Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

[News] Strict RP Guild is Recruiting

November 26, 2012 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

Holden Caulfield is starting a new strict roleplaying guild.  Check out his post, below (stolen from the Siege forum):


Looking to start a new guild that is VERY strict RP. Utilizing several existing resources for guidelines. Currently I am the sole member so looking for someone to help co-run if you are agreeable to the terms currently setup on the site or anyone interested in being a recruit.

Once we have a few members (at least two), we will decide with the help of the community on several key factors that we will need to add into our history/storyline. These include faction, mask coloring ranks and chest piece armor.

Have started to setup the website here: Golden Skull Savages – Ultima Online Siege Perilous server – Guild Hosting – GuildPortal – Home
(That is at: – Adrianas)

Please message me here if interested or ICQ at: 129361798 [I generally play evenings PST time zone and weekends at various times].

Also if you would like to help without joining, looking to stock a bunch of extra supplies. In need of Savage Paint, Tribal Masks [Thanks Mollie – (Leather Lucy), Decent throw-away Spears and Bone Armor. Can be dropped off at my termur moongate house mailbox.  Also if there is anyone with cooking skill that I can drop off tribal berries in your mailbox for you to make the paint with, that would also be appreciated.

Thanks and hope to get this going as a community project.

Savage Name: Adrok

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(Player Event) Thief Event by Ladra!

November 26, 2012 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

Found on the Stratics Forum – Posted on the Siege Forum 25 November:

I know there are thieves on Siege outside of Barter Town. We don’t see you much, besides Sundays. Always tripping over you then. I also know you don’t like talking in gen chat, or even when I’m standing next to you. And you all seem to ignore the Thief forum on stratics.
But I want to connect with you guys, I want you to have your time in the spotlight. You need fame and glory to grow! So for the next week I want it to be ON!
Therefore I will give away 1 million gold to the winner of a small competition.
The only thing you’ll have to do is get a screen shot of a steal and post it in this thread. Only set in stone rules are; Your name visible Marks name visible “Success message” visible (OK if it’s in the journal) And of course the item in question visible
Can’t get it all in one shot? Post more! No need to limit yourself to one entry either, enter every steal you get if you want. Like to write a story with pictures in it? Even better, I LOVE those!
Anyone without a fully trained thief? Get out there with your 70 stealing, or slap on a bandana, 120 mysticism scrolls weigh nothing. ^^
Judging will be made by me. Based on value of the steal. Location, storytelling, bribing and other stuff may come in to play.
Oh, and you may count entries here as your required steals to join Barter Town if you like.
Competition starts NOW and ends a week from NOW!

(Player Event) The 2012 Miss Siege Contest!

November 17, 2012 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

This was a lot of fun the last time it was run, and I am certain that this time will be just as fun!  From the Siege Board, posted by Hoffs:

This is the sign-up thread for an event which is to be held on Saturday 15th December at 3pm Eastern [8pm UK]. Registration will remain open for a couple of weeks. Details of event location, etc., will come later.

Yes ladies, once again it is time to sharpen those nails, spread the malicious gossip about your neighbours, and polish up those lovely poisoned apples; December will see the 2012 running of the Miss Siege beauty pageant where we look to find the most desirable lady on the shard. Those who enter will be assessed in four different areas and she who finishes with the highest score will be crowned Miss Siege 2012. And just as last year, we will be bringing in independent judges from outside the shard with a mixture of 2d and EC clients.

The contestants will be judged in the following categories, although should there be a high number of entries it may become necessary to have elimination after the first one or two rounds:

Evening wear – Like all ladies, those on Siege will want to look as glamorous as possible when needed. Here the contestants will be judged on overall appearance in their finest clothing including coordination of colours and accessories.

Talent show – One cannot rely solely on looks to survive here on Siege; every lady must be able to earn a living in some other way. Each contestant will be given two to three minutes [time to be decided once entry list is finalized] to demonstrate some talent, be it dancing, telling jokes, poetry, animal training, feats of magic, or whatever. Judges will be looking at the overall competence and originality of the display.

Combat wear – Every lady on Siege must be able to defend herself when needed. Here the judges will be looking for those that can appear both fearsome and glamorous at the same time; Beauty and the Beast indeed.

Personality – If all else fails, a lady can always try charming her way out of a sticky situation. Every contestant will be asked questions by the judges. Scores will be based on clarity of speech (that is spelling & punctuation, with allowances made if English is not a first language), humour and cheesiness of answers!
Prizes for the event will once again be furnished by our main sponsor Max Painfactor, Sosaria’s largest cosmetics company, but sadly there is no New Magincia plot to give away this year. An appeal has been made to the Gods to provide commemorative clothing for those that take part, but these will probably not be forthcoming.

Entry Requirements: Characters must pre-register to enter. To do so, please post here with your character name and your current title (the area, place or institution that you will be representing). Acceptable titles are your guild (e.g. Miss Arrr, Miss NEW2); a player or NPC town which you live near, frequent or have some connection to (e.g. Miss Vesper, Miss Barter Town); or an area/dungeon/island that you live near, frequent or have some affinity for (e.g. Miss Despise, Miss Twisted Weald, Miss Marble Island). Gilfane members may also use their House name (e.g. Miss Silvanus, Miss Vernia). Titles must be unique, so you may not choose one which has already been taken.

Good luck!

[EM Event] Siege Thanksgiving Feast – Nov 18th 2pm EDT

November 15, 2012 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

From EM Aurora!


[News] An Introduction and Future Plans

November 12, 2012 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

Greetings to the shard!  Some of you know me, but I’m sure a few of you don’t.  I have a bit of experience in professional writing and have decided to volunteer to be a part of our shard’s reporting team.  First, I actually have some big plans.  But I will need the help of many on the shard to carry them out.  I will do my best to report on the important happenings – events and such – but I would also like to do some interviews – first with each of the guild leaders of the shard, and then perhaps with some of our more solo or loner players who are well known.  This will take some time, so I hope you will be patient as I tackle this goal.  Events will always take precedence over interviews, but I will work on the interviews in between events.

I will be up front here and state that yes, I am a member of GIL.  *spits for Nightstalker*  But I am here for all of our shard – not just the players who are in GIL.  My goal is to be an unbiased reporter and I think I can actually pull that off.  My experience with Siege is that we are not just unique, but generally a bit older and more mature.  From I4NI to O-S and ARR to GIL and NEW to NEW2, we’ve done some amazing things on our shard – and lived (or died) to tell of it.  So I hope that as I cover events and request interviews, you will be willing to participate.  Oh, and since I am a member of GIL, they will get to go last, but I think they understand.  When I say unbiased, I truly mean it!

If you have any news, are planning a player run event, have a new player run establishment or museum, please message me.

In service to our great shard – Adrianas

Introducing Siege’s Newest Reporter

November 12, 2012 By: Lady Tia Category: Siege Perilous News

Come on guys, help me welcome our newest reporter for Siege! Introducing Adrianas! She has been a Stratics member for many years and I’m sure quite a few of you know her already. I am excited about our latest addition to the news team!

Please give her a big ole Siege welcome…..

Celebrate 15 Years with us!

October 20, 2012 By: Lady Tia Category: Atlantic News, Baja News, Catskills News, Chesapeake News, Drachenfels News, Europa News, General News, Great Lakes News, Lake Austin News, Lake Superior News, Legends News, Napa Valley News, Oceania News, Origin News, Pacific News, Siege Perilous News, Sonoma News


Tomorrow we are all a part of history! The majority of us know how old Stratics is and here are some interesting facts Stratics.

Stratics will be hosting a Livestream tomorrow at 2:00pm EST, 1:00 pm CST, 11:00 am PST and 7:00 pm BST and the thread to share their own memories.

Stratics encourages anyone interested to attend. During this live hangout, Stratics will be giving away beta keys, merchandise, and a brand new Razer Naga gaming mouse.

You won’t want to miss the festivities.  Happy 15th Anniversary Stratics!

Siege Sports Report

July 03, 2012 By: Ian James Category: Global Sports Reports, Siege Perilous News

Siege Sports Report

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Void Pool Leader Board

Siege  July 2, 2012
Best Single Battle
Rank Player Score
1  Hoffs  73244
2  Glorious Lady Ji  58925
3  Az  54039
4  Morgan Ironfist  45464
5  Reuggan  28724
6  Factotum  23754
7  Samantha  22739
8  Ginsu  20021
9  Becca  18701
10  Izabo  18352

Siege  July 2, 2012
Overall Total Scores
Rank Player Score
1  Az  293177
2  Morgan Ironfist  281358
3  Yahaxithonix  261317
4  Hoffs  261147
5  Egwene al’Vere  201354
6  Sprago  156509
7  Reuggan  132582
8  Becca  88708
9  Glorious Lady Ji  86040
10  Izabo  80352

Arena Leader Board

Survival Ranking
Rank Player Rating
1  Waterman  10246
2  Sprago  10153
3  Righty  10135
4  Nightstalker  10108
5  Raptor  10066
6  Brutus  10033
7  Diomedes  10033
8  Jamie Fix  10027
9  Morgan Ironfist  10024
10  Nambo  10000
Team Ranking
Rank Team Rating
1  Lizard King  17478
2  Baby Spice  15908
3  McManus  15811
4  Chewy  13604
5  Splixx  13564
6  Sandman  10802
7  The Angel  10100
8  The Devil  10100
9  Righty  10080
10  Tvoir  9968

Santa Claus to Visit Siege!

December 22, 2011 By: Lady Tia Category: Siege Perilous News


Santa Claus To Visit Siege.

The Stratics Santa will once again be visiting Siege on his world tour. This year he will arrive in Luna at approximately 3pm CST on Friday 23rd December. Please be patient with the old fella, not only is he getting on a bit in years, but he’s got an absolutely dire ping from the North Pole.

Have you been naughty or nice? Find out this Friday.

[NEWS] Stratics Christmas Party

December 17, 2011 By: Kayne Category: Asian News, Baja News, Europa News, Lake Austin News, Napa Valley News, Oceania News, Origin News, Pacific News, Siege Perilous News, Sonoma News


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