Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

(Player Event) Corgul the Soulbinder.(3)

March 27, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

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Corgul the Soulbinder.

We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on

Saturday 30th March at 20:30 CET.

Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.

Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!

(High Seas Booster Required)

And afterwards a white net toss in New Magincia to fight Lobsterman!

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(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 29/3/2013

March 27, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

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The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Friday the 29th of March.

Leaving around 20:30 CET on top of West Britain Bank!

Be there!

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[News] Poll : A name search!

March 26, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Poll: A Name Search

Original post by EM Borbarad

Dear Drachenfelser,
first I want to thank you for your participation in the naming process of our future Drachenfels mascot.
Some of you gave not only a name but also a little Background information about the proposed name.
Of course, I will provide that information also!
I will run the voting for 14 days and I am excited to know which name you going to choose!

Here are the suggestions:

1) Karli – Hüter der Zeit

Karli indicates that our dragon is a lovable animal.
Keeper of Time (
Hüter der Zeit) says that he, if necessary under the risk of his life, guards the contemporary witness (rewards and trophies) of Drachenfels for all time.

2) Jörmungandr the Dragon

In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr (Old Norse: Jǫrmungandr, pronounced [ˈjɔrmuŋɡandr]), often written Jormungand, or Jörmungand and also known as the Midgard Serpent (Old Norse: Midgarðsormr), or World Serpent, is a sea serpent, the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and the god Loki. According to the Prose Edda, Odin took Loki’s three children by Angrboða, the wolf Fenrir, Hel and Jörmungandr, and tossed Jörmungandr into the great ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that he was able to surround the earth and grasp his own tail. As a result, he received the name of the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. When he lets go, the world will end. Jörmungandr’s arch-enemy is the god Thor.

3) Fafnir

This name comes of course from the Nibelungen saga and that likes to claim that Siegfried slew him (the Dragon) on the real Drachenfels in the Siebengebirge (Midwest of Germany)…

4) Trachyt

The name “trachyte” is derived from the etymology of quartz trachyte, which was won on the mountain (Drachenfels). A popular derivation comes from a legend about a dragon to have lived on the mountain. A reference to the Nibelungen saga was made, which is not proven.

5) Fels Klabaute

A Klabautermann is a water kobold. The name comes from the Low German verb klabastern meaning “rumble” or “make a noise”. An etymology deriving the name from the verb kalfatern (“to caulk”) has also been suggested.The Klabautermann is a ship spirit or goblin who warns the captain in danger and is mostly invisible.

6) Beleg Amlug
That’s Sindarin and means great Dragon.
7) Snuffel
8 ) Felsendrache
9) Saphira
10) Son of Stygain
11) Rekklar

Please click here to get to the voting.

Have fun and I hope you will consider participating!

Kind regards
EM Borbarad


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[News] Happy Easter 2013 Drachenfels!

March 25, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Happy Easter 2013 Drachenfels!

The town crier had some important news to announce!


The Easter Bunny has been seen!

After a little bit of searching i found him hiding behind some walls south of Luna.


I said hello to the Easter Bunny!

-“Oh Hello,  I wish you a Happy Easter! How did you find me?

“Happy Easter”, i said , “the town crier told us you where around!”

I asked if he had a gift for us.

-“hmm… What kind of gift? *broods* ahh the Easter gift you mean?”

Now I was  curious what kind of gift he had for us.

-“Yes there is a gift, but its hidden at a very beautiful location! The hiding place is at a idyllic waterfall!”


-“Seek and you shall find! Happy Easter!”

I only knew one beautiful waterfall and that was the one north of the shrine of Justice.

I headed to the waterfall and saw a big blue magical statue.


After touching the statue i received a golden Easter goose.


I saw a small button on the golden Easter goose and pressed it.

It opened!


Inside i found a Easter egg!


Drachenfels thanks the UO Team and EM Team for this lovely gift.

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[EM Event] Soul Statue.

March 25, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Soul Statue.

Tuan the wanderer returned to Britain and we knew when he appears there would be another hard task for us.

But this time it would not be easy to retrieve stolen parts of his soul!


His dreams showed horrible spots where they hided the containers with parts of his soul.

To get these parts, this time we had to make teams , it would been impossible alone!

And every team would need to take a thief with them.

We only had a few minutes to build the teams,there was no time to loose.

After a few minutes the groups been formed and ready to go.

Tuan could only tell us that the spots where protected by strong creatures.

To reach them we would have needed some keys….

They would have been in both Trammel and Felucca but not in the Abyss.

The keys was a big clue… we knew that only a few huge monsters where you needed keys for to enter their lairs!

Peerless bosses!

This was a huge and deadly task.

My group decided to go to the Palace of Paroxysmus in Trammel.


The fight was long but my team did not want to give up.

They kept fighting even with the odds against them.

Brave man and woman who did anything to get in the Paroxysmus lair.

While the news came in others found parts of the souls it looked very grim for our group.

But with a few reinforcement we finally got all parts of the keys to get into the lair.

There we found a statue with part of Tuan souls.


We all returned back to Britain after a very long fight.

Tuan was happy all parts been recovered and thanked us all.

He knew he could count on us!

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: V

March 25, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: V

Lets have a look what our citizens of Drachenfels been up too this week-end.

On Friday they had 14 rounds against the Stygian Dragon!


Many artifacts have been collected.

On Saturday we had our 3rd Deal or No Deal game show.


Here are the results:

Round One:
Savaray made a deal on 1.840.685 gold
Bonus Winners: Round One
Thanek won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Asso won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Round Two:
Lady Nemesis made a deal on 2.628.675 gold
Bonus Winners: Round Two
Valen won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Rahja Ashly won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Round Three:
Stella New made a deal on 2.382.316 gold
Bonus Winner: Round Three
Zethis won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Round Four:
Saphira went all the way and claimed her box she had chosen initially which contained 100 gold
Bonus Winners: Round Four
Xena won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
A Fallen Comrade won a 500.000 gold bonus prize
Round Five:
Asso went all the way and claimed his box he had initially selected, which contained the main prize of 10.000.000 gold + 20.000.000 gold Jackpot, total 30 million gold! Congratulations!
The TV show been recorded for who missed it:
On Sunday Tuan needed our help again to recover parts of his soul.
It was another exciting week-end on Drachenfels!
See you all again next week!

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(Player Event) 3rd Deal Or No Deal (Drachenfels)

March 19, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




Original Post by Gilmour


Greetings Citizens

Seven and Crew is hosting another Deal Or No Deal on Drachenfels, Jackpot builds per event, up to 100 millions! This time with 30 million as the 20 million jackpot was not won last time!

The Game
All visitors are asked to sign a book with their name and drop it in the mail box on top of the spectator rows. A contestant is then selected from the Audience on a voluntary basis.

The contestant choose a box to start the game, This contains an amount which is not revealed.

The contestant must then chose additional boxes, the amount of which is eminently revealed.

First the contestant select 6 boxes, then one box less per round, with a minimum of 1. and the last box cannot be selected.

After each round of selections the banker will the make a deal, which the host will offer to the contestant (based on how much value still in play), which the contestant can chose to accept by stating “Deal” thus ending  the game, or decline by stating “No Deal” thus continuing the game.

This continues until the contestant makes a deal.

If the 10 mill is a among the remaining boxes. The amount for this is multiplied by the by the amount of events where where it hasn’t been selected as the initial and unrevealed box (current included). Up to 100 millions!

Time and Place
Location: South East Luna Corner, on the inside of the Road.
Time: Saturday the 23rd of March ’13 @ 20:30 (8:30 PM) CET
Other timezones: 7:30 PM GMT/UTC, 21:30 EET, 2:30 PM EST (US)
Streamed Live: The event will be streamed live on with commentary mainly provided by Late. (note new channel)

middle round prizes will be drawn from the mailbox, for instant wins.


Hope to see spectators and contestant there to play.
– Seven, Stephen and Gilmour



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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 14!

March 19, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 14

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Friday the 14th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight The Stygian Dragon!

On Friday the 22nd of March.

Leaving around 20:30 CET at West Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: IV

March 18, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: IV

It was another exciting week-end on Drachenfels!

Friday we tried our luck at the gauntlet in Dungeon Doom.


And like with all events we gathered at West Britain Bank.

Saturday we went back to fight with Exodus.


Great team work was shown to fight several rounds against the beast!

On Sunday we had the final results of a all week-end fishing contest!


It was a fierce battle between several fisherman but two of them where really very confident they where the best!

Captain Seoman and Tony Fisher pushed each other to the limit with verbal fights.

Only Stephen and Gilmour knew who was really the best.

At the Magincia town hall the results was shown.

From the Knuckleheads:

Greetings Everyone

Our fishing competition has come to an end with the
winners event yesterday. There were 4 million to be won, distributed evenly on 4
different categories.

Here are the

In the Category of Heaviest Dungeon

Captain Seoman won with a Fire Fish on 193

In the Category of Heaviest Crab or

Tony Fisher won with a Blue Lobster on
124 Stones!

In the Category of Heaviest Common
Rare Fish…

Captain Seoman won with a Yellowtail
on 183 Stones!



In the Category of Heaviest Uncommon
Rare Fish…

Tony Fisher won with a Fairy Salmon on
185 Stones!

of the category winners, received 1 million in prize money per categories, as
there we 2 fishermen each winning two categories, they got 2 million

Thank You all for participating in our little fishing competition.
We will do this again some time.
-The Knuckleheads

It seems that Tony and Seoman did what they said they would do!

They each won two categories!

It will be up to the other fisherman to try to beat these two excellent fisherman next time!

I can’t wait what next week-end brings us again on Drachenfels!

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(Player Event) March ’13 Fishing Competition!

March 12, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Fishing Competition!

Original post by Gilmour:


Greetings Fishermen and Fisherwomen
We will be holding a fishing competition coming weekend: 15th-17th March. Competition will run from Friday to Sunday.

Gathering Fish

You may gather fish starting Serverup Friday the 15th (6am local). until the winner event on Sunday the 17th 20:00.

The Categories

There will be 4 categories for this event, the categories are:

Heaviest Dungeon Fish

Any rare fish caught in a dungeon.

First Place Prize In Category: 1.000.000gp

Heaviest Crab/Lobster

Any rare crab or lobster that holds a date caught.

First Place Prize In Category: 1.000.000gp

Heaviest Common Rare Fish

Yellowtail baracuda, Great Barracuda, Big Fish, Autumn Dragonfish, Holy Mackerel or Giant Koi.

First Place Prize In Category: 1.000.000gp

Heaviest Uncommon Rare Fish

Any other Rare fish that doesnt fit in other categories.

First Place Prize In Category: 1.000.000gp

We would love if we could keep the winning fish/crab/lobster, to make a trophy from to put in our shop. But if you wish it returned for whichever purpose that is OK too.


Here are the rules of the competition.

A fisherman, or fisherwoman, may enter a fish in 2 out of the 4 categories.

The fish shall hold the date caught on it that is 3/15/2013, 3/16/2013 or 3/17/2013

The fish must hold the name of the fisherman, or fisherwoman, at the post event that hand it in.

If you reveal your catch to others before the winner is announced, that catch will not be eligible to enter the competition IMPORTANT!!

All fish to enter the competition must be handed over to Gilmour prior to announcing the winners. Above rule apply.

If you have questions regarding the rules, you can ask us in general chat, ingame, or reply to the thread.
Winner will be found at the post event.

Location: New Magincia Town Hall

Time: 17th of March at 20:00 CET/MEZ (GMT/UTC +1).

Bring Your Fish/crab/lobster!
Greetings -The Knuckleheads

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