Skara Brae Refreshment Night

August 20, 2014 By: Katrina Hawkins Category: Catskills News

Last night the Rangers of Spiritwood set up camp in Skara Brae to help spruce up the city. There was enough food and drinks to supply a small army, shoes for the needy, and repair deeds on offer at the community center. They also set up a station at the docks to offer free repairs to any ships in need. Several of the Rangers spent the night making small repairs to the various shops around town, and entertaining the guests.





King Announces New Policy At Council Meeting

August 18, 2014 By: Katrina Hawkins Category: Catskills News

At the council meeting last night, the King introduced a new proposal to deal with governor’s that fail to appear for meetings. The three governors in attendance agreed that it was not unreasonable to expect attendance for at least one out of every three meetings. As a result, the King ruled that effective immediately any governor that fails to show up for three consecutive meetings will be removed from office. Replacements will be picked by the King either through audiences, or assigned to the other candidate in cities that were contested.  

Just before the meeting adjourned, Governor Thom of Trinsic discussed citizenship with the assembled council. He stated that people were confused as to the benefits of citizenship in a city. He claims most people mistakenly think that as a citizen of one city you are only subject to being dealt with by officials in your city. “We are all citizens of the same Kingdom,” said Thom. When questioned by Wild as to how he would handle a citizen of Trinsic being arrested in Britain, the governor responded that he would expect Britain to handle it as the laws should be respected by all. The King agreed with the statement and responded that “the idea behind establishing elected officials was not to create autonomous city-states.”

King’s Audience

August 15, 2014 By: Katrina Hawkins Category: Catskills News

The recent audiences with the King seemed to primarily focus on the circumstances of a young woman found in the Spiritwood forest by one of the Purple Guardians of Honor. Senator Katherine Belle Elle of the Guardians gave a detailed statement describing how she found and tried to help the woman only for two members of the nobility in Britain to arrive at that exact spot through magical means and attempt to take the woman. The Senator claimed to have stepped aside eventually for fear of doing more harm to the distressed woman then whatever the nobles had planned. The named nobles, Merida and Armand of Britain, provided statements to the King but were unfortunately not available during the audience.

When asked to speak on the matter, Corinna of the Rangers of Spiritwood brought a concern to the King about Royal Britannian Guards acting outside their jurisdiction without informing other units. She also expressed concern over the fact that Umbra and Britain share the same leadership, claiming that there was little distinction between the two cities.

The King has stated that he will arrange a time to speak to the young woman in question in order to clear up the conflicting reports on this matter. Also brought before the King was a request for a blood and healing supply drive to benefit the Guards, a possible connection between a prisoner of the Rangers and the thieves that Investigator Thorpe is investigating, and plans for the new Guard structure to include a unit made strictly of healers.

Meeting of the Minds

April 18, 2014 By: Capt. Kalmar Erikkson, RBGu Category: Catskills News, Royal Britannia Guard (Cats)

Posted on behalf of Det. Robert Stadler:

ordershield_smLast night the RBG regiments came together at the capital to figure out our next move in regards to the missing merchant ship, the USS Odyssey.  Lord Arthur Morais is a noble of the capital city thus the Crown is very interested in his safe return to the King’s court… when and if he’s found … as well as the safety of the citizens that are at the Lord’s employ that hail from various cities throughout the Kingdom.  Understanding that our efforts have been focused on finding our missing monarch, we cannot ignore the safety of our citizens.  Our King would not want that.  So we must press on to search for the Odyssey and its crew.

uss-odysseyThe USS Odyssey is a large, class A Britannian Ship that carries a crew of 14, plus its Captain, Lord Arthur Morais.  It flies the Britannia Standard for all registered, thus protected, merchant ships that operate in the Kingdom’s seas. The crew list is as follows:

» Capt. Lord Arthur Morais, Baron of Britain
» First Lt. Ralph Downer of Trinsic
» Chief Engineer Hugh Jendryng of Skara Brae
» Chief Stewart Lady Gilda Bennett of Trinsic 
» Second Mate Andrew Taylor of Britain
» Third Mate Thomas Morley of Minoc
» Able Seaman Peter Jackmann of Trinsic
» Able Seaman Arthur Howard of Skara Brae
» Sealady Susan Goode of Jhelom
» Deckman Alan Roberts of Jhelom
» Decklady Martha Cole of Britain
» Second Engineer Lewis Goode of Jhelom
» Third Engineer Morys Rede of Umbra
» Steward Oliver Obelyn of Umbra
» Chief Cook Joanna Malyns of Trinsic

corgul-pirate-bannerWe have a good lead from a small artisanal fisher boat that saw a large ship with a bunch of what looked like prisoners shackled leaving the scene of a scuttle.  They managed to change course and stay undetected and hurried home to Trinsic.  From their descriptions, the large pirate ship flew a flag that is awfully similar to the soulbound pirates that make up the crew of Corgul’s forces.  Corgul’s army is vast and strong, a very recognizable standard for most sea dwellers; one they try to avoid at all costs.  But a ship the size of the Odyssey would have issue to escape from the grasp of one of Corgul’s monster-sized pirate ships.

The fishermen went straight to the city of Britain to report what they saw, as Britain houses the headquarters for merchant trade. Lt. John Anderson took their names and statements.  The men were sent home to their home land in Trinsic and told to dry dock until further notice. Their crew list is as follows:

» Master Giles Isley, Boat Operator
» Fisher Esmour Mauntell, Net Operator
» Fisher Thomas Isley, Net Operator
» Fisher Philip Bradshawe, Keeper & Handler

It was agreed between the brothers and sisters in arms in attendance that a full crew list would be provided to all regiments, and that a search for the location of the mysterious island that Corgul calls home should start with the locals of each city.  Corgul has a reputation and I am sure many of the locals, especially those that make a living off the sea, would be able to give us clues to their whereabouts.   Meanwhile, the reward for 25,000 crowns to anyone that has information is sure to help folks be inclined to be… well… more helpful.  Meanwhile Lt. John Anderson of the RBG of Britain will ensure the families are kept informed of our progress to find their loved ones.

*sighs*  So much to do, so little time.  With this and the Xanthus issue, and now our missing King… we at the RBG have our hands full.


A Letter to the Regiments…

April 16, 2014 By: Capt. Kalmar Erikkson, RBGu Category: Catskills News, Royal Britannia Guard (Cats)


Cautionary Advisement Notice

April 13, 2014 By: Capt. Kalmar Erikkson, RBGu Category: Catskills News, Royal Britannia Guard (Cats)

Assassin Tried in Olympus

April 12, 2014 By: Ludes Stratics Category: Catskills News


The trial of Xanthus Razele commenced Friday evening at Castle Olympus.

He is accused of many charges including murder,  kidnapping, and slavery.

People had gathered in small groups outside the Castle shortly before the trial..  the tone for the evening seemed solemn and people were seen talking in hushed voices.

As the bell tolled the hour everyone filed into the courtroom and were seated..

It was noted that Governor Thom, Emperor [PGoH] and Lady Piper, Empress [PGoH] had attended and were watching over the proceedings.


   As per Trinsic and Olympus law..  the accused was judged by a tribunal consisting of  

Emeritus Kodoz [PGoH],   Keeper Corrina [R+S],  and Sir Cedric [PGoH].

Much testimony was heard from Xanthus in which he claimed that,  while guilty of his crimes,  he committed them under extreme compulsion.

Testimony was heard from the accused that laid out a complicated and sometimes sordid plot by a person called Mirko, said to be from Skara Brae.

After some cross examination and testimony by the Tribunal and other esteemed citizens,   the Honored Judges retired from the chamber to discuss the case amongst themselves.

After the Tribunal returned to the courtroom, The accused had his chained loosened and was allowed to stand to hear the decision.



The judgement of the Tribunal was that should the tale laid out by Xanthus be sooth,  he would indeed,  be at least not wholly responsible  for the crimes committed.

  They ruled that at least for the time being, Xanthus was to be returned to his cell while a search for Mirko could be launched.

If, after a fortnight no progress has been made in the search, the Tribunal will reconvene to address the case.

Xanthus had no comment as he was led back to his cell.



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[NEWS]New Reporters

March 24, 2014 By: Lady Tia Category: Catskills News

Please give a great big Catskills welcome to our two newest reports….Ludes and Norrar (aka Va’lis). Welcome Gentlemen and good luck!

News and event information can be sent to [email protected]

Transcript of the Catskills Meeting with Mesanna and Kryonix

March 20, 2014 By: Flair Category: Community News

[19:04:04] [Crystal] Mesanna says: ok lets begin
[19:04:22] [Crystal] Mesanna says: Pandora welcome
[19:04:26] [Kyronix]: Good Evening Pandora
[19:04:32] [Pandora]: Hello my Dark one.
[19:04:42] [Mesanna]: Good evening
[19:05:06] [Pandora]: Well, my first feedback for you guys is that this system was a great idea….
[19:05:33] [Pandora]: I know Mes really wanted it to shine from her video at the 15th anniversary
[19:05:43] [Pandora]: But I think for some times now
[19:06:02] [Pandora]: you’ve been trying to mesh certain communities that do not traditionally mesh well
[19:06:23] [Pandora]: I felt this system was predominately created for RP’ers
[19:06:48] [Pandora]: but in adding the city buffs, it seemed to want to include the pvp’ers
[19:06:59] [Pandora]: and traditionally those two communities just do not get along
[19:07:07] [Pandora]: its the whole reason Trammel exists in the first place
[19:07:26] [Pandora]: I feel the governor system should be expanded to include Felucca
[19:07:34] [Pandora]: Let them have their own governor system
[19:07:42] [Pandora]: and let them have the city buffs
[19:07:53] [Pandora]: The two communities are just too basically different
[19:08:18] [Pandora]: We want to beautify the city, we want to have events that are based in the history of the cities
[19:08:28] [Pandora]: we want to expand the collections
[19:08:39] [Pandora]: like the zoo and the museum and the library
[19:08:44] [Pandora]: and none of those efforts
[19:08:46] [Pandora]: NONE
[19:09:02] [Pandora]: are taken into consideration by certain groups
[19:09:09] [Pandora]: all they want is their buff
[19:09:15] [Pandora]: because they create their templates
[19:09:16] [Pandora]: for pvp
[19:09:18] [Pandora]: based on them
[19:09:21] [Pandora]: period.
[19:09:37] [Pandora]: they dont care for any efforts that we do (the RP’ers) to bring that element to the city
[19:09:47] [Pandora]: and while all our events are open to all types of players
[19:09:54] [Pandora]: they just dont find that stuff fun
[19:09:57] [Pandora]: they want to go out and pvp
[19:10:03] [Pandora]: that’s their fun
[19:10:07] [Pandora]: so please
[19:10:13] [Pandora]: consider that
[19:10:20] [Pandora]: those two communities are DIFFERENT
[19:10:26] [Pandora]: they have different goals
[19:10:30] [Pandora]: different objectives
[19:10:35] [Pandora]: and i’d love to see Felucca be more
[19:10:43] [Pandora]: than just a place that we have exiled reds to
[19:10:49] [Pandora]: it should be FAR more than that
[19:10:56] [Pandora]: maybe I would enjoy pvp again
[19:11:00] [Pandora]: if there was more to it
[19:11:11] [Pandora]: but i urge to trhink about
[19:11:17] [Pandora]: giving felucca its own governor system
[19:11:28] [Pandora]: and letting trammel be more of the rp-focused governor system
[19:11:36] [Pandora]: will that stop griefers?
[19:11:45] [Pandora]: prob not… if someone REALLY wants to grief you
[19:11:47] [Pandora]: they will
[19:11:56] [Pandora]: but at least this separation will
[19:12:02] [Pandora]: not PROMOTE such things
[19:12:06] [Pandora]: the voting
[19:12:16] [Pandora]: should be 1 vote per account on ONE SHARD
[19:12:25] [Pandora]: the shard you have your house on
[19:12:33] [Pandora]: that’s your main shard
[19:12:40] [Pandora]: and if you play multiple shards
[19:12:43] [Pandora]: great
[19:12:57] [Pandora]: but to have it open up to x y z shards all over
[19:13:02] [Pandora]: just wasnt a good idea
[19:13:06] [Pandora]: it was far better before
[19:13:11] [Pandora]: when all my characters could vote
[19:13:15] [Pandora]: i feel the change was
[19:13:23] [Pandora]: too impulsive
[19:13:28] [Pandora]: because it actually promotes
[19:13:33] [Pandora]: people cross-shard voting
[19:13:40] [Pandora]: like we’re basically forced to do that
[19:13:44] [Pandora]: and what about ppl like me?
[19:13:52] [Pandora]: i have only ever played catskills
[19:13:55] [Pandora]: my whole UO life
[19:13:59] [Pandora]: I dont play other shard
[19:14:02] [Pandora]: therefore
[19:14:03] [Pandora]: guess what
[19:14:12] [Pandora]: I am not as popular as others that do
[19:14:25] [Pandora]: so its become a total popularity contest
[19:14:35] [Pandora]: its not about what you can do for your city
[19:14:39] [Pandora]: its about how many people you know
[19:14:40] [Pandora]: :(
[19:14:46] [Mesanna]: its politics
[19:15:05] [Pandora]: And that’s right… it is…
[19:15:18] [Pandora]: and if I paid $15/mo to be an US Citizen to vote
[19:15:30] [Pandora]: then that would be equivalent
[19:15:32] [Pandora]: but this is a game
[19:15:36] [Pandora]: that we all subscribe to
[19:15:40] [Pandora]: and pay for
[19:15:48] [Pandora]: we dont want to pay money to be griefed or
[19:15:52] [Pandora]: have it be unfair
[19:15:57] [Pandora]: or even percieved as unfair
[19:16:01] [Pandora]: again
[19:16:09] [Mesanna]: Ok Pandora how were you griefed
[19:16:09] [Pandora]: i think felucca should be looked at more
[19:16:31] [Pandora]: Well what I percieved as griefed is the personal attacks on my character
[19:16:37] [Pandora]: on my moral standing
[19:16:59] [Pandora]: being called names or being told that my only job is to PAY for a city buff
[19:17:07] [Pandora]: I see that as griefed
[19:17:19] [Pandora]: griefing is anything that makes you feel a certain way
[19:17:25] [Pandora]: it causes grief
[19:17:30] [Pandora]: i felt nothing I did
[19:17:36] [Pandora]: was worth anything
[19:17:48] [Pandora]: it was just about paying $2 mil a week for a buff
[19:17:54] [Pandora]: expected to pay that out of my own pocket
[19:18:15] [Pandora]: it was just my first term, i didnt know what it was going to be like…
[19:18:30] [Pandora]: hell for ever my friend was governor of another city and we didnt even know
[19:18:34] [Pandora]: a guideline
[19:18:44] [Pandora]: on what the EM’s could or could not provide
[19:18:50] [Pandora]: it was SOOOOOO drastically different
[19:18:56] [Pandora]: from one shard to the other
[19:19:05] [Mesanna]: ok
[19:19:14] [Pandora]: For the longest we didnt know what the system was really about
[19:19:15] [Mesanna]: lets stick to the topic on hand here please
[19:19:19] [Pandora]: k
[19:19:49] [Mesanna]: so to sum up your issues
[19:19:59] [Mesanna]: you want Fel incorportated
[19:20:14] [Pandora]: I do… with its own system, with the city buffs moved there
[19:20:35] [Mesanna]: well I was going to wait till the end but I will say this now
[19:20:57] [Mesanna]: fel is not even under Blackthorns ruling so thats going to be hard under the new PVP system …
[19:21:02] [Mesanna]: that will be in place in the future
[19:21:25] [Mesanna]: we want it out of towns not putting things back into the towns
[19:21:51] [Mesanna]: one vote per account per shard?
[19:22:17] [Mesanna]: Is that right?
[19:22:22] [Mesanna]: sorry taking notes
[19:22:32] [Pandora]: more like lock an account once a vote is cast to that shard
[19:23:00] [Pandora]: or if it is as Kyronix mentioned before tied to the housing database
[19:23:08] [Pandora]: maybe that might be something to explore too
[19:23:16] [Pandora]: vote on the shard where your house is
[19:23:18] [Mesanna]: Different systems
[19:23:21] [Pandora]: ok
[19:23:49] [Pandora]: kyro mentioned something about it would have to be similar to that database (something to that
[19:23:53] [Pandora]: effect).
[19:24:01] [Pandora]: because housing is locked to 1 shard
[19:24:16] [Pandora]: not that they are same systems but that its similar in tha tsense
[19:24:27] [Mesanna]: Pandora please finish up
[19:24:31] [Pandora]: k
[19:24:36] [Mesanna]: no thats not going to work
[19:24:37] [Pandora]: Okay.
[19:24:47] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *nods*
[19:25:03] [Pandora]: Okay
[19:25:03] [Crystal] Pandora says: Okay
[19:25:35] [Crystal] Kyronix says: Thank you for your feedback
[19:25:52] [Mesanna]: Thanks sorry finishing the notes
[19:26:11] [Mesanna]: hi Timothy
[19:26:14] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: Greetings
[19:26:14] [Crystal] Kyronix says: Welcome Timothy
[19:26:22] [Mesanna]: lets keep this to a few minutes ok
[19:26:28] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: Governor Smoot has sent me on his behalf
[19:26:29] [Mesanna]: so everyone gets a chance to talk
[19:26:37] [Mesanna]: I saw him outside
[19:26:46] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: he welcomes everyone to the city of Britain, and extends
[19:27:01] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: the office of Britain to the Dark Lady
[19:27:14] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: you are at his disposal
[19:27:27] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: I will keep this brief
[19:27:34] [Timothy Taterson]: (OOC)
[19:27:45] [Timothy Taterson]: The system is popular with RPers
[19:28:02] [Timothy Taterson]: and to alot of RPers 2mil a week is alot
[19:28:11] [Timothy Taterson]: i see no reason for a gold charge for a city buff
[19:28:36] [Timothy Taterson]: smaller shards would make use of it more if it were no charge
[19:28:44] [Timothy Taterson]: in regards to voting
[19:28:55] [Timothy Taterson]: 1 voter per account or otherwise
[19:29:23] [Timothy Taterson]: please keep things simple. there are always people who will prepare, see what it takes to have an
[19:29:31] [Timothy Taterson]: advantage in any system
[19:30:00] [Timothy Taterson]: please keep in mind that any change, if there is any advatage, people will find it
[19:30:15] [Timothy Taterson]: just please keep the system open to all
[19:30:37] [Timothy Taterson]: and not just those with 20 -50 accounts who take advatage of any given voting changes
[19:30:48] [Timothy Taterson]: To conclude
[19:30:59] [Timothy Taterson]: Politics in a video game…
[19:31:12] [Timothy Taterson]: is sure to make many unhappy
[19:31:25] [Timothy Taterson]: its can be a brutal combo
[19:31:46] [Timothy Taterson]: i would expect those running for governor to accept this
[19:31:54] [Timothy Taterson]: a bit moreso than normal gameplay
[19:32:15] [Timothy Taterson]: Governor Smoot did everything in his power to run a clean campaign
[19:32:35] [Timothy Taterson]: And Commends all the Governors that try to do the same
[19:32:39] [Timothy Taterson]: that is all
[19:32:46] [Kyronix]: Thank you Timothy
[19:32:48] [Mesanna]: thank you
[19:32:51] [Crystal] Timothy Taterson says: *nods*
[19:32:56] [Mesanna]: Kyronix
[19:33:10] [Kyronix]: Yes?
[19:33:22] [Mesanna]: You want to say something before we pull more
[19:33:35] [Kyronix]: Ya sure, let me talk about the trade deal real quick
[19:33:45] [Kyronix]: To keep it short, because I know a lot of people want to have a chance to speak
[19:34:06] [Kyronix]: You have to examine the cost based on the reality of the economy as it is
[19:34:20] [Kyronix]: Is 2 mil a lot for one person? Some yes, some no – however it was never intended for one perso
[19:34:30] [Kyronix]: To carry that burden, and we’ve seen that has become the case in many instances
[19:34:44] [Kyronix]: So instead of just dropping the cost, what we’d rather do is provide more tools
[19:34:53] [Kyronix]: For Governors and their citizens to take advantage of so they can fund their cities
[19:35:00] [Kyronix]: and the treasuries in novel and exciting ways
[19:35:27] [Kyronix]: That’s about the jist of it
[19:35:28] [Mesanna]: thanks
[19:35:29] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *grins*
[19:35:37] [Mesanna]: nice and short I love it
[19:35:39] [Mesanna]: next
[19:35:49] [Kyronix]: Hello Jon
[19:35:51] [Jon Marcus]: Good evening Messana and Kyronix.Thank for for holding this meeting.
[19:35:54] [Mesanna]: hi Jon
[19:36:02] [Jon Marcus]: Mine will also be short
[19:36:08] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *smiles*
[19:36:21] [Jon Marcus]: I would like to make a request that you change the “one accout–one vote+ rule
[19:36:46] [Mesanna]: do you mean make it so?
[19:36:51] [Jon Marcus]: I vote in Skara,but I also have another character that is very fond of Jhelom
[19:37:02] [Jon Marcus]: I had to make a decision on which city to vote in
[19:37:06] [Jon Marcus]: But…
[19:37:14] [Mesanna]: oh I see what you mean
[19:37:38] [Jon Marcus]: In allowing this,I would suggest that one account would be allowed to vote in the same city more t
[19:37:41] [Jon Marcus]: than pnce
[19:37:53] [Jon Marcus]: than once
[19:38:07] [Jon Marcus]: Thank you
[19:38:11] [Kyronix]: Thank you Jon
[19:38:17] [Mesanna]: your welcome thank you for coming
[19:38:28] [Jon Marcus]: thanks
[19:38:30] [Mesanna]: dbl click the bell
[19:38:46] [Mesanna]: Hi Bardo
[19:38:49] [Bardo]: Hi mesana
[19:38:54] [Kyronix]: Hello Bardo
[19:38:57] [Mesanna]: No one can spell my name!
[19:39:03] [Bardo]: I would like to say jsut 2 things please
[19:39:07] [Bardo]: o srry
[19:39:09] [Mesanna]: ok
[19:39:21] [Bardo]: First I agree with Jon
[19:39:39] [Bardo]: we could make its so one account could vote in 2 cities
[19:39:48] [Bardo]: that would be fair I think
[19:39:52] [Bardo]: and ..
[19:40:09] [Bardo]: I dont know what pandoras box said all of anyway
[19:40:18] [Bardo]: but not allowing pvprs to
[19:40:33] [Bardo]: get buffs.. I dont agree. some of us have pvpr
[19:40:42] [Bardo]: and play the rp side .,
[19:40:48] [Bardo]: so I dont find that fair
[19:40:54] [Bardo]: taht is all thank you
[19:40:58] [Mesanna]: Thank you
[19:41:00] [Kyronix]: Thank you Bardo
[19:41:22] [Aron Unrequited]: Thank you for your time
[19:41:23] [Kyronix]: Hello Aron
[19:41:29] [Mesanna]: hi Aron
[19:41:39] [Aron Unrequited]: I have one request, and one general comment
[19:42:03] [Aron Unrequited]: The request first, as it doesn’t need an answer as such
[19:42:25] [Aron Unrequited]: But the councils I attend tend to be well behaved, and you can see similar here tonight
[19:42:31] [Aron Unrequited]: Why, we even queue decently!
[19:43:07] [Aron Unrequited]: The fear of the Dark Lady perhaps; hence as a connected request, it would be nice to see that at wider events
[19:43:39] [Aron Unrequited]: Greater powers to squelch etc, I’m not sure, but the things that work for the Council have made roleplay in particular so much stronger
[19:44:03] [Aron Unrequited]: But, my question about it directly;
[19:44:30] [Aron Unrequited]: I play Europa, there’s a question on Stratics about running for a Governer spot that’s still open
[19:44:37] [Mesanna]: ok how is this related to the issue we are here tonight?
[19:44:47] [Aron Unrequited]: Could there be some clarification on how players can do that?
[19:45:19] [Mesanna]: is there is an opening
[19:45:28] [Aron Unrequited]: On Jhelom yes
[19:45:42] [Mesanna]: email me and I will discuss Europa with you
[19:45:51] [Mesanna]: this is not the place tonight
[19:45:55] [Aron Unrequited]: I ask because it will be open on many shards
[19:46:11] [Mesanna]: this is about an issue on Cats
[19:46:20] [Mesanna]: not an open forums for any issue
[19:46:21] [Mesanna]: sorry
[19:46:25] [Aron Unrequited]: Oh? I thought it was for Governors in general, I’m sorry
[19:46:30] [Mesanna]: no its not
[19:46:31] [Aron Unrequited]: Then I shall bell myself out
[19:46:36] [Aron Unrequited]: Thank you again
[19:46:37] [Mesanna]: no problem email me
[19:46:42] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[19:46:57] [Aornis of GL]: Good evening, Mesanna, Kyronix. Thank you for holding this open forum.
[19:47:01] [Mesanna]: Hi Aornix
[19:47:02] [Kyronix]: Hello!
[19:47:05] [Aornis of GL]: I am Aornis, also Alice, of Great Lakes, the current governor of Vesper.
[19:47:13] [Aornis of GL]: I came here tonight to discuss what happened during last week’s election on Great Lakes.
[19:47:25] [Aornis of GL]: Specifically, I want to discuss the Britain election.
[19:47:33] [Aornis of GL]: The current, and previous, governor of Brit was griefed, and I feel that the actions of
[19:47:43] [Aornis of GL]: the individual who did so should have ramifications.
[19:47:52] [Mesanna]: Stop guys
[19:47:56] [Mesanna]: I am sorry
[19:48:02] [Mesanna]: one second
[19:48:10] [Mesanna]: This meeting is about Catskills
[19:48:22] [Mesanna]: They are having an issue
[19:48:23] [Aornis of GL]: I apologize. From what I read of FLutter’s message on stratics
[19:48:34] [Aornis of GL]: it was for all greifing issues during elections
[19:48:38] [Mesanna]: and asked for a meeting with us to discuss it
[19:48:56] [Mesanna]: we will be more than happy to come to your shards and speak to you guys
[19:48:57] [Aornis of GL]: May we request a GL meeting as well?
[19:49:04] [Mesanna]: yes be happy to
[19:49:06] [Aornis of GL]: Please.
[19:49:08] [Aornis of GL]: Thank you!
[19:49:11] [Mesanna]: we will set it up
[19:49:14] [Mesanna]: but know this
[19:49:19] [Aornis of GL]: Wonderful, thank you so much.
[19:49:44] [Mesanna]: as I answered in email this
[19:49:51] [Mesanna]: we do not have unique names
[19:50:05] [Mesanna]: if a player is harrassing you then the bouncer behind me
[19:50:10] [Mesanna]: will take care of it
[19:50:15] [Mesanna]: he is very good at his job
[19:50:18] [Brutrin]: Indeed
[19:50:20] [Aornis of GL]: I have a point about the names, but I will share it on our GL meetings
[19:50:25] [Mesanna]: ok
[19:50:25] [Aornis of GL]: and he does look intimidating : )
[19:50:28] [Mesanna]: lol
[19:50:31] [Mesanna]: pretty huh
[19:50:37] [Aornis of GL]: Hehe, yes
[19:50:41] [Mesanna]: I am not trying to be rude here
[19:50:45] [Mesanna]: I am sorry Aornis
[19:50:49] [Mesanna]: we will set up a meeting
[19:50:53] [Aornis of GL]: Thank you for your time. And again, I apologize for the confusioin about the topics.
[19:51:19] [Mesanna]: oh I have two now
[19:51:23] [Mesanna]: nice
[19:51:24] [Aornis of GL]: hehe
[19:51:31] [Aornis of GL]: Thank you both
[19:51:33] [Mesanna]: thank you
[19:51:33] [Kyronix]: Thank you
[19:51:35] [Aornis of GL]: have a great evening.
[19:51:37] [Mesanna]: we will set up a date
[19:51:39] [Aornis of GL]: See you on GL, Mesanna.
[19:51:43] [Mesanna]: ok
[19:51:50] [Mesanna]: hi General
[19:51:56] [Kyronix]: Greetings!
[19:52:32] [General chaos]: sorry
[19:52:34] [General chaos]: lost con
[19:52:49] [General chaos]: sorry for the hold up
[19:52:57] [Mesanna]: no worries
[19:53:01] [General chaos]: im gona keep it short and to the point
[19:53:01] [Kyronix]: If you get removed from teh castle just head on back
[19:53:11] [Kyronix]: Not sure if you were out long enough to get auto removed
[19:53:14] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *smiles*
[19:53:27] [General chaos]: ok anyway
[19:53:45] [General chaos]: i was on the night during the last day to vote
[19:53:59] [General chaos]: and there was alot bashing
[19:54:05] [General chaos]: typical for general chat
[19:54:20] [General chaos]: i cant quote anyone to much extent
[19:54:25] [General chaos]: but i do remeber
[19:54:37] [General chaos]: that someone not giving any names
[19:54:45] [General chaos]: made a character
[19:54:51] [General chaos]: skankilicous
[19:55:04] [General chaos]: and called pandora a skank
[19:55:12] [General chaos]: and i did confront them
[19:55:27] [General chaos]: and they just ignored me and then it exploded in general chat
[19:55:28] [Mesanna]: thats what the harrassment feature is for
[19:55:42] [General chaos]: yes but that feature doesnt work
[19:55:55] [Mesanna]: ?
[19:55:58] [General chaos]: mutiple people have used it
[19:56:02] [General chaos]: and nothing happend
[19:56:03] [Mesanna]: Is it broke?
[19:56:05] [General chaos]: happens
[19:56:09] [General chaos]: not broke
[19:56:13] [General chaos]: no gms heere
[19:56:15] [General chaos]: here
[19:56:21] [Mesanna]: Psst
[19:56:23] [General chaos]: i have been back
[19:56:24] [Mesanna]: two right here
[19:56:30] [General chaos]: for 3 months
[19:56:38] [General chaos]: and u guys are the first ones to see
[19:56:40] [Mesanna]: and you won’t see a GM for that type of call
[19:57:06] [General chaos]: i understand people trash talk
[19:57:08] [General chaos]: its a game
[19:57:27] [General chaos]: but breaking peoples morals and stuff like ive seen
[19:57:34] [Mesanna]: General I am trying to get to the bottom of the issue here
[19:57:37] [General chaos]: uncalled for
[19:57:42] [Mesanna]: agreed
[19:57:46] [General chaos]: aye
[19:57:51] [Mesanna]: we are supposed to be adults
[19:57:58] [Mesanna]: or most of us are =)
[19:58:02] [General chaos]: i know
[19:58:27] [General chaos]: thats all i gotta say
[19:58:31] [Mesanna]: thank you
[19:58:36] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[19:58:37] [General chaos]: thank you guys
[19:59:03] [Mesanna]: dbl click the bell
[19:59:13] [Mesanna]: hi Parnoc
[19:59:22] [Parnoc]: Good Evening
[19:59:25] [Kyronix]: Hello!
[19:59:34] [Parnoc]: i just have a comment that i think may help
[19:59:55] [Parnoc]: I feel that this was done to make the cities more visited
[20:00:02] [Parnoc]: but it has done the opposite
[20:00:07] [Parnoc]: i feel that is
[20:00:08] [Parnoc]: if
[20:00:18] [Parnoc]: the buff were decided by each citizen
[20:01:52] [Parnoc]: it would not make the person switch his city that he has been loyal to for
[20:01:56] [Parnoc]: perhaps a long time
[20:02:15] [Parnoc]: and would make much more popular the city buff and loyalty for each city
[20:02:39] [Parnoc]: that’s it, thank you very much
[20:02:49] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:02:53] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[20:03:00] [Mesanna]: hi Lucent
[20:03:03] [Lucent Dreher]: Hello
[20:03:06] [Kyronix]: Hello Lucent
[20:03:10] [Lucent Dreher]: I’d like to keep this short
[20:03:14] [Lucent Dreher]: as many are waiting
[20:03:23] [Lucent Dreher]: so excuse abruptness
[20:03:35] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *nods*
[20:03:49] [Lucent Dreher]: I feel that most people do not agree that the city system is for rpers and that it is useful to
[20:03:52] [Lucent Dreher]: all
[20:04:25] [Lucent Dreher]: I also would like to know exactly what the problem on catskills was
[20:04:33] [Mesanna]: me too
[20:04:40] [Mesanna]: I have heard many things
[20:04:41] [Lucent Dreher]: The election might have been a bit heated but it couldn’t be the worst
[20:04:46] [Mesanna]: but I hoped to hear it first hand
[20:04:54] [Mesanna]: but I haven’t
[20:05:11] [Lucent Dreher]: Sorry that’s about it
[20:05:17] [Lucent Dreher]: cya
[20:05:18] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:05:28] [Mesanna]: hi Velvathos
[20:05:36] [Mesanna]: stop
[20:05:41] [Velvathos]: Greetings!
[20:05:44] [Kyronix]: Sorry!
[20:05:46] [Kyronix]: Wrong button
[20:06:00] [Velvathos]: Interestin’ look ye have there Mesanna, been bathing in charcoal again?
[20:06:15] [Velvathos]: Anyways!
[20:06:38] [Velvathos]: Onto the discussion! I believe voting
[20:06:40] [Mesanna]: you better be glad my slay button stalled out =P
[20:07:05] [Velvathos]: I believe that voting should be done once per shard somehow, like someone else suggested
[20:07:14] [Velvathos]: Tied to your house or something along the lines
[20:07:30] [Velvathos]: But I feel you should be able to use all your characters to vote to vote in multiple cities
[20:07:37] [Velvathos]: But only on one shard
[20:08:25] [Velvathos]: I believe that’s all for now then..
[20:08:30] [Velvathos]: I will send you an e-mail..
[20:08:32] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:08:36] [Mesanna]: ok
[20:08:49] [Mesanna]: hi Brigantia
[20:09:05] [Brigantia]: Could we please have some way of earning lockdowns for our events? A tool with limited time set?
[20:09:19] [Brigantia]: Something that is not subject to the whims of EM’s?
[20:09:28] [Brigantia]: Spread out to all the cities?
[20:09:57] [Mesanna]: For what purpose?
[20:10:02] [Brigantia]: Events
[20:10:07] [Brigantia]: to combat griefers
[20:10:16] [Brigantia]: so they dont run off with all our decor
[[20:10:22] [Brigantia]: and ruin our events
[20:10:25] [Mesanna]: you mean like the market
[20:10:33] [Mesanna]: or a crafting center
[20:10:34] [Mesanna]: etc
[20:10:36] [Brigantia]: no like the Hoopla
[20:10:45] [Brigantia]: only Governors can do it
[20:11:01] [Mesanna]: ok so Kyronix and the team have talked about this
[20:11:07] [Brigantia]: something not subject to the whim of EMs
[20:11:09] [Mesanna]: and we talked to the EM’s
[20:11:37] [Brigantia]: something we can earn
[20:12:14] [Brigantia]: so its not just given out to 3 cites of 9 for example
[20:12:28] [Mesanna]: we are going to build a library of the areas
[20:12:40] [Mesanna]: that the governs can place for a limited time
[20:12:47] [Mesanna]: in specific areas
[20:12:57] [Mesanna]: but giving you the options to lock down items
[20:13:17] [Brigantia]: that will help greatly
[20:13:36] [Mesanna]: I think that will help you guys alot
[20:13:40] [Mesanna]: do the events you want to do
[20:13:47] [Mesanna]: and you can place them yourselfs
[20:13:56] [Mesanna]: and place the styles of set ups you want
[20:14:21] [Mesanna]: but thats in the future
[20:14:27] [Brigantia]: it will help with greifers and percieved favoritism
[20:14:40] [Brigantia]: i may consider running again if that is in place
[20:14:43] [Brigantia]: thank you
[20:14:50] [Mesanna]: your welcome
[20:14:52] [Mesanna]: thanks you
[20:14:55] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:15:05] [Mesanna]: Poo Poo
[20:15:09] [Mesanna]: Hi
[20:15:13] [Kyronix]: Hello
[20:15:18] [Poo Poo Undies]: Hello
[20:15:23] [Crystal] Poo Poo Undies says: Are there any plans on the table to expand the role of the governorship…
[20:15:31] [Crystal] Poo Poo Undies says: or to provide a purpose to encourage players to interact with their town governor?
[20:15:40] [Crystal] Poo Poo Undies says: aside from the town buff.
[20:15:46] [Kyronix]: I think people are already doing that
[20:15:50] [Kyronix]: On a number of shards
[20:16:03] [Kyronix]: It’s about what you make it – we left i open ended for a reason
[20:16:06] [Poo Poo Undies]: Outside of roleplay?
[20:16:38] [Kyronix]: The main purpose is to provide a medium for interacting with events throughout the realm
[20:16:47] [Kyronix]: And bringing community leaders together and supporting them
[20:17:01] [Poo Poo Undies]: Ok. That is all I have to ask
[20:17:07] [Poo Poo Undies]: Thank you
[20:17:17] [Kyronix]: providing tools to accomplish that would be along the lines of something beyond the buff
[20:17:23] [Kyronix]: Thank you
[20:18:27] [Mesanna]: hi Aurelius
[20:18:29] [Aurelius]: Thank you for the chance to speak on Governor issues, i’ll try be brief…
[20:18:56] [Aurelius]: First I agree with most of what Pandora gave as reasons againt sht one vote per account, but ald
[20:19:23] [Aurelius]: I play characters, not accounts – by all means limit the account vote to one shard,
[20:19:42] [Aurelius]: but adding another gap between the player and the characters is not a good idea…
[20:20:04] [Aurelius]: It also led to an issue where someone appeared to stand on multiple – as in about 20 – shards
[20:20:23] [Aurelius]: As they were the only opponent to most governors they challenged, people were
[20:20:46] [Aurelius]: obliged to vote for that governor – only for the ‘pretender’ to withdraw a ady into the elections
[20:21:02] [Aurelius]: so effectively thos people lost any opportunity for a meaningful vote
[20:21:07] [Aurelius]: on their home shard.
[20:21:29] [Aurelius]: As for Felucca, and buffs … we do need something for the Fel people …
[20:21:44] [Aurelius]: As it stands, the Trammel only option is causing more divisiveness between the
[20:21:57] [Aurelius]: two groups of players, hwich surely can’t be the intention…
[20:22:07] [Aurelius]: A different, but parralel, system would be welcome.
[20:22:28] [Aurelius]: Regarding voting being ‘politics’ … yes, it is, in part
[20:22:45] [Aurelius]: but when it’s made cross shard polularity, it’s not in-game, shard specific, politics,..
[20:22:52] [Aurelius]: and again, surely that is not what is intended?
[20:23:18] [Aurelius]: The other thigns I had planned to say, seem inappropriate as I had
[20:23:34] [Aurelius]: uinderstood from theforums this was a general ‘Governor’s issues’ duiscussion …
[20:23:51] [Aurelius]: Perhaps we can arrange such a general, not shard specific, conversation in some way?
[20:23:57] [Aurelius]: And that’s about it ….
[20:24:03] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:24:09] [Aurelius]: Thank you for your time
[20:24:12] [Kyronix]: Thank you!
[20:24:27] [Mesanna]: Hi Jirel
[20:24:35] [Jirel of Joiry]: Hello mesanna plz forgive my slow typing and abbr. I hava broken arm and only one hand 4 typing
[20:24:45] [Mesanna]: Oh I am sorry
[20:24:52] [Kyronix]: Hello! And feel better :(
[20:24:59] [Jirel of Joiry]: I wish to ask 4 a legends meeting
[20:25:06] [Mesanna]: ok
[20:25:11] [Mesanna]: we will do one for all shards
[20:25:16] [Jirel of Joiry]: ty kyronix
[20:25:17] [Mesanna]: think its a good idea
[20:25:37] [Jirel of Joiry]: ty we have had elections probs too
[20:26:09] [Jirel of Joiry]: ty 4 both of your time
[20:26:15] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:26:16] [Kyronix]: Thank you
[20:26:27] [Jirel of Joiry]: sorry again 4 crummy typing
[20:26:32] [Kyronix]: No problem
[20:26:33] [Mesanna]: no worries
[20:26:39] [Mesanna]: dbl click the bell
[20:26:41] [Mesanna]: feel better
[20:26:48] [Jirel of Joiry]: ty mesanna
[20:26:59] [Mesanna]: hi Va’lis
[20:27:01] [Kyronix]: Hello Va’lis
[20:27:06] [Va’lis Razele]: Good evening.
[20:27:10] [Va’lis Razele]: Where to start where to start…
[20:27:27] [Va’lis Razele]: Well first…if you arent doing anything after this Mesanna…I know a lovely tavern in Nu’jelm
[20:27:39] [Va’lis Razele]: But that is besides the point
[20:27:40] [Mesanna]: asking me for a date?
[20:27:47] [Va’lis Razele]: Are you saying yes?
[20:27:59] [Mesanna]: we will talk later *winks*
[20:28:06] [Va’lis Razele]: Oh lovely.
[20:28:16] [Va’lis Razele]: Now, down to business
[20:28:27] [Va’lis Razele]: I have a few points I would like to bring up.
[20:28:38] [Va’lis Razele]: First… The griefing issues.
[20:28:53] [Va’lis Razele]: I was there for much of the final day of elections.
[20:29:16] [Va’lis Razele]: And to say it was heated well..
[20:29:35] [Va’lis Razele]: Name calling is one thing.
[20:29:46] [Va’lis Razele]: Some things were taken past that.
[20:29:50] [Va’lis Razele]: Such as this
[20:30:05] [Va’lis Razele]: One of many dropped throughout the towns
[20:30:34] [Va’lis Razele]: But.
[20:30:45] [Va’lis Razele]: People seemed very upset
[20:30:53] [Va’lis Razele]: About people using multiple accounts
[20:30:56] [Va’lis Razele]: That they pay for
[20:30:59] [Mesanna]: look at general chat please
[20:31:01] [Va’lis Razele]: To vote how they wished.
[20:31:37] [Mesanna]: Va’lis I am aware of all this and more actually
[20:31:40] [Mesanna]: but thank you
[20:31:43] [Va’lis Razele]: Ah lovely.
[20:31:50] [Va’lis Razele]: Second thing then.
[20:31:54] [Mesanna]: I did come informed
[20:32:00] [Va’lis Razele]: I am glad.
[20:32:17] [Va’lis Razele]: But…My next thing
[20:32:23] [Va’lis Razele]: Was on the topic of voting?
[20:32:44] [Va’lis Razele]: In RL, voting is restricted to those of age
[20:33:23] [Va’lis Razele]: Even gifts are restricted to those of age.
[20:33:29] [Va’lis Razele]: Why is voting not as well?
[20:33:36] [Va’lis Razele]: Just a thought.
[20:33:51] [Va’lis Razele]: And one final thing.
[20:34:02] [Mesanna]: Are you talking 30 days old?
[20:34:08] [Va’lis Razele]: 30,60,a year
[20:34:09] [Mesanna]: do you really think that would help?
[20:34:10] [Va’lis Razele]: Something
[20:34:14] [Va’lis Razele]: I think it would help
[20:34:15] [Va’lis Razele]: Yes
[20:34:23] [Va’lis Razele]: Now..I know..
[20:34:32] [Va’lis Razele]: That some would treat is they do with the gift xsharding
[20:34:39] [Va’lis Razele]: But it would help a bit.
[20:34:59] [Va’lis Razele]: I saw a few trial accounts opened
[20:35:04] [Va’lis Razele]: The young status dropped
[20:35:09] [Va’lis Razele]: Ingots donated
[20:35:12] [Va’lis Razele]: And they voted
[20:35:12] [Kyronix]: You can’t vote with a trial account
[20:35:23] [Va’lis Razele]: If they purchase the 1 month game time
[20:35:23] [Mesanna]: Brutrin you there?
[20:35:24] [Va’lis Razele]: They can.
[20:35:28] [Va’lis Razele]: I have in the past done it.
[20:35:35] [Va’lis Razele]: I admit it, I have.
[20:35:42] [Va’lis Razele]: Not for the most recent election
[20:35:45] [Va’lis Razele]: But in the past.
[20:35:55] [Kyronix]: At that point they have paid for their time just as anyone has
[20:35:55] [Mesanna]: Please divorce that person please
[20:36:11] [Va’lis Razele]: Then why are gifts not allowed instantly as well?
[20:36:21] [Va’lis Razele]: Merely my thoughts on the matter in regard to voting.
[20:36:30] [Kyronix]: We appreciate the feedback
[20:36:32] [Mesanna]: tell him to just change the name please
[20:36:34] [Va’lis Razele]: Last thing
[20:36:46] [Va’lis Razele]: The whole buff issue
[20:37:11] [Va’lis Razele]: I am one that agrees , that maybe the buffs should not be tied to the governorship
[20:37:21] [Va’lis Razele]: But maybe to the guild system
[20:37:27] [Va’lis Razele]: With a guild treasury
[20:37:56] [Va’lis Razele]: After all
[20:38:04] [Va’lis Razele]: Some players have their own towns
[20:38:13] [Va’lis Razele]: Or other things
[20:38:15] [Mesanna]: thank you Va’lis that they do
[20:38:25] [Va’lis Razele]: I think that is all I have.
[20:38:33] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:38:34] [Va’lis Razele]: And Mesanna, I will be waiting for your answer.
[20:38:37] [Crystal] Va’lis Razele says: *winks*
[20:38:40] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *grins*
[20:38:47] [Gareth]: Man handle me
[20:38:49] [Mesanna]: Hi Gareth
[20:38:52] [Kyronix]: Hello Gareth
[20:38:52] [Gareth]: ‘Ello
[20:38:56] [Gareth]: I have some suggestions to deal with “Outer Shard Voter Fraud”
[20:39:05] [Gareth]: and this is coming from an owner of 26 Active UO Accounts
[20:39:11] [Gareth]: A way to deal with Outer Shard Voter Fraud during elections is to have each vote drain
[20:39:13] [Gareth]: your Characters Loyalty to say negative -10,000. This way the player would have to put
[20:39:20] [Gareth]: in the effort to build their rating back up to vote in every election. You could also cap
[20:39:29] [Gareth]: the amount of Ingots, Wood Etc. you can donate to gain Loyalty. This would also put a
[20:39:36] [Gareth]: wrench in the scripters machine so they can no longer mine unlimited sources of Loyalty.
[20:39:43] [Gareth]: This would not negatively impact players who regularly play on the shard or those who
[20:39:50] [Gareth]: play on Multiple shards because if they truly play the shard
[20:39:53] [Gareth]: building their Loyalty Rating back up should be no problem.
[20:39:56] [Crystal] Gareth says: *Takes a breath*
[20:40:05] [Gareth]: And last, I’d like to call for a Producers election and wish to submit my candidacy
[20:40:08] [Mesanna]: macro that did ya?
[20:40:14] [Gareth]: Ctrl C V
[20:40:16] [Gareth]: :-)
[20:40:23] [Kyronix]: Heh
[20:40:38] [Gareth]: One day… *Shakes fist* One day
[20:40:55] [Mesanna]: have a nice day
[20:41:04] [Gareth]: I will
[20:41:11] [Gareth]: you too Krynoix
[20:41:17] [Crystal] Gareth says: *Evil eyes*
[20:41:30] [Kyronix]: Have a good one, enjoy!
[20:41:31] [Gareth]: You may man handle me out of here now
[20:41:40] [Mesanna]: you can do that yourself
[20:41:43] [Mesanna]: dbl click the bell
[20:41:53] [Mesanna]: hi Wildstar
[20:41:55] [WildStar of Baja]: Hello
[20:41:57] [Kyronix]: Hello WildStar
[20:42:06] [WildStar of Baja]: First
[20:42:24] [WildStar of Baja]: I think voting is already resisted to one vote per shard per vote
[20:42:40] [WildStar of Baja]: I think Pandora meant one vote per account
[20:42:57] [WildStar of Baja]: Second
[20:43:18] [WildStar of Baja]: Role-players and PvPers don’t have to be at each others throats
[20:43:32] [WildStar of Baja]: On baja, several PvP guild were providing the funds for the deals
[20:43:45] [WildStar of Baja]: so the two groups can work together
[20:44:12] [WildStar of Baja]: that was all I had to say
[20:44:20] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[20:44:20] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:44:32] [Mesanna]: Hi Aedon
[20:44:36] [Kyronix]: Hello Aedon
[20:44:47] [Aedon Durreah]: Evening Mesanna and things who scare me
[20:44:54] [Stethun]: Roar and such.
[20:44:56] [Mesanna]: lol
[20:45:07] [Mesanna]: my pretties
[20:45:16] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *snickers*
[20:45:16] [Aedon Durreah]: First off, I have not seen any true devide in the community I am a part of,
[20:45:36] [Aedon Durreah]: I have dealings with those who sit in taverns and those why wild wildly through the old lands
[20:45:55] [Aedon Durreah]: This election showed that coming together
[20:46:04] [Aedon Durreah]: We had candidates from all walks
[20:46:17] [Aedon Durreah]: Was there some mud slinging, most likely
[20:46:38] [Aedon Durreah]: I myself dropped leaflets telling voters how untrustworthy I am
[20:46:44] [Aedon Durreah]: And yet, I did win
[20:46:52] [Mesanna]: lol
[20:47:00] [Mesanna]: I am sorry
[20:47:00] [Kyronix]: I guess that’s one way to do it
[20:47:03] [Aedon Durreah]: I have also had folks from all walks call me names
[20:47:04] [Mesanna]: I shouldn’t laugh
[20:47:12] [Aedon Durreah]: indeed
[20:47:30] [Aedon Durreah]: And i could make a long list of insults and hurt feelings, but to what end?
[20:47:40] [Aedon Durreah]: Elections are dirty work
[20:47:53] [Aedon Durreah]: And not for those easily hurt or insulted
[20:48:19] [Aedon Durreah]: I have a lot of respect for what we are building in these lands
[20:48:28] [Mesanna]: You have made some very good points
[20:48:39] [Kyronix]: Indeed
[20:48:47] [Aedon Durreah]: And hope that no actions will be taken to disrupt the unity of the community at large
[20:49:01] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:49:04] [Aedon Durreah]: Thank you for your time and not killing me
[20:49:09] [Kyronix]: Thank you Aedon
[20:49:10] [Mesanna]: I would not kill you
[20:49:16] [Mesanna]: I just enjoy killing Gareth
[20:49:23] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *snickers*
[20:49:23] [Mesanna]: Hi Flutter
[20:49:29] [Kyronix]: Hello Flutter
[20:49:31] [Flutter]: Hello Lady
[20:49:37] [Flutter]: And Hello Ladys minions
[20:49:44] [Flutter]: Im sorry this is taking so long
[20:49:50] [Flutter]: Id like to address a fact
[20:49:55] [Flutter]: with the audience
[20:50:07] [Flutter]: Mesanna has my permission though she doesnt need it im sure
[20:50:13] [Flutter]: to go through all of my accounts
[20:50:21] [Flutter]: and hunt down meanly named characters
[20:50:28] [Flutter]: that may hurt someones feelings
[20:50:48] [Flutter]: The Dark Lady has had my credit card information for months
[20:50:56] [Flutter]: certainly she is free to look at my accounts
[20:51:06] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *LAUGHS*
[20:51:13] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *chuckles*
[20:51:22] [Mesanna]: trusting soul
[20:51:24] [Flutter]: I have no “issues” and dont know why anyone would unless they are sensitive
[20:51:36] [Flutter]: I do understand some people are
[20:51:51] [Flutter]: And I do know that certian folk have blamed me for their “issues”
[20:52:03] [Flutter]: I assure you I have not encouraged anyone to be ugly
[20:52:11] [Flutter]: Aint nobody got time fo dat
[20:52:19] [Flutter]: But My Lady I beg of you
[20:52:28] [Flutter]: Dont limit our voting to once per shard period
[20:52:33] [Flutter]: I do play multiple shards
[20:52:44] [Flutter]: I do enjoy the company of many people herre and abroad
[20:52:59] [Flutter]: I do not believe there to be one person elected to Catskills
[20:53:04] [Flutter]: that does not role play in some way
[20:53:16] [Flutter]: be it insufficient for those with “issues” i cannot help that
[20:53:22] [Flutter]: some of us enjoy all apsects of the game
[20:53:36] [Flutter]: But to say that we are not a tignly knit community is wrong
[20:53:51] [Flutter]: Even I and the lovely Devin Ashley have mended fences
[20:53:54] [Flutter]: and if that is possible
[20:53:57] [Flutter]: all else is as well
[20:54:03] [Flutter]: But limiting votes
[20:54:07] [Flutter]: to once per account
[20:54:14] [Flutter]: only hurts the poor fellow with only one account
[20:54:17] [Flutter]: who wants to run
[20:54:32] [Flutter]: versus the grroup that has what has been called “70+”
[20:54:42] [Flutter]: its a lock in win for that person
[20:54:46] [Flutter]: and everyone
[20:54:51] [Flutter]: even the one with one account only
[20:54:54] [Flutter]: should have a chance
[20:54:56] [Flutter]: if they wish
[20:55:03] [Flutter]: Thank you so much for taking the time
[20:55:06] [Flutter]: to listen to everyone
[20:55:15] [Mesanna]: No problem
[20:55:22] [Kyronix]: Thank You Flutter
[20:55:22] [Flutter]: And I aologise if there was a misunderstanding as to what the conversation is supposed to be abou
[20:55:31] [Mesanna]: thank you
[20:55:33] [Flutter]: I hope whoever had the issue does come forward
[20:55:47] [Mesanna]: hi Thom
[20:55:52] [Kyronix]: Hello Thom
[20:55:54] [Thom]: Evening.
[20:56:26] [Thom]: I’m not sure what the specific complain was about this last election
[20:56:35] [Thom]: but i was around for most of the week of elections
[20:56:52] [Thom]: And I was watching the Britain election a good bit
[20:57:23] [Thom]: I’m sure there was more to it then what I saw
[20:57:44] [Thom]: but from what I saw people that were not running were causing the issues.
[20:57:48] [Thom]: Personally
[20:58:05] [Thom]: I feel that if you run for governor you open yourself up to a certain amount of comments
[20:58:16] [Thom]: And grief from other people
[20:58:29] [Thom]: And if you can not handle that in an appropriate manner
[20:58:48] [Thom]: then perhaps you can best benefit your chosen city in a way that doesn’t involve running for office.
[20:59:04] [Thom]: It doesn’t require the governor office to run events or better the cities, and people can work with
[20:59:08] [Thom]: the elected people to get things done.
[20:59:25] [Thom]: There isn’t a person elected on Catskills that i’m aware of that wouldn’t work with someone in their city
[20:59:38] [Thom]: To get things done
[21:00:22] [Thom]: The other thing
[21:00:31] [Thom]: That I wanted to say was about the trade deals
[21:02:02] [Thom]: I am looking forward to the things that you have mentioned tonight as coming to the system to help
[21:02:20] [Thom]: and feel that the deals benefit everyone equally whether they rp, pvp or strictly pvm
[21:02:47] [Thom]: The governor system does a good job of getting people involved in rp that wouldn’t normally
[21:02:55] [Thom]: participate in it. And that’s a good thing
[21:03:33] [Mesanna]: Thank you Thom
[21:03:39] [Thom]: Thank you.
[21:03:41] [Kyronix]: Thank you!
[21:03:45] [Thom]: For taking the time to listen to us.
[21:04:04] [Mesanna]: hi Shenzin
[21:04:11] [Shenzin]: Hello Mesanna and Kyronix, and thank you for this visit.
[21:04:16] [Kyronix]: Hello!
[21:04:35] [Shenzin]: I stand before you to speak to the voting
[21:04:57] [Shenzin]: I observed both the Vesper and Brit voting
[21:05:13] [Shenzin]: and the Vesper vote was ell handles
[21:05:18] [Shenzin]: handled
[21:05:23] [Shenzin]: but
[21:05:35] [Shenzin]: dear friends of Catskills
[21:05:50] [Shenzin]: I was ashamed of ghe Brit voting
[21:06:15] [Shenzin]: to watch newbie players come for who knows where
[21:06:37] [Shenzin]: and recieve ingots from a packy to gain voting rights?
[21:06:45] [Shenzin]: is dead wrong
[21:07:09] [Shenzin]: I hope I never witness this shamfulness again here
[21:07:27] [Shenzin]: I trust you wil addreess this
[21:07:38] [Shenzin]: thank you
[21:07:42] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:07:51] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:07:59] [Mesanna]: hi Tobias
[21:08:04] [Tobias Cardont]: Hello.
[21:08:08] [Tobias Cardont]: And thank you.
[21:08:09] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:08:19] [Tobias Cardont]: Just two sort of quick things
[21:08:42] [Tobias Cardont]: First, as a role-player, I’d like to think that role-playing is something that incorporates all kinds of playstyles.
[21:08:45] [Tobias Cardont]: PVP, PVM, etc.
[21:09:04] [Tobias Cardont]: I don’t think separate but equal is ever a good idea, and hope that approach isn’t adopted.
[21:09:21] [Tobias Cardont]: Second, I was watching the election here very closely.
[21:09:29] [Tobias Cardont]: Including in and out of game communications with both sides.
[21:09:40] [Tobias Cardont]: Both sides attacked credibility. Both sides recruited cross-shard voting.
[21:09:49] [Tobias Cardont]: They more or less used the same tactics.
[21:10:00] [Tobias Cardont]: And I don’t thin kthere’s anything wrong with that.
[21:10:11] [Tobias Cardont]: People should be free to use their accounts to vote how they wish.
[21:10:15] [Tobias Cardont]: We all pay money for them.
[21:10:34] [Tobias Cardont]: Lastly, when something is a big public spectacle.
[21:10:41] [Tobias Cardont]: A lot of people are going to come out of the woodwork.
[21:10:54] [Tobias Cardont]: I don’t think it’s fair to blame either side for everything that someone decided to say.
[21:11:09] [Tobias Cardont]: Some people enjoy griefing some people might have had an unrelated axe to grind with one of the candidates.
[21:11:25] [Tobias Cardont]: In general, I don’t really even understand the need for this meeting because I’ve seen worse elections in UO.
[21:11:32] [Tobias Cardont]: but I do appreciate you taking the time to organize this meeting.
[21:11:46] [Tobias Cardont]: And hope that it helps in the future.
[21:11:50] [Tobias Cardont]: Thanl you and that’s all.
[21:11:56] [Tobias Cardont]: Thank you even.
[21:12:05] [Mesanna]: Thank you
[21:12:29] [Tobias Cardont]: How do I escape?!
[21:12:30] [Mesanna]: Tobias dbl click the bell
[21:12:34] [Kyronix]: The Bell!
[21:12:35] [Tobias Cardont]: Thanks!
[21:12:40] [Mesanna]: hi Jac
[21:12:47] [Jac Singleton]: My Lady, My Lord, good Beasts…Good evening.
[21:12:52] [Kyronix]: Hello!
[21:12:58] [Jac Singleton]: i would like to tell you that this is going to be very brief,
[21:13:03] [Mesanna]: silent type =)
[21:13:06] [Jac Singleton]: so short in fact that you may not even realize that i have stopped speaking by the time this is
[21:13:16] [Jac Singleton]: but i wanted to be sure that you were well aware that i am a man of few words, and that I will
[21:13:22] [Jac Singleton]: keep my thoughts incredibly short…
[21:13:35] [Jac Singleton]: because i believe that if i keep my speech short, it will be better understood in a very quick mann
[21:13:39] [Jac Singleton]: er
[21:13:45] [Jac Singleton]: and to be concise, i want to remind you that i’ll be quick about this…
[21:13:53] [Jac Singleton]: thank you for this brief meeting…
[21:14:00] [Jac Singleton]: That being said…
[21:14:13] [Jac Singleton]: I wish to remind everyone that behaviors speak louder than words…
[21:14:21] [Jac Singleton]: and this in the end is purely entertainment.
[21:14:26] [Jac Singleton]: Thank you.
[21:14:31] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:14:32] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:14:42] [Mesanna]: Hi I
[21:14:43] [I SUCK UP]: Hello
[21:14:44] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:14:47] [I SUCK UP]: First Time Speaker, Long Time ULTIMA player
[21:14:53] [I SUCK UP]: I have just one question in 7 parts.
[21:14:54] [Mesanna]: welcome
[21:15:04] [I SUCK UP]: I’d just like to start off with saying; What a great job you have done in sept hold’s on Atlantic.
[21:15:12] [Mesanna]: thanks
[21:15:15] [I SUCK UP]: 1. Will there ever be a stop to one person being Governor on (X) number of shards
[21:15:22] [I SUCK UP]: Sorry 1min phone.
[21:15:32] [Mesanna]: excuse me
[21:15:43] [Mesanna]: we just got put on hold I think
[21:15:46] [Mesanna]: hrm
[21:15:56] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *looks at watch*
[21:16:25] [I SUCK UP]: sorry
[21:16:32] [Mesanna]: lol
[21:16:34] [I SUCK UP]: I have more inportant things
[21:16:42] [Mesanna]: ok
[21:16:48] [Mesanna]: hi James
[21:17:07] [James]: Hello! *Smiles cheerfully*
[21:17:40] [James]: Well, I don’t consider myself much of a citizen of any of the cities…I live in the Freehold.
[21:17:58] [James]: I did become a member of Yew though, so I could vote to make Aedon king.
[21:18:39] [James]: I was originally thinking of being part of Britain though, but none of the candidates I heard of
[21:18:49] [James]: Wanted to burn down the city.
[21:19:27] [James]: Which brings me to why I was standing in line, as I found out as I got near the front
[21:19:32] [James]: was to talk about voting.
[21:20:09] [James]: I never cared much for it, or took it too seriously..
[21:20:14] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *nom*
[21:20:40] [James]: I’m more in favor of having a king, duely chosen, by seeing which of possible royals
[21:21:19] [James]: would probibly complain the most if they didn’t get their way
[21:21:26] [James]: then you put them in charge so they’d stop it.
[21:21:46] [James]: That’s about all I have to say about voting.
[21:22:04] [James]: By the way, aren’t you the lady who made all those pies?
[21:22:16] [Mesanna]: Nope not me
[21:22:19] [Mesanna]: never
[21:22:20] [Kyronix]: Mesanna’s pie making skills are known throughout the realm
[21:22:25] [Kyronix]: She’s just being modest
[21:22:27] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *nods*
[21:22:40] [Kyronix]: Thank you James
[21:22:48] [Mesanna]: Thank you =)
[21:22:55] [James]: I like those pies, much better for throwing then most of the other ones.
[21:23:17] [Crystal] Mesanna says: *grins*
[21:23:42] [Mesanna]: dbl click the bell to escape
[21:23:51] [James]: Alright then
[21:23:57] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:24:02] [Mesanna]: hi Tserim
[21:24:05] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:24:08] [Tserim Arryth]: My lady!!
[21:24:14] [Tserim Arryth]: I must say, you are looking particularly evil today
[21:24:22] [Mesanna]: Why thank you
[21:24:24] [Tserim Arryth]: I have two comments and of course a humble suggestion
[21:24:32] [Mesanna]: compliments will get you everywhere!
[21:24:39] [Mesanna]: of course
[21:24:43] [Tserim Arryth]: Firstly, I caution against voting requirements rules which have been suggested
[21:24:55] [Tserim Arryth]: One vote per account, acount age, and so forth
[21:25:15] [Tserim Arryth]: There will always be a sense of unfairness in large elections
[21:25:26] [Tserim Arryth]: For there will always be someone with many accounts, or a lot of gold or a lot of friends
[21:25:38] [Tserim Arryth]: What matters, in the end, is that the governor does their job
[21:25:48] [Mesanna]: agreed
[21:25:49] [Tserim Arryth]: As I understand it, King Blackthorn has the authority to remove ineffective governors
[21:26:10] [Mesanna]: that he does
[21:26:17] [Tserim Arryth]: As for mud slinging, so long as all live within the rules of Sosaria, it matters little
[21:26:26] [Tserim Arryth]: I’ve wrestled bears with fouler mouths!
[21:26:32] [Tserim Arryth]: My second comment…
[21:26:51] [Tserim Arryth]: I feel that the governors bear too much of a burden with trade deals
[21:27:09] [Tserim Arryth]: I think that it help to find a way to spread the love of paying for these trade deals
[21:27:15] [Tserim Arryth]: But more importantly:?
[21:27:32] [Tserim Arryth]: Smaller shards with smaller populations, cannot so easily get these deals themselves
[21:27:59] [Tserim Arryth]: For this reason I think it might be better to have different costs for different deals
[21:28:21] [Tserim Arryth]: Or at least some way for smaller towns to access some kind of deal
[21:28:36] [Tserim Arryth]: Maybe the cost could scale to the number of citizens or the number of people that use the deal
[21:28:47] [Tserim Arryth]: Finally, my humble suggestion
[21:29:02] [Tserim Arryth]: There is an up and coming industry in these great lands of Britannia
[21:29:11] [Tserim Arryth]: I feel they are being left out of the city trade deals
[21:29:19] [Tserim Arryth]: I speak, of course, of the Donut Bakers Association.
[21:29:32] [Tserim Arryth]: I feel they have a lot to offer to the great cities of Britannia!
[21:29:37] [Kyronix]: Donuts are tasty
[21:29:43] [Tserim Arryth]: Yes!!
[21:29:58] [Tserim Arryth]: If there is one thing we need in these harrowing times, my lady, it’s more donuts
[21:30:09] [Mesanna]: wewill take that under advisement
[21:30:14] [Tserim Arryth]: I feel that the recent election could have avoided much of its drama with more donuts.
[21:30:22] [Mesanna]: I will see what we can do
[21:30:23] [Tserim Arryth]: In any case, that is all I have to say about that!
[21:30:32] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:30:32] [Tserim Arryth]: Toodles!
[21:30:36] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:30:43] [Mesanna]: Hi Tazar
[21:30:47] [Kyronix]: Hello Tazar
[21:30:47] [Tazar]: Greetings My Lady,
[21:30:56] [Tazar]: I’ll try to keep this short:
[21:31:05] [Tazar]: Thank you for providing the governor’s system.
[21:31:20] [Tazar]: We all know that nothing is perfect, and that no matter how it is designed, someone will figure out ways to take advantage, etc.
[21:31:41] [Tazar]: But as a whole, I’d say the program has been a success.
[21:31:54] [Tazar]: Some have complained about what EM’s and/or you can or won’t do for them.
[21:32:06] [Tazar]: but it really boils down to what the Governor can do.
[21:32:19] [Tazar]: I was governor for 2 terms on Atlantic and had a great time with it.
[21:32:35] [Tazar]: As Governor, I hosted events, and I never really requested anything of the EM’s and never received anything
[21:32:51] [Tazar]: except King’s Guards attacking everyone near my house and killing all my neighbors… *grins*
[21:33:05] [Tazar]: But it was fun all the way through from start to finish.
[21:33:18] [Tazar]: I do however recommend Term Limits be it overall terms allowed, or consecutive terms.
[21:33:35] [Tazar]: This system should not really be dominated by a few but should be shared by all.
[21:33:52] [Tazar]: I, for one, appreciate the time you and your Dev/EM Team have put into this.
[21:34:04] [Tazar]: Like UO itself, you’ve added another level to the sandbox and left the system open for us to play with and take it where we will.
[21:34:23] [Tazar]: You can’t please everyone, but I think you all have done a great job.
[21:34:27] [Kyronix]: Thank You Tazar
[21:34:33] [Tazar]: Thank you.
[21:34:34] [Mesanna]: Thank you Tazar
[21:34:41] [Tazar]: Now…
[21:34:47] [Tazar]: Will you kill Flair for me?
[21:34:51] [Tazar]: <<<<<<<<<<< *grins*
[21:35:11] [Mesanna]: Flair has not said a word all night long =P
[21:35:17] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:35:17] [Mesanna]: hi Kodoz
[21:35:23] [Kodoz]: Good evening to all four of you
[21:35:35] [Kodoz]: First I’d like to apologize for taking up your night this way, so I will try to be brief.
[21:35:50] [Kodoz]: Second, I’d like to say we all appreciate the fine jobs you do on a consistent basis for us
[21:36:08] [Kodoz]: Third, I’d like to say that I’ve heard and been witness to a lot of things with…
[21:36:20] [Kodoz]: These elections, and that there is one recurring theme that everything falls back to.
[21:36:31] [Kodoz]: What has been done to make them fair has been done, to my knowledge
[21:36:48] [Kodoz]: Short of insane measures that would be profoundly ridiculous to implement
[21:36:54] [Kodoz]: And incredibly time consuming if they were possible
[21:37:01] [Kodoz]: There are few things that could improve it
[21:37:08] [Kodoz]: Changing to veterans only discourages new players or new accounts
[21:37:25] [Kodoz]: And nobody wants that.
[21:37:43] [Kodoz]: However, the recurring problem to me is that there is a profound lack….
[21:37:49] [Kodoz]: Of perspective.
[21:37:57] [Kodoz]: These positions, while In Character
[21:38:05] [Kodoz]: Are not some end all be all to our shard or any other.
[21:38:17] [Kodoz]: They are merely another tool that you have graciously provided us with
[21:38:47] [Kodoz]: And any tool can be used by the wielder for a variety of jobs
[21:38:59] [Kodoz]: I appreciate the freedom that you have given us with this versatile tool
[21:39:15] [Kodoz]: Both as a member of PGoH, a Citizen of Trinsic, and a proud fighter
[21:39:40] [Kodoz]: Finally, the only advice I have for all involved
[21:39:49] [Kodoz]: Is that there is only one person who can choose how these elections
[21:39:53] [Kodoz]: or anyones words
[21:40:00] [Kodoz]: Or anyones actions, short of being in fel and getting PKed
[21:40:04] [Kodoz]: can affect you;
[21:40:07] [Kodoz]: And that person is yourself.
[21:40:14] [Kodoz]: It is your choice to react in a certain way
[21:40:22] [Kodoz]: It is your choice whether to take things personally
[21:40:30] [Kodoz]: And it is your choice to continue on in the face of adversity
[21:40:37] [Kodoz]: Or give up, walk away, and start anew somewhere else.
[21:40:46] [Kodoz]: Nobody owes it to anyone else to coddle them
[21:40:52] [Kodoz]: We are adults, and we should all act like it
[21:41:00] [Kodoz]: Once again, I am profoundly sorry that you have had to take time out
[21:41:02] [Kodoz]: Once again
[21:41:06] [Kodoz]: To deal with Catskills problems
[21:41:18] [Kodoz]: I hope that I will once again see you all, but under far more favorable circumstances.
[21:41:26] [Kodoz]: Thank you for your time, and I apologize for being a bit long.
[21:41:29] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:41:31] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:41:40] [Mesanna]: hi Sugar
[21:41:41] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:41:48] [Sugar Smacks]: a few things to say so ill get to it
[21:41:52] [Sugar Smacks]: I have had an opportunity to test this system and have had mixed results i would like to share
[21:42:01] [Sugar Smacks]: several of the problems i encountered involved this very shard Catskills
[21:42:18] [Sugar Smacks]: The problem being is the vote is no representation of the shard being voted on
[21:42:38] [Sugar Smacks]: I found in my election the people voted on GL brit and Atl Brit and Catskills brit
[21:42:42] [Kyronix]: From what I understand you attempted to misrepresent yourself as Dot Warner on Great Lakes
[21:43:01] [Sugar Smacks]: i think mesanna can verify there is no dot warner on my acct
[21:43:23] [Sugar Smacks]: i in fact had no knowledge of these events until the time of them and yes im aware of it now
[21:43:31] [Sugar Smacks]: and yes i find it amusing
[21:43:40] [Sugar Smacks]: but please back to the actual problems
[21:43:57] [Sugar Smacks]: you literally have 1 group speaking for ALL shards if they please at this moment
[21:44:14] [Sugar Smacks]: They may say they dont do it or wont do it but the fact is they CAN do it
[21:44:26] [Sugar Smacks]: I voted and everyone i know voted on catskills
[21:44:36] [Sugar Smacks]: none of us play catskils much!
[21:44:43] [Sugar Smacks]: should i be able to vote?
[21:44:51] [Sugar Smacks]: it was the same everywhere
[21:45:07] [Sugar Smacks]: now you might take this as a sign of me caring of losing
[21:45:24] [Sugar Smacks]: but i guess me laughing at that isnt convincing enough
[21:45:34] [Sugar Smacks]: it was a test of something new
[21:45:46] [Sugar Smacks]: and i warn you if this isnt happening it will happen
[21:45:56] [Sugar Smacks]: because i will make it happen when i can achieve enough people
[21:46:18] [Sugar Smacks]: so i warn 1 vote per account period when you take it farther it will not be pleasant
[21:46:33] [Sugar Smacks]: you will not have a community you have a group speaking for all communities
[21:46:39] [Sugar Smacks]: and no diversity
[21:47:05] [Sugar Smacks]: now if you fix it
[21:47:07] [Sugar Smacks]: great
[21:47:09] [Sugar Smacks]: if you dont
[21:47:10] [Sugar Smacks]: LOL
[21:47:12] [Sugar Smacks]: either way
[21:47:14] [Sugar Smacks]: i told you
[21:47:25] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:47:30] [Mesanna]: hi Devin
[21:47:33] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:47:36] [Devin Ashley]: Hello
[21:47:47] [Devin Ashley]: I have one suggestion which a lot will not like
[21:48:01] [Devin Ashley]: While the system was invented for the player to vote , its not working
[21:48:14] [Devin Ashley]: so why not use the RNG
[21:48:30] [Devin Ashley]: everyone who wants to run does, and the RNG picks the winner
[21:48:41] [Devin Ashley]: that way noboday can complain it was unfair
[21:49:02] [Devin Ashley]: That is all and Thank You
[21:49:09] [Mesanna]: thank you
[21:49:18] [Mesanna]: hi Wild
[21:49:33] [Wild]: hi!
[21:49:37] [Mesanna]: Tucker is the last one tonight
[21:49:45] [Mesanna]: hi
[21:49:50] [Kyronix]: Hello
[21:50:01] [Wild]: i bascially want to say that nabin’s idea was reasonable in that a player must put forth some wor
[21:50:08] [Wild]: work
[21:50:13] [Wild]: in order to gain the ability to work
[21:50:28] [Wild]: to have a certain amount of acheivment
[21:50:32] [Wild]: accomplished
[21:50:43] [Wild]: that way at least everyone will have “earned” there right to vote
[21:50:54] [Wild]: no matter whom they vote for, they have earned their right
[21:51:11] [Wild]: also i think the one vote per account thing is on the right track
[21:51:27] [Wild]: because it limits the amount of potential “corruption”
[21:51:46] [Wild]: in the fact that hose with many many accts will not be able to manipulate every elctions
[21:51:51] [Wild]: just a lesser amount
[21:51:55] [Wild]: its not perfect
[21:52:01] [Wild]: but s tep in the right direction
[21:52:14] [Wild]: and i think that with adding accomplishment to voting rights
[21:52:29] [Wild]: will lesson the “misuse” of voting
[21:52:48] [Wild]: that and the guys idea about donuts
[21:52:55] [Mesanna]: lol
[21:52:55] [Wild]: but to include cake in such measures
[21:53:07] [Kyronix]: I’m in favor of more treats
[21:53:08] [Wild]: we will NOT excude cake on catskills
[21:53:11] [Crystal] Kyronix says: *nods*
[21:53:15] [Wild]: exclude*
[21:53:18] [Wild]: thats it
[21:53:21] [Wild]: have a good night
[21:53:28] [Mesanna]: hi Tucker
[21:53:46] [Tucker]: hhi
[21:53:51] [Kyronix]: Hello!
[21:54:06] [Tucker]: I was wondering if it is possible to do term limits
[21:54:16] [Tucker]: based on account
[21:54:40] [Kyronix]: I think that might be too limiting to some of our smaller population shards
[21:55:24] [Tucker]: or a way to make sure that
[21:55:46] [Tucker]: the govenor actually serve the office
[21:55:53] [Callista]: Dium Prostra
[21:55:55] [Callista]: Dium Prostra
[21:56:17] [Kyronix]: We do have checks in place to make sure a Governor is a no show
[21:56:19] [Tucker]: and not just run to get a special title
[21:56:25] [Kyronix]: Governors serve at the pleasure of the King
[21:56:32] [Kyronix]: And the King can remove them from office if the need arises
[21:56:59] [Tucker]: would the people have a chance to remove
[21:57:08] [Tucker]: I mean
[21:57:21] [Kyronix]: If citizens have concerns they are encouraged to bring it to the attention to the King
[21:57:35] [Kyronix]: This way its not just a blind removal process where someone can falsly remove someone
[21:57:52] [Tucker]: ok that’s all thanks
[21:57:56] [Kyronix]: Thank You
[21:58:06] [Tucker]: good night
[21:58:10] [Kyronix]: Thank You Tucker
[21:58:29] [Kyronix]: Whew! Thank you everyone for coming out and providing feedback
[21:58:39] [Kyronix]: I encourage everyone to continue the conversation both within the realm and outside
[21:58:47] [Kyronix]: Send us your thoughts if you have something you wish to give us feedback on
[21:59:07] [Kyronix]: We got a lot of great info tonight and will keep it all in mind as we move forward with changes
[21:59:15] [Kyronix]: And additions to the Governorships
[21:59:17] [Kyronix]: Thanks again!
[21:59:34] [Mesanna]: Hi guys
[21:59:51] [Mesanna]: We came here tonight because there was a request for a meeting
[21:59:59] [Mesanna]: because of a issue you guys were having
[22:00:05] [Mesanna]: due to the elections
[22:00:23] [Mesanna]: I reseached what I could
[22:01:38] [Mesanna]: I read the forums
[22:01:44] [Mesanna]: I read the emails
[22:02:00] [Mesanna]: and I listened to many people before coming here tonight
[22:02:12] [Mesanna]: hoping I could get to the bottom of the real problem
[22:02:19] [Mesanna]: but honestly
[22:02:28] [Mesanna]: I am a bit confused
[22:02:43] [Mesanna]: I see a group of people some RP’ers
[22:02:46] [Mesanna]: some not so much
[22:02:51] [Mesanna]: some maybe just trying
[22:03:01] [Mesanna]: but all are playing the way the want to play
[22:03:10] [Mesanna]: maybe things got out of hand
[22:03:21] [Mesanna]: I was not here so I have to say maybe
[22:03:47] [Mesanna]: I find it hard to believe that a shard as big as Atlantic
[22:04:00] [Mesanna]: with as many different types of people as they have can play together
[22:04:11] [Mesanna]: and enjoy the elections
[22:04:20] [Mesanna]: as much as possible
[22:04:29] [Mesanna]: and we can’t do it here
[22:04:41] [Mesanna]: what I heard tonight was some good suggestions
[22:04:44] [Mesanna]: some good feedback
[22:04:57] [Mesanna]: I head a few personal complaints
[22:05:08] [Mesanna]: that GM’s could and should have been called on
[22:05:42] [Mesanna]: what I did come up with though from this tonight
[22:05:52] [Mesanna]: is I want to start a open forum night
[22:05:57] [Mesanna]: so its not restricted
[22:06:09] [Mesanna]: of course I might have to limit it in time =)
[22:06:18] [Mesanna]: or we will never get thru all the shards
[22:06:47] [Mesanna]: but as Kronix said we do appreciate your feedback
[22:06:57] [Mesanna]: we do take harrassement serious
[22:07:33] [Mesanna]: and I hate getting calls on Sunday about people on Cats being upset and wanting to quit
[22:08:04] [Mesanna]: so if I have missed something we have not discussed
[22:08:17] [Mesanna]: if we did not touch base on something
[22:08:22] [Mesanna]: I am asking you to email me
[22:09:02] [Mesanna]: I know your squelched and can’t talk
[22:09:24] [Mesanna]: thank you all for coming
[22:09:35] [Mesanna]: I will be posting the Meet the Dev times on your shards
[22:09:42] [Kyronix]: Thanks again for coming!
[22:09:59] [Mesanna]: so watch for it
[22:10:02] [Mesanna]: Wild
[22:10:10] [Mesanna]: stay alive =)
[22:10:18] [Kyronix]: G’nite Everyone!
[22:10:24] [Mesanna]: good night Everyone
[22:10:37] [Mesanna]: email me at [email protected]


From The Sparrow’s Nest – September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013 By: Flair Category: The Sparrow's Nest

     Have some interesting updates as always, so here we go…
Stratics has updated some pages…

On Siege…

On Great Lakes…

On Drachenfels…

Asuka turns 15…

On Catskills…

On Sonoma…

And in Shroud of the Avatar…

That’s it for now. Safe journeys and happy hunting.