Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

[EM Event] Zalindera Returns!

May 21, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Zalindera Returns!

We all gathered at the counselors hall to see the return of Elesil Daelwon.

She came to visit us to tell about her adventures.

Its been a long time since we last seen her, the last time was when she defeated the Dark Angel.

But before she could start her stories Zoltan of the Guards of Trinsic stormed into the building.

Zoltanand Elesil

You could see the panic in his eyes when he told us that hundreds of spiders where at the moongate in Trinsic.

Elesil asked him if he have not been drinking cause he was the only want that seen them.

Zoltan was sure about what he was told and asked again to join him to the moongate.

Elesil agreed to check it out and we agreed to help them out.

When we arrived at the moongate everything was calm.

There was no sign of any spider.

Just when we thought it was a joke we heard the sound of thousands of legs.

And only shortly after we where surrounded by spiders and scorpions.


There seem to be no end to them!

We kept fighting until they stopped coming.

Zoltan was right!

We had to check the town of Trinsic.

At the towns gate another guard appeared.

He told Zoltan the town was overrun by hundreds of spiders and they all headed to the town hall.

We ran to the town hall but found no spiders.

But inside one the rooms we found Sybille the scribe.


She looked confused and shaken up from what happened.

She told us that several spiders came into the room.

Some spiders where more strange then others.

The seemed to be looking for something.

After a bit they took out a book and left.

It was a chronicle of trinsic , something that happened twelve years ago.

The story about Zalindera and her followers that attacked Trinsic!

Sybille ask Zoltan and Elesil to return the book to her.

She saw them run to the west.

Zoltan and Elesil headed westwards  from the Trinsic town gate and found some tracks of the spiders.

They headed to a mountain south of Destard.

When they found a narrow passage to a cave they saw many spider webs in the area.

When they moved in the passage more spiders attacked us from every side.

And coming from out of the cave , even more and bigger and deadlier spiders , joined the fight.


These spiders seem to look very strange.

On the outside they looked like real spiders but on the inside they look like mechanical creatures!

Did someone build them??

We had to fight so many of them, the corpses where scattered everywhere!

Sybille and Zoltan told several time to search for the book!

After every spider was slain everyone searched and searched the corpses.

It seem hopeless but then Elesil yelled that she had found the Chronicle!


It is clear this is a very important document.

Important for the spiders to try to steal it.

So they decided that this document should be handed to EM Borbarad so he can publish this document for everyone to read.

(The Historical Record of Trinsic)

It will be important for everyone to read this chronicle to know what happened twelve years ago.

One thing is sure ….

Zalindera has returned!

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XIII

May 20, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XIII

Last Friday we return to Bedlam to fight a few rounds against Grizzle.


Afterwards we defeated the champion of Bedlam.

On Saturday we tried to break our record at the void pool.


Now and then things can go a little bit grey…. but it was a lot of fun!

Sunday Trinsic was attacked by thousands of spiders.


We had to recover a stolen book and we succeeded….

But i think, this is just the beginning! 

Several new rumors reached us:

Elesil Daelwon had gathered the heroes on Sunday in the Counselors Hall to Britain to tell her travel stories of the past few months. She was very angry that
a guardsman from Trinsic interrupted her. Therefore for the rest of the evening she was in a bad mood.

The library of the Town Hall in Trinsic needs to be renovated after approx. 40 heroes with their animals were squeezed into the room.

Jigsaw, the god of madness, was been seen several times in Trinsic near the altar of Zalindera. He seemed to study the altar in detail.

Elesil Daelwon is a secret ally of Zalindera. She has quickly taken the book, which was found after the battle at Zalindera’s cave, so no one could read it. The book will never be published.

A dragon has accidentally burned down half the library in Trinsic. The scribe Sybill therefore suffered a nervous breakdown after she returned to the Town Hall.

The Guard is preparing a bill that entering a building of the city with a dragon is strictly prohibited.

Alrik Ploetzbogen, priest of Zalindera, has placed an order in Skara Brae to produce 500 copies of the bible of Zalindera.

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(Player Event) The Void Pool Challenge!

May 14, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

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The Void Pool Challenge!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Covetous to fight at the Void Pool!

On Saturday the 18th of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at West Britain Bank or find us at the void pool in Covetous level 2!

The more people join, the more points we can gather!

Let us try to break some records!

Be there!

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 18!

May 14, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 18

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Friday the 18th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to fight against Grizzle

On Friday the 17th of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at West Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

After Grizzle when there are enough people for it we can do the Bedlam Champion spawn too.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XII

May 13, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XII

I hope you all enjoyed your week-end and know we did!

We payed Medusa a few visits on Friday.


On Saturday we collected many grey robes at the Stygian Dragons lair.


Man! He was on fire!

Before the Exodus event on Sunday there was a disturbance between Jigsaw, Mac and a priest of Zalindera.


Britain bank was crowded again with many brave adventures that joined another fight against Exodus.

We picked up a few more rumors.

But like with all rumors, some might be true some not.

Rumors from Britain and elsewhere …

On Sunday, the priest of the weaver – Alrik Ploetzbogen – arrived at the West Bank in Britain and spoke to the people who wanted to fight with Jigsaw against Exodus.

Jigsaw and the priest have delivered a verbal duel.

Jigsaw defeated the priest and Ploetzbogen has accepted Jigsaw as a God.

Ploetzbogen was pelted from the people with rotten tomatoes and offended he traveled back to Trinsic.

Jigsaw and the priest have delivered a verbal duel.

Ploetzbogen has cursed Jigsaw at the end. Jigsaw suffers from Rotting-Wing-Disease and must stay in bed the next days.

The people were so distracted by the appearance of the priest, that they have completely failed at Exodus.

There have been many seriously injured.

Jigsaw has announced he will take revenge for this.

A man named Mac has accused Jigsaw of dishonest motives in the execution of his events.

In the mountains west of Trinsic spider webs were seen.

In the woods around Trinsic more and more spiders appear.

Claire Repaire is lost in the sewers of Trinsic.

Someone from the Council of Yew was seen together with Ploetzbogen as they stood reverently in front of the Zalindera altar in Trinsic.

Special thanks go to all the people who make these events possible!

Thank You!

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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (19)

May 08, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

12 May 2013

The Nineteenth Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 17!

May 08, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 17

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Saturday the 17th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight The Stygian Dragon!

On Saturday the 11th of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at West Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 16!

May 08, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 16

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Friday the 16th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight Medusa!

On Friday the 10th of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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[EM Event] The Jade Dragon.

May 06, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Jade Dragon.

The counselors hall was packed again awaiting for the general.


-“Good evening,Thank you that you are appearing in such numbers.

We have made great progress in the last weeks.

Today we will try to get another statue back!

It was not easy to find the spot where the Golden Monkey hided this statue!

And sometimes you can not see the forest for the trees…

I hope you are well armed, today it will not be easy!

Therefor no more words! You know what it is about!”

We followed the general to Skara.

There we crossed to the mainland.

We started to travel south, when we reached the mountains it stared to get clear where we where heading!

Dungeon Destard!

The dungeon where the dragon-kind lives!

Ones inside we understood why this would be a very difficult fight.


Not only we had to fight several huge jade dragons but several other type of dragons.

We where surrounded by dozens of them.

We had to stay very alert in this place.

After defeating the first jade dragons we moved westwards.


The only way to get trough this dreadful place was working together.

The deeper we moved inside Destard the stronger and the more dangerous it became.


After some heavy fighting we finally reached the lower level of Destard.

A narrow cave with several jade dragons.

And if that was not enough we had to deal with a ancient wyrm!

Eventually the jade dragon leader appeared.

He was in a narrow spot but against the overwhelming force he had not much chance.

We found another stolen statue.


-“Very good!

Again we brought back a statue!

Thank you all!

I have to say bye for now…

We will see us very soon!

I wish you all a nice Sunday evening!”

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XI

May 06, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XI

We went to the 30th Knuckleheads auction on Friday.


Every month this is a event to look forward too!

Saturday we tried our luck at the Gauntlet.


On Sunday we helped the three eyed general to retrieve back a jade dragon statue.


More things seems to be going on in Trinsic.

We found out that the statue now have guards.


After some investigation we found out several rumors in Trinsic:

Some days ago, giant spider webs have appeared in the western part of Trinsic.

The following rumors are spread at the markets and in the taverns of the country:
The Guard of Trinsic has repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to remove the nets.
The magicians of Trinsic have found a way to conjure up these spider webs out of nowhere.

They earn a lot of gold by selling the spider silk.
The magicians of Trinsic bring the gold they earn by selling the spider silk to the bank in Trinsic.

The city occupies taxes like never before.
A priest has been arrested by the Guard of Trinsic and now is arrested in jail.

He spoke of a goddess, the weaver Zalindera, to be responsible for these webs.
The magicians of Trinsic bring the gold they earn by selling the spider silk secretly to the bank in Moonglow.

The city occupies as low tax as always.
The Guard of Trinsic is pleased with the webs, because they block the western gate almost completely.

Finally, the largest fortress on the continent now has a sort of a gate.
The webs are the remnants of a failed experiment in order to transform a werewolf who is in jail of Trinsic into a new person.

The transformation worked.

The murderous werewolf has turned – wrapped in a cocoon – into a harmless man.

But the spider webs will be now bury the whole city of Trinsic.
A powerful sorceress has been seen in Trinsic.

The next day, the webs have appeared.

The sorceress was dressed all in dark black and had the face of an angel.
Trinsic is only the beginning.

Soon this will happen in all other cities, too.

We have to keep a eye on these things,something is going on and we need stay alert!

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