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Establishment Reviews & Interviews
Legends News- Transcript for the Developer Meet & Greet – Legends 30Apr2014 May 1, 2014 FlairMesanna: lets begin
EM Avalon: Arakad you there ?
Mesanna: hi Arakad
Arakad Thorn: hey!
Arakad Thorn: wow … ok
EM Avalon: *smile*
Arakad Thorn: Just a few questions about current content
Arakad Thorn: will there be any improvements or additions for the High Sea’s? customize ships, more deed areas etc?
Arakad Thorn: and the second question would be any new recipes for ...
- Legends Welcomes EM Mayu November 19, 2012 JeriiccoLegends was eager to welcome their new EM who is stepping in after the sudden departure of EM Helios. A large crowed had gathered inside the Event Moderators Hall and suddenly EM Miko appeared with his new side kick EM Mayu.
The two EMs look to have many similarities with one glaringly different feature….EM Mayu is ...
- A Happy Halloween On Legends November 1, 2012 JeriiccoAnother Halloween has come and gone with plenty of pumpkins picked, skeletons slain and bones collected. The 2012 edition on Legends featured a long night of events hosted by EM Miko, who showed his true colors when he finally arrived without wearing his trademark hooded shroud. Or maybe it was just a really good costume but it ...
- Celebrate 15 Years with us! October 20, 2012 Lady Tia
Tomorrow we are all a part of history! The majority of us know how old Stratics is and here are some interesting facts Stratics.
Stratics will be hosting a Livestream tomorrow at 2:00pm EST, 1:00 pm CST, 11:00 am PST and 7:00 pm BST and the thread to share their own memories.
Stratics encourages anyone interested to ...
- Missing Mythical Sea Dragons October 18, 2012 Jeriicco
In a shocking report from the docks of Serpents Hold the Defenders of Jhelom and players of Legends have come to find that the Mythical Sea Dragons that were contained in the waterways have disappeared. There is no explanation on how they escaped the ship blockade or where they could possibly be. These dragons have been ...
- Meet and Greet with EM Miko October 10, 2012 Jeriicco
First off Lady Mesanna stopped in to let the players know that EM Helios made his own decision to step down as an EM. Mesanna explained how he had worked with the EM program for 4 years and wanted all the players on Legends to know how much he enjoyed working with them. We should expect to see ...
- 2012 Phoenix Festival Wrap Up October 8, 2012 JeriiccoIt was worth the wait! This years Festival was a success from start to finish, packed with creative competitions, rewards, giveaways and the colorful community that makes up Legends. Big thanks to DevilsOwn and her entourage, you put together a memorable weekend. In loving memory of Lady Phoenix.
Pink is in season.
It’s not a festival unless ...
- Thank You EM Helios October 5, 2012 Jeriicco
- Legends Olympics Day 6 September 6, 2012 JeriiccoI would like to thank EM Helios and everyone who participated in the events for the 2012 Legends Olympics. Here is a quick wrap up on the medalists for the final day.
G – DevilsOwn
S – Stoned McNuge
B – Undead Costume
G – Stoned McNuge
S – Undead Costume
B – DevilsOwn
G – Luxon Artison
S – Stoned McNuge
B – Garglethis
G ...
- Legends Olympics Day 5 August 31, 2012 JeriiccoMage Battles was the first event and Bearded McNuge managed to get burned to a crisp twice salvaging a bronze while Zathora Mand Rak and Jedidiah McNuge battled down to the rubber match for the gold. With a just a few hit points remaining Jed was able to defeat Zathora and set the final spots on the podium. ...
Last modified: April 20, 2012