Archive for the ‘Chesapeake News’

Recent EM Fiction…

December 05, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


    EM’s Dudley and Drosslemeyer’s recent event fiction. Clues lie herein for events this month, decipher them if you can as instructed at this past Sunday’s HoC.


 “A Familiar Sting…”

The sun was sitting low in the sky and Angela knew before long it would slouch behind the mountains. This was her favorite time of the day. Trammel and Felucca were barely visible in the pre-evening sky. The setting Sun blanketed the sky in a rich variety of red and orange light. A gentle breeze crept along the valley. Angela watched the colorful autumn leaves dance with each gust. She smiled a bit at the serenity of the day. Her enjoyment was harshly interrupted by the familiar sting on the back of her neck. She swatted quickly and adjusted her netted hat. She looked back at the field and just as soon as it had begun her momentary daydream was gone. The sounds of buzzing bees roared in her ears like the stampede of a thousand steeds. She’d been working at the Britain Bee for some time now, sure it had been a decent wage to start, but recently the constant flow of coin had slowed to a mere drip. It wasn’t just her. Her cousin at the Butcher’s had reported less than admirable wages. Her longtime neighbor had lost his apprenticeship at the Smith’s. Tales of Britannians down on their luck was becoming all to common in the day to day musings Angela overheard.

Angela’s thoughts were quickly shattered by the unwelcome tirades of her overseer. With a scowl she spun back towards the farm and begrudgingly got back to work…

 “The Britain Beacon…”
The Britain Beacon
Britannia’s primary source for underground news, underrepresented people, and underpaid reporters!

Excitement was had yesterday at the Luna Fairgrounds as competitions were held involving both mages and archers, with a large turnout proving that the Sosarian Solstice Fair continues to be a success. Though the contests were close in some cases, all of those who competed gave it their best efforts and utilized their skills throughout the competitions to a degree that entertained and astounded the judges and the spectators alike. A brief appearance near the close of the fair was made by Emilia the fortune teller, who had to unfortunately take her leave very shortly after setting up shop.

In other news, liability insurance prices are rising in the wake of the protests held at several businesses throughout the lands, one of the most noticeable being the Busy Bee in Britain which saw a worker protest that resulted in an arrest of two culprits and a warrant being issued for four others. A rise of accident cases caused by lax safety requirements has spiked, but should be quelled by an inspector increase.


Your lucky numbers are: 1-5 8-7 4-6 5-2 28 29 30 31 103. 47 166 167 170 156.

Lonely Baroness seeks new canine companion. Adoption through normal channels unfeasible for reasons unnecessary to be disclosed here. Apply with offers of housebroken canines to box 372 at the Britain Post. Large dogs only please.

Average man looking for beautiful savage woman to woo and win over with the power of love, friendship, and my suaveness. Will accept comparable offers of nonsavage women.

Necromancer seeking willing subjects (or at least signed consent of next of kin) for experiments. Experimental facility only open on alternating Thursdays. No currently undead need apply.

Those born under the sign of the DRAGON should know that their sign is the key, and to make sure that they strive to fulfill requests given to them in a timely manner.


Fussy, fidgety, flighty, and foppish former councilmember for female friendship and possibly more. Must pass a rigorous testing and voting process against other applicants (though creatively creating concepts circumventing correct chronicling can collect compensatory points). Replies returned with rhyming or alliteration will be given precedent.




 “Toil and Trouble…”

Captain Irina swore as she threw a devastating blow into the training dummy, followed by a quick set of body blows and finishing with a sharp elbow that caused it to bounce on its’ mount. First that blasted beekeeper got away and left her with nothing but a fall man for a prisoner, and now Balandar’s running off to Commander Foxx about the Paws issue…She leveled another harsh swing into the dummies face, and the jostling dummy almost seemed to be laughing at her. Her hands clenched tighter in the fists they made, and she released another flurry of blows before she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind her. Grabbing a towel from the side table she wiped the sweat from her brow as she approached the young man.

“What is it?”

“Message for you ma’am, sorry to disturb your exercise.”

With a nod she took the rolled scroll from the boy and broke the wax seal, not recognizing whose signet ring it had come from. After a brief glance she looked it over and handed it back with a nod. “Let the archivist know he’s done good work. Tell him if he’s got time, I’ll pay him the same rate to get another set copied and sent to the Britain library. He’s definitely earned that extra pay I was offering him. And tell him to be careful.” The messenger quickly began to write this down before nodding, and Captain Irina tossed him a few crowns which the boy made disappear in a flash before making his way out. At least something seemed to be going right for her today.

The figure walked through the streets, taking note of all the passersby as they made their way, ignoring their presence completely. Turning one of the corners, they spotted a familiar face and fished a few gold coins from a pocket and slipped them into the pageboy’s hands, taking the copy of the Britain Beacon and slipping it into the satchel at their side. The figure heard a set…no, three sets of footsteps behind them, no doubt parasites attracted by the clinking of coin in the small coin purse hanging from their belt. They purposely slowed a bit, and after making certain of the following, slipped into a nearby alley and strolled through as if they didn’t have a care in the world.
As they approached, their supposed victim let hands fall to their sides and hold them out open.

“Arright, hand over yer coinpurse and anythin’ else yer carryin’…an’ maybe we’ll let yer go.”

Their offer was met only with a vicious grin directed their way, and from the long sleeve of the garment the figure wore a blade slid firmly into their grip. “Fine, we can do this the hard way then!” The men charged into the alley intent on securing their prize…

Captain Irina blanched slightly as she stepped into the scene. These three had been repeat offenders with minor robberies, but now they were nothing but corpses. Blood slickened the cobblestones of the alley, and though she didn’t particularly care for these thugs who’d picked the wrong target and gotten their comeuppance it still frustrated her. It seemed that her luck at having the archivist’s work getting done quickly was the only bit of luck she was going to see in some time. After checking over the scene she found exactly what she’d expected to…not a single clue other than that the murders were committed with a dagger. “You can clear the scene and clean it up. There’s not going to be anything here that’s useful.” She turned with a flourish of her cloak and stalked off into the night air, the lantern in her hand feeling heavier than it ever had before.

Emilia smiled softly to herself as she packed up the small table of magical gems that she used in so many of her demonstrations; She didn’t have the heart to tell most of her customers the truth. It was entirely true that she could pierce the Void and see through to a time ahead, but lately those futures had begun to get more grim and darker by varying degrees. She had long since stopped trying to find any sort of pattern within the tangled webs of those whose fortunes she read, but it was hard to ignore it when it was as obvious as it often could be. At the fair of the previous month she’d read dozens of fortunes, and she had also brought levity and mirth to others, because she wasn’t willing to face the truth herself. One would be correct in saying she was trying to purposely blind herself to it, she thought with a wan smile. Still…There had been several whom she could tell would serve key parts in what was to come.

There would soon come a time of turmoil and intrigues, of secret alliances and openly told lies, and perhaps worst of all a time of death and fear. Many of these key players were unaware of their roles, and she could not pierce the veil of the future enough to see if they needed to be aware to prevent catastrophe. There were others who had their heads in a noose and their feet already upon the gallows, but were blithely ignorant of the fact; And yet others who were rushing headlong into danger. Though she yearned to do more, she knew it was a dangerous game to toy with the future, and many seers had found their end by attempting to do just that. She recited a mantra that her mother had taught her as a child and once again found her center, before a shaking hand went to touch the palm of her other, but she stopped herself. A seer should never look into their own future, she thought as she remembered her own rules. She couldn’t help the nagging and disturbing feeling that this might be one time where she could not avoid being engrossed in the conflict herself.





EM Events For December!

December 05, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


We have two month long tournaments that begin in December.

The Sons of the Sea is hosting a Winter Dragonfish tournament for the month of December! Whoever catches the biggest Winter Dragonfish during the month of December, wins! More details to follow in a separate listing.


Our annual Holiday House Decoration contest will kickoff on December 1st and run through December 25th. The deadline for submissions is 12/25/2011. Decorate your house with a holiday theme, and submit a rune to the HoC mailbox with your name, and the tag “Holiday Deco Contest Entry”.

The regular schedule of events will follow…

Sunday, December 4th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons meeting at the Hall of Commons

Weekly meet and greet to make announcements and bring issues to the EM team.

Friday, December 9th @ 8pm ET – White King Crab Catch, Sons of the Sea – Trinsic

The Sons of the Sea will sponsor a hunt for this most elusive winter crustacean. This will be combat oriented (much like hunting a Scalis).

Sunday, December 11th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons meeting at the Hall of Commons

Monday, December 12th @ 8:30pm ET – RBG Mission – Royal Guard Depot @ Serpent’s Hold

You may register as a Healer for this event to gain Healer’s Guild admission credit. Also, remember the Roll Call contest for most cohesive sound off during roll call.

Sunday, December 18th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons meeting at the Hall of Commons

Friday, December 23rd @ 9pm ET – Beacon and Dregs – Static Event
In the wake of all the documents found recently with regards to the event and the efforts of individual investigators, several new leads will be able to be followed up on that may provide illumination…
*This will be a static investigation event that you will be able to complete anytime 12/23 through 12/27*

No HoC Meeting on Christmas

Wednesday, December 28th @ 8pm ET – A Fun Guy’s Folly
With the investigative team quickly unraveling clues before them, a startling discovery may have already indicated the mysterious killer’s next target…

Stay toon’d!

Shiver me Timbers!

November 27, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Shiver Me Timbers
Brit Throne Room, Trammel


    Citizens gathered inside Castle Britannia’s throne room on Fridays eve answering the call of Commander Drake Foxx. Information was soon made public of the continued lawlessness around the realm. Foxx employed those in attendance to keep a watchful eye on things as these sense of chaos felt in the realm must be garnered under control with great haste.

    A messenger would soon arrive informing Foxx and the crowd that Jhelom had fallen under attack by Orcish forces on both land and sea. Mustering his forces with a spirited prebattle speech, the troop soon made way for Jhelom’s main island. There they found the main island in tact however, citizens frantically were scurring about as word had traveled the southern island was under siege by Orcs! Traveling via teleporter to the southern isle, players we met head on by the evil hordes of orc.
    The establishments ablaze as the orc run rampant through the city, Marauding Orc Pirates and Giant Orcish Brutes crsuhed those in thier path as they swarmed the island feasting on the blood of the innocents. Foxx’s troop soon battled back however, controlling the shores and cutting off reinforcements from the sea.



    Gaining control on land was quite costly as the bodies of those slain in battle had blood streaming through the semi paved streets of South Jhelom. Whilst the dust setttled and those still alive regained thier senses Thier sights were soon set on the Orcish Ship attempting escape from the shoreline. Field commanders quickly dispatched naval vessels to pursue the fleeing marauders. 


    Vessels from the cities of Guardians Gate, Nidaros, and Action along with the help of a privateers vessel soon managed to outsail thier Orcish foes and cornered them along the northern shores of the city. Making short work of the pirate vessel, forces were soon aboard the Orcish ship and demanind answers from two of the crew left living….


    With two marauders in capture, interrogation began as the Orcs attempted escape with one heavied Orc being tossed overboard. He was questioned as he struggled to stay afloat within his heavey armour. without any information given, he was retrieved from the drink and clinked over the head. Out cold on the deck the decision was made to transport the newly found prisoners back to Castle Britannia for Foxx to deal with them himself.


    Detained within the castle walls, orc Uruk Skullcrusher awaits questioning despite a massive headache. We shall look for further word or developements in this matter. With the forces of Chesapeake on duty, such acts of war will be not be tolerated!

Evolution Gone Awry!

November 19, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Evolution Gone Awry!

    Evolution has once again gone awry as Town Criers are alerting citizens of Giant Turkey’s roaming free among the lands of Sosaria. Spotted everywhere from local moongates to player run cities these feathered beasts are just in time for the holiday season! Sparring with these gobblers on the other hand is not the weak of heart! Professor Wilson is heading up the efforts to quell this tide of yardbirds at the Moonglow Zoo.



    Killing the beasts required a bard’s song to entice the birds to fight each other leaving me safe and on the sidelines as I waited for thier timely death, this seemed the safest way to avoid thier howl and sharpened claws. Upon thier corpses were tattered map fragments and even complete maps themselves. I then found my way to Moonglow….


    Our own Professor Wilson tells a tale a nests amongst the realm, nests that can be found using tattered pieces of maps found on the corpses of the giant turkeys themselves. He goes on to employ you to search out these nests using a brush given by him to reveal there whereabouts once you’ve reached the area shown on the Orinthologist’s Map. to spek to Professor Wilson you may find him in the Zoo and say hello! Ask him for a brush before you take off as well!


    Locating the area along the map I ventured out beyond the Britain moongate to the beach along the coast, brushing about the area I found the Professor’s nest filled with three eggs and a pouch. I quickly used my axe on the eggs resembling the Giant Turkeys and left the normal one be. Inspecting the bag I found a pile of gold coins worth 3800 and a giant turkey feather! The feather works as an invis potion making the user unseeable to the naked eye.


    Help quell the tide of evolution today and slay these giant feathered menaces!

EM Events – November

November 04, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Sunday, November 6th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

Friday, November 11th @ 8pm ET – A Rangers Arrangement, Gate from Luna

Sunday, November 13th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ The Hall of Commons

Friday, November 18th @ 8pm ET – Royal Guard Mission, Royal Guard Depot @ Serpent’s Hold

Saturday, November 19th @ 9pm ET – Two Steps Back, Three Forward, Gate from Luna

Sunday, November 20th @ 7-9pm ET – Fortune’s Fire Casino Open, Gate from Luna

Sunday, November 20th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

Monday, November 21st @ 8:30pm ET – Sosarian Solstice Fair Open, Gate from Luna

Friday, November 25th @ 8pm ET – Healer Admissions Quest, Gate from Luna

Saturday, November 26th @ 9pm ET – Shiver Me Timbers, Jhelom

Sunday, November 27th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

Zombiefied EMs CAUSE HAVOC!

November 03, 2011 By: Tertius Wands Category: Chesapeake News

On Sunday October 30 on the outskirts of Britain a normal Hall of Commons meeting was coming to a close. When a zombie walked into the hall of commons. Showing an abundance of service and a complete lack of fear Elder EM Dudley walked over and asked the zombie if it had a question. Zombies being more a hungry bunch then a talkative bunch decided the Elder EM Dudley would make a much better dinner then friend and proceeded to take a large chunk of Dudley’s arm and wandered off munching raw EM meat. Elder EM Dudley soon turned into a zombie himself and began talking about eating brains. Sadly EM Drosselmeyer did not seem to notice the change that had overtaken Zombie Dudley and ignored the warnings of those assembled.


Elder EM Dudley shambles to EM Drosselmeyer

photo courtesy of Emma Silvermane

The slowly shuffling Zombie Dudley went up to Drosselmeyer and then bit him. Of course this began EM Drosselmeyer’s transformation from benign plant man EM thingie to full blown plant man zombie EM thngie. While the two Zombie EM’s would have been bad enough but someone had left out a multiplying tub. Sadly when poor EM Drosselmeyer was bitten he fell right into the tub taking Dudley with him. Before the assembled crowd knew what to do there were Zombie EM Dudleys and EM Drosselmeyers everywhere. The crowd immediately set upon these foul monsters hoping to contain the infection. What then happened was one of the most intense fights that Sosaria has ever seen. Zombie EMs are insanely hard to kill. While teams of brave souls were able to dispatch them these Zombies were very dedicated following one Fanny Firebottom all the way to Glydenfeld.


Fighting all the way in Glydenfeld

photo courtesy of Emma Silvermane

As EM zombies started to drop odd masks were found on some of the corpses. Eventually all of the Zombie Clones were dispatched and after consuming a potion Elder EM Dudley and EM Drosselmeyer were back to their old selves. There has been no word on any injuries they sustained from the bite wounds but they have not been seen in any healers so it would appear that they are none the worse for wear.


A photo of the carnage

photo courtesy of Emma Silvermane

Goblin Party

November 02, 2011 By: Tertius Wands Category: Chesapeake News

Fun, Darts, Rides and Terrible Flying Lizards Birds!


On Sunday October 23 the goblins of Pitmuck opened their playground andhomes to all visitors.  The kind hosts started the night off showing off their new works of art which has been called one of a kind and highly unique by many of the leading Sosarian art critics.  As all kind host are wont to do Ozog warned all the guests that during the day large migrating lizard birds had been spotted roaming around Pitmuck Island.  As guest came in to the Goblin Playground a rousing game of darts was held.  Niva the savage claimed the winners purse of 1 million gold with a dart score of 118.  Ozzy was the first runner up claiming half a million gold with a dart score of 102.  Mirt took the third prize of a quarter of a million gold by scoring 87 points.  After darts the group of assembled adventures decided to step out and either scare off the migrating birds or dispatch them.   Sadly the birds were hostile but were quickly dispatched by the skilled mages and warriors that had assembled for fun.  After dispatching the beasts and insuring the safety of Pitmuck Island everyone headed back to play on the wonderful equipment that the goblins have decorated their island playground with.  The jump rope proved to be more then a match for many’s dexterity and splashing around in the pool was a crowd favorite.  There were art supplies on hands for those with an artistic bent and the inquisitive could spend their time attempting to decipher a note from the goblin father.  Yet among all the other things to do nothing beats a ride on the Goblin Merry-go-Round.  It goes around and around and up and down.  Its speed and rapid elevation shifts were both exciting and unique in Sosaria.  Yet this “ride” is not for the feint of heart and NANOC had quite a bit of trouble.  It appeared that he may have become quite ill after the ride but he was able to walk away and did not need a healer fetched for him.


Niva showing her skill at Darts

Royal Guard Exercises – Field Medic 101

October 25, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Royal Guard Exercises – Field Medic 101
Serpents Hold – Trammel
10/ 21/11 

Members of the Royal Guard mustered along the walled shores of thier compound in Serpent’s Hold this past Friday’s eve to forgo an exercise in conjunction with the Healers Guild of Britannia. The nights mission was to not only survive several scenarios thought up by Lt. Gwen Irina but reduce casualties to nil or very little in the attempt to complete the objectives. Those in attendance were informed that several feral species of beasts had been ferried in from distant lands to serve as opposition in the nights activities.



The group was led to the southern island of Serpent’s Hold. East of the bank the force got thier first taste of action besting an appearance of skeletal dragons and giant serpents en route to a bastion near the seaside. It was here the guard would make thier nights stand, a stand against several tides of diabolical creatures hellbent on our destruction.


Our mission here was simple. Keep the bastion under our control by not allowing our lines to be broken, allowing admittance to the bastion by the hordes washing up along the walls. Keep thy forces alive and casualties minimal and success would be ours.


Much is to be said of the valor and courage displayed as the group did an excellent job completing the quest tide after tide after tide. Skeletal Dragons, Dragons, Ancient Wyrms, and even a monstrous Crimson Dragon soon loomed over the group as they remained steadfast in the defense of the bastion. In the end the nights mission was a grand success as commendation was given to all who not only stood with the Guard in thier defense but aided in thier victory towards the nights conclusion.

Well Done Chessy!

The Epic Conclusion of the Saga of Poseidon’s Fury!

October 23, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

 The Epic Conclusion of the Saga of Poseidons Fury

    The saga that is Poseidons Fury reached it’s epic climax this past week as the nearly 3 year long quest was completed as players journied to never before seen surroundings and braved cavernous underwater danger en route to obtaining the artifact and defeating the monstrous Poseidons Fury himself! The road was long and the perils many during this lasting quest here on Chesapeake as such a broad and encompassing adventure had yet to be experienced by the citizens herein.
    Lord Balandars resisdence was filled to capacity as he began the effort by updating those therein of the nights mission. After briefing the assembled forces, a portal was then opened as we traveled to sights unseen battling ferocious sea beasts at seemingly every turn. Mass casualties were suffered throughout as the force slowly worked it’s way to find the towering altar to which Poseidon’s Fury rested. Battle tested and ready to deliver the final blow, Lord Balandar and his troops valiently slayed the beast and claimed the Poseidons Fury artifact from it’s now broken tomb from which it was hidden all this time. Thanking those who helped in the entire series as well as this nights adventure, players received a tremendous reward for thier most dedicated efforts.
    Enjoy the picture slideshow here as well as the Sosaria Reels video of this epic adventure here!  Thanks to our EM”s Dudley and Drosselmeyer for a grand Saga!

EM Events Through This Weekend!

October 20, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


EM Events Through the Weekend!
Oct. 20th , 21, 23rd

    EM’s Dudley and Drosselmeyer will have us busy this weekend as several events are set to take place here on Chesapeake in the coming days. Announced at Sundays House of Commons were:

    October 20th 8pm EST – Sosarian Solstice Fair will reopen it’s doors to patrons with games and fanfaire. Gates from Luna

    October 21st 8pm EST – Royal Guard Mission and part 2 of the Healer’s  Guild application quest. Players will preregister

with Captain Irina prior to the nights mission as to thier status as a Guardsman or Healer for this event!

    October 23rd 9pm EST – Chesapeake House of Commons Weekly Meet- Announcements, Event Questions and More!