Archive for the ‘Chesapeake News’

Event Fiction – Britannian Beacon

January 03, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

The Britain Bugle
All the News That’s Fit To Print!

Man in Guard Custody Laid To Rest

It seems that after the commotion caused in the recent arrest of some of our fellow journalists, if they could be called that, at the Britain Beacon, that two warrants were issued for Drakar Thantz and for Jamison Tort. With a volunteer force of extra guards and a few civilians, Tort was located in the wilds of the Lost Lands and injured severely. It seems that despite the best efforts of those present, Jamison Tort succumbed to his wounds at an undisclosed location late last night. The Guard was reached for comment and Captain Gwendolyn Irina responded to our requests. Her statement read, “It is extremely regrettable that we were not able to save Mr. Tort’s life, but he died from his injuries sustained prior to when we found him. Unfortunately he was unable to assist us in our investigation. Since he had no living relatives nor claimants, his body was cremated and his ashes spread. Due to the fact he was severely in debt to several individuals and organizations his meager belongings will go to auction after they have been catalogued and sold to repay what debt is possible.” Reginald of the Lycaeum was also reached for comment, and he described Tort as a ‘brilliant, eager researcher of all things in his field of mycology’ but that he had a ‘terrible addiction to gambling’ and that he hoped that Jamison was at peace.

Empress to Host Public Banquet and Address

In the wake of the New Year the Empress of Tokuno is throwing a banquet and feast to go along with her customary Tokunese Address. In previous years this was held privately for privileged members of the Tokunese Elite, but this year it will be open to all. In preparation the Empress has her people working on both an outdoor and indoor venue that will be available, but she said “It is with hope that the weather shall be well for our banquet, as the beauty of our city can be appreciated best under its blue skies.” According to inside sources the feast will be very well supplied with foods of both Tokunese and Britannian descent in preparation for the new guests. An advisor of the Empress’ also let us know that they are seeking anyone who may wish to volunteer to assist in this peaceful banquet and welcoming exercise in the spirit of togetherness, and that any human or elf interested should contact them. More information can be found on the back cover.

Olin Brash Arrested, Warrant for Drakar Thantz

Recently the offices of the Britain Beacon were unceremoniously burst into by members of the Royal Guard, led by the brusque and forceful Captain Gwendolyn Irina who was conducting a raid of the building. According to the released information from the Guard the offices of the Britain Beacon Publishing Company were burst into over suspicion of fraud and money laundering, and the sole employee on duty that evening was arrested. Olin Brash, famed conspiracy theorist was taken to the Yew Prison for questioning where he currently resides. The offices of the Britain Beacon Publishing Company are closed at present, and the search goes on for the owner, Drakar Thantz. An arrest warrant has been issued for Mr. Thantz or anyone who might know his whereabouts, as well as a small cash reward for information leading to his arrest.

Snowy Days and Holiday Ways

The annual snowfall this season was lighter than it has been in previous times as folk all around Britannia and elsewhere got ready to celebrate their customary holidays. Tales of Sugarplum Fairies, Santa Claus, Snowmen, and other whimsical stories filled the air this year as visits were heard of and seen by many of these mysterious figures. A contest was also held in which many people decorated their homes for the seasons festivities, and our reports conclude that those who claimed the top three spots were as follows. In third place was a fellow by the name of Columbus and his holiday home, in second place was the notorious sometime criminal Gareth of Tokuno with an immense tree of truly gargantuan proportions, and in first place was Jade and her holiday workshop. Congratulations to the winners.

(OOC: Back Cover information is that those wishing to help as waiters and waitresses for the feast and banquet need to email the following information to [email protected] AND [email protected] . Only Human and Elf characters are accepted for this due to clothing limitations. Information required is: Name, Gender, Human or Elf, and you must be available 45 minutes prior to the start of the event on Sunday the 8th at 7 PM EST. That means you will need to be available in game at no later than 6:15 PM EST. Food/Drinks to serve will be provided, so please come with a somewhat empty pack. All wishing to volunteer MUST send in their emails no later than Midnight Thursday Night. Thank you! )

Stratics Santa Visiting Chesapeake TONIGHT 8pm EST Luna!!!

December 22, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


   Becoming an annual tradition the Stratics Santa will make an appearance on Chesapeake TONIGHT at 8pm EST in Luna. Look for the jolly ol fella spreading joy and good tidings! Merry Christmas from all us here at UO Stratics!

Chesapeake EM’s Honored at Weekly HoC!

December 18, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

A touch late here with this one!

Chesapeake EM’s Honored at Weekly HoC!
Sunday 12/4/11
    Sundays House of Commons meet along the plains of Britian turned out to be a special event this week! We were reminded of this weekends upcoming activities as well as the current plethora of em fiction recently posted to the shard  EM Forums. Upon finishing the recount of upcoming goodies we were all suprised by a talking head seen rising from the floor! It was none other than Lady Mesanna herself! The dark one payed Chesapeake a visit this week for a most special occurance! Proclainming her admiration and respect for Dudley and Dross and the selfless dedication to the players of Chesapeake and the work they’ve done in the EM Program, she bestowed upon them new threads as both shard EM’s received new colored robes and accessories to boot!
    Dudley in his new jet black robe and extra jingly new jester hat was sooo excited he burst into motion, busting a groove like none have seen here on Chesapeake! Drosslemeyer in his royal purple with golden trim and staff to match thanked Mesanna and all those in attendance for the outpouring of congratulations and cheers that surely could be heard all the way in east Britian!
    Mesanna went on to even fix the worn flooring in the HoC! With a wave of her hand the smelly fishheads and the head of the poor traveler named Orin vanished in the blink of an eye! Her skills are that of legend!
    From all of us here at the Stratics News Team as well as the players of Chesapeake, Congratulations to our EM Team! Here’s a few pics  of the evening:

Dudley and Drosselmeyer Getting in the Holiday Spirit!

December 18, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


   EM’s Dudley and Drosslemeyer got in the Holiday Spirit this week as several areas about the realm took on the look of the holidays! Luna is looking quite festive as gifts and holiday decor now grace the area.


   Along with the Luna Bank, the city of Kijustsu Anei prepares for it’s 5th annual tree lighting which features a bevy of EM items collected at various events as well as some awesome blinking lights! Thanks to the EM Team as it’s beginning to look alot like Christmas here on Chesapeake.


Kijustsu Anei 5th Annual Tree Lighting / UFO Scavenger Hunt

December 18, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Click the image to open in full size.

Sunday, December 18th
Kijustsu Anei Village, Homare-Jima

7:00pm Christmas Scavenger Hunt

(Area 51 Township)
Host: Abby Normal and Pooper

8:30pm Angelic Moria Feast
(Community Crafters Hall)
Host: Angelica

8:50pm Christmas/Holiday Tree Lighting

(The building with a Tree)
Host: Elder EM Dudley

9:00pm Hall of Commons Meeting
(Hall of Commons Building)
Host: EM Drosselmeyer and Dudley

Gift Exchange –Immediately following HoC Meeting
(The building with a Tree)
Host: Ozog and the Pitmuck Goblins

Attendance Raffle – Angel Gift Boxes
(The building with a Tree)
Host: Gareth

Gift Exchange Info
To partake in the gift exchange place a gift with your name in a book into the mailbox at the Tree before the Goblins begin distributing. The Goblins will shake, rattle and roll the gifts around until they are all properly mixed up and more then likely shattered and hand them out to random people who submitted gifts. *Remember the Goblins will have the ability to banish you from the tree if you hassle them*

Attendance Raffle Info
Those attending the Tree Lighting will receive a free raffle ticket for Angel Gift Boxes ticket for the Raffle. Tickets will be given out at random and are limited!!!

Click the image to open in full size.

Guardians Gate 5 Year Anniversary

December 18, 2011 By: Tertius Wands Category: Chesapeake News

                                                       Guardians Gate Anniversary

Guardians Gate celebrated their 5 year anniversary with a full day of activity. After a brief opening ceremony the fish of the day were announced. As was planned there was a one million gold bounty placed on the largest Blue Marlin that was caught during the day. In an effort to spice up the fishing competition Wat The Tyler from USN announced that he would provide one million gold to whomever caught the largest black marlin. He was quickly seconded by Mirt from OLT and Delta Butch of RBG bringing the total purse up to three million gold. Also at this time it was announced that a shadow iron elemental would be available all day for anyone to train their pets on.

 After the announcements the first event of the day started off at the famous Ottersrun Tap House where a double elimination dart contest was held. Ironically enough both Nanoc of DWxC and Mirt of the OLT were beaten by their own significant other as Phoenix DWxC and Emma Silvermane of RBG won out over their men. Both Nanoc and Mirt claimed that they followed a chivalrous course and allowed their ladies to take the victory. In the end though it was members of RBG that took all the top spots. Daria Blackmoore took 3 place with Marcus Aurelius taking second. Man Overboard took the top spot.

After darts the second event started as people gathered at the Tap House steps to get a list of items for a famous scavenger hunt. As soon as Emma Silvermane shouted go folks ran off to attempt to claim the top prize of Mythical Detective Boots. Jade took the top spot and the boots, with her father Gothic Nightwind of RAZE coming in a quick second. Venger of DWxC rounded out the winners circle after almost losing his suit gathering blighted cotton in the Twisted Weald. Of course he was rapidly assisted by Nomand, Pereghost of EVL and Daria Blackmoore.

After the excitement of the scavenger hunt an RBG classic and Guardians Gate favorite was held in the Guardians Gate Arena, cow tipping. This event also held a momentous announcement as Mirt announced his coming wedding to Lady Emma Silvermane. Of course this announcement caused the gods of the luck to stack up Emma and Mirt once again with Mirt besting his soon to be wife to end up coming in 3rd place overall. Nanoc of DWxC came in second and Lucious Troy of RBG took top honors.

Following the cow tipping a gate was provided to a ship anchored off the Floating Emporium where a net toss was held. After a few successful nets a Scalis was summoned up from the deep and was dispatched with notable help of Shelly of CAT and Ozog of Pitmuck. As well as cannonade from Wat the Tyler and Daria Blackmoore and Jimmy.

After folks dried out and quit screaming about eels being out to get them folks reconvened at the Arena for an archery contest. Once again Mirt was stacked up against soon to be family member as he lost to Lyra Sleviana Emma’s sister. Of course Lyra ended up taking the top spot and winning the contest and Mirt was seen to be aiming not for the middle in what could be the top scandal of the year. There was also a debate as to whether brambles were effecting the flight path of arrows. Despite that Chief Geranimo was able to come in second with Larry Fine rounding out the winners circle.


As the events died down a special Guardians Gate auction was held that ran from 9 to 11. The economic pulse of Chesapeake was strong and almost punch drunk after the events of the day with items going for far more then expected. While Alacrity Scrolls and Anniversary tickets, fishing items and maps remained the popular sellers, another Charger of the Fallen was offered up this time fetching a price 7 million, by Abby Normal of UFO, up from the initial asking price of 5 million. A Forged Metal of Artifacts tool with 5 charges went for 6.710 million gold to ICYULoveMe. An Ornament of the Magician went for 16 million gold being purchased for an secrete buyer by Mirt. The real surprise of the night came when a huge bidding war broke out over a decorative white goblin hedge that rapidly advanced upwards from the initial bid of 10,000 gold before Gareth purchased it at 2 million gold. It would be easy to say that the most import thing to learn is get your items in an auction after people have been running around all day to see big returns.

Immediately following the auction fish were collected and prizes were awarded. There were no Blue Marlin catches at all, but Sushi of DWxC was able to claim the 3 million gold purse with a Black Marlin of 34 stones. After a brief closing speech Daria Blackmore unveiled the statue of the Guardians Gate Man of the Year. This year Tina of RBG was honored and the statue is now on display at the Ottersrun Tap House.

 Reporting by Teritus Wands

Photos provided courtesy of Emma Silvermane & Daria Blackmoore

A Holiday Invitation!

December 16, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Community Crafting/Trivia Night – Every Tuesday Night @ 7:30pm

December 12, 2011 By: Cheever Category: Chesapeake News, Ethereal Void Imperium

When: Tuesdays starts at 7:30 and runs until whenever

Where: Homare-Jima just East of the Moongate
The Community Crafters Hall located in Kijustsu Anei Village hosts their weekly Community Crafting event on Tuesday night. Crafters from the CCS and various guilds come together to give a little back to the shard community by offering free repairs, golems, furniture, training and more.
Come one and all for some free repairs. If you need something crafted such as armor, weapons, jewels, Enhancements, Furniture, Training, Repairs, Golems, Q&A, or what have you, just stop on by for assistance and the people there would gladly aid you in your request. Even if you are simply looking for good company, stop by and hang out.
Check out the vendors as well for Cheap repair deeds anytime during the week.
If you might be interested in becoming part of the Community Crafters Hall or the Chesapeake Crafters Society,

please contact Cheever at Icq# 357038585 or Taurik at Icq# 267944224.


Trivia Night Information & Rules


Where & When: Crafters Hall Lawn @ 7:30 every Tuesday Night

Trivia Night will be set up in teams (Depending on how many show up). Each team should set up their own
party chat so they can talk to each other in game. If it is a low attendance, then there shall be no teams.

If you show up late (like after 2 rounds has already passed) then you can still play and get a grab bag.
You will be behind in points however, so good luck!

Everyone who shows up will be given a grab bag with some nice little goodies.

Each team (or person) will be given a bag of books to answer
the questions with in which at the end of each round they will
give 1 book back with all 5 answers in it from that round.

The game will have from 5-7 rounds (7 if time permits) with each round
having 1 question from each of the 5 different categories.

Each question is worth 2 points a piece, therefore giving the potential of
earning 10 points each round.

For the first night reward of gold is givin to the top 3 winning teams or
players. First Place: 1m, Second Place: 750k, Third Place: 500k

There will be no cheating allowed. That means no use of internet, or any
outside information other than that which is in your own brain, so we
will trust that you all play honorably and only use the knowledge in
your head and your teams’ brains too.

We also hope that everyone who shows up has a great time. This is all
just for fun. We can’t wait to see anyone and everyone that shows up! Good Luck to you all!


Imperium Herald 12/9/11

December 11, 2011 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Thursday, December 08, 2011 5 Gold


Upcoming EM Events


Friday, December 9th at 8pm ET
King Crab Fishing Outing

Monday, December 12th at 8:30pm ET
RBG Mission – Royal Guard Depot @ Serpent’s Hold

Friday, December 23rd at 9pm ET
Beacon and Dregs – Static Event

Wednesday, December 28th @ 8pm ET
A Fun Guy’s Folly



Town Events


Tuesday, December 6th @ 7:30pm ET
Community Crafting/Trivia Night

Saturday, December 10th @ 12:00pm ET
Guardians Gate 5th Anniversary Festival!

Tuesday, December 13th @ 7:30pm ET
Community Crafting/Trivia Night

Tuesday, December 13th @ 9:00pm ET
PaxLair Statehood Meeting

Saturday, December 17th @9:00pm ET
Guardians Gate/RBG Auctions

Sunday, December 18th @ 7:30pm ET
5th Annual Christmas/Holiday Tree Lighting

Tuesday, December 20th @ 7:30pm ET
Community Crafting/Trivia Night

Tuesday, December 20th @ 9:00pm ET
PaxLair Statehood Meeting Link

Invitation to the 5th Annual
Christmas/Holiday Tree Lighting

December 18th at 7:30pm ET

Tree Lighting events will be held on the Island of Homare-Jima in Tokuno. The Tree is located directly East of the Homare-Jima Moongate. Overseeig this years tree decorations are Niva the Savage, Sinthe and Sinhi of the Tonkaweya Tribe along with honorary Savages Nyx, Janitor Pooper, Abby Normal, and Lord Gareth.

We have the Goblins from Pitmuck overseeing the Gift Exchange, anyone who brings a gift will receive a gift, be sure to include a book with your characters name. Chef Angelica and her staff from Moria Village will once again grace us with their wonderful food for the Great Feast and last but not least! After THREE years of booking attempts we have finally locked in Elder EM Dudley Lightfinger to light this years Christmas/Holiday Tree.

7:30pm ET – Dinner
8:00pm ET – Gift Exchange
8:30pm ET – Tree Lighting
9:00pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting


Trivia Night Information Rules

Where When: Crafters Hall Lawn @7:30 every
Tuesday Night Trivia Night will be set up in teams
(Depending on how many show up)

Each team should set up their own party chat so they can talk to each other in game. If it is a low attendance, then there shall be no teams. If you show up late (like after 2 rounds has already passed) then you can still play and get a grab bag. You will be behind in points however, so good luck! Everyone who shows up will be given a grab bag with some nice little goodies.

Each team (or person) will be given a bag of books to answer the questions with in which at the end of each round they will give 1 book back with all 5 answers in it from that round. The game will have from 5-7 rounds (7 if time permits) with each round having 1 question from each of the 5 different categories. Each question is worth 2 points apiece, therefore giving the potential of earning 10 points each round. For the first night reward of gold is given to the top 3 winning teams or players.

First Place: 1m
Second Place: 750k
Third Place: 500k

There will be no cheating allowed. That means no use of internet, or any outside information other than that which is in your own brain, so we will trust that you all play honorably and only use the knowledge in your head and your teams’ brains too. We also hope that everyone who shows up has a great time. This is all just for fun. We can’t wait to see anyone and everyone that shows up! Good Luck to you all!

Winter Dragonfish Tournament 

The Sons of the Sea is hosting a Winter Dragonfish tournament for the month of December! Whoever catches the biggest Winter Dragonfish during the month of December, wins!




Inhabitant Spotlight! 

Every now and then we take the time to spotlight someone from our community who has gone above and beyond the call of duty time and time again. Such as our favorite local Savage Niva, whom most believe to be a simple minded little Savage not worth much of your time…BUT… did you know that this little vixen is also responsible for the Community Teleport Hub even existing? Thats right, without her generosity and passion for community the teleport hub wouldn’t have even seen the light of day. Niva was also one of the players who created the Tonkaweya Tribe from scratch, maintained Summit table relations, helped create and implement the Skeleton Key Shipping Company and on top of it all continues to serving on OOC Leadership and maintaining the Community Crafters Hall. So for this issue we Spot Light and Thank our one of a kind Lady who has a heart of gold and a RP range from Royal Dutchess to a simple minded Savage. Thank you Niva The Savage a.k.a Dutchess WildStar of Baja.

Guardians Gate Auction

December 09, 2011 By: Tertius Wands Category: Chesapeake News

Guardians Gate                                                                                                                                   December 3, 2012

Another Saturday another action in Guardians Gate and another chance to see just how our economy is doing. This was a much shorter auction then have been occurring recently running from 9:06pm to 10:57pm. After early indications of real negative growth in our economy it would appear that some areas are showing remarkable growth. Decorative items for the home were down with a normal favorite an Archdemon Statue could not muster one bid at its starting price of 10 million gold. Forged pardons also seem to have dramatically dropped in price with the one up for sale not getting any interest with its starting price of 600,000 gold. Anniversary tickets that have been such a hot item in recent weeks also have seemed to drop with a lot of 4 going to Abby Normal of UFO for a mere 650,000 gold. Where the market has really taken off is consumables and power scrolls. 70 Abyssal Cloth went for 1 million after a bidding war that saw the price shoot up. A lot of 50 Seeds of Renewal rocketed up after a major bidding war. A Legendary Scroll of Peacemaking also drew hot attention. This combined with a sale of 4 Soul Stone Fragment Tokens to Burned for 5.5 showed real interest in these areas. Messages in Bottles also sold quickly but without much fanfare. The real interesting lot of the night was a Charger of the Fallen that went for 4.2 million gold. All these items suggest new armor and new faces gearing up to head out into the wilds of Sosaria, and that is around the best economic news one can hope for. By Tertius Wands