Archive for the ‘Chesapeake News’

Kijustsu Void Public Community Gardens Open!

January 30, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News



  The Kijustsu Void Public Community Gardens located in the township of Port Ethereal Keys is now open and ready to accept rental requests for Raised Garden Bed use. Renters will have access to 1 large bed or 2 depending on the rental space for 9 days (Players growing plants which produce resources will be extended.)

This service is provided free of charge by Kijustsu Anei Village to help players grow plants for house decoration, guild resources or vendors. To request a Raises Garden Bed Icq Lord Gareth at 267944224 or post a reply to the thread.

HoC Meeting Notes – 1/29/12

January 30, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


  This weeks meet and greet with EM Drosselmeyer provided a glimpse of the upcoming quest about to go live on the Chesapeake shard. The quest slated to begin 1/31/12 at 9pm EST looks to be quite the grand event. This static event will have multiple start points and endings with varying difficulties for the beginning questor, to the most experienced it should be something for everyone herein. Dross informed those in attendance that each level from 1to 6 would increase in diffculty with level 6 in his own words would be “difficult, obnoxious, and debilitaing!” Also noteworthy was the announcement that level 5 and 6 would also require the emailing or dropping off in game of a detailed book chronicaling what was done, how it was accomplished, to reach each’s end solution. This book should include the players name and contact info as well. Dross proclaimed his email would be checked very frequently to aid those with questions about any of the paths of the quest. We look forward to this new and excited adventure!

  New event fiction would soon be up as well noted Dross as he also spoke of growing civil unrest amongst nobility and commoners alike around the realm. This past weeks tavern night elaborated somewhat to that effect. Duely noted were the mention of a new em event schedule that should be up by next Sunday’s HoC as well as that even though it’s not only the Big Day for bagball in rl but also Drosselmeyer’s Birthday! This Sundays meeting would still go on. See you guys along the quest trail and next Sunday’s eve! GO PATS!

Chesapeake Residents Wed In Umbra!

January 30, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


   The wedding of Mirt and Emma took place on January 21st, 2012. The first wedding of the new year on the shard was officiated by EM Drosselmeyer in elegant fashion. Attended by dignitaries, friends, family, and travelers from shards near and far, the ceremony and reception to follow was a grand time had by all. Special Thanks To EM Drosselmeyer, Fanny Firebottom, and Ryo-Ohki for thier help in making the night special.  Congratulations to the shards latest married couple may thier journey together forever be fruitful! Here’s some pics sent in by the bride herself of the nights action!

Paxlair 14th Anniversary Opening Ceremonies A Success!

January 15, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Opening Ceremonies for PaxLair 14th Anniversary a great success

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 15, 2012 – by Winfield – Precisely at the stroke of 8 PM ET, Governor Winfield welcomed people across the Realm to PaxLair’s 14th Anniversary.

Standing atop the historical PaxLair Mage Tower, he said:

Welcome everyone to PaxLair’s 14th Anniversary!!

I’m Governor Winfield, leader of the PaxLair Statehood. Good evening everyone!

As most of you know, our Statehood consists of several cities. 4 cities are part of the Statehood and 3 others are allied. The Statehood has PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku and Nidaros. Allied are Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan. Together, our 7 cities form a very strong Alliance.

14 years ago this week — PaxLair was formed by The Band with the creation of this tower and several other buildings in this meadow. Each year we’ve met during this week to celebrate all that has happened and that will happen. We celebrate 14 years of people coming and going and coming back again. PaxLair and our cities are testimonies to how dedicated people can be to this Realm and our friends far and wide.

Tonight, we start our 14th Anniversary Celebration! It lasts 5 days ending on Thursday evening. At the end we will have a grand Dinner. I will announce the location for the Dinner later this week. Between then and now, there are plenty of events to attend. The full schedule is in the PaxLair Times and on the news Forums. You can reach us by speaking within our alliance chat, or through our PaxLair Chat Channel at any time.

Tonight is the House of Commons meeting in Britain by the EMs and after that a Grand Adventure of peril and danger. We also have two quests and a contest running this week.

First, we have a PaxLair quest which starts on this tower roof. You just have to “tip” Commander Thaddeus over there with some gold and he will tell you how to get started. The quest will take you around PaxLair to talk to several barkeeps. A book there explains how to go on this quest. I won’t give Thaddeus the tip message until later tonight, so that you can participate in the PaxLair quest at your own pace, and without the nearby help of others. If you succeed in the quest before Thursday’s Dinner, you will be recognized when you come to the Dinner.

Second, Ashlynn has a quest which she can speak about now. It will be announced at tomorrow night’s event.

Third, Lenora has a feature literary contest to tell us about. Lenora?

Lenora announced the PaxLair Mage Tower Library’s Literary Contest.  Books can be written and submitted in the following categories:

    • Most Humorous Tale
    • Creativity Award
    • Best Historical Contribution
    • Reader’s Choice
    • Best Song Composition

There will also be an Overall Grand Prize winner.  For the Reader’s Choice Award, the submitted books will be placed in the PaxLair Mage Tower library so everyone can read them and vote via a box or mailbox to be placed in the Library.  The PaxLair Mage Tower Library is located in PaxLair City inside the Mage Tower on the 3rd floor.  It is open to the public.

The awards will be announced and prizes handed out at the Thursday PaxLair Anniversary Dinner.

After this business, several people came up and addressed the audience.  Miss Watson, the Emissary to the Crown of the Lost Souls of Kijustsu Anei [LOST] congratulated PaxLair on their 14th Anniversary.  Wat the Tyler from the Circle of Elders of the Royal Britannian Guards [RBG] also gave congratulations and gifts of five scrolls of alacrity.

Governor Winfield ended the opening ceremonies with a burst of fireworks as the people then went to the EM’s Hall of Commons Meeting and then on to the Grand Adventure of PaxLair later in the evening.

Later in the evening, Governor Winfield activated the PaxLair Quest starting with Thaddeus the Commander, as mentioned in his speech.  Tip Thaddeus to follow the quest. The quest is best done individually at any time before Thursday’s Dinner.

HoC Meeting Notes – 1/15/12

January 15, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


  Players gathered inside the Hall of Commons last eve for the weekly meeting with the Chesapeake EM tandem of Dudley and Drosselmeyer. We were treated to a solo Dudley with Dross no where in sight this week. Dudley led off with announcements concerning the upcoming event dates listed below:

 January 16th @ 7pm ET – Sosarian Solstice Fair

January 17th through February 12th – Dudley is on Vacation. Direct all inquiries to [email protected]

January 22nd @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

January 26th @ 8pm ET – Twisted Turns and Plundered Paths, 8pm ET

This is the huge static event with multiple decision paths that we talked about at the last HoC. Stay toon’d for more information!

Sunday, January 29th @ 7pm ET – Tavern Night at the Keg & Anchor, Trinsic

Sunday, January 29th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting at the Hall of Commons

     Also noted, we should be on the lookout for upcoming fiction concerning the commencement of the next Live Arc in the herald soon. Once into Febuary we will also see more town business conducted within the player towns of the shard.

     With the floor now open Winfield of Paxlair announced the Paxlair Statehoods 14th Anniversary Festivities beginning Sunday with a Charybdis hunt sponsored by Pheonix of Dragons Watch. Chie of GS inquired about the completion of thier newly formed player cities town banner near fel yew. Dudley also announced that Orin had won a fishing contest catching a 67 stone Winter Dragon Fish and that from now until the 15th of Febuary the largest fish of this categories were to be sought out for sport:

 – Dungeon Pike

 – Giant Samurai Fish

 – Lantern Fish

 – Seeker Fish

 -Spring Dungeon Fish

    Hearing no further inquiries the floor was closed as we bid farewell to EM Dudley until Febuary 13th, 2012. Have a good vacation!


Royal Guard Exercises – Shame Dungeon

January 15, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

                                             Royal Guard Exercises 
                                                    Shame Dungeon 

      The Royal Guard assembled on Saturdays eve in Serpent’s Hold to venture forth in to the wild. As the rank and file fell in, many healers from the player cities around the realm joined the nights force lending aid to the guard and looking to qualify for the recent healers guild quest currently ongoing in Sosaria. Commander Drake Foxx was angrily addressed his troop to fall in and ordering them to sound off as he approached each class.



      With Mages, Tamers, Warriors, and Archers all sounding off and prepared for battle the nights objective was made clear. We were to sweep and control the dungeon area in Shame and retrieve the neccessary “shame crystals” to summon and defeat the areas champion. With healers in tow the group set off to begin it’s mission….


     Rolling through the bowels of the dank dungeon, the group bested the hordes of diseased blood elementals, crazed mages, and vortexes of all varieties en route to accomplishing it’s objective. Crystals were collected and offered to Foxx as the group fought thier way to the levels altar summoning the recently dsicovered beast from it’s slumber. With the total team effort of the guard and it’s healing entourage the night was a grand success.

      It was made known that the area would soon undergo an upgrade by the next gathering. Barracks would soon be added. This was not without a stern reminder of the regiments makeup the Commander admonished those in the ranks for proper uniform while in action with the troop. He went on to describe the realms state as treacherous activities loom, the very fabric of what we know could be soon tested. Foxx advised us all to be at the ready….

     Ushering the healers out, the bounty of the night was split amongst the regiment as the night came to it’s end. Wonderful job by all those in attendance.

PaxLair 14th Anniversary January 15-19, 2012

January 13, 2012 By: Dreadlord Lestat Category: Chesapeake News

Reference Link: PaxLair 14th Anniversary January 15-19, 2012 | PaxLair Times

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 12, 2012 – by Winfield – PaxLair announces its 14th Anniversary on Chesapeake. This article contains some background and an agenda for January 15 through 19, 2012.

PaxLair City was founded on January 19, 1998 in the meadow west of the Compassion Shrine on Felucca. Throughout its history, it served with other player-towns to help communities and people work together. In the old days before Trammel, PaxLair was a vibrant crossroads for good, neutral, and evil. It is blessed by the gods with unique indoor and outdoor features. On November 11, 1998, Lord British himself visited PaxLair City to honor the city’s founders. PaxLair is the oldest, continuously running “player-town” on the Chesapeake Shard.

Today, PaxLair is a Statehood of four wonderful cities: PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros — And an Alliance with three more wonderful cities: Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan. Each city is unique and brings different wonders to the Realm through citizens, allies, and friends. PaxLair is based on tenets of Peace, Neutrality, and Roleplaying.

Continuous (week long) Quests:

  • Quest by Ashlynn
    • Quest Type: Talk to Barkeeps, answer questions & riddles, go places
    • Start Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
    • General Duration: 1-3 hours
  • PaxLair City Quest
    • Quest Type: Talk to Barkeeps, answer questions
    • Start Location: The Commander atop the Mage Tower, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • General Duration: 30 minutes

Sunday, January 15, 2012 – Opening Ceremonies

  • 8 PM ET – Opening Ceremonies
    • Host: Governor Winfield
    • Location: Twin Towers, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: Bring your fireworks wands and firecrackers! Listen to a speech from the Governor and maybe others.
      • Lenora announce the Literary Contest
      • Ashlynn announce a Quest by Ashlynn
      • Winfield announce the PaxLair Quest
  • 9 PM – House of Commons meeting in Britain with the EMs
  • 10 PM ET – Feature Adventure (1-2 hours)
    • Host: Phoenix of Dragons Watch
    • Location: Start at Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel
    • Details: Will go to one or more Dungeons, Champ Spawns or more (non-Felucca)

Monday, January 16, 2012

  • 7 PM – Sosarian Solstice Fair by the EMs
    • Location: Luna Fairgrounds
  • 8 PM – Musical Chairs
    • Host: Winmere and Grimlar
    • Location: PaxOku, Tokuno
    • Details: People surround chairs, which are one fewer than the people in the ring. When the music stops, the one left standing is out. Then one chair is removed for the next round and so on. Great fun and strategy is needed!
  • 9 PM – Regatta (Ship Race) (about 2 hours)
    • Host: Maedhros of Nidaros
    • Location: Start at Jhelom South Island Docks, Trammel
    • Details: This Regatta promises to be a good one! Bring your classic ship, of any size or style (a few will be available for rent though these will be on a first come first served basis). Sail with a crew or by yourself, which ever you think will get you the win. As always, refreshments will be provided at the end of the race. Gifts for all who take part and chests full of goodies for those that take first, second, or third. The race will be starting at the Jhelom South Island docks and will be finishing…. elsewhere. Oh! Make sure you bring your maps and sextents!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

  • 8 PM – Mage Poker
    • Host: Lissa Eldi
    • Location: Red Wolf Cafe, Gyldenfeld, Trammel
    • Details:
  • 9 PM – deadline for book submissions for Literary Contest
    • Host: Lenora
    • Location: Mailbox, Luigi’s Pizzeria, PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: On behalf of the Mage Tower Library, this is a literary book submission event. Your book will be judged and awarded prizes if deemed worthy in categories such as: creativity, historical contribution, and more. The books need to be submitted by Tuesday evening, January 17 at 9 PM ET into Luigi’s Pizzeria Mailbox. The Pizzeria is right behind the Twin Towers in the area of the outdoor cafe.
  • 9 PM – Archery Tournament plus Liquor Swap (2 hour event)
    • Host: Se’an Silverfoot
    • Location: Luna Fairgrounds, Malas
    • Details: Double elimination archery tournament. After the tournament, if there is time, swap your favorite Liquor for someone elses favorite liquor at the Fairgrounds Pub.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

  • 8 PM – Dungeon and Dragons
    • Host: Dragons Watch
    • Location: Dragons Watch, Felucca
    • Details: Come and see! You will have great fun!
  • 9 PM – Literary Contest Awards Ceremony & Dinner, by Luigi’s Pizzeria
    • Host: Lenora
    • Location: PaxLair City, Felucca
    • Details: This is the award ceremony for previously submitted books – On behalf of the Mage Tower Library, this is a literary book submission event. Your book will be judged and awarded prizes if deemed worthy in categories such as: creativity, historical contribution, and more. The books need to be submitted by Tuesday evening, January 17 at 9 PM ET into Luigi’s Pizzeria Mailbox. The Pizzeria is right behind the Twin Towers in the area of the outdoor cafe.
  • 10 PM – Horse Race – Ilshenar!
    • Host: Maehdros of Nidaros
    • Location: Compassion Shrine, Ilshenar
    • Details: Race starts at the Compassion shrine, goes south to the gypsy camp, through the cave to central ilsh, across the tribal plain, through the exodus camp, through the cave to honor, south through the jungle, past Mistas, past justice, down through lakeshire, skirting the lake to the troll woods, across the bridge and north through the icey pass back to compassion.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

  • 8 PM ET – Mychological Hunt
    • Host: Ashlynn
    • Location: Tea House, PaxOku, Tokuno
    • Details: It’s Mushroomy
  • 9 PM ET – PaxLair Anniversary Dinner
    • Host: Governor Winfied
    • Location: TBD
    • Details: All are welcome! There will be speeches, diplomacy, good food, and good spirits! Dinner will be in an open-hall format, casual, not formal dining. So talking among different groups and people will be easier than a sit-down dinner.

Event Fiction – Strange Bed Fellows…..

January 10, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


   The hooded figure walked slowly down through the dank wetness of the cavern, her plated steps echoing throughout the area. She kept a hand close to the hilt of the broadsword at her side and took careful, searching gazes through the side tunnels with her potion enhanced vision. Stepping into a larger cavern she heard the snarl of an approaching ogre, and she drew her red broadsword to face the enemy head on. It roared it’s fury as hands nearly as large as she was grasped a fallen stalactite and hefted it as a makeshift club before charging at her. Letting her body tense she waited until the beast was almost on top of her, its putrescent stink cloying the air around her, and she sidestepped a crushing blow from its rocky weapon. Her response was a quick succession of cuts to one of its trunk like legs, the creature howling in fury before crashing down to a knee. With a heaving swing the club sliced the air sideways in an attempt to catch her full on, but she dropped her body flat as it the club cleaved the air above her. Scrambling to her feet, she thrust her broadsword deep into its chest, piercing the creatures heart as it looked at her with a shocked look, before slumping forward in death. Silence was once again restored to the cavern until a mirthful and undeniably feminine voice pierced the air from a natural platform a bit higher up in the cave.

   “Well I suppose that removes any doubts that you didn’t come here alone. It does make me wonder about your overconfidence in doing so. So you’ve succeeded, Gwendolyn, in catching my attention. Now other than my capture what could you possibly want from me?”

   Captain Irina threw the hood back from her cloak, revealing herself. The bandages still covered fully half her face over the empty socket that was all that remained from the assassin’s murderous assault, her life barely saved by the healers in attendance. “I want information, and I want the truth. I know that Honesty isn’t typically a thief’s stock in trade, but I’m sure you have familiarity with people and connections that I don’t. As far as we can tell, you’ve never gone past theft yourself…so despite what people have been offering, we haven’t put you as a prime suspect in this matter yourself. I don’t care about your thefts at the moment, either. I want the little slag that took my eye. I’m sure it’ll also help with leniency in the event of your capture if you help us out here.” Captain Irina waited, her offer hanging in the air as the stunning redheaded thief considered it. After a moment of thought, a laugh emitted from her throat.

   “You’re direct, I’ll give you that. Although I’m kind of surprised at you, Gwen…I’d heard you were much fiercer than this. Where are your threats and intimidation to get what you want?”

   It was Gwen’s turn to smile, though hers was a rueful one. “Just because I’m missing an eye doesn’t mean it escaped my notice that you’ve got two of your men with heavy crossbows hiding behind me on those other platforms.”

   Scarlet gave a genuinely amused laugh at the Royal Guard’s response. “I don’t suppose I could name my price as having you give up that dreadful Captaincy of yours and joining my gang could I?”

   Gwen gave her a shrug. “Your chances are about as good as if I asked you politely to return what you’ve stolen and turn yourself in.”

   Scarlet took out a small bit of parchment from a pouch at her side along with a sealed quill, and opened it and penned a brief notation on it, before crumpling the parchment and tossing it to Gwen. As Gwen began to unfold it Scarlet’s voice called out, dwindling in volume as she retreated through the upper passageway.

   “Take the advice. I know how to reach you when I have something. And Gwendolyn…Try not to die on me. Our little game just wouldn’t be the same…”

   As Scarlet’s voice faded to nothing, Captain Irina looked over the brief message that Scarlet had written and she crumpled the note up again before tossing it into the spreading pool of blood that was draining from the ogre’s corpse. The ink began to run as the paper soaked up the blood, briefly causing the black letters to be outlined in crimson. The message was as simple as it was expected from someone like Scarlet Von Trinsic.

Trust No One….

Tokunese Festivities Turn Deadly!

January 10, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Tokunese Festivities Turn Deadly!
Zento City Limits


    What began as a feast at the invitation of Empress Arikiko turned deadly last evening as tragic events transpired in Zento. The nights events commenced with a grand meal of miso soup and bento and ended with those in attendance stunned as a lone assassin attempted to take the very life of the Empress herself. Seemingly well guarded and accompanied by her entourage the Empress greeted well wishers and offered blessing to all who stepped forward. Her yearly address to follow, the Empress finished her courting of the crowd and rose to address them as elegant music began to play, thats when all hell broke loose……



    In the blink of an eye (no pun intended), the gracious affair went south as the Empress’s Handmaiden  Sayuri, playing her flute showed her true colors producing a makeshift poison dart stabbing the Empress in the jugular. Stunned, her Royal Guard Sayuki moved to her defense. Spinning out of thier would be captors grasp the assassin also struck the escort in terrible fashion.  Blood and garbled rants filled the area as shouts to subdue the assassin and aid the injured rang out…..



    Poisoned and near death the Empress lay clinging to life as her Royal Guard soon fell. Removing thier mangled helmet, and pleading with the onlookers, Captain Irina, now missing an eye,  beckoned those attempting to heal the Empress to employ a potion that lay nearby to save her life as magic and normal lifesaving methods were proving unsuccessful. Her disguise now given up, she managed to still shout to attempt to capture the assassin.







    Fast and furiously the attendees gave chase to the ninja like assassin before they slipped into the night. Returning to aid the injured, Irina now back on her feet, ordered the crowd to aid the Empress to her quarters at the cities Inn. Weary and almost delirious from the attack, Empress Arikiko quickly turned in to rest and let the potion that saved her very life take further effect. Irina soon followed. Still steadying herself and holding the bandage over her injured eye, she began to put the peices of the evenings attack together.






    Gathering facts and eyewitness reports in the lobby of the inn, Irina managed to gather the assassin was indeed a female, brunette, and excellently skilled in the arts of music and weaponry. Speculation was abound as the origins of the assassin’s attack have yet to be discovered. Irina authorized everyone if they were to find the identity of the assailant or even worse be confronted by her themselves, to use whatever means neccessary to end her treacherous existance.


    As the Empress and Irina both lay on the mend, one thing is for certain, those behind this heinous attack of cowardice will be hunted to the far reaches of every corner in the lands. Be on the lookout for unsavory activity and watch thy back citizens……




EM Event Schedule – January 2011

January 08, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Sunday, January 8th @ 7pm ET – The Tokunese Address

The Tokunese Empress has called for a New Years feast and banquet!

Sunday, January 8th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

Weekly Meet & Greet where players and EMs alike can make announcements, ask questions about current and upcoming events, and raise concerns and issues.

Thursday, January 12th @ 8pm ET – Scarlet’s Run, Gate from Luna

This will be a Trammel based stealing event. Thieves of all skill level will be able to participate, additional rogue skills are suggested.

Saturday, January 14th @ 9pm ET – Royal Guard Mission, Royal Guard Depot @ Serpent’s Hold

The Royal Guard will once again be called upon to assist the realm. This will also be a chance for Royal Guard Regiments to show off the cohesion of their unit.

January 15th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ The Hall of Commons

January 16th @ 7pm ET – Sosarian Solstice Fair

January 17th through February 12th – Dudley is on Vacation. Direct all inquiries to [email protected]

January 22nd @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting @ the Hall of Commons

January 26th @ 8pm ET – Twisted Turns and Plundered Paths, 8pm ET

This is the huge static event with multiple decision paths that we talked about at the last HoC. Stay toon’d for more information!

Sunday, January 29th @ 7pm ET – Tavern Night at the Keg & Anchor, Trinsic

Sunday, January 29th @ 9pm ET – Hall of Commons Meeting at the Hall of Commons

Stay toon’d!