Archive for the ‘Napa Valley News’

Veni, Vidi, Napa!

October 09, 2013 By: Rocko Napa Valley Category: Napa Valley News

It feels good.  Seeing the familiar buildings, the sounds, the feel - it feels 
good to return to UO.  My name is Rocko and I was the Napa Valley Shard Reporter 
back in 1999.  I have returned to UO to find the soul of online gaming 
after adventuring far afield. 

Ultima Online cannot be compared to any other platform yet all platforms owe 
homage to this juggernaut.  No other game offers the potential avenues of game 
play that UO does.  But it offers more: it has a SOUL. 

What is that soul?  It is the player base.  It is the soul that draws me back to 
UO.  For me at least, the soul of UO is the denizens of Napa.  I have new names 
to learn, new establishments to visit and new adventures to be experienced. 

Yes, it feels very good.

[NEWS]Please welcome our newest Reporter!

October 08, 2013 By: Lady Tia Category: Napa Valley News

ROCKO!  Rocko has accepted the position as Napa Valley Reporter!  Please give him a great big Napa Valley welcome!

Events Pick Up for Napa

September 28, 2013 By: kirthag Category: Napa Valley News

The Spirit of Sosaria begins to stir once more on the Shard of Napa Valley as citizens and leadership alike start to wake up from an apathetic slumber. The first part of the shard’s motto, “Come for the Roleplay…” seems to be drawing souls from the mists, luring them into a the sleepy shard with activities sponsored not only by the gods, but by the citizens themselves. It also helps that the new EM is working with the population to help encourage activity. Although the governing seats are not all full, interest is growing in the shard’s politics, which in turn will help with activity.


Napa Governors meet with King Blackthorn

Napa Governors meet with King Blackthorn


Governor’s Meeting with the King

The King announced that offices can be built for the governors if certain supplies are made ready. When suggestions about using existing buildings within the cities were made, the King stated the locations for these offices were already selected, and without the materials, the offices would not be built.

Reports from the Governors were mainly about the status of their cities, some events that are being organized, and the desire for some select activity. Of note:

  • Yew requested the walls around the commerce area be completed, which the King found to be of interest
  • Yew further requested docks, but when asked if it was really necessary, no argument could be brought forward and the King wants the results of a poll that is currently running asking about the implementation of such
  • Yew also asked for a Community & Historical Center to be established in the old Counselor’s Hall, which the King expressed great interest in. More information on this as it becomes available.
  • Skara Brae thanked the King and the realm for protection during the last Minotaur invasion
  • Skara Brae also mentioned a followup event in Felucca which includes the Barracoon and a summoning of a shard wide Harrower. All governors were asked to relay the news to the shard’s citizens
  • Trinsic reported a loss of population, which was echoed by several to be a shard wide concern
  • Trinsic further hinted at wanting protection against the possibility of the dreaded Lich Lord, Juo’Nar, returning; of which the King found to be a distasteful subject stating the realm has much danger in the near future and just the thought of that dreaded lich was not something to entertain
  • Trinsic then relayed that the cost for implementing trade agreements with the trade guilds is a bit steep for the shard’s active population and asked for the fees (currently 2mil for 1 standard week) be lowered. The governor of Jhelom suggested 5mil for a standard month would be a good fee. The King will consider it and speak to the trade guild representatives, but makes no promises that it will be changed.
  • New Magincia’s governor reported that there are issues at the docks of Serpent’s Hold that prevents ships from docking properly.
  • New Magincia also requested some way to alert the general population, or at least certain individuals, of new, young adventurers entering the shard so that those who wish to provide services and/or welcome the newcomers will be alerted. The King mentioned he doesn’t believe such a thing is possible.
  • J’helom requests a trash can on every corner of the city – the King finds that comical, but will look into getting a trash can at the bank
  • J’helom further requested that the trees from the gate to the city proper be removed, and a park be created, the King said that is not possible
  • J’helom then announced a Pugilist Tournament to be held at 6pm shard time (pacific) on Sunday (today) in honor the Lady Seona’s passing (the previous and short-lived Governor of J’helom). A purse of 5mil gold will go to the winner
  • Yew then announced the Iron Sword Joust to be held on Saturday, October 5th at 7pm shard time (pacific). A purse of 5mil will go to the winner.







City Election Results are In

September 14, 2013 By: kirthag Category: Napa Valley News

Thanks to everyone who participated in the City Elections for Napa Valley’s Governors!
Results are in and here are the standings. It is up to the Governors Elect to claim their duties now.

Britain: Governor Elect – Gilanthis
Jhelom: Governor – Seona
Minoc: Pending King’s Choice
Moonglow: Governor Elect – Lisa Van Sithi
New Magincia – Governor Elect: Cephas
Skara Brae: Governor Elect – Osyn-Dal
Trinsic: Pending King’s Choice
Vesper: Pending King’s Choice
Yew: Governor – Kirthag DiOrsae

Governors are able to enact City Trade Deals for citizens to enjoy certain benefits if there are enough funds in the city’s coffers. There are also City Message Boards for communicating with the Governors. Some Governors may start polls to learn more about what their citizens want and expect in their cities. The Governors are also expected to sit in council with King Blackthorn. Governors will hold their post for 90 days.

Congratulations to all who participated in the City Elections!

[News] Merry Christmas!

December 26, 2012 By: Frarc Category: Napa Valley News

Merry Christmas!

Last Saturday we had a special guest on Napa Valley.

Mrs Claus came to visit us to bring us a small bag of gifts for all the good people.

Santa is a very busy man this time a year and Mrs Claus volunteered to bring his gifts to the good people of Napa Valley!

We heard her HO HO HO coming from miles around.

A group of people gathered near the bank of Moonglow.

After she landed with her reindeer’s she took a look in Santa’s book of good and bad people.

But she had to laugh, she did not care who was on the naughty list and on the good list.

It was her day and she wanted give presents to everyone.

One by one she called peoples name and gave them a small bag of gifts.

There where many happy faces after receiving the bag.

She did not forget anyone!

At the end he wished everyone a Merry Christmas!

See you next year Mrs Claus!

And Merry Christmas Napa Valley

and a

Happy New Year!

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[News] Mrs Claus is coming!

December 18, 2012 By: Frarc Category: Napa Valley News


Mrs Claus is Coming!

To Napa Valley

It is a busy time of year for Santa but he did not forget all the good people of Napa Valley.

He will not come personally but his lovely wife Mrs Claus volunteered to bring Santa’s gifts and holiday cheers

On Saturday the 22nd of December near the bank of Moonglow!

She will be visiting from 21:00 PST.

She will bring a bag of small gifts for all the good people of Napa Valley.

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Celebrate 15 Years with us!

October 20, 2012 By: Lady Tia Category: Atlantic News, Baja News, Catskills News, Chesapeake News, Drachenfels News, Europa News, General News, Great Lakes News, Lake Austin News, Lake Superior News, Legends News, Napa Valley News, Oceania News, Origin News, Pacific News, Siege Perilous News, Sonoma News


Tomorrow we are all a part of history! The majority of us know how old Stratics is and here are some interesting facts Stratics.

Stratics will be hosting a Livestream tomorrow at 2:00pm EST, 1:00 pm CST, 11:00 am PST and 7:00 pm BST and the thread to share their own memories.

Stratics encourages anyone interested to attend. During this live hangout, Stratics will be giving away beta keys, merchandise, and a brand new Razer Naga gaming mouse.

You won’t want to miss the festivities.  Happy 15th Anniversary Stratics!

Looking for a few Good Pens!

October 13, 2012 By: Lady Tia Category: Napa Valley News

Looking for a few Good Pens!

Are your shoes worn thin from traveling from town to town?

Is your voice hoarse and sore from speaking with citizens across Britannia?

Have a knack for putting pen to paper and writing an excellent story?

Then perhaps UO Stratics’ Napa Valley News Page is the place where you can not only show off your talent but also help bring the community together with interesting, exciting stories and news items about the Napa Valley Shard and her citizens.

UO Stratics is currently looking for active, talented citizens to add to our crack team of top-notch Ultima Online reporters.

As a volunteer you are required to:

  • Be a competent writer.
  • Be an active, knowledgeable member of the Napa Valley community.
  • Be willing to attend events and quests, interview VIPs, report news of interest to the community.
  • Be able to dedicate a minimum of three hours per week to writing and/or posting news items.
  • Have a familiarity with basic HTML.
  • Be pro-active.
  • Be diplomatic and impartial.
  • Work well with the fabulous Napa Valley Team!

Does the above describe you? Then what are you waiting for? Apply… right now… do not hesitate!

Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with “Napa Valley Reporter Application” as the subject and I will send you the Reporter Application form to fill out.

Good luck to all applicants and thank you for applying!
Lady Tia, UOSS Asst News Administrator

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[News] Napa Valley Sports Report Update: June 27th 2012

June 27, 2012 By: Frarc Category: Napa Valley News

Napa Valley Sports Report


The Scores have been updated: June 27th 2012

The Napa Valley Report can be found here:

UO Stratics *New* | Napa Valley Sports Report

To compare it to other shards go here:

UO Stratics *New* | Global Sports Reports

[News] Napa Valley Sports Report Update: June 20th 2012

June 20, 2012 By: Frarc Category: Napa Valley News

Napa Valley Sports Report


The Scores have been updated: June 20th 2012

The Napa Valley Report can be found here:

UO Stratics *New* | Napa Valley Sports Report

To compare it to other shards go here:

UO Stratics *New* | Global Sports Reports