Archive for the ‘Chesapeake News’

Chesapeake’s Newest Player City – Gargouille Shallows!

March 04, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


   Along the bloodied forests of north Yew, the shard’s newest player run city has emerged. The area surrounding the Yew Moongate in Felucca, long storied and patrolled by the ranks of the Gank Squad has offically opened it’s doors as Gargouille Shallows. I recently met with it’s leader Chie and some of it’s many citizens for a tour of thier newly acclaimed homeland.

   We begin our visit with the newly constructed city banner, a statuesque tribute to the cities gargoyle roots. Brilliantly lit vortexes light the area at night leading to this large fountain like banner marking the territory.


  The cities main establishment lies very nearby as the “GS” Town hall resides right next door. Open to the public and with Gargoyle architectural influence abound, it towers above the area as a beacon in the night in conjunction with the towns banner.


    Gathering the citizenry for pictures at the banner, we began to chat about the towns history, the Gank Squad’s journies here at the Yew Gate, and the reaction to the area becoming a player run city. The players involved are all gate veterans with years of duty served guarding the area of murderous players. The squad is famous or maybe even infamous for thier defense of this area with reds holding no quarter in the surrounding area. With action almost every night, you can find a squaddie holding it down most times of the day.

   The city plays home to many diverse guilds and alliances. The founders of the city were the guilds of Gank Squad ($GS$)and Quixotic Zealots (QZ), the formation of a city guild itself named after the city has also been created (GS). The close proximity to the realms usually most active pvp area, has the city aligned with the Council of Mages at current, battling the likes of the recent TB zerg as well as the nearby Shadowlords based in the Yew Crypts. I even got a custom death robe by the evil one herself Lady Mesanna during the final stages of construction!

  Published and open for public view is the towns history, found in the glacial tomb along the banners steps. it reads as such:

 “Being from the royal city of Tel Mur and living a refugees life was not good. Many of us were packed into the camps with really no place to call home. We knew it was time to leave and search for a place to call home. The trail would be hard but in the end a place to call home was worth the struggles. We started out as a group of lost gargoyles, befriending a few humans and elves along the way. Passing through many regions we found a long abandoned town Duir of Yew. Starting to make a home there we found out why it was abandoned so long ago. There are many groups of evil factions which take pleasure in raiding and killing all who stand in thier way. it is our home now and we will not leave it for any reason. We have traveled long and endured many obstacles to find a place we called home. Now it is time to stand and fight for our new home.

   And so ended our visit to Chesapeake’s newest player town. I left with a newfound understanding of the of the area and a great outlook on what could be one of the busiest player towns in the realm. I inquired to those in attendance what message did they hope my visit would share with the realm as they commenced this new journey, in true yew gate fashion, they responded with a hearty ” No Reds Allowed!”  Godspeed to Gargouille Shallows and welcome to the realm of player run towns!



Paxlair Alliance Defends Skara Coast, Aids Citizens…

February 25, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


  The city of Skara Brae’s fortune is on the upswing! The recent decree of alliegance by the Paxalir Alliance is already improving life in and around the city. While the realm toils in would be chaos, Skara Brae is resting a slight bit easier with the aid of the Paxlair Statehood and it’s allies. Reports continue to surface of deeds done well as with this account below:

High Seas, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 24, 2012 – by Winfield – Pirates on the High Seas retreated quickly from the Skara Brae sea on Friday night. Dragons Watch sailors destroyed three pirate ships and killed the pirate captains. The sailors gave the collected booty to the people of Skara Brae.
The sailors on Dragons Watch’s ship were Fruit Loop, Sushi, Badger, Winmere, Winfield, and Piker McManig.

Click the image to open in full size.

Dragons Watch Sailors attack a Dread Pirate Ship

This naval assistance to Skara Brae came less than a week after the PaxLair Statehood vowed to defend and aid the city.

“PaxLair is certainly keeping it’s promises to Skara,” said a butcher hacking on a pig carcass. “Merchant ships with fresh fruit from the southern seas have been few lately. Maybe we’ll get more now. A person can’t live on meat alone unfortunately.”

Skara residents reported they see many PaxLair Statehood and Alliance people helping them. More aid workers and defenders also come from other townships and guilds.

The PaxLair Statehood decreed to help Skara Brae on February 21, 2012. It is holding its future Tuesday evening meetings in the Skara Brae Community Center (Trammel) at 9 PM ET.

Click the image to open in full size.

Repairing and Restocking the Ship

Click the image to open in full size.

Plundering another Pirate Ship

Click the image to open in full size.

Three Dead Pirate Deeds – at the Skara Pub

“Ghosts of Tokuno” 2/22/12

February 25, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

  Seafaring adventurers gathered at Trinsics’ Sons of the Sea this past Wedsnesday night for the weighins of the month long fishing tournament held here on Chesapeake. Players had an entire month to land the largest of three species of fish in hopes of being named the events winner. The weighin drew quite the crowd as onlookers anxiously awaited the final tally from Santiago.

  Two anglers proved competetive this month as Orin outweighed the feild this month with a 174 stone Dungeon Pike and Mace McElroy landing top honors in two respective categories with a 161 stone Giant Samurai fish as well as 127 stone Spring Dragon Fish. Congratulations to both Anglers! Thier catches will soon be mounted and hung in the shard reward hall.

  After the fun and fanfaire, ships would soon embark on a journey to Tokuno waters, in search of three pirate vessels rumored to be causing havoc. One by one they would all be hunted down as ships from near and far aided in the destruction of the dubious pirate ships and thier crew. Rumored to be found were special deeds each ship carried in it’s hold.

  Thanks to Santiago and the Sons of the Sea for thier continued dedication to the angling community. Continued tournaments are definately enjoyed by the angling crowd and we all hope to see more in the near future.




Skara Brae to be Aided and Defended by Paxlair Statehood and Alliance

February 23, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Community Center, Skara Brae, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – February 21, 2012– by Winfield – During PaxLair’s weekly meeting, Governor Winfield announced his intention for the PaxLair Statehood and Alliance to aid and defend Skara Brae during the recent crisis. This crisis started a few weeks ago with protesters, rioters, and raiders disrupting the peace in Skara Brae and other cities in the Realm. The people in the meeting supported the governor’s plan.

The PaxLair Statehood consists of the cities of PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros. The PaxLair Alliance adds the cities of Gyldenfeld, Pitmuck, and Aryslan.

“We will have a three dimension approach to defending and aiding Skara Brae,” Winfield said to the growing crowd in the Community Center. “First, this will include aid to the people here who need food, clothing, and goods. Second, we will defend Skara Brae’s land, shores, ports, and nearby seas. Third, we will assist the Skara Brae government as desired by its mayor.”

Click the image to open in full size.

PaxLair Meeting discussing Aid to Skara Brae

Winfield appointed Mayor Zanku of Nidaros to be the emissary to Skara Brae. Zanku is charged with keeping the Statehood and Alliance informed of trouble or brewing plans for trouble, keeping the Skara Brae government informed of relief and assistance efforts, and help lead efforts for the three dimension approach.

PaxLair plans to hold its future weekly meetings at the Skara Brae Community Center on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET, possibly for the duration of the crisis. The PaxLair Alliance will also hold events and activities in Skara Brae to increase public morale, patrol the high seas, bring individuals to justice, and set up aid stations. Lady Phoenix of Dragons Watch outlined several event ideas. The first planned events are Friday (Feb 24) at 8 PM ET at the Community Center to defend the seas and take other actions in Skara Brae as needed. Then, a fund raising and morale event will take place in the Skara Brae pub on Tuesday (Feb 28) at 8 PM ET before the PaxLair meeting.

Governor Winfield also made it clear that law and order must remain intact in Skara Brae, thus implying that the PaxLair Statehood would help the Skara Brae government arrest, try in court, and if needed convict and execute punishment on usurpers. Detectives will be needed to help follow the trails of such usurpers and bring them to the Skara Brae court.

Click the image to open in full size.

Governor Winfield meets with Mayor of Skara Brae

In a brief interview after the meeting, Winfield said Skara Brae held strategic importance to PaxLair, it’s Statehood, and the Alliance. “Skara Brae and its surrounding waters, ports, and farms are vital to Nidaros and Gyldenfeld nearby to the east. It is also very important in protecting the high seas in the area. Skara Brae has long been a shining star in the Realm promoting Spirtuality which is derived from truth, love, and courage. The rangers of Skara Brae have always helped us on the roads and in the forests. Skara Brae deserves our help now.”

Immediately after the meeting, Governor Winfield returned to his office in the Mage Tower in PaxLair City. He then signed an official PaxLair Statehood decree to form a Sister City relationship with Skara Brae. This is printed here: PaxLair Decree Regarding Crisis in Skara Brae | PaxLair Times.

Hall of Commons Recap 2/22/12

February 23, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

Posted by: Gareth

Hall of Commons Report, The City of Britain
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 by Merik/Gareth

Announcements for the Week

The Ghosts of Tokuno-
The Ghosts of Tokuno is going to be an event on the High Seas of Tokuno. Unfortunately additional pirate ships cannot be spawned in Trammel However, Tokuno is fair game. So we will begin the evening at the Sons of the Sea, where we will weigh in all the fishes that have been submitted. Then we’ll take to the High Seas and battle against some Ghost Pirates. I have no idea if its going to work or not but it should be fun!

*Reporter Comment*
If there are some glitches or it doesn’t work before you gather a lynch mob, he gave us a heads up and at least our EMs are being creative and not boring old grandpas who are unwilling to do new things. (No offense Grandpa)

The Sosarian Solstice Fair-
We have the Sosarian Solstice Fair on Thursday at 7pm ET. The Time for that event may change, please stay toon’d to the Town Crier network

Town Criers-
You have no doubt noticed that we can now update them. This is probably the single greatest step forward we have taken. We can now give you up to date information on events in game. They work with Sherry the Mouse statues as well so you can get the schedule by simply saying News

Healer’s Guild Admission-
I’m just about finished tabulating results from the Healer’s Guild backlock. Should we have enough we will begin construction of the Healer’s Tents. *It’s neon pink don’t worry. I still have to get clearance from the boss But I think you will be pleased

City Loyalty System-
You will no doubt have noticed that the realm is torn in a brutal uprising by the Cities now. I am sure many of you have been working hard on your city loyalty. The City Loyalty system is something I was really excited to see

Because its going to be our Segway into Township events once again. The first task I am giving all townships is to adopt a sister City from amongst those currently beseiged by Rioters, Protestors, and Raiders. This is more of an RP driven decision and you can pick any, you can all pick the same

If more than one township or guild chooses the same City But, it would be interesting to see if each citizen of a Township could work to gain praise from their sister City even if its on an alternate character.

As I am sure many of you are like me and hold very near to your heart your starting City when you began your journey within Britannia for me it was Vesper and I have been protecting it on my own play time. So perhaps townships could sponsor their own militias to protect the Cities and still retain loyalty desires of the individual members. This way you don’t have to mess with your main character’s loyalty choices, But you can still participate in whatever City your Township chooses to sponsor.

So to summarize, the first task is to choose your sister City from there we can go forth and plan some events around it.

Open Floor Discussion-
Winfield: For the Sister Towns, do we distinguish between Felucca and Trammel? Or just declare like Skara and defend either or both?

Elder EM Dudley:
We are going to focus on Trammel you don’t have to specify but the events will all be in Tram unless there is interest in Felucca which would be neat But that’s down the road

Winfield: And are you most interested in… the events we do there, activity, than the points we get as individuals for the loyalty?

Elder EM Dudley:
Yes the actual points and what not do not matter as much as your Organization’s presence in that City. The main goal here is to repopulate and inject some life into the NPC towns

Raven Greymoon:
We of the Gargouille Shallows would like to thank EM Dudley and Mesanna for placing our Banner. It looks great


Catching Up With EM Drosselmeyer!

February 18, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

EM Drosselmeyer from Chessy

   When you first started what impression did you have about doing events, is it harder or easier than you expected? Did you get nervous and do you still get nervous?

   When I first began with the EM program I had the honor and privilege to be taught and trained by some of the best the program has to offer, and so I was well prepared for when I started events…It took a very short time as the people on Chesapeake can tell you before I started taking a page from EM Dudley’s book and trying more and more ambitious undertakings with events, and the hardest thing with events in my opinion is making sure to keep them as fresh as possible, and if we are going to reuse old ideas, we do our best to spice them up in some way. As for nervousness, I’ll admit there are times it’s a bit nerve-wracking sometimes when we run into an issue that went unnoticed until 5 minutes before the event starts, but we’re usually pretty quick to have a backup plan. Those first few events, if it hadn’t been for Dudley I’d probably have lost it.

   What is it like working with the EM team and Mesanna? What do you think about the structure of the program?

    The EM Team is amazing, and we have a huge diversity of talents on the team, and people from various walks of life and even different countries help us to have a large pool to draw on for ideas if we ever run out of our own, or need feedback. There’s not nearly enough praise that we can heap onto Mesanna, and it’s been through her working extra hours and pouring her blood, sweat, and tears into this program that we have something that is able to keep the players engaged and having fun in this way. The reality that’s behind just how much Mesanna puts into the EM program and into UO as a whole isn’t really seen a lot, but I can say that in my opinion we’d be lost without her…from my perspective as a player or an EM. Structure wise, I think things are at this point very streamlined and well defined, and we have Mesanna and the Elder EM’s to thank for that, who trudged through the rough times at the beginning of the program to make it into what it is today.

   Can you describe the training you have to go thru to become a EM?

   Luckily I came into the program with some slight knowledge of how things worked, and all the other EM’s were very eager to help train someone who wanted to learn. I’d like to give a special mention to Faine Morgan and Dudley, who spent a lot of time putting up with my special brand of annoying little quirks and questions.

   If someone wanted to join the program, what would be the first thing you would say to them?

   Be prepared to work hard. Be prepared to be pushed, and to push yourself; And always, always be ready to learn. 

   Would you like to have a little more control over the player base at events?

   This one covers a lot of possibilities, but I’m going to have to say no. One of my favorite things with some of our open-ended events, the investigation ones in particular, has been to see the ideas that players have supplied and the directions to go that I would never have suspected. If there was anything I could say to the player base who attends our events, it’s that you guys are awesome, and do your best to get more involved and interact!

Kijustsu Anei to Host Fishing Tournament

February 12, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News

**Fishing Hall of Fame Challenge**
Catch 1 Void Lobster and you will be Rewarded with Pearl White Nets and Immortalized in Marble!

**Challenge Reward**
– 15 Fabled Fishing Nets
– A Statue of your fishermen carved from a block of marble and bolted to the floor of the Fishing Hall of Fame to show
all Fishermen, Green and Seasoned your Legendary Skills and Everlasting Greatness!

Start: 2/11/12
End: Until 1 Void Lobster is caught


(News) Ultima’s Oldest Houses!

February 02, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


Calling all house owners!
Do you have a house that is 10 years old or more? We, in collaboration with the UO Team, want to locate them all.

Mesanna is asking for Vet Houses to step right up! Submit your house information if you have a house placed for 10+yrs to receive in game recognition of your accomplishments!

Fill in our simple form and tell us about it. Where is it? Shard, facet, co-ordinates. Find these with a sextant if you need to. Tell your friends too, we want to find every home 10 years and older on all shards. Help us find them all, Mesanna is counting on us!

Find the ‘information’ page on the house sign, enter the date in the same format as it is shown on the sign ( 2001-10-05 for the house pictured)

Click the image to open in full size.

If you have a screenprint of the house, include a url please, or post it on a thread in the Homes and Castles Forum and include the thread link instead.
All the homes submitted will be featured in our Homes and Castles Reviews Section as we receive them.

(EM Event Information) – Twisted Turns, Plundered Paths

February 02, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


We apologize for the delay in this being posted.

This is a very long and detailed static quest with 6 different paths. Books are located in game at the HoC building that have the following information.

Each path in this quest has it’s own story and it’s own information and solutions. While a few paths may share some NPC’s these paths are still vastly different. Each path has a differing level of difficulty, with the first path being the easiest and the 6th being very difficult.
The only common hint for all paths is to remember what you’ve done in the past, remember what you’ve done on Chesapeake, and remember what you’ve seen.
Also, Greetings is a common Britannian form of hello!

Path 1 begins with David the Jailor at Trinsic Jail, Trammel.

Path 2 begins with Miranda the Noblewoman in East Britain

Path 3 begins with Haku the Guard in Zento

Path 4 begins with Cornelius the Broker in Buc’s Den

Path 5 begins with Cornelius the Broker in Buc’s Den

Path 6 is only given a riddle as the starting point.
It’s going to cost you more than you think to check this out. Begin again where you once were, at a place where little causes a stir.

It is highly recommended that you complete paths 1-5 before attempting path 6.

If you are able to complete either path 5 or path 6, we ask a few things. First and foremost, please do not cheat and help other players through who are not putting forth any effort. These are meant to be challenging, not cheated. An enormous amount of effort was put into this quest and we ask that you respect that. If you want to help people that is perfectly fine and even encouraged, but please do not just give away the answers. Thank you for your consideration.

Beyond that, if you finish path 5 or 6, we ask that you please email [email protected] with how you got through the paths, what the end of the path was, and solutions to any and all codes and puzzles found along the way. You will need to please include your main character’s name as well. These may also be submitted in game via the HoC mailboxes located north of Britain Moongate, Trammel. Thank you and Enjoy!

EM Event Fiction- Restitution and Reveals

February 02, 2012 By: Morpheus Category: Chesapeake News


“You have the arrogance to show yourself here after failing at your mission? You’d best not expect to get paid you piece of scum.” The ronin sneered towards the diminutive shrouded figure that had slipped past his outer guards before interrupting him during his meal. “If I’d known you’d just bungle the job I’d have assailed her with my own men to make sure the job got done! Now they’re on alert and it’s impossible to get near her!”

Though the shrouded figure spoke at a somewhat soft volume her tone was lilting and lyrical, lending it an almost inhuman quality that unnerved even these battle-hardened men. “It was not my fault that we were betrayed, it is with you that blame shall be laid, have you found out where there was a leak, or will I need to force you to speak?” Despite the way she spoke in almost musical rhymes her demeanor was one of a barely leashed predator, and she seemed to constantly be making minute adjustments to her stance.

The ronin leader stood from the pilfered throne he’d obviously stolen and laughed loudly. “So the little killer has a backbone? Do you think that I’m afraid of you? I’ve got five of my best men here and fifty more outside. You may be good, but remember that you’re an assassin; You don’t have it in you to fight a real battle. I think you should apologize and beg for forgiveness for threatening me this way.” As he spoke he approached to just outside of the assassins reach before pausing and looking expectantly to her.

For a moment her body tensed as if to spring, but she seemed to obey as she knelt onto a single knee and bent her arms at the elbow and brought her hands together in front of her. As the guards laughed at the pathetic display the assassin put forth, their attentiveness slipped for a moment…and she struck.

In a single motion she kicked off with her feet and flung both arms straight out, a poisoned dagger hurtling at the closest guards on either side; one took a dagger to the throat while the other seemed to suddenly sprout a daggers hilt from the bridge of his nose, and they both slumped down as they spasmed from the poison. Continuing the motion she twirled as the ronin leader went to draw his katana, and any identifiable parts of her seemed to vanish into her whirling cloak as if swallowed by a wave. The bandit swung at her on his draw but she deftly sidestepped, and as if in a magic trick her hands came out of the cloak wielding a kryss with a pulsating red crystal embedded in the center of it. The whorl of fabric kept the ronin leader from being able to anticipate her next move, and as he swung once more she parried his blow and slipped behind him, kryss pressed against his throat. The entire encounter had occurred in the span of a brief few seconds, and she held the kryss tight enough to draw blood as the two other guards stopped in their tracks just a few paces away.

“I think now you should no longer hold out, and tell us why we were sold out. Of course it’s still up to you… if you’re willing to accept your due.” On this last word she pressed her kryss harder and blood seeped slowly from his neck down its blade.

“It wasn’t us! There’s nothing to tell! We wanted you to succeed so we could usurp power in the Empress’ death!”

“What you say does sound true…more is the pity for you, and that through all your abuse, you no longer hold any use…” With the same songlike quality to her voice, she grinned widely and drew the sharpened kryss across the ronin leader’s throat, causing a spray of blood to gush and cascade outwards even as she seemingly danced behind the throne and drew a dagger in her offhand, holding it in a reverse grip as she crouched low to the ground. With a menacing and predatory grin she waited for the two other guards to make their move…


With a deliberate hand she finished writing the note carefully, rolling it up and sealing it with wax and her signet ring before handing it off to the messenger. “You best make sure it gets there, boyo, or you and I’ll be havin’ some words!” As the messenger ran off she turned around and headed back inside to her own small private room, making her way to the duffel on the bed with the majority of her belongings in it. She took a brief moment to look at the heavily padlocked chest, and after a few moments of indecision she pulled the key from her pocket and removed the lock. The padlock fell onto the thin bit of carpet with a soft thump as she discarded it, hefting open the cedar lid and looking inside.

The armor was well kept and flawless, and she admired the way it seemed not to catch the light at all. She removed the armor from the chest and packed it into her bag, and then let her gaze rest on the final two objects inside fondly before gathering them up, attaching one to each side of her belt. Letting the lid fall closed with a hefty noise she took a breath with closed eyes and assumed a ready stance. She held her breath for some moments before drawing both kryss and cutlass simultaneously, whirling them both through a series of cuts and slashes. She swiftly ended the little performance by sheathing both blades to the satisfying herald of oiled metal against leather. Kneeling down she checked the cleaver hidden in a special holster at her boot, and after ensuring its presence pulled on her traveling cloak. Pulling it around so that it hid the sheathed blades at each hip from view, she hefted the bag over her shoulder and made her way out into the Papuan night…but not before letting her gaze linger on the Inn for a moment. It was going to be a long walk, Lauren thought to herself, as she turned and made her way towards the road.