember this, there is no difference between a full lobster trap and an empty lobster trap, just a little assistance with the same type will empty a full trap and place an empty trap Also running crabbing drills improves your speed and accuracy…just ask Bishop!

And Remember!!!!
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the crab lines.
*Bob* and Pull, *Bob* and Pull,
Imagination is the Key!

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HoC Meeting Notes 814/11

August 24, 2011 By: petra Category: Chesapeake News

House of Commons Meeting
Sunday August 14th, 2011

EM’s Dudley and Drosslemeyer once again welcomed the realm to the weekly meet in Trammel last eve for open discussion and announcements for the upcoming weeks events here on Chesapeake. The following announcments were given concerning said events:

August 17th 6pm -10pm – “Feeling Crabby” Tournament window will open, ships will crab to thier hearts delight
in search of overall weight as well as single catch with the opportunity for warfare at sea
doubling this week with 8 possible pirate encounters worth 500 crab each!

August 18th 7pm – Sosarian Solstice Fair opens its doors with 3 events:

“Dress the Mascot” – Players will be placed into teams where they will attempt to form two
winning costumes for the fairs proprietors Dudley and Dross to dawn
while operating the fair.

“Bunnies Gone Bannanas” – One can only speculate on this one, bring your wabbit slayers….

“Wine and Spirits Expo” – Chance for local brewers and distillers to exhange and sample
products from about the realm.

August 21st 7pm –  Fortune’s Fire Casino – Unveils a new game very similar to slots this go round one in which the
crowd will surely enjoy. Not just for high rollers this games max bet is

9pm – House of Commons Meet – Regularly scheduled meet with shard EM Team immediately
following the casino events conclusion.

August 24th / 30th –  Two events concerning the “Poseidons Fury” event arc are on the book however are subject
to change. Stay toon’d as Dudley would say for further information in the EM Forums.

The floor was opened for questions as not many offered anything this week. The question to updates of the feeling crabby tournament scoring was answered as the standings were updated on 7/24 and the question of wether or not a big spenders/ high rollers game would soon be offered at the Fortunes Fire Casino was responded to as it was still a work in progress. Join us for the next installment this coming Sunday and let your voice be heard concerning events about the realm.