Archive for the ‘Community News’

UO Community & Fansite News

An ‘April Shower’ of Updates

April 15, 2013 By: petra Category: Community News


As our ‘designated driver’ comes to the completion of her 4th year at the wheel and chugs sedately into year 5 we present our most recent updates:

We hope you will find these pages helpful and look forward to bringing you more updated pages as the publish becomes Global in the near future.

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UO Community & Fansite News


February 02, 2013 By: Queen Mum Category: Community News, Sonoma News


Several Sonoma players have teamed up with the crew at UORADIO.COM and are working on establishing a town for all of our facilities. The town is located in the Orc Fort west of Umbra (33°8 N 1°28 E Malas). Some of our facilities include a bank, the Bates Motel, Foxxie’s Club & Casino, Killa Fighting Chickens Arena, Market and Emergency Services, an Information Center, Deal or No Deal Studio, plus Mums’ Munchies Cafe along with other facilities outside the walls.

We are looking for creative minds to help us come up with a great name that will be used in our submission for township. This name needs to incorporate the buildings within the fort as well as our commitment to our community with events.

Our rules are simple:
1. Due to the rules we cannot use UORADIO.COM in our town name.
2. Our name must be clean and appropriate
3. If name has already been submitted, the first participant that enters that name will be credited for that submission.

You can enter more than one name, or submit more than once if something comes to you at a later time. Once the event closes, the staff will gather at our weekly meeting and discuss each name. From there we will choose, as a group, the best three. Once we are down to three names, we will then open final voting where each of you will have a chance to vote on the final name.

The winner will have their name posted on a plaque at our information center which will remain there for the length of our town and 25 MILLION UO GOLD donated by Lord Nabin, our wonderful Sonoma Benefactor and friend.

*DISCLAIMER: We have the right to reject any entry that does not follow the rules. The prize of 25 MILLION GOLD will ONLY be delivered on Sonoma, but anyone is able to participate in the Name that Town contest.*

To enter, click the following link to fill out the form with your ideas.



UO Community & Fansite News

Buffing up the Icons

January 09, 2013 By: petra Category: Community News


There are more and more icons popping up on the buff/debuff bar lately – but what do they all mean?

If you’ve been scratching your head to work them all out we can help.

Introducing our latest playguide page for your enlightenment

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UO Community & Fansite News

Let Voting Commence!

December 06, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News


Voting on the Holiday Season Contest is now open. To cast your vote follow this link Holiday Season Contest Voting.

There are many outstanding and imaginative entries, we thank all those who have submitted them for taking part.

You have one vote, so choose wisely.


Voting will close  15th December, Midnight EST

Time Zone Adjustments:

9pm San Francisco

5am 16th London

7am 16th Athens.

2pm 16th Tokyo

4pm 16th Sydney.

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UO Community & Fansite News

Ultima Christmas art contest

November 11, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News

This comes to us from Rupert Avery

In the spirit of Christmas and in anticipation for Ultima Forever, Ultima Gallery is running a Christmas Art Contest. I thought it would be fun to get everyone’s artist vibes going and see what we can get from what I know is a lot of talented Ultima Fans out there!

The Brief
Draw a Christmas scene with one major character from the Ultima series and their family on Christmas day. This could be the meal, opening presents or something you think the British family would do on Christmas day.
The scene should include your main character of choice, at least one other member of their family and at least 1 of the 8 Ultima virtues in the form of a symbol, word or played out in the scene you draw.
Some examples of characters you could base your scene on are:
Lord British
Lady British
King Blackthorn
The Gypsy

The Rules
The piece of art can be hand drawn or done digitally
It cannot be rude, vulgar or include something that is considered not suitable for PG13
One entry per person

How to Submit
Submissions will be accepted from November 16th until Midnight UK time December 3rd.
They will be displayed on Ultima Gallery within a few days of submission ending with no names attached.
You can upload your artwork via Ultima Gallery by going to this link You do not have to be registered to upload.

When you upload please press the “Set Photo Properties” link to add in the author Name of the picture and a description. In the author section add a name and an email address so that you can be notified if you are a winner.

When images are published there will be No Author or Email attached!

Voting, Winner, Selection & Prizes
Voting will be open around December 6th for 10 days. You can vote by giving your star rating for the submitted artwork whcih can be found You do not have to be registered to vote. You can only vote once per image but you can vote for more than one image.

There will be 3 winners selected from the entries based on the best star rating. If there is a tie breaker A special judge will be called in to make the final decision. No names will be posted with the artwork.

The prizes are the choice of 1 of the 8 virtue cards signed by the original artist which have been generously supplied by Ultima Franchise Producer Jeff Skalski. The cards will be posted to the winners by Jeff. Arrangements to be made after the contest.
The winners will have their choice of card with 1st place choosing their card first. You can view all the virtue cards here

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

If you want to sign up to have your chance at Ultima Forever Beta then head to or check out their facebook & Twitter

UO Community & Fansite News

A City, A Shed and a Mine?

November 08, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News

Publish 79 finds its way onto UO Stratics in the form of

If we’ve missed anything, please contact us and let us know. Comment on this article, send a private message on the forums to Petra Fyde or email [email protected]

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UO Community & Fansite News

Spookfest 2012: UO Winners Announced!

November 07, 2012 By: Taylor Category: Community News

Stratics is happy to announce the winners of Stratics’ First Annual Spookfest contest. First prize was awarded to Mentiras for the video entry below.

Storm claimed second prize with the video below.

Finally, Flutter was awarded third prize with the screenshot below.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for participating!

UO Community & Fansite News

Stratics Presents: First Annual Spookfest

October 24, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News

spookfest medium Stratics Presents: First Annual Spookfest

TGN Stratics is please to host its First Annual Spookfest! All of your favorite titles are preparing to celebrate the season with a myriad of spiteful tricks and sugary treats. To encourage you to take part in these festivities–from haunted cities and ghostly encounters, to frightening costumes and ghoulish quests–Stratics is hosting a contest for video and screenshot submissions. Winners will be eligible to receive a variety of cool gaming swag!

There are two ways to participate in the contest.

  1. Videos – submit a 2-3 minute video of yourself engaging the Halloween festivities in participating titles.
  2. Screenshots – submit screenshots with captions that memorialize some of your favorite Hallowen events in participating titles.

Entries will be submitted to private forums on Stratics Forums, where they will be judged by a conglomerate of game developers, community staff, and Stratics staff. Questions may be asked here: Stratics Central Forums. Participating titles, in alphabetical order, include:

  1. Battlefield Heroes
  2. Dark Age of Camelot
  3. League of Legends
  4. RIFT
  5. The Secret World
  6. Ultima Online
  7. Warhammer Online

Prizes listed in each title-specific contest entry thread

Entries will be accepted from 25 October at 4PM EST through 1 November at 4PM EST


submit Stratics Presents: First Annual Spookfest

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UO Community & Fansite News

A Bonanza of Contests

October 02, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News

Two contests for Ultima Online’s 15th Anniversary.

UO Guide invite you to Win an Aniversary Robe.

Details can be found here:

Lord Raven of Minoc invites you to take part in the #UO15 Trivia Scavenger Hunt

Details can be found here:  ravenof

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UO Community & Fansite News

Goodman Memorial – Saturday, September 8th 9:00 pm EST

September 06, 2012 By: petra Category: Community News

Tis only we who grieve
They do not leave

They are not gone

They look upon us still
They walk among the valleys now
They stride upon the hill

Their smile is in the summer sky
Their grace is in the breeze
Their memories whisper in the grass

Their calm is in the trees
Their light is in the winter snow
Their tears are in the rain

Their laughter in the lane
Their gentleness is in the flowers
They sigh in autumn leaves

If only we could see the splendour of the land
To which our loved ones are called from
You and me, we’d understand

If only we could hear the welcome they receive
From old familiar voices all so dear
We would not grieve

If only we could know the reason why they went
We’d smile and wipe away the tears that flow
And wait content.

In Loving Memory

Please join us on New Magincia Beach Trammel for a Memorial Service for our Dear Friend Goodman aka Frank Campbell.

There will be a Tribute for Goodman given this year by Lord Sebastian of the Britannia Mining Company.

We will also pay our respects to Wolfthistle of the House of Wolfthistle. A Tribute will be given by Draken Korin of The Wheel of Time.

As always the service will be followed by Remembrances by friends and those in attendance.

If you would like to speak more formally or if you have someone you would like say a few words for, please email me at [email protected]

Thank you for all your support & patience as always.

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