Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

Campaign Manifestos: unopposed candidates

September 10, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Barring any major scandal, they are shoo-ins for the governorship positions. But it doesn’t hurt for the citizens to know their manifestos, not least so that they may be judged on it at the end of the term.

Hoffs’ Skara Brae manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
As the city-state of Gilfane occupies the land areas adjacent to Skara, there is a high degree of friendship, cooperation and trade that goes on between the two communities. With the people of Skara also looking toward their bigger neighbour for assistance in times of crisis, it seems only natural that a member of Gilfane should seek the position of governor here.

Have you any previous political experience?
Apart from my previous term as governor, I am Keeper of the Hall [GM] of Gilfane and Chancellor of the White Council alliance.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
My organizational ability and experience are probably the best things I can offer.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I would like to keep a trade deal going, probably with the Guild of Arcane Arts. Funding will likely be a combination of donations and power scroll sales.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I plan on asking the King to inspect several suspect houses on the outskirts of the town and to demolish them if they are found to be unsound.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
Nothing specific at this time.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
There are no restrictions except for those who cause trouble whilst in the town.

Why do you think nobody else is running for governorship in Skara?
They perhaps recognise the town’s close connections to Gilfane and reason that they would be unable to persuade the population to elect a candidate from elsewhere.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
That you can rely on the full support and resources of Gilfane for your continued well-being.


Kelmo’s Trinsic manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
Trinsic has been long ignored. Much history has revolved around this neglected township. I remember not so long ago all Trinsic was a jumping off point for Magincia. This city has a proud history. I will seek to reclaim that.

Have you any previous political experience?
I have had numerous experiences throughout the years I have spent on Siege, I have been a pauper, politician and a pirate. I bring a particularly unique set of skills and experience to the task of restoring the former glory of the historic city of Trinsic.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I have a lot of patience and can be unusually stubborn when I set my mind to accomplishing a task.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I will study the deals and decide what the proper policies and funding will be after some serious thoughts on this matter.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I am currently exploring the city of Trinsic and assessing several issues. There seems to be a flow of molten lava that needs to be addressed, one way or the other. I would also like to beautify the walkway along the moat. I have several ideas. *smiles*. One major effort I would like to push for soon is the expulsion of several leftover Shadowlord horse vendors as they are an eyesore.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
I do. There are several interesting features already present that can be used for events and gatherings.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
There is a very nice city jail. *chuckles*

What do you think nobody else is running for governorship in Trinsic?
*chuckles* Why would anyone waste time and gold running against me? Maybe when I build Trinsic into a vibrant and bustling city some will attempt to take what I have built for my citizens… *smiles*

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
I would ask the constituents to embrace the coming changes and opportunities that will come with my leadership. I will promise to make Trinsic a prosperous and exciting city to live in as well as visit.


Salinger’s Jhelom manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
Did you ever get fed up? I mean did you ever get scared that everything was going to go lousy unless you did something? I didn’t even know what I was running for; I guess I just felt like it.

Have you any previous political experience?
I don’t want to go into it, if you want to know the truth. In the first place, questions like this bore me, and in the second, my previous guildmates would have about two haemorrhages apiece if I mentioned anything personal about them. They are quite touchy.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It’s awful. If I’m on my way to Luna to buy something, even, and somebody asks me where I’m going, I’m liable to say “I’m going to Shame.”

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
If I get no request/input, I will go with Bardic Collegium. Goddam gold. It always ends up making you blue as hell.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases in a museum and just leave them alone. The best thing about Jhelom is that everything has stayed right where it was. The only thing different is you. Maybe you have finished your warrior training and no longer use the duelling pits or maybe your tamer has surpassed the use of the pens, however you can come back and renew your memories any time.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
It has come to my attention the fine gift of melodic tunes from citizen Rue Tor. I hope to see him take the stage in the forbidden Performing Arts Center to recite his verse and overcome his irrational fears.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I am always saying “Glad to’ve met you” to somebody I’m not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.

Why do you think nobody else is running for the governorship in Jhelom?
People never notice anything.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
“Politics is a game, boy. Politics is a game one plays according to the rules.” Game, my ****. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hotshots are, then it’s a game all right – I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hotshots, then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game. I don’t exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.


Samantha’s Yew manifesto:

Have you any previous political experience?
I had some experience in the lands of Atlantic as a leader of a respectable guild when the previous leader stepped down. Unfortunately, his departure left a void that was never filled, and the guild floundered. Shortly after that, I began to travel into the mysterious worlds of Siege. Here, I was a co-leader of the new helper group, NEW., under Tina Tink. After leaving Siege for a time, I returned and helped Tina again as she created NEW2. I then left to seek my fortune within the ranks of GIL.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I plan to continue utilizing trade deals, especially with the Guild of Arcane Arts. Generous donations from Yew citizens, along with my own funds, will be (and have been) used to fund these trade deals.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I currently have no petitions to ask of the king, but I am open to suggestions from my citizens.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I am completely non-racist, but I do believe that elves best thrive in Yew, especially since the discovery of Heartwood within the city of Yew several years back.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
I thank the voters of Yew for their support of me, and I hope to continue to represent Yew in a worthy manner.


Victim’s Vesper manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
For the sweet kickbacks.

Have you any previous political experience?

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I have the time.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I will hold a town meeting [poll on Stratics] for the populace to decide.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I’d rather not involve the undead in our government.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
Nothing I can speak of at the moment.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I welcome any and all into Vesper.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
*ponders* Only that I will keep the minions busy with sanitation and town beautification (as long as they don’t slack on keeping up Luka’s castle grounds).

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Perilous Inquirer – Eighth Issue

September 10, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
 Vol. 1, Eighth Issue
August 23, 2013

That’s the question I asked myself while observing the EM Event on Bucs Den. I wondered about the SL players who expertly killed everyone and everything. And I wondered about the outrage at them on chat. The answer, it turns out, is that this is exactly how UO was designed.
The following is from a 1998 essay written by the original UO Lead Designer, Raph “Designer Dragon” Koster.
“Eliminating the killers from the mix of the population results in a stagnant society. Players become cliquish, and without adversity to bring communities together, they fragment and eventually go away. At the same time, too many killers will quite successfully chase away everyone else. And after feeding on themselves for a little while, they will move on too. Leaving an empty world.  Ideally, we bring killers to an awareness of the virtual community they are disrupting, whilst at the same time still permitting people to exercise power over one another, because people tend to seek status and power, and it’s an important mechanic we cannot do without.”
See Dragon’s essay, “Who Are These People Anyway?” at

To being The Boston Strangler, the West Mesa Bone Collector & The Phantom Killer of Texarkana
“It’s been preying on my conscious for years, all those unsolved murders.
But I feared it would damage my career on UO if it got out that I was a -shudder- a secret serial killer. I mean, what good is killing if you can’t boast of it? But now it’s out. I killed all those 29 people.”

by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Satan, 31, is a PvPr in the guild FSP, his main target, blues. He says he likes to think of himself as an equal opportunity killer. He says he doesn’t care if they are red, blue, new, old or an NPC, he will kill them.
He has played for over 187 months. He started when he was 16. He found out about Ultima Online from a friend and got the game for his dad on Christmas.
The only time he hasn’t played was when he was deployed to Iraq and Cuba.
(Side note: While doing the interview, he went to Shame and killed a guild member of mine.)
But besides killing people, he is kinda nice!

Siege Only
UO has authorized creation of a God statue where Siege players can report each other. “It’ll save staff time not having to deal with whiners,” UO explained.
The new God, named Bigus Dickus in honor of Mel Brooks, will be installed on Fire Island where Siege Players can take their prayers & supplications for relief.

Siege Estates – An updated runebook to Siege Vendors by Grimlex.
“Shopping could not be easier with this gate traveling wonder.
See Gate Book Store at the Perilous Inquirer.”

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
Reporter: Kattasrophe  Contributor: Grimlex
Sealed copies of the current issue are on the steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.

~sine die~

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Campaign Manifestos: New Magincia

September 10, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Below, we present the autumn manifesto for governor candidate Morgan Ironfist. Viscount Goop’s will also be published here if and when it becomes available.

Morgan Ironfist’s manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
Having the chance to influence Britannia’s well-being and speaking for the honorable people of the trade town New Magincia is my primary concern.

Have you any previous political experience?
Besides being the leader of Gilfane’s PvP branch, House Nemesis, and being the only Duke of Magincia ever appointed, I have no other guild-leading experience since Gilfane was the first guild I joined on Siege and I have been a member since then. Loyalty is very important to me.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I am able to listen. I make decisions on the facts that I have access to at the time. I make plans before I act. If I have my eyes focused on a target, I usually get it.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
New Magincia was the only town able to sustain the trade deal throughout all three months of my previous term. Besides private funds, loyal citizens who used the trade deal donated through my office mailbox (just north-west of New Magincia bank) a considerable amount of gold (ten million last term). Power scroll hunts for the benefit of Magincia are held, and those collected are sold to fund the treasury of our town. If elected, I will be looking to continue running a trade deal with the Guild of Assassins.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I will be campaigning for treasury changes. Right now, every citizen of respected status is able to utilize the active trade deal for free. I believe that a token amount of, for example, 50k gold pieces when you want the benefit of your town’s trade deal would be a great way to fund the trade deal. It would also give the citizens of a certain town the benefit of showing their governor whether they approve the current deal or not. In addition to that, the costs of all trades done inside the city of New Magincia should be lightened.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
Besides the above mentioned hunts, sheriff Nyssa has been issued with the order to listen to what our citizens need and want, so we can act and react on their needs and demands.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
We are a free trade city so obviously everyone who has something to sell or wants to buy is welcome. But murderers, bullies and thieves be aware that threatening gestures towards our honorable citizen and guests or acts of thievery will be dealt with…swiftly.

What do you think of your opponent, Viscount Goop?
I have the highest respect one can hold for him…a slime. After his defeat last term we actually worked together and I passed the responsibility of keeping the streets of New Magincia clean to him. And let’s face it, since the rebellion the streets have never been any cleaner, so he is a slime that can get that job done very well.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
Everyone who knows me either likes or hates me, but everyone knows that I am true to my word. So hear this: I will represent New Magincia to the best of my abilities and fight for its rights in the Council should I get re-elected for another term.


Viscount Goop’s Manifesto:

Not yet available

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Campaign manifestos: Moonglow

September 09, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


To help enable voters in Moonglow to make an informed choice in the current election, we present the manifestos of the two candidates for the autumn term.

Sam’s manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
To take an active role on Siege as a non-PvP merchant.

Have you any previous political experience?
Present governor of Moonglow.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I don’t talk trash and try to help most anyone.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I am not planning any trade deals at the moment.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
Yes, I would like to see Moonglow get an outgoing gate near the bank, several stables and a community soul forge.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
I am hoping to foster town competition for crafting and pet fights.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I have no use for griefers of any color!

What do you think of your opponent, York?
Really don’t think I have ever met him. I hope to soon, however.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
I would appreciate your support!


York’s manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
To provide a much-needed service for the citizens of Moonglow. This service will provide a channel for the citizens to have a voice in the direction the town will take.

Have you any previous political experience?
My many years as a merchant and collector have given me the skills needed to set a plan and execute it.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
The qualities that I possess are willingness to listen to the people while keeping in mind the traditions of the founders of Moonglow so as not to negate the values of the town.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I would love to set up a trade deal, that is if the citizens are willing to pursue this endeavor. For my part, I plan to donate 50,000 gold pieces as a show of good faith upon accepting office.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I have a few ideas, some of which have come from the fine citizens of Moonglow:

* There is need for increased protection in the cotton fields. Those harvesting this valuable crop are being slaughtered.
* A trash can by the bank – too much trash in our packs and on the ground.
* Increased guard patrols in town limits – mongbats and water elementals continue to find their way into town and kill citizens. This is unacceptable; all players should feel safe within the confines of the gate.

I could continue, but I feel I have made my point that there is much to be done and I am listening.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
I have been thinking of a few events that might be entertaining. How about a “Best mage of Moonglow tournament’? Since Moonglow is the town of the mage, why not find out who is really the best the town has to offer? Citizens from all of Sosaria would be welcome, but those of Moonglow are likely to enjoy a home town advantage. *grins*

I also have a plan to appoint leaders of trades. This should expand the voice of the people. The leaders of the town trades can report the requests of citizens I may not be able to hear from. I hope to foster a community within Moonglow for trade and intellectual advancements.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
All are welcome to Moonglow, for me to cast out individuals for past behaviors or race would be ignorant and would ignore the benefit from even nefarious individuals. Is not the murderer a skilled warrior or warlord? If Moonglow was invaded by any number of creatures, I would hope for skilled warriors to help protect the town. Are the elves not the most skilled archers with wondrous abilities? The point is to each good there is a bad and vice versa. I would like to add that negative behavior towards other players within the town gates or buildings would compromise the standing of all such individuals. The result of such acts within town limits results in ghost towns. This is the state of Moonglow.

What do you think of your opponent, Sam?
I have met Sam once at the town meeting a few months ago. What I do know about him I learned from his manifesto. What I learned was that he wants to bring pet fighting to our fair town. I do not agree with this plan. The reason is simple: Moonglow is the home of the Zoo and I doubt this was the idea the founders of Moonglow had in mind.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
With your help change is possible. Vote York.

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Perilous Inquirer – Seventh Issue

September 09, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Seventh Issue
August 16, 2013

By: Lupe
Long ago, before we travelled between facets, the crossroads of Britain was… an interesting place. It was often a magnet for new players, with a swamp to the west, a desert to the northwest, and tons of spawn.
So the PK’s waited in the shadows of the guard tower and cut down the unsuspecting kids who stopped to read the signs or kill a troll.
But eventually a benevolent force arrived and stopped the slaughter, and as time passed, a blossoming township grew. Powerful players patrolled the roads and the borders of the town from bandits. Vendors sprang up and lined the roads, and then, greener pastures showed up, surrounded by a big, thick, sandstone wall.
Fear not though, a new era has dawned, and the township of Safe Haven is once again showing signs of life! Ariana Riverwind has hired some merchants to sell her wares. Freja’s castle is now host to some vendors and my own home, by the healer’s wing ofthe guard tower has a “Potluck Commodity” vendor, as well as all manner of tools, and Carpenter’s, Tinker’s, and Tailor’s repair deeds!
Come take a look at what we have to offer, and stop by often, let us foster the rebirth of a piece of Siege history!

Mating Night is this Sunday.
Plan to attend early and help the animals get ready.

by DeadBob
Katt began UO at the age of six when her parents (Hi Victoria :) wanted to play a game with her.  Like most of us, she came for the game and stayed for the people. “The people I like most are kind, funny and always look out for others. Some are the best friends I ever had.”
Katt also writes plays. “When i grow up, i want to become a famous author. I love to write and i hope to have a career in it.”

The Cod Piece  Serving Zento diners with live eel, oysters and the chef’s special, rooster-in-a-pouch, the Cod Piece restaurant has something for everyone.
“Ladies Night is always big for us,” says Chef Justin Cider. “They love to stretch things into the late hours of the night.”

Siege Pixel Estates by Grimlex
So, it’s a hot day…crawling around on the even hotter dirt wanting a drink. A drink of what, you ask…?  Looking into the blazing sun holding a bottle of moonshine. Eyeing the booze then taking a blissful swig of that hot warm steaming creation of God.  Ah so refreshing that it makes you wonder how you got that liquor. Well simple you bought it at the vendors on your way home or where you plan on passing out.  Vendors what are they, where are they. Well they’re not everywhere, yet they are at the places you will find when you want that hot steamy boiling bottle of dreams. Luna, Zento, New magincia and Yew you will find a lot of junk. I mean non Alcoholic beverage items. If you want the best brew you’re gonna have to shop around.  What’s in your glass? Cheers!

I’ve heard it said that some suits are too high priced. So that got me thinking…are they?
If I, were to go and buy all the materials needed to make a horned leather 100LRC, MR6, LMC 40, and all 70’s, it would cost me roughly 240k.
Many do not realize how much work and TIME often goes into making a suit.  Even with 120 imbue, having the garg bonus, and using the queens forge, you still have very low % chances once you get to that last imbue. Meaning lost materials.
So my hat’s off to players like Tina Tink, who only charge a measly 300k! May more crafters on this fine shard be as generous as she!
– Your Pixel Crush

If you are an experienced fluffer with a passion for animals, this could be your next career move!
Apply to Severn, Mating Choreographer at the Moonglow Zoo.

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
Sealed copies of the current issue are on the steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Contributors: Kattasrophe, Lupe, Grimlex, Your Pixel Crush
Articles Wanted! Submit to [email protected] or PM DeadBob on stratics.

~sine die~

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Campaign manifestos: Minoc

September 08, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


To help enable voters in Minoc to make an informed choice in the governorship election, we present a summary of the candidates’ campaign manifestos:

Ladra’s manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
Over the last few weeks I have received mail from several hundred concerned citizens of Minoc, demanding a change of politics. They are not happy with the current rulers of their town. Since I’m already Mayor of the bordering town it’s natural that they come to me for help. They see the wealthy, crime-free and eco-friendly utopia that is Barter Town and want a piece of that. “Can Barter Town help?”, they asked. Yes, we can! Since I can not bear to see a fellow Sosarian in distress, here I am, stepping up to help. Vote for me and you will see change!

Have you any previous political experience?
I say that me being the Mayor of Barter Town puts a lot of legitimacy in my favor. But yes, of course I have had other experiences. For example, I’m in charge of security in Luna many nights a week. I’m also the former leader of *mumbles something incoherent* And do not forget about *coughs*. So yeah, lots of previous experience…

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I’m very upfront and honest about what I want to do. And I get things done. But I really want to press on how honest I am; transparent and honest. Very honest.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
I make daily trades, yes. Lots of them. *grins*

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
Absolutely. There will be no chance for any other governors to get a word with the King. I’m going to be glued to him. And I’ll be watching his pockets to oversee that Minoc gets its fair share.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
Of course. With an increased co-operation with Barter Town there will be lots of things happening. The epic Boom Fest was just a warm-up.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I have very strong opinions on crimes. Every normal person feels that crime should be abolished and that criminals are the cancer in today’s society. And I have very strong opinions about that, yes.

What do you think of your opponent, Possum?
He seems like a nice guy. And that’s his problem, he is too nice. Lacking in leadership and confidence in his own agenda. We have already read quotes where he endorses me. Anyone serious about making a change can not give up before the election even starts.

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
A push-over can’t lead, vote for Ladra as Governor of Minoc!

Possum’s manifesto:

Why are you running for governor?
To rid our town of the Zombie King’s influence.

Have you any previous political experience?
I was the fastest with a machete in high school.

What qualities do you think you possess which would make you a good governor?
I am good at killing Zombies.

Are you planning on running any trade deals? If so, which ones and how do you intend to finance them?
That will be up for discussion amongst Barter Town residents.

Do you have any plans to petition the King for town improvements?
I do not negotiate with Zombies.

Do you have any other plans/promises for the towns, e.g. events, etc.?
I will do my best to protect our town from the Zombie King’s influence.

Would you have any particular policies towards specific groups, e.g. murderers, thieves, elves, mages, etc.?
I welcome all people to our town.

What do you think of your opponent, Ladra?
Wonderful person. I wish her luck. *looks for his wallet*

Any other thoughts or messages you would like to pass on to your electorate?
The Zombie King will be laid to rest.

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Perilous Inquirer – Sixth Issue

September 08, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Sixth Issue  August 9, 2013

Are on Siege?
81. Doubt that number? See for yourself!  You can now visit every castle on Siege using DeadBob’s Compendium of Siege Castles, a set of 6 runebooks on the front steps of the Perilous Inquirer.
But is it complete?
Yes! And, we’re so sure it is that we’ll pay 100,000 gp to the first player dropping a rune in our mailbox to a castle that is not included in the Compendium.

Heavenless [FSP!] [SL] has received notification from Hell that he’s not welcome there, either.
“Maybe Limbo will take me,” the scarred fighter told this reporter. “You don’t think I’ll havta learn that stupid dance, do you?”

by Kattasrophe (Age 12)
Dj Def, 57, is a disc jockey for I asked him what inspired him to become a dj. He answered, “My inspiration comes from the 60s & 70s, listening to the popular music of that generation.”
He plays on Siege, Sonoma and Catts. He likes listening to oldies, classic and rock.
He has two sons and one wife who play too.
He said his favorite thing about being a dj is interacting with the audience and sharing the songs from the lost generation and also bringing them their requests. He says this is the key in ensuring that they have the background music to enhance their playing.
Side notes: He isn’t on parole! And, I had to pay 5,000 gp to get the interview book back from Ladra who stole it from me.
[Editor’s note: Katt was reimbursed her 5k out of pocket expense. We also verified that Dj Def is not on parole & has only one wife.]

Our Friend Mahmoud Ahmadinejad On A Job Well Done
Mahmoud, who plays the character Abdul Husinsane on Siege, attributed his ability to simultaneously handle his former job as Iranian President while being a successful Shadowlord member here to the fact that, “I can’t really tell the difference.”

Clinic Addition
Nurse Miss Maude’s new machine can work wonders.
“It looks like a torture wrack,” she confided, “But I’ve modified it.”

RIDDLE  What did Bill Gate’s new bride say to him on their wedding night?  (Answer on last page)

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
Sealed copies of the current issue are on the steward.  Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Editor: DeadBob  Reporter: Kattasrophe
Articles Wanted! Submit to [email protected] or PM DeadBob on stratics.
Lawsuits: Dewey Cheatum & Howe

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Salinger steps in as nomination period ends

September 08, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


A last-minute entry by Salinger the Cereal Killer as a candidate for Jhelom was the chief event of the final day of town governor nominations. Although no press release was forthcoming and Salinger has not otherwise outlined his plans, the people seemed overjoyed that they would finally be getting some representation at the highest level of government.

“I think we’d have been happy even if Minax or Mondain had applied,” said a delighted bank worker.

Although the total candidates for this term is one short of the fourteen back in June, and the electorate only has a voting choice in four cities compared to six previously, we are at least assured of a full table at the King’s Council.

The contested cities are Britain, where governor Sprago will this time square up against Hugibear the pirate; Minoc, where Possum will be up against Ladra of Barter Town; Moonglow, where incumbent Sam’s challenger this go around is York; and New Magincia, a replay of June’s contest where Morgan Ironfist overcame an early deficit to defeat Viscount Goop by thirty-three votes to eleven.

In the other cities, Jhelom and Trinsic have only single candidates, but that is one more than they had previously; Vesper sees Victim, defeated candidate last time, go unopposed; Yew has Samantha, following her 43-3 crushing of President back in June, as the only candidate; and Skara Brae sees Hoffs go unchallenged again.

With nominations officially closed, all citizens of any status can now start voting at the town stones. All candidates have been asked to provide a summary of their plans for the city this term, such as which trade deals they intend to run, so any citizens of towns with a choice of candidate may wish to wait for this information to be published before exercising their democratic right.

The final candidate list, as well as any guild affiliations, is shown below:

Hugibear (Prepare to be Boarded)
Sprago (Eye for n Eye)

Salinger (Cereal Killers)

Ladra (Barter Town Inc)
Possum (Victim’s R Us)

Sam (Eye for n Eye)

New Magincia
Morgan Ironfist (Gilfane)
Viscount Goop (Eye for n Eye)

Skara Brae
Hoffs (Gilfane)


Victim (Victim’s R Us)

Samantha (Gilfane)


This reporter is eager to make contact with both Salinger and York. Please send me a pigeon if you can help.

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Nomination deadline approaches

September 07, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Only a few hours remain for further candidates to come forward for the autumn governorships, with nominations set to close at midnight [EST].

At present, there are three cities (Britain, Minoc, Moonglow) with two candidates, four cities (Skara, Trinsic, Vesper, Yew) with single candidates, and one (Jhelom) with no candidate at all. The ninth city, New Magincia, has one confirmed candidate and one nominee, Viscount Goop, who has recently declared but has not yet been endorsed.

Anyone still wishing to run for office needs to be loyal to the city and at least adored by the population. You can nominate yourself at the town stone but you’ll need to have a second person endorse your candidacy prior to the deadline.

Kelmo lifts hearts in south

September 06, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


There was joy all across Trinsic yesterday when Siege Perilous stalwart Kelmo, best known as the no-nonsense editor of The Siege Post, announced that he would be running for the vacant governorship.

Am enthusiastic crowd gathered at the east bank to watch him etch his name onto the town stone, and a minor scuffle broke out as those present squabbled to become the one to officially endorse the nomination.

“Trinsic has long been ignored,” he told the audience. “Much history has revolved around this neglected township. I remember not so long ago that Trinsic was a jumping-off point for Magincia. The city has a proud history; I will seek to reclaim that.”

He declined to elaborate on his plans for the city or what, if any, trade deals he would be seeking to negotiate, but his personal assistant, a Ms Melehan, assured everyone of his good intentions and reminded us of his past philanthropy, including raising hundreds of millions (in today’s prices) to save the western Abyss house for the nation.

“This is a great day for Trinsic,” commented Brock the guard. “There may be a few folk that don’t much care for Kelmo, but at least we know he’ll fight our corner at the King’s table.

Nevertheless, Trinsic’s cheer will give little succour to the residents of Jhelom, who now seemed resigned to another three months in the political hinterland. The anger of the the past few days now appears to have dissipated into mere apathy and, walking the town this morning, it was hard to find anyone with much to say about the elections.

“It is what it is,” said Vinson the healer, “I’m pleased for our neighbours in Trinsic, but that’s not going to mend the broken lanterns on our streets or help repair the duelling pit.”

One local resident was willing to share her thoughts however, and had her own theory on why the town was being ignored.

“The reason why the potholes and other safety issues go by the wayside is that they feel it is all part of the charm of the city,” says crafter Serephina Rose, the “they” apparently referring to the various power mongers further north. “They think ‘if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.’”

She went on to say that, like many fellow citizens, she has shaken many a fist at these “naysayers”, wondering how they would know what is broken when they never actually visit the area. “They don’t appreciate the true rustic beauty of Jhelom,” she added.

Of course, I asked her whether she might consider running for the governorship herself.

“I wish I could do more for my beloved town”, she sighed, “but, alas, my busy life oft takes me to other realms and my home is silent and unattended for days.”

But not as silent and unattended as the Jhelom governor’s chair at the King’s Council.

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