Guardians Gate Auction Recap!

October 10, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

                                                                   Guardians Gate Auction Recap
                                                                              by: Tertius Wands

<>    Another Friday another auction in the town of Guardians Gate! The once biweekly auction in a land of auctions is now the only auction in the land. As this reporter has been told that it will now be a weekly auction. The auction this week showed more of the economic volatility that has plagued Sosaria since the fall of Lord Casca. There were between 75 and 100 lots that were put up for sale and only 8 lots remained unsold at the end of the night. That being said it would appear that the upper economic levels are the most unstable. The largest selling lot of that night was an intriguing skull rug that while decorative also has the interesting property of somehow magically collecting messages in bottles. This item sold for 10 million gold to Macabre. While there were some notably hot bidding wars, like the one between Abby Normal of UFO and Tempest of TFD over an Alacrity scroll for imbuing that shot up from an open bid to 250,000 gold, most items either sold quickly or did not sell at all. Much like the teleporter tiles from last week higher end items seemed to suffer the most from the weak economy with a 15 million conjures trinket not generating even raised eyebrows when it was offered. Lottery sales were strong and there were many winners although not all the prizes were claimed in the long run. All still signs that with no ruler in sight Sosaria runs the risk of slipping ever further into an economic abyss. A pic by Emma Silvermane of the night’s action below:


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