Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

(Player Event) Christmas Market.

December 14, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Christmas Market.

It was a lovely evening for a Christmas Market inside the walls of the Britain castle.

Anselm and his friends decorated the area very nice with the help of Borbarad.

I was a bit early so i placed myself at the bar. Anselm gave me a pitcher and a glass of water.

Slowly more visitors of the market walked by and placed them all around the bar.

After a bit of chatting Anselm welcomed us all at the Xmas Market.

We where expecting Santa too later that evening.

But first it was time for a little game.

Three teams of two people where needed to move a heavy bag from one side to the other.

Halfway the course the bag was passed on to the team player to move the bag towards the end.

Spectators cheered for the players and tried to encourage everyone to do there best.

The players and the crowd had a lot of fun.

After some exciting battles it was time for some more glühwein at the bar.

After enough wine Anselm had another little game in mine.

Four players would get each a dye tub with a different color.

It was the idea to dye as many cloth in your own color as you can until Anselm yelled stop.

MJ the bard seemed to be extremely good and fast in dye the cloth.

He seemed like a vortex bunny with paint!

After the game Anselm had a bit of bad news.

It seemed that Santa ran into a bit of sleigh trouble and could not make it today.

But the little presents that Santa wanted to give to us would still be given to the visitors of the Christmas market.

But before Anselm would give a gift to the visitors they had to tell a little poem or a song to him like they would do to Santa.

Some of the poems and songs where very interesting!

It was getting late and it was time to get back home.

I thank Anselm and everyone else who worked on this lovely evening.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[EM Event] Shield!

December 12, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


It was time to get another piece back of the stolen Lord Blackthorns armor.

Elesil had called us again at the throne room in Britain’s castle.

She already have been with the gargoyle clan who had the piece of armor.

She tried to get it back in a diplomatic way but the negotiations with the gargoyle chief of the Dusk clan did not go well.

She barely escaped from them with her life.

And when diplomatic ways don’t work , maybe steel and spells could convince them.

That is where we would come in.

Elesil open up a gate to Ter Mur.

It was just north of the royal palace.

And as expected the gargoyles of the Dusk did not really gave us a warm welcome.

Before we knew it gargoyles attacked us from every side.

It seems that every time we going to retrieve a piece of the stolen armor, we always have to use force to get it back.

This time was not different.

You would think by now that they heard that the Heroes of Drachenfels are no pushovers.

They have been victorious in many battles and this time it would not be different.

No matter what foe we are up against.

We will win! It was time to deal with the gargoyle chief.

We had our hands full with the chief and he did not wanted to yield when he was loosing.

When he fell after the fight Elesil examined his corpse.

It was the missing shield.

Again, one more part recovered.

Hopefully for the next part no blood have to be spilled but i have a feeling that will not be the case.

When Elesil needs our help again, she will let is know.

She can be sure we will be all there again to help!

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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(Player Event) Christmas Market in Britain. (13.12.11)

December 08, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Christmas Market in Britain.

Original post by Anselm:

UOB-Event Forum


Christmas market in Britain.

Christmas is coming and what could be nicer than
strolling in icy weather over the Christmas market.
It smells like cinnamon, cloves and marzipan.
You stay at cozy booths and get warmed up with mulled wine,
Punch or eggnog; nibbling on roasted almonds or enjoy
roasted chestnuts and other goodies.

Funny Christmasgames like christmasbag-carrying races are waiting for you.
And if guests come in large numbers, he appears – that man in red,
no not the devil but …. right, Santa Claus, and maybe he distributes
a few small gifts.

I’ve heard he would be happy if the one or other Christmas poem is recited.

So all come on December 13th (Tuesday) beginning at 08.30 pm to the

Christmas market at the castle of Lord British!

see you soon at the market
Your Anselm Pechan



Weihnachtsmarkt in Britain



Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und was gibt es da Schöneres
als bei eisigem Wetter über den Weihnachtsmarkt zu schlendern.
Es duftet nach Zimt und Nelken und Marzipan.
An gemütlichen Ständen verweilt man und wärmt sich mit Glühwein,
Punsch oder Eierlikör, knabbert an gebrannten Mandeln oder genießt
heiße Maroni oder anderes Leckeres.

Lustige Weihnachtsspielchen wie Weihnachtssackwetttragen warten auf euch.
Und wenn die Gäste zahlreich kommen, erscheint er, der Mann in Rot,
nein nicht der Teufel sondern…. richtig der Weihnachtsmann und verteilt
vielleicht auch ein paar kleine Geschenke.

Ich habe gehört, er würde sich über das eine
oder andere vorgetragene Weihnachtsgedicht freuen.

Also kommt doch alle am 13.Dezember (Dienstag) ab 20.30 Uhr zum

Weihnachtsmarkt im Schloss von Lord British!

bis bald auf dem Markt
Euer Anselm Pechan



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(Player Event) Fisherman’s Friends.

December 08, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Fisherman’s Friends.

When some of my friends from the United Drachenfels Alliance delivered me a note on a special fishing trip i could only send on person with them for this trip.

My good old friend Captain Seoman.

He was still asleep this morning when i had a look at his log on yesterdays event.

Captains log :

The alliance wanted to make a fishing trip to the Underworld and the Abyss.

It is not a normal place for us fisherman to go fishing but i can not pass up a chance to try to get my hands of these rare fish and lobsters that dwell the waters and lava of these places.

I am not really much of a adventurer, i rather stay on my ship and sail the seas.

I have to make sure i took with me the right equipment and most of all plenty of rum!

The meeting was on top of the West Britain Bank.

I arrived first but shortly after several other fishing colleague arrived.

Not that we see each other often we know each other well.

Often we cross ships at the sea when we doing deliveries for the fishmongers.

Captain Allanon knew what i needed most and gave me some extra bottles of rum.

He is a true matey that knows what a Captain needs!

One of the mages opened a gate to the entrance of the Underworld.

Good thing we did not came with all fishermen but several friends came with us for protection.

We moved our way quickly trough the dark passages.

We passed  some strange creatures i never seen before.

Some slimes and some very ugly looking worms.

Our protectors made sure we all could pass them all safely.

We arrived at a room where many undead walked around.

We had to move fast trough the room to a teleporter on the other side.

Strangely enough on the other side of the teleporter we arrived at a very silent place.

A perfect place to try our hands on some rare fish.

I could stay forever but after several minutes our protectors told the fisherman to pack up there gear and it was move on.

We ran back out of the teleporter and trough the room with undead to a door in the north side.

Only few minutes later we arrived at a island where many Kraken where swimming.

Its a good place to fish but our protectors had there hands full to keep all the fisherman and there pets safe.

We where well protected but after a while the water was full with corpses of the many Kraken.

Time to move on for a better and clean fishing spot.

We had to move trough a room with strange plants that had vicious teeth.

After dodging some nasty traps we arrived at a bridge.

Several Goblins where lurking at the other side of the bridge.

Our protectors had to make sure they did not cross and killed any who even tried.

After some time we where urged to pack up and get ready to move on.

It was time to walk down inside the Abyss.

I never been here but i could smell the air was filled with sulfur.

The lava that was flowing all around the abyss felt very warm.

We where guided to many dangerous monsters to a spot with several small lava pools.

We used our special lava proof hooks and lava lobster traps, maybe with some luck we would catch that mythical void lobster here.

While we where busy with the lava fishing our protects had there hands more then full with all kind of Goblins.

There seem to came no end of them. But after some time after what looked like the leaders of the local Goblin tribe things calmed down.

We fished up many lava rocks to take home with us.

Our defenders signaled us that it now was time to move on to our next spot now that things calmed down.

They where sure that these Goblins could return if we stayed to long.

After a short walked we came to a place that looked a lot like a graveyard.

Another lava river was there.

Some of these undead smell a lot worse then a five week old fish!

Its tricky fishing here with one eye on the fishing pole and another eye on the monsters around us.

But we could not asked for a group of better protectors to keep us safe.

I was running low on rum and i was getting tired too after a long and interesting fishing trip.

I thanked all my friends for there protection and headed back to my ship to sleep.

Now that i finished my log i get my another bottle of rum before i hit the sack!

Signed: Captain Seoman

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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(Player Event)Fishing-Event Underworld/Abyss. (07.12.11)

December 02, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Fishing -Event Underworld/Abyss.

Original post by Medea:

UOB-Event Forum


Hi all together,
a small, motley group of “United Drachenfels”-Alliance-Members thought out an event, where the fishermen may once stand in the center of action…

Who: Fishermen (GM to Legendary), but also Warriors, Mages, Tamer, etc of all kind
Where: WBB, Trammel, Drachenfels
When: Wednesday, December 7th, 8:30 pm CET
Things needed: Access to Underworld/Abyss and also fishingpoles, hooks, lava traps (fishermen)

Additional notes: There will be a reward for the most successful fisherman of the evening. Also every participant will get a “Post-St. Nicholas Day”-gift.

It ist thought out, that all fishermen (120 skill would be great of course; fishermen with lesser skill are welcome also of course), Warriors/Mages/Tamer meet at WBB. Then we travel all together to the Underworld and the Abyss.

The focus there is on the fishing-spots, where the hunt for Void Lobsters and other Dungeon creatures will be opened (don’t forget to have lava-traps and -hooks/-fishing poles with you!).

The fishermen can then bath their traps in peace and with patience, while the warriors may fight the monsters around or have other fun (Maybe we will do some Mini-Champ-Spots, so nobody will stand around getting bored).

Or is it possible to fish in the lava in Abyssal Infernal? *brooding & grin*).
Of course tourists/spectators or healers are welcome too. :)

The exact route is yet to be determined and will be posted here. At the end of the event there will be prizes awarded to the most successful fishermen of the evening (depending on rareness and weight).

Due to the fact the event is one day past St. Nicholas Day, every participant will get a small gift.

Everyone, who wants to sign in, can do this in this thread – We are looking forward to it!


Huhu zusammen,

eine kleine, zusammengewürfelte Gruppe aus der “United Drachenfels”-Allianz hat sich einen Event ausgedacht, wo sich einmal die Fischer in den Mittelpunkt stellen dürfen…

Wer: Fischer (GM-120), aber auch Krieger/Magier/Tamer etc. aller Art
Wo: WBB Bank, Trammel, Drachenfels
Wann: Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011, um 20:30 Uhr
Benötigt werden: Zugang zur Underworld/dem Abyss sowie Angeln/Angelhaken/Fallen für Lava (Fischer)
Weiteres: Es gibt einen Preis für den erfolgreichsten Fischer des Abendes, ebenfalls erhält jeder Teilnehmer ein kleines “Nach-Nikolaustag-Geschenk”

Gedacht ist es so, dass sich alle – Fischer (120 Skill wären natürlich gut, wer weniger hat kommt trotzdem einfach mit *g*), Krieger/Tamer/Magier etc. – an der WBB versammeln, danach geht man zusammen in die Underworld und den Abyss.

Dort geht es vorallem um die Fishing-Spots wo man die Jagd auf den Void Lobster und anderes Dungeon-Getier eröffnen kann (Lava-Fallen und -Angelhaken also nicht vergessen!).

Die Fischer können so etwas ruhiger als sonst ihre Fallen baden lassen, während die Kriegerschar sich rundum mit den Monstern etwas austobt oder sonst irgendwie ein wenig Spass haben kann (wir werden schauen, dass wir ein paar der Mini-Champ Spots abklappern, so dass keiner untätig herumstehen muss).

Oder kann man etwa beim Abyssal Infernal in der Lava fischen? *grübel & grins*).

Touristen/Zuschauer oder Heiler sind natürlich auch gerne gesehen. :)

Die genaue Route wird noch festgelegt und hier gepostet werden, es wird am Ende des Events auch einige Preise geben für die erfolgreichsten Fischer des Abends (Rare-mässig und gewichts-mässig gesehen).

Da wir den Event einen Tag nach dem Nikolaustag machen wollen, wird es für jeden Teilnehmer ein kleines Geschenk geben.

Wer sich hier im Thread anmelden will, kann dies schon tun – wir freuen uns schon drauf!

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(Player Event) 13th Knuckleheads Ingame Auction.

November 29, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

13th Knuckleheads In game Auction.

On Friday the 2nd of December at 20:30 CET.

Come to buy or sell or just for fun!

All and more info can be found here:

If you got more Questions you can also contact Gilmour.

The auction house can be found East of Yew.

Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.

Here is a map to the auction house.

Click the image to open in full size.

Runes will be dropped around the bank to get to the auction house on the day of the event.


Click the image to open in full size.

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[EM Event] Ancient Juka.

November 28, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Ancient Juka.

Elesil had important information and wanted to meet us again in the throne room of castle in Britain.

After welcoming us all she started to explain what she had discovered.

“Now that we have found the chronicles in the library, I was finally able to unveil the history behind the robbery from the Royal Chambers of Treasures!

The Chronicles tell of a time when Lord Blackthorn was still member of the Royal Guards.

It appears that the composition off which the armour is made plays a significant role.

It is a unique composition of very rare Black Endurium and an unidentified metal!

These red enclosings which i mistook for corrosion are supposed to be of a metal that was dispersed in very small amounts widely over Sosaria, during a gigantic explosion high in the skies.

Therefore Lord Blackthorn hired tribes  and peoples  – even entire races – to find him these tiny amount of that metal!

This makes up the root of all this!

He wanted this metal more over glory ,honour and above all wealth.

But when he finally got what he wanted, he was already too far into his chaotic philosophies that he felt  no need to fulfil his obligations.

Now – decades later – have the wise of the particular tribes decided to claim there share by themselves.

This has lead to the intrusion into the Royal Chambers of Treasures.

The Chronicles also mention the particular groups that were involved.

Apparently some were only tasked with the protection of the miners like the orcs and savagers.

Others were specialized in detection and digging of the tiniest amounts of ‘Skystones’ ,like elves and dwarfs.

I am uncertain to which race or tribe he refers  to.

There are also reports about their properties of the different metals.

The Black Endurium – also known as Black Steel – gave the composition strength without being too bulky.

The Skystone is supposed to be red metal, heavier and with higher density than lead.

It develops a magic power strong enough to cause fatality even when only around the metal.

Only in composition with the Endurium these threats seem to be contained.

It is being said that neither sword nor arrow were able to penetrate this metal!

No magic could penetrate the armour!

Unfortunately there seem to be side effects of both physical and psychological nature.

It is uncertain in which way these side effects occur.

But we should consider that even Lord Blackthorn has put this mighty armour away!

There were other hints  on properties associated with the armour, but nothing specific, I think herewith the facts are made clear!

Dear people of Drachenfels, we have to find the remaining parts of the armour!

In my opinion none of us wants to know such an outstanding dangerous artifact in the wrong hands.

Subsequently it is our duty to retake  the armour, and keep it in a safe place.

Because of the chronicles reporting profoundly about involved, i know now whom we should pay a visit.

This points towards a old Juka tribe.

A tribe of gargoyles and a race that i cannot associate correctly.

Their names is ‘Dwarfs’.

Unfortunately i could not find any information on these ‘Dwarfs’.

But there is still hope….Professor Grimm!

Meanwhile i gave him the antidote and his coma has turned into a very deep sleep.

Let’s hope  the Professor will not need too long to rejoin us.

At this point i wish to take the opportunity to thank all you brave warriors again, who fought so fierce against the army of Dark Angel.

Thank you for the defence of Drachental and  for obtaining the antidote!

Not only Drachental but the world – your world – Drachenfels owes you gratefulness!

We must retrieve the armour at all costs!

For today my plan is to go visit the Juka tribe, let see if we can claim a other part of the armour.

Please be careful, they seems to be very strong!”

Elesil opened a gate to the entrance of the town of Mistas in Ilshenar.

Only moments after we arrived several group of Juka’s attacked us.

They came in large number so we had to be very alert.

Even several paragons came to assist them.

And if things could not get worse, several Ancient Juka Warriors made there appearance.

We had our hands full on the ancient Juka’s.

They proofed to be very hard opponents.

But ones again great teamwork between the hero gained to upper hand on the Juka’s.

A Ancient Juka Warlord joined the fight and he had some stranger powers that he could call assistance from many strange and exotic creatures.

It was one of the hardest battles we had to fight.

The Warlord never had any intention to give up that easily.

It took all what we had to slay this Warlord.

After a search of his corpse, Elesil found another piece of Lord Blackthorn armour.

We are one step closer to full recover the stolen armour.

But now it was time to get a well deserved rest after a long and hard fight.

Elesil will call on us again if she needed our assistance again.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[EM Event] The Final Chapter?

November 21, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Final Chapter?

Elesil called everyone to the counselors hall.

She found out that Dark Angel and her Army would make a final attack on Drachental.

It was today we had to show our courage against this daemon.

If we did not stop her army now the chance that Drachental will no longer exist after today was big.

We expected her attack any moment.

When Mac ran into the counselors hall yelling that the daemons where attacking the town we knew what we had to do.

Today we would show bravery, valor and honor.

But we also knew that many good people would fall in this fight.

When we arrived at the towns banner several daemon generals where terrorizing the neighborhood.

They where well prepared and proofed a real challenge for the defenders of Drachental.

Then things started to became very dark in town when out of nowhere Dark Angel appeared!

She was instructing her army as a true leader.

She was born and trained for this.

A last general fell and we surrounded the daemon.

Without even one emotion she looked around not bothered that many of her army fell in battle.

Many of the defenders yelled many things to her and even threaten to kill her.

Elesil took place in front of her.

She wanted to know why she was doing this. And why she had to attack professor Grimm.

Dark Angel told her that someone gave her the idea to attack Grimm to get there attention.

That the humans would not let this act go without retribution.

That they would do anything to find her and the cure for Grimm.

Even if this would means to start a war between humans and Daemons.

A war that would never end!

A war she wanted so much.

Her hatred against humans is so much that she even would sacrifice many brothers and sisters for it to achieve her goal.

The annihilation of the human race!

The she told that someone gave her the only cure for the professor and if we wanted it we had to come and find and kill her at her home.

She gave another command to more generals before she disappeared. We quickly took care of those last generals in town.

But i had enough of this.

She been a menace for so long i wanted to make a end to this all.

I wanted to attack her home in Hythloth and finish this. But the town sheriff Horkan said that was a bad idea.

He remembered some words Jigsaw told. The end is the beginning.

Horkan said that attacking Hythloth would only start a war against the daemons. A war we can not win.

According to Jigsaw words to end this we had to go back to the beginning.Where this all started, the cave on Fire Island.

Would she really be hiding at a place we already have been?

Elesil agreed with Horkan.

We would go and look back at the cave first.

She still had runes to the cave.When we arrived at the cave several generals attack us.

Horkan was right, this was the right place.

After killing the generals outside we stepped inside and saw her sitting again at her throne.

She seemed a bit impressed we found out that she wanted to trick us going to Hythloth.

She stood up from her chair and looked at the many people who came to kill her. Her eyes turned black as the darkest night.

“You think you can kill me?” she said. Before we realized it we where trapped inside a small cave.

Two daemon generals came from the bank and she revealed her true daemon powers.

We where trapped in the cave and a i yelled several times to get out of the cave.

Many heroes fell against these insane powers of the Dark Angel.

No one ever witnessed her tremendous power before and where not prepared for this.

Fire island was burning!

But there was no way back. Her strength could only be matched by the Slasher of the Veils in the Abyss.

Slowly we gained the upper hand and what looked impossible happened.

The Golden Daemon fell in front of the cave where we been hiding. The heroes started a celebration on this major victory.

The world and Drachental was free from the daemon threat.

Elesil searched the corpse of dark Angel and she found what she wanted.

The antidote for Grimm!

She thanked the many people who helped the citizens of Drachental to be free again.

But there was no time to loose, she had to take this antidote to Grimm. She will let us soon know how the professor will react on the cure.

When everyone left i took a final look at the lifeless body of my nemesis.

It was hard to believe after all these years she was gone.

I’m not sure if i should be happy or sad.

I understand her hatred against humans.But it seemed we had no choice to kill her.

I keep having this feeling we have been played.

Why did Jigsaw helped us to find her? I thought she was his ally.

Why would he want her death! Some things don’t make any sense.

Farewell my Nemesis. And i hope she will find peace now.

It was time to go home and get some rest.

Several hours later on Fire Island……

Jigsaw appeared near Dark Angels Corpse.

“Fools! They think they can destroy you. They have no idea what you are. But i do!

When there is enough hatred spread in the world again you will rise again as a phoenix. But i do not have the time to wait that long!”*laughs*

*takes out the grey crystal from a bag*

“They had no idea what this crystal is for. A crystal of hatred!”

*breaks crystal on Dark Angels bones*


*The daemon looks around and looked at Jigsaw. *

“Who are you? What happened? Who am i ?” the daemon said.

“I am Jigsaw and i brought you back after a group of loyalists and followers of the evil Queen Zhah killed you.

You are Angelinas Darkheart , protector of Sosaria. The most powerful weapon against evil.

You and i have to work together to bring down this evil Queen and her followers.

And place me back on the throne as rightful ruler of Ter Mur.

Come with me, we have a lot to prepare!”

*Jigsaw gives Dark Angel her black robe*

“Yes Master!” she replied.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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(Player Event) Hunt at Dungeon Shame!

November 17, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


Hunt at Dungeon Shame!

Friday 18 November 2011.

Gathering on top of West Britain bank from 8pm CET.

Bring your elemental slayers for a evening of fun in the new dungeon Shame with a group of adventurers.

We can work from top to the lowest level and try to summon the bosses at each altar in the safety of a big group.

The Hunt last as long there enough people in the group.

And if you are late or later give  a yell in General Chat or Ally Chat to see where we are and join us!

Hope to see you there!

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[EM Event] The Old Library.

November 14, 2011 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


Click the image to open in full size.

The Old Library.

Elesil needed our help to find the old library to keep her investigation going.
She summoned us again in the throne room of the castle in Britain.

Click the image to open in full size.

Elesil already worked hard to have a idea where this old library was located.
She found out that it must be somewhere hidden in a dark and cold place.
The Ice Dungeon sounded to fit well with that description.

Elesil opened a gate to the entrance of the Dungeon.
She took the lead for the search of the library.

Click the image to open in full size.

We search every corner of the dungeons.
With the large group of people helping Elesil trough the dungeon, the local monsters where no match for them.
We reached the most northeast corner of the ice dungeon and enter the chambers where the ice fiends dwell.

It did not took long to find the old library in this place.

Click the image to open in full size.

Elesil searched trough the many books.
Her eye caught on a book and after reading it she found what she was looking for.
The identity of another band was found.
We quickly went back to the entrance of the dungeon.

Click the image to open in full size.

It seemed that the band was well known to us all.
It was time to give them a visit.
Elesil opened another gate to the swamp south of Dungeon Destard.
Many savages where awaiting us.
Even with a few generals.
Good thing we came with so many people to take care of them.

After a short time a Unholy Savage Master appeared.

Click the image to open in full size.

He was a strong opponent and he kept summoning many minions to aid him with his fight.
But as often our group of heroes worked well together.

We killed him and another piece of the Lord Blackthorn armor was found.

Click the image to open in full size.

Elesil was again pleased with our help.
And we now have this book that tells us the story behind this criminal case.
We are coming closer to the reason why this armor was stolen.
Elesil thanked us all for our help and will gladly call on our help again when she knows more.

We went back to the counselors hall for a short meeting with EM Borbarad.
We discussed all kinda small things.

Borbarad asked me to inform Till Uilenspiegel to get in contact with the EM as soon he can.

It was a long day and it was time to get some sleep.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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