Archive for the ‘Legends News’
March 01, 2012
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News

The raider attacks upon several cities have continued and many throughout the lands have united in defense. The towns most loyal citizens are the ones who defend it most frequent. As the attack have seemed to be random some clues may have emerged through the raids.

After a raid on the town of Yew Armondo Pascal discovered an object that may reveal times and or dates of future attacks. The motive for the attacks is still unclear but we know the raiders are connected in pitting the towns against each other as players choose which towns they are loyal too. Further studies of the object left behind by the raiders will hopefully produce more information.

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February 07, 2012
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
There have been several reports of hostile raider attacks on many major cities including Trinsic and Jhelom. Reports indicate that a group of raiders may have abducted the mayor of Jhelom. Jhelom officials conducted an investigation on the abduction which revealed that the raiders may have come from or recently inhabited Trinsic. Further investigation within the city of Trinsic seemed to have caused a rift between the two cities.

Shortly after a small verbal confrontation between city officials in Trinsic raiders swarmed the city. Other similar attacks have been reported throughout several other towns and cities.

The motive for the attacks is unknown but the rift it has caused between some of the cities is very apparent. Beware of any attacks near your home city and report all suspicious activity. Defend yourself at all costs but town officials are asking that the raiders be taken alive and held in town jails for further questioning.
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January 27, 2012
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
A spirited group of Legends travelers led by Armondo Pascal have created a vaccine for the infestation of the Bal’Thron Scales. Over the past few days several ingredients were gathered in an effort to create a substance to combat some of the effects of the Bal’Thron Scales. Teyrn the Mythical Healer of Jhelom introduce some ingredients and instructions that could help create this substance.

Armondo and his pup Franchesco led the group on a rather long journey by foot to a location in the solen hives west of Trinsic.

Inside the cave was a large instrument or mill that would be used to create the curing substance. Those who successfully gathered the three ingredients dumped them into the instrument and they were mixed together. Armondo used some of the substance to cure the crowd and mixed the rest into a small pond next to the mill.

After the journey the group gathered at a distant beach where they enjoyed their accomplishments and were honored as Defenders of Jhelom.

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January 05, 2012
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
Recent reports say that there was a Mythical Sea Dragon spotted and followed by a mob of players who were being led by Armondo Pascal. The sea dragon was followed by boat to a small island in the northern region of the Lost Lands. 
The island, which is usually inhabited by wyverns, was littered with some monstrous and aggressive form of dragons. The mob of players engaged the dragons in battle but most would retreat as only one player laid claim to finishing off the dragons and clearing the island. Where these aggressive Dragons came from and the where abouts of the original Mythical Sea Dragon is still a mystery. The dragons that were slain dropped a special ‘dragon oil’. This oil did not last long though as it would quickly evaporate with time if not used promptly. If one were lucky enough to acquire the oil it could be turned in to Armondo Pascal, along with a Dragon Scale, in exchange for a shield. The shield is infused with the scale, has a special title and I have also heard that it can be imbued.

There were two types of pieces of dragon scales that could be handed in along with the oils to produce the shield. One type was the black Bal-Thran scale in which only five were known to be in circulation. The Bal-Thran scales were acquired off the corpses of the Bal-Thran Dragons which were defeated several months earlier in the infant stages of the Mythical Sea Dragon saga. The other type of scale was the blue Mythical Sea Dragon scale which also had only five known in circulation. These scales were a product of the sea dragon feedings that took place for several weeks when the players were attempting to breed the dragons. Up until this point the scales seemed to have no significance other than rare loot. The gap between the happenings with the Mythical Sea Dragons meant that some of the scales would be lost or forgotten. So…. those who have acquired a shield must be considered very lucky as some of the pieces of dragon scale may now forever stand alone.
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December 17, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
Players gathered at the EM Hall in Britain as requested by EM Helios and EM Miko. A large crowd assembled and the EMs took the stage, or… well… the bar.

A special visitor joined the EMs atop the bar and everyone was happy to welcome Mesanna! She congratulated the EMs on a successful year and awarded each one with a special present. New robes!

Miko was to receive another special gift as Mesanna presented him with a death robe much to some of the spectators delight, especially some of the Sea Dragon Herders.
Mesanna opened a gate to Ilshenar and invited everyone to play a nice friendly game of roulette. It’s a simple game of roll the dice and die, unless you land on the number Mesanna tells you. There was a long line of contestants and only three players were able to roll the number Mesanna commanded. The three lucky winners took home an hour glass while the rest settled for a nice shiny bell, both inscribed by Mesanna. All the awards can be seen on the table in the pic below, one lucky player walked away with the blue dice inscribed to Legends.

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December 16, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
Some strange happenings occurred in just the past few nights, firstly being some rather curios discussion between Armodo Pascal and some of the Legends players. Armondo’s message was that he wanted to gather lots of blackrock and masses of people in an effort to stop the businesses and bank located in central Luna. I’m not exactly sure what he has planned but one can just imagine what could happen with those ingredients. Armondo also spoke of having dreams where he encountered wisps talking to him but he didn’t know what they were saying. He was being rather vague about his plan and acting strange, before to long he departed.

Some time after Armondo had left the scene a large number of wisps were spotted wondering throughout Jhelom. A blue wisp, which can be summoned using the armageddon spell, was communicating with players as well. Its message was more of a warning and I’m gonna wager a guess that the wisp was speaking in reference to Armondo. I was able to record some of the words from the blue wisp in my journal so I will let you all interpret it on your own.

Be weary of Armondo in the near future and if your interested in helping his cause, whatever it may be, gather as much blackrock as you can.
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December 16, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
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December 14, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
Happy Holidays Legends. Here are some of the holiday decorations already on Legends, if you did some decorating and would like to share please post a pic on this thread or PM me and I will help post one for you.

Here are some pics from Spelosty’s Christmas Party which included a not so easy maze, a gift swap/exchange and even some Christmas caroling!

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December 07, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
Ten tamers lined up for the Bane Dragon battles (on time) with a few more joining in as the action was taking place. Plenty of good competition and lots of close fights.

Lord Seledor and his pet Bane Sele won third place. earl and his Bane Dragon rocky finished in second to Derick Akin and his bane Dark Poison.
Congratulations Derick Akin

For the month of December Wolf Spiders will be the pet of honor as chosen by the winner Derick Akin. Watch for host EM Helios to leave lanterns with the date and time.

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December 01, 2011
By: Jeriicco
Category: Legends News
This months Angling Club winner was BrysonTerrien with a Reaper Fish weighing in at 185 stones.

Next months fish of choice is the Lava Fish and the weigh-in will be handled differently. Instead of the normal one fish format the weigh-in will include the total weight of three fish. So bring your three largest Lava Fish and try to get your name inside the walls of the Legends Awards Hall. Remember that the fish must be caught within the current month of December. Keep watch for host EM Helios to leave lanterns for the date and time of the next weigh-in.

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