Archive for the ‘Baja News’

[EM News] Town Guards

October 09, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

Town Guards, Your presence is requested on Wed. Oct 10th, 2012 at 6:45pm PST in the Throne room at Castle Blackthorn. Please come in full dress uniform.

[EM News] A New Beginning

October 08, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

A New Beginning
EM Crysania

The time has come for a new beginning. You are cordially invited to Castle Blackthorn Wed. Oct 10th to witness the crowning of a new King.

Date: 10/10/12

Time: 7pm PST

Meet: Castle Blackthorn in the Throne Room

[EM News] Baja’s 15th Anniversary Bash

September 27, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

Baja’s 15th Anniversary Bash
EM Crysania

For those of us who can’t make it to the bash in Fairfax, we will have our own party and rock it the Baja way!

Come share your memories, tell some stories, have some food and drink! Lets get together and enjoy the evening!

Date: 9/29/12
Time: 7pm pst
Where: Baja Museum and Awards Hall

[RP News] The Haunted House Deco Contest

September 23, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

The Kingdom of Dawn is sponsoring a Halloween House Decoration Contest this year. The prize is going to be a Europa Gold Harpsichord Deed. This contest is only for houses on the Baja Shard. The winner will be announced at the October Fest that EM Crysania is planning (date unknown at this time but she said last week of October).

You may put up a small display, decorate the whole house or any range in between. Felucca and Trammel houses are both welcome to enter; however, the judges must be able to see the display for it to be judged.

A container with a book with the name of your house, your character name and an email address or ICQ number where you can be reached and a rune to the house will need to be dropped off in the mailbox at the Dawn Malas Outpost by October 20, 2012 (tentative date). It is the second house west of Umbra West Gate on the north side of the road.

Grand Duchess
Kingdom of Dawn

[EM Event] “Unity Once More”

September 21, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

“Unity Once More”
EM Crysania

Walking through the vineyard, the old Captain nodded his head at the Monks tending the grapes. His walk took him north towards the west tip of land that jutted out into the sea. Reaching his destination, he knelt laying a rose on the tomb of his departed Queen, bowing his head for a brief moment. The old Captain rose slowly and sat then, at one of the benches near the grave.
It had been many years since he had last seen battle. As Dawn had become Queen and Lady Nystad commander of her armies, he had quietly retired and lead a peaceful life. When Lady Nystad had died, he had thought briefly of rejoining the Queen, but when Captain Jenkins had come forward as Leader of the Royal Guards, he had once more retreated into retirement.
Now his Queen was dead and Captain Jenkins gone. He had watched as the cities he loved turned against one another. Once elegant and dignified Nobles screaming in the streets, Shop Keepers unable to run their business because of raiders ram sacking their shops, townsfolk begging in the streets, protesters yelling blame and trying to burn down buildings. Thoughts and images began flooding his mind.
The take over of Ver Lor Reg by that vile beast Exodus, attacks by his minions on the homes of those who tried to defend their cities. The Gargoyles who had lived at Ver Lor Reg given exile in Ter Mur. The image of Lord Dupre leading the attack against Exodus in what had been left of Ver Lor Reg after the vile creature had claimed it. The death of Exodus and while victory was claimed, the lingering magic causing the corruption of Honor Moongate in Ilshenar.
He thought of the Gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg, gone from their homes into an environment that proved fatal for many after contracting a infection. Hearing of a mysterious healer asking for cures to be made after figuring out the ingredients needed to make them. How this Mysterious healer had gathered the cures as they were made and given them out to the sick ones and now that crisis was over, the gargoyles having been cured. He had shook his head in disbelief to learn that the Mysterious Healer was no other than Lord Blackthorn himself. Not believing that one who had once been so threatening to the land, had come back in hopes of saving it. He had witnessed the repair of Honor Moongate by Lord Blackthorn after a great battle by the citizens.
Now there had been a “Instigator” captured. A man who had used the towns against each other for his own gain. His greed had brought the cities towards their own downfall, by blaming each other for what was happening. The man had been put to trial, and found that he had been hiring not only vagabonds, but using the corruption left by Exodus in his evil deeds. He was a follower of Exodus and sworn to see the cities downfall. During the trial, his minions had descended upon the court house, creating havoc and giving the Instigator an escape route.The old Captain knew he must be found and brought to justice, either by recapture or death. For with the threat of the Instigator gone, the cities perhaps could heal and peace be restored.
Sir Geoffrey slowly stood, bowing once more at the grave of the late Queen. He would seek out Lord Blackthorn, and ask to speak with him. Perhaps the man had changed, and together they could work towards the capture and bring peace once more to the lands.

Event: Unity Once More

Date: 9/22/12

Time: 7pm pst

Meet: Entrance to Blackthorns Castle, Britain

[EM News] Trial of the Instigator

September 18, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

Trial of the Instigator
EM Crysania

He watched through the bars of his jail cell, as the hooded man was escorted in.

The man stood in front of his cell in silence. The Instigator could not see his features in the shadow of the hood, but knew who he was none the less.

“What are you doing here?” he spat out.”My liege should have killed you.”

The man held steady in his hooded gaze,several minutes went by before he spoke.

“You are the last,and by the virtues, you will pay for your crimes against the cities. Prepare yourself to meet the same fate as your ..master.”

The Instigator pales and a trickle of sweat winds down his brow,as the Hooded man turns and leaves.

Event: The Trial of the Instigator
Date: 9/20/12
Time: 7pm PST
Meet: Yew Court

Note: You are encouraged to step forth and either defend or add to the prosecution during the trial.
(Be prepared for anything!)

[EM News] The Instigator

September 13, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

The Instigator
EM Crysania

Dupre sat quietly for a moment, looking out at the men going through their early morning drill practice. The news he had just learned was disturbing to say the least. Someone was stirring up troubles between the cities to fatten their own purse, with no regard to the anguish they were causing. He had to find out where this person was! He had to be stopped and soon! Dupre looked down at his little companion who had brought him the news and said, ” Sherry alert the criers, our friends must be called upon again…”

Event: The Instigator

Date: 9/15/12

Time: 7pm pst

Meet: Dupre at his camp outside of Trinsic

[EM Fiction] “Seven Days In.”

September 04, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

Grindylow looked anxiously at the calender. The words spoken on the night of the Blue Moon kept running through her head. In Seven days time it must be spoken…
She had gone back to where the Blue Moon was, and had found it shattered and of no use. Bendis was there when she arrived, picking up the fragments of the shattered moon. Grindylow had approached him cautiously, after hearing that he seemed to be deranged and calling in the protectors of the moon on the night it was found.
Looking up from gathering the fragments, Bendis let out a low hiss at the sight of Grindylow.
“What do you want! Go Away! You and your kind have done enough..look at my precious moon! Shattered, destroyed!” he yelled as he grabbed up the rest of the fragments.
Grindy approached and with wide eyes blurted out her response.
“I-I- just came to see if the moon where here, to find out what was needed before the seven days were out. The moon spoke of having to say the words in seven days time, and that time is almost over! We need to find a way to repair the moongate and the Blue Moon was the last key to doing just that!
“Silly mortal! The words are there! It just takes someone who’s smart enough to know! The Moon held the key by its light, in seven days it fades. But now ..that has been taken care of, the moon was shattered and now, *looks at fragments in his hands*..there are only these. My moon, my Precious moon!” he cackled as he disappeared in a blinding light, taking the fragments with him.
Grindylow set off in search of Lord Blackthorn. She had to tell him what Bendis had said. Perhaps he could figure it all out, after all, he was the smartest Mage she knew….

Event: Seven Days In

Time: 7pm PST

Date: 9/8/12

Meet: Grindylow at West Brit Bank

[EM Event] By the Light of the Blue Moon

August 31, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

The Tomes spoke of Moons and alignments. Does the Blue Moon hold a key to the repair of the moongate?
Perhaps a search for the Blue Moon will result in more information!

Meet: Grindylow at West Brit Bank
Date: 8/31/12
Time: 7pm PST

[EM Event] Moongate Research

August 28, 2012 By: WarderDragon Category: Baja News

Moongate Research
EM Crysania

Moonstones, Blackrock, and Gates oh my! What does the ancient ritual tomes spell out? Are these needed items for the repair of Honor Moongate?

There are words written in a ancient language included in the tomes. What are these mysterious words? What do they reveal?

Meet Grindylow the Hag at West Britain Bank to help research and conduct a experiment in repairing the gate!

Date: 8/29/12

Time: 7pm PST