Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

Freja’s Interview – The Early Years

August 31, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

Freja’s Interview -An Open Discussion Of Siege- Part 1, The Early Years
One Player’s frank & personal perspective on Siege’s history, current circumstances and how we might improve it all. Thanks to Freja’s thoughtful and detailed responses, this is broken into three parts: The Early Years, NEW2, and the Ideal Siege.
You are invited to join in the discussion!

“it was like a second world, wild and untamed. It was a dangerous world,”

DeadBob:  You have played UO since the beginning days. When did you start? What was it like then?

Freja, a native citizen of Denmark:
 I missed the Beta, started Dec 1997 on Atlantic. My son came home with the account and Internet was on my computer, so he had to make me play to get access to it.
To me, the game was wonderful, it was like a second world, wild and untamed. It was a dangerous world, special outside towns. I started out as a miner/smith but after some deaths in the mining cave, I run out of money and a guy at bank gave me an axe and a hammer and told me to make wooden shields and sell them. I made bows too and ended up as an archer.
I don’t know why, but I never hated the reds, I more saw them as a challenge and wanted to learn to know them. Sure dying was annoying but I learned fast to have some backup gear or gold. Dying is worse as long you run around in death robe, as soon you are in a new suit and with a new weapon, everything look much better. If you was not careful, you could lose your house too. if you lost your key to a thief or a PK, that house would never be safe again. they could loot everything in there.
I still look back at year 1997-1998 as the best time I had in UO, even when I sometimes had so much lag, that it was hard to move and I lost connection a lot. I was on dial up from Denmark.
The game have changes a lot since then, not all changes was good for UO. I hated stat loss for murderers, even when it never hit me. It made a lot of my red friends give up.
I stopped playing on Atlantic, when we got Trammel and Siege become my main shard and have been it since. I did not like what Trammel did to Atlantic, it did split the community.

“I would not cry if Malas was removed from Siege, they could make a gate to Doom from somewhere else.”

DeadBob: How has Siege changed over the years?

 Siege was born before Trammel and Item Insurance but after Stat Loss for murderers was added. If they rezzed with 5 or more counts, they would get up to 25% permanent skill lose. Siege was born without sick thing.

Siege was born with several special rules
1. No stat loss for murderers
2. No recall
3. No gating in and out of dungeon.
4. Only one char on an account
5. Red and grey can’t kick/ban from houses.
6. Red and grey will clean the ban list in houses, they are friend of, when they use the door.
7. NPC vendors take 3x the price for their wares.
8. NPC won’t buy your wares
9 Player vendors take 3x fee for working
10. The murderer title is gone for good.
11. No bounty system
12. Guards at the houses is peaceful, they do not attack reds.
13. RoT, Rate over Time skill gain for non resource using skills.
14. No Trammel and Item Insurance

Stat loss are removed from all shards now
The public houses and the lose of the key and refresh from the door removed # 5 & 6
Vendor fee should be the same as normal shards now.
The murderer title, I don’t know if it still are on normal shards.
Bounty system is gone on all shards
Think this guard at houses thing never really got patched
RoT are much faster now. We did lose RoT, when all got Power Hour, that was a pain, players could make a gm PK char in 5 days, and did not learn to understand Siege before they started killing.

Every time normal shards got a publish or a patch, we got most of it too, and not all changes was good for Siege. We did not get the Trammel code and Item Insurance but we did get the other new facets.
Special Malas was bad, to much land, Luna, very little over land spawn. I would not cry if Malas was removed from Siege, they could make a gate to Doom from somewhere else.

Then we got AoS, that was really bad as this new artifacts was very expensive and without Item Insurance, a lot could not afford good gear and did not have a chance to PvP.
Because of multi crafters on other shards, who could not fight the overland spawn, most of it was removed. That hurt Siege as we had new chars and lesser PvM chars using the overland and roaming PK’s, attacking them and the player towns.

We also got Faction, it split the community, good and evils joined same faction and Sieges native factions got destroyed. Before we had PvM and crafter guilds, roleplaying blue and roleplaying red guilds, Anti PK guilds and PK guilds, with faction, that got total messed up.

Imbuing was very expensive and not many could afford it.
It become really bad, when they added powerful factions items. I gave up PvP as I had no chance vs this overpowered chars and I did not want to be in faction. Siege almost died.

Until 2 years ago, it had been bad for Siege, then Devs changed direction and the last changes had been good for Siege. They did changes something with Factions Items and we got new loot in some of the old dungeons. That made relic much easier to get from unraw and the loot was much more powerful too. Now we can craft Suit most can afford. A upper suit is still expensive but as it become easier to make money, it works. Also the Bazaar vendors in New Magincia is a great help.

Now with the new rules for Siege houses and Mystic tokens, Siege are starting to get more players again.

Another thing with faction, that was bad for Siege was the factions taxes. Before people was loyal to the town near their house, that did help the community. With factions taxes, they had to give up their town and go to cheapest factions town. I hope the remove of faction and the new town loyalty will help the community. I know there need to be a kind of PvP system but I hope it will be more a kind of good vs evil.

Siege had been UO’s step child for many years, now it seem like Devs have seen, something is working right on Siege. The economy is healthy and the community are very strong. We have very few system rules to control our action but we rarely need help from GM’s and the hate between red and blue don’t really exist on Siege.

Even when we are enemies on the field, we can still make events like the Graduation of NEW2 members and Ladra’s BOOM party and be together in a more friendly way.

I’m sure we had a lot more changes but this was the worse and the best :)

Next: Part 2 of the interview continues with Freja’s memories of NEW and perspective on NEW2.

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Perilous Inquirer – Fourth Issue

August 30, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Fourth Issue
July 26, 2013

We Report, You Decide
Make no mistake about it. Lord Blackthorn was slain by Lord British in Ultima IX. This can be confirmed by anyone who played Ultima IX or by checking numerous sources including,,,, etc.
So, is this just some imposter claiming to be our lawfully appointed king?
Or is our nosiest reporter, Lord Pinocchio, on to something when he says, “I smell zombie!”
What do You think?

A seal walks into a club….

LILITH Interview
by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Lilith, 27, is the guild leader of SCUM, he loves to PvP. He likes to decorate as a pasttime from PvPing. He also likes scouting the lands for people who have shiny things (people with good items.)
He also said in the interview that his sister, Lloth, likes to farm and PvP (Lloth is Lilith.) He said it wouldn’t be long before she turned red herself.
I asked him what was his most happiest moment here he answered, “The day I killed Forsaken farming in Covetous and I took his stuff.”
Lilith is actually a really nice person but if you have something nice or shiny (something that’s good) or if he’s just bored, he will kill you.
Hope you enjoyed reading the article :)

Chumlee says, “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.”
His collection totals nearly a hundred pairs and includes shoes from Damnation, Freja, Hoffs, Miranda, Morgan Ironfist, Sara Dale and Parium the Black.
“I do this because when I was a kid we were so poor I had to wear cow patties as shoes. You try getting a date, standing in that stuff.”

(translation wanted)
Une jolie epousette a Tours
Voulait de gig-gig tous les jours.
Mais le mari disait, “Non!
De trop n’est pas bon!
Mon derriere exige du secours!”

Chumlee is looking for shoes! Any kind will work (must be unblessed) and he prefers to take them off of your dead body. Got shoes? Then your gear is safe!

The Perilous Inquirer
Published by The Perilous Inquirer & Liquor Mart
“Where news & booze go hand in hand”
Address: 3rd house on left out the Luna south gate. (Sealed copies of the current issue are on the steward, next to the liquor vendor.)
Editor: DeadBob
Reporters: Kattasrophe, Otero, Pinocchio.
Reporters Wanted! Submit stories to [email protected]
Red Leaf Supplier: Camriel
Lawsuits: Dewey Cheatum & Howe

A special shout-out to Ilexia: “Thanks neighbor! Your support is appreciated :)”

~sine die~

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Perilous Inquirer – Third Issue

August 29, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Third Issue
July 19, 2013

Too New To Defend Themselves
Lilith says it’s fine by her.  Brand new NEW2 newbs have reportedly lost their birth suits when ganked by NBK members bravely singing, Brave Sir Robin.
“Any new, minimum statistic, unequipped player who turns his or her back on a gang of NBK is looking for a stomping,” said Trix.
“She gets so excited she soils her armor,” Sugar Smacks noted from upwind.

UO spokesperson Woot Woot Barney today denounced as “mere speculation” reports that GMs lured players into a Tokuno wooded area for an Iron Chef Competition.
“They were the chefs,” Diablo accuses, “And we were the ingredients.”
This reporter stared at the veteran player, as he leaned noticeably to the left in the saddle. “What happened?” I asked.
“It was horrible. Some of us followed runes marked ‘Good Food’ to a woods. We were jumped by GMs wearing chef’s hats & carrying cleavers. They slaughtered several people I knew and popped them into open ovens. Then they danced around adding spices and chanting, ‘Kick-it-up-a-notch.'”
“They chased me,” Diablo said, “Yelling, ‘Get that one! He’s already half baked.'” The big man shifted uncomfortably in his saddle, leaned left again and fixed me with his steely eyes. “I can show you proof,” he said.  Diablo looked around carefully.
Then he dismounted and mooned me.
OMG! His left buttock is missing!
“They almost got me,” he said. “It was real close, I tell you.”
But UO spokesperson Woot Woot, even when confronted with this eye witness testimony, dismissed it derisively, saying only, “Well, that evidence is half-arsed, ain’t it?”

TINA TINK interview
– by Kattasrophe (Age 12)
Tina Tink, 58, is the guild leader of NEW2. She likes doing a little bit of everything ranging from helping people, crafting and fighting. Tina says one of her favorite things is doing the graduation ceremonies.
Tina says her sister, Freja (who is also Tina) is a much better fighter than her. She says one time she was mining in Britain and a bunch of thieves ordered all the miners to give them their jewels and ingots. “Two of the newbies went red that day,” said Tina.
Tina said one of the most important things she does is helping others anyway she can.

Found on a body in the streets of Luna:  “I can’t take it anymore. I’m going for a walk.”

The ghosts on Siege ain’t the dead,
They’re the living you never see.
PKs who lose their heads
Are more alive than chars you can’t see.

Chumlee is looking for shoes! Any kind will work (must be unblessed) and he prefers to take them off of your dead body.
Got shoes?
Then your gear is safe!

The Perilous Inquirer
Reporting on Siege Life
Address: 3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
(Sealed copies of the current issue are on the steward.)
Publisher: The ROFLtimes
Editor: DeadBob
Reporters: Kattasrophe, Otero.
Reporters Wanted! Submit stories to [email protected]
Lawsuits: Dewey Cheatum & Howe

~sine die~

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Perilous Inquirer – Second Issue

August 28, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Second Issue
July 12, 2013

“On Your Side” and his girl friend “Up Yours” held a Purloined Auction yesterday in the Luna bank. At auction were pairs of scissors, bits of food and a pile of loomable (they swore) navel lint. “It took us weeks to steal all this,” said On Your Side.
Proceeds go to (they swear) to their fund for the widows & orphans of alien abductees.

in the Luna Lounge
Dionysis: “Hey! I gotta leak in my new cup!
Camriel: “Go ahead, it’s your cup.”

by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Jack Straw, 39, is a pirate and guild member of arrr who likes to PvP and role play.
Jack said that the leader of his guild, Parium, is very good. He also said Captain Sureno was a leader, and a very good one too.
Jack said his father was a bushido warrior, so he decided to become a swash buckler.
Jack spends most of his time drinking rum and thinking of past things he has done. As for things he likes to do it would be pvping, roleplay, t-maps and sailing the land.
Until my next interview with someone, thank you for reading about Jack Straw!
[Editor’s note: Hope you enjoyed this interview :) Katt died twice getting it.]

The Moose Song
Oh, gorillas are fun on a Saturday night,
And lions and tigers can put up a fight,
But it’s not quite the same when I ram their caboose,
As the feeling I get when I hump on a moose.
– Robbed Roy

has This to say about Rules
There is only one rule: Anyone who tells you of a rule wants something from you.

The Ter Mur Surgeon General has determined that the current craze of breast feeding pigeons in the Queen’s Park is hazardous to your health.

I4NI Vendors
53S,164E New Magincia
“Remember folks, at I4NI we cheat the Other guy & pass the savings on to You!”
 – Baby Doll

The Perilous Inquirer
A Meretricious Publication Reporting on Siege Life
Address: 3rd house on left out the Luna south gate
Publisher: The ROFLtimes
Editor: DeadBob
Reporters: Kattasrophe, Otero, Subzero
Reporters Wanted! Submit stories to [email protected]
Lawsuits: Dewey Cheatum & Howe

Many thanks to the supporters of The Perilous Inquirer for their gifts, their time and their encouragement:
Dionysis  Camriel  Nurse Miss Maude  Lord Waynbo  Kage Venator  & the Denizens of Siege Perilous!

~sine die~

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Perilous Inquirer – First Edition

August 27, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, First Edition
July 4th, 2013

A Canadian / Erotic Dancer was reported by members of the guild, Do-Right Knights (DoRK) who attempted to break up what appeared to be public coitus in the men’s room at Luna bank Thursday evening. When the increasingly angry couple could not be separated, a GM was summoned and it was discovered that the game had accidently fused the two characters at login.
“Ahhh. The old Siamese Twin bug,” GM Chevy explained.
(See next issue for screen shots.)

The guild OLD has reappeared on Siege. Dedicated to helping players who have only 30 days to live, OLD2 provides exiting players with dynamic ways to divest themselves of worldly possessions.
“Go Naked Into The Light” is their motto and often the last thing members hear.

Nurse Miss Maude has announced the opening of her Electroshock Therapy Clinic in Exodus Lair.
“Patients plugged directly into the power source display amazing reactions,” said NM Maude. “You can see some of them on the videos in our gift shop.”

I wish I were a diamond ring
upon my Lulu’s hand,
Everytime she scratched her butt
I’d see the promised land.
– Robbed Roy, Poet, circa 1650

to the Editor
“Can you help me get started?”
– Atlantic Immigrant
“Sure. Join NEW2, play the game, contribute to the community.”
– Editor

“Why are house pads spawning all over?”
– DumFounded Vet
“They are unlikely to become full blown houses. According to EA Spokesperson Muddles Galore, production shard players with little interest in Siege Perilous have been permitted to place a 2nd house on Siege Perilous. Responding to criticism that most of these players are unlikely to give up the soft life on their home shard to work hard on Siege and actually build a house here, the EA Spokesperson fled.”
– Editor

Letters to the Editor may be dropped into the mailbox at DeadBob’s, 3rd house on the left out the Luna south gate.
No profanity please (Sorry, Rick Rude :p)

The Perilour Inquirer
A Meretricious Publication Reporting on Siege Life
Editor: DeadBob
Reporters: Wanted! Submit stories to [email protected]
 Lawsuits: Dewey Cheatum & Howe
A subsidiary of the ROFL Times, online gaming’s oldest newspaper.

Historical note:
In 1994, online games were played over long distance phone lines. The ROFLtimes was published weekly in Sierra’s game, INN / ImagiNation Network, until the game’s demise in March of 1995 and over the years since has appeared occasionally on UO Atlantic.
If any old INN players see this, we’d love to hear from you. – db

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[News] Please take a moment and welcome our newest Siege reporter!

August 24, 2013 By: Lady Tia Category: Siege Perilous News

Please give a warm welcome to one of our own… Deadbob… He has very graciously accepted the position as reporter for Siege!

Thank you Deadbob!

[News] Producer Letter!

April 16, 2013 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

This important letter from Mesanna is absolutely news-worthy for Siege players!  Take note.  And I have marked in bold the two items of most interest to Siege players – we have *not* been forgotten!

Producer Letter

Posted by Bonnie Armstrong | 2013 Apr 16 21:50 -0400 GMT

I wanted to take a few moments to fill everyone in on a few things we are doing.  I have heard rumbling from the community that the  sky is falling.  I promise that is not true.  We still have a team that is dedicated to UO and is excited about what is to come.    The Event moderator program is here and still going strong.
As for the future of UO, I would like to share with you some of the ideas we have and want to see happen this year.
• New Theme Pack “The Kings Collection”
• Vendor Search
• New Story Arc
• Revamping Vet Reward – You have to be x age to get it but we are making vet rewards so anyone can use it.
• Revamping Fishing and Pirate Loot
• Adding a Gargoyle Horn Stylist
• Adding Fey Slayers to dungeon loot
• Reopening shard of the dead for Halloween
• Coming up with our Christmas and new Vet Rewards and Anniversary Rewards
• Adding new begging items for Trick or Treating
• Adding additional items to the clean up Britiannia turn ins
2nd House option on Siege
• Still working on High Res Art that has not been dropped, the housing wall tiles are numerous and takes a while to redo.  I highly doubt we will be able to get this in game this year, we are shooting for the beginning of next year.
• Fix Bugs
I would also like to address the issue of King Blackthorns Counsel on Siege.  Originally we did not put it on Siege due to the fact that the towns are Faction towns and we know griefing will happen.  If Siege accepts that fact we will be more than happen to add the voting system to Siege.
Next week we will once again put Shadow Strike on Clubs for all the Stealth Macers out there.
We are putting out a publish for a few bug fixes that you will get tomorrow during maintenance:
• Players that are co-owned to a house can once again use house teleporters properly
• Orc Helms now provide the expected 3% LMC.
See everyone in game !!

[News] Another class graduating from NEW2!

March 22, 2013 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

As some know there is a guild on Siege – originally NEW, now NEW2 – which offers 30 days of help, supplies, a place to log out, and so forth to players who have just created a character on Siege.  Even if a player is an old veteran on another shard, there are peculiarities to the Siege ruleset which sometimes takes a little time to get adjusted to.  Most PKs will not kill a player who is running with the NEW2 guild tag – or if they do, they often will not loot and will offer a rez and perhaps some friendly advice (like: “People don’t bank sit on Siege – if you need something, ask in General Chat”).

A player is only allowed to be a member of NEW2 for 30 days and after that the player “graduates.”  Tina Tink/Freja, who is leading NEW2, has set up “graduation parties” each month so that all can come and meet the new players and perhaps even recruit one or two into their guild or faction.  There will be a graduation TOMORROW – MARCH 23rd!  Her information concerning the graduation is below.  We thank Tina/Freja so very much for helping our community by running NEW2, despite the challenge of her living in Europe and yet working with many who play here in the U.S.  The times for this will be a little flexible – if you choose tomorrow to create a new player on Siege yourself, ask in general chat if it is still going on.  In fact, this would be a *great* time to create a new player on Siege – you can meet those who have gone through the 30 day process of learning about Siege, and perhaps join NEW2 yourself!

From Freja:

Hey All.  We will do this once a month, this time it’s our active members, who started 2013 feb month, who will be graduated. A list over the active members will come later. Feb members who already left to join a guild will be on the list too.
The event will be in 2 parts, to give all a chance to make it.

First part will start very early Saturday March 23, may still be friday for some. It will start 2 am Est, 8 am EU time and end at server down (4 hours)

Second part will start 2 pm est, 8 pm EU time and will last 4 hours too The event will be hold in my castle in Safe Haven and it will be public, all doors open. All are welcome and I hope all will have a nice day with our new Siege players.

It may also be the day for guilds to meet the NEW2 members and mayby recruit some for their guild.

If someone get bored and feel the need for fighting, the road outside is perfect for that. If someone not know, where to find my castle, just ask in gen chat, most know.

I really hope to see alot of the community find your way to my castle this day. The easy way to get there, at least if blue is to go to the NEW2 shop – Young Travelers Inn – in New Magincia and use the teleporter to my castle on second floor near the stair.

My castle is placed in Safe Haven, an old player town in east Brit, near the desert and the swamp. Follow the road from the desert east and when it turn south, you are near my castle, owner Freja.

Come in peace and hang out with us and your enemies. I ask nicely to take the fights outside, some duels on the road will be cool too.

There will be an event each month, 4th saturday in the month.

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[RP News] Acoyltes of the Defiler

March 08, 2013 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

A new roleplaying guild is forming on Siege Perilous!  The description given by its leader is as follows:

Greeting Siege Perilous,

We are a small band of murderous gargoyles who reject the Queens rule and her tolerance of outsiders in Ter Mur. We have exiled ourselves to the temple that houses the abyss entrance on your world and intend to use that area as a staging ground to protect our ancestral hunting grounds in the abyss. We have also linked our home there to the dungeon shame in an effort to recover the stolen artifacts of our people that are closely guarded by the elementals that reside therein. It is our intention to guard and hunt these areas as well as to gather other like minded gargoyles to our cause. We refuse to align ourselves with any of your warring factions and will engage all equally but hold a special place in our heart for the false servitors of the the defiler who have allied thierselves with the lesser demons that inhabit Hythloth.

More information may be found on this thread:

In addition to the return of many players, this new guild is welcomed to Siege!  All Hail Siege Perilous!

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[News] NEW2 guild to graduate over 18 new players!

February 16, 2013 By: Adrianas Category: Siege Perilous News

As many know, the guildleader of the NEW guild has had to step away from UO for an extended period due to real life concerns.  But in the meantime, our very own favorite vampire, the wonderful Freja (aka Tina Tink), stepped up and formed NEW2 to carry on the tradition of helping players new to Siege learn how to face the unique challenges that Siege Perilous brings.  Those who enter the NEW2 guild have 30 days to train and learn all about how Siege works.

I am thrilled to report that Freja will be graduating over 18 new players on Saturday, February 23, 2013!   The event will take place a Freja’s castle.  If you wish to attend, but do not know where her castle is, please just ask in general chat.

WELCOME and CONGRATULATIONS to these new players!

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