Ancient Treasures Day 11 part 2

October 16, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

lake austin shard


We found Agaris by the Britain moongate. Strangely he was counting his steps from the gate. At first he didn’t notice us. When he did, he lost count of his steps. When I asked what he was counting for, he just shook his head.  But he let it slip that Captain Whitebeard had given him something to hid. It had to be the log that the captain told of about. I looked around. Perhaps I could find where he hid it. Just then I heard Agaris mention going to Felucca Britain. He had followed a group of Blood Flagons. It seemed that they left code books in several of the buildings. The books were instructions. Agaris wanted us to find and record what was in the books. Each building was marked by red leaves.

rep. moongate


With the recent attacks, we stayed alert while walking up the road. We hadn’t gotten far when we were attacked by a band of orcs. This time the battle was short.

orces arrive minoc


death at brit bridge

When we had arrived at East Britain, I left the group to began my own search to find the books. I arrived at the West Brit Library and was able to read the book 1 before Agaris and the rest arrived. It contained orders to capture Captain Elise the Golden and her crew without harm.

        book 1

Captain Corian was to be informed that the capture had happened and that all agreements with the Blood Flagon were off. The next clue I found was at the West Brit healers. It seemed to be a list of things to do. One of the items was to find a small scrap of paper that had a bird crest on it. It had to be the one Sherry found. Hearing the some one approach, I looked for a place to hid. Even though it was Agaris and a small group of guard, I decided not to announce my presence. As soon as they left, I continued my search. I found book 3 at the East Brit. mage shop. Again it mentioned recovering the scape of paper.



This time though failure would be rewarded by a bounty. The last book I found at the Calvary Guild. It contained orders regarding the spy. I felt relief as I read it. There is no spy in the Royal Guard. The king will be glad to hear this. Though it still it was disturbing to learn that the spy was a servant. It did make sense, servants are ignored to the point of being unseen.

book 4


When I rejoined Agaris at the Cavalry guild, they were discussing what the books had told them. Agaris told us that Merrick said that Elisa the Golden was Tolivar’s  granddaughter. That would explain the orders not to harm her. With concern he read the page torn from the last book, he then began running down the road. He lead us to the crossroads just outside the mountain pass. But alas we were too late.  There on the ground was a bloody sash, a sword with a marking from Skara Brae, and instructions on how to conduct a ritual. Looking around for further clues, we were again attacked by orcs. When the battle was over, Agaris opened a gate back to our Britain headquarters.




Captain Corian meet us. He was pacing angrily back and forth mumbling to himself that he had not signed up to interrogate friends.” I shouldn’t have had to interrogate Merrick. He should have trusted me.”  Finally he looked up and told us what he had learned from Merrick. It was very little as he would only talk to Dahlia. But when I agreed to it, he added a condition.   Corian held a small vial in his hand.  I moved closer to see what was in it.  All I saw was a swirl of colored flecks. The captain on continued holding up the vial. I have to deliver this vial to Tavain. He said that only Tavain would understand. Still looking at the vial, the Captain dismissed us. Staying behind, I overheard him say that it was odd that just when Vos decided to tell us where Tolivar is, Merrick would give me the message. That is very strange. I left to give the King my report. After that, I decided to go check on Vos. I had a feeling that something was about to happen.






Ancient Treasure Day 11 part 1

October 16, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

lake austin shard

As I walked to the secret meeting with Captain Corain, I thought about what had been discussed last night. Both the King and the governors raised several concerns. Concerns tied to the problem of the ancient treasure.



I ran through ever growing list of events. First there were the city raids by the Blood Flagon pirates. Their leader, Elise the Golden, had requested a parlay. There was much discussion about her history and why the pirates not only protected her, but allowed her to rob them. Very strange to be sure. It was pointed out that there might be two factions of the Blood Flagon pirates. Several of the recent attacks had been by orcs and jukas. Before being killed, one of the leaders mentioned that he had been hired. The question is who hired them, perhaps Tolivar the Fence. A new piece of the puzzle was a rumor that imps had been seen mining. It was something unheard of. I was puzzled wondering what could they be digging for.

Next was the robbery of the Palace vaults. Who was behind it and what they took was still unknownn. Sherry the Mouse was the only witness. She had given the Captain a scrap of paper she had found. The paper having a sheen that shimmered and a hidden message. All of the attempts to find the message had failed. It was suggested that using different colors might reveal the message.

Then there was the matter of Vos, Merrick and Tolivar Fence. Both Vos and Merrick were under the watch of the Royal Guard. Vos was in the Yew prison waiting for his trial which he didn’t seem to be in a hurry for. He had many enemies trying to kill him and a jail cell would be the safest place to hid. The trial delayed by information Captain Corain had gotten from him. Merrick had verified it. I had questioned the King about the wisdom of trusting the information. He reassured me that in fact he didn’t. Captain Corain was investigating it. Merrick presented another problem. The list of the crimes he had committed, was long but so was the list of things he has done for Britannia, was equally long. Merrick also claimed to know how to get the information listing atrocities committed during the command of the Spymaster Tolivar. A list supposedly burned.



But the most disturbing piece of information, was the possibility of a spy in the royal palace and in the Royal Guard. Elisa the Golden had hinted of it. I wondered could there be more than one spy. One sent by Elisa the Golden and another by Tolivar Fence. Hopefully the captain had arranged the meeting to provide more information.

At last I arrived at the meeting place, a lonely tower by of Brittany bay . Finding a place to watch unseen, I laughed at the thought that I was in fact a spy for the king. Captain Corain was frowning as the members of the royal spies and guards arrived.  He told us that several beggars thought to be spies had been arrested, but  we quickly learned that the meeting was about the mysterious Captain Elise.

Corain told us that information had come to his attention, that her life might be in danger. While Agaris had been following the Blood Pirates, he saw one of her immediate crew meeting with some men. It sounded like the false “Blood Flagon” that have been attacking Captain Elise’s crew, are receiving orders from someone close. Those orders also included a threat against Captain Elise. Could it be that the royal guards were being used by both sides? Captain Elise might be using us to solve her problems, while the secret leader could be using these attacks to distract us from the ancient treasure.

I quietly moved to another position. One that allowed me to see more of the assembly and their reactions. Most were surprised when the captain told us that today, Vos had given a good lead. He told the Captain he could tell him where to find Tolivar, but not today but tomorrow. When asked, his answer was strange. He could provide a thousand and one alibies for how Tolivar was found tomorrow. Which meant that Tolivar would welcome him like a friend, but if he was caught today, Tolivar would cut his heart out himself. So that could be the person Vos was hiding from. Strange that one day would make such a difference.  Captain Corain had the same thought but felt we would have to go along to see what Vos was up to.

Merrick was another loose thread. All of us had followed and trusted him. I was shocked when he had turned himself over to the Royal Guard. Finding the ancient treasure had seem so important to us. Hum… we still were no closer to knowing what the treasure was. Could Tolivar found some small clue we had missed. It would explain a lot of the recent problems.  Tolivar seemed working hard to keep Merrick from finding it. What was this treasure. Merrick was willing to die for. I wondered was it a thing or was it in fact a person. It had been mentioned that the treasure would pull you in and trap you.  I wouldn’t like to cross Merrick in that case. Spies, you have to trust them because they figure it all out, but you can’t trust them because, half of what they say is a lie.  With that Captain Corian sent us to help Agaris.










Ancient Treasure Day 10 part 1

September 30, 2014 By: Tamais Category: Lake Austin News

Lake Austin shard

Agaris looked up from his papers, “Have you heard, Merrick turned himself in? I am not sure what it is about, but Dahlia would not tell me anything. Captain Corian has been speaking to him since.”  ” Yes,”  I replied,” I was with him when he decided that. He turned himself in because of Tolivar the Fence. Agaris thought.  “Tolivar,  huh that isn’t important at the moment. We can speak of that later. There are more pressing issues.” Looking back down at his notes, he explained.” I was sent in Dahlia’s place. It seems late last evening, Dahlia and Corian changed the plan. They decided to send her to the parlay, in disguise of course. It was believed to be safer, and it will give her a chance to get a read on this Pirate Captain.”  “I hope that doesn’t go bad. Does the King know about this?” I asked. ” All has actually been going well, strangely.” He looked worried. “The extra Guards placed outside of Vesper guarding the entrance from land to Buc’s Den has helped. We tried to get some placed on the island itself, but believe it or not, the town’s folk of Buc’s Den didn’t exactly appreciate the thought. So we will have to make due with reinforcing it from the Vesper side.” he replied trying to reassure me. Hum, I thought to my self, he didn’t answer if he had informed the King. “Were you informed of the map that was found?” I asked. “Yes, to that effect, I would like to thank Governor Jov of Trinsic. It seems his extra ships have been enough to discourage any Pirate Galleons from trying to hang around outside of Buc’s Den. The king was very pleased how Trinsic’s support was instrumental in making this parlay happen. We have been told to report and make sure the parlay goes through unhindered. We can enter through the Vesper side, and make sure the Guards are still safe as well. As it is the easiest access point, even if it requires a bit more force for whoever our enemies are. We should proceed away. He stopped looking at me. “If you notice Dahlia in disguise, just ignore her. ”

With that Agaris called for the royal guard and we left for Buc’s Den.  Arriving at Trinsic side of the gate, we were attacked by mercenaries. Stealthing over to leader, Targon the Vicious, I wondered who is he working for? That wasn’t important now as the battle became heated. “Hold the gate!” shouted Targon the Vicious, “You don’t get paid if you die! Ha… well at least I don’t to pay the bloody fools. The rest of you better not fail me! ” I couldn’t help but notice that Targon the Vicious stay out of the battle as he shouted at his men. “How dare you flee from combat, if I get my hands on you. “he yelled at a retreating Mercenary. he yanked him back , “You, keep fighting. You die you don’t get pay!” he shouted at the man as he kicked him a back into the battle.” “They told me, “Bandits are weak, don’t hire Juka, hire from the Tokuno Island chains.” He muttered to him self. Spiting on the ground, he began berating his men again. “You, keep fighting. You die you don’t get pay! At least Juka get results.” I looked at him in surprise.  Hiring Jukas? I looked around to see where Agaris was. He was surrounded by mercenaries. I would have to inform him after the battle. Targon the Vicious: continued yelling at his men, “You fight like rabbits! he shouted kicking another mercenary. Seeing we were winning the battle, Targon turned to sneak away muttering . “Why did I not hire Orcs? I told them, you can’t take it from land. Use your bloody ships. Did he listen, No, we can over power them.” he told me. Well I’m out of here, there has to be a better way in.” and he disappeared.

battle at buc gate


foxes defeat

When I was able to return to Agaris”s side,  he was  wiping the blood off his blade, “Huh, they tried anyhow? We should get into Buc’s Den. I don’t think that one’s ready to give up.” He began moving toward the city.. We were greeted by Gallia, a member of the Royal guard. She seemed familiar. Looking carefully at her I realized it was Dahlia. Agaris approached her, “We encountered some resistance outside of Vesper.” Gallia considered what Agaria said. “Did you and the Guards manage to hold the entrance to Buc’s Den?” she asked “Yes, we did” he replied. “Is this the Captain? Gallia whispered?” We will speak when it quiets down.” Looking up, handing Agaris a note, “There is word of an ambush. What do you want us to do? she asked, ” It seems their plans changed, but someone slipped up.”  While they were discussing their plans, first Mate Tibbers sauntered up,” Well we be not exactly t’ only ones after this treaaye.” Ignoring him, Gallia added , The source is mostly reliable.”  “We’ll take care of this.” replied Agaris, turning around, he was shocked to see Whitebeard was listening. “Hello Whitebeard? Why are you here?” A good pirate stays on top of things.” he winked at Agaris, “I have news of the mercenary’s. They’ve somehow dug a tunnel through the side of Buc’s Den. It isn’t very stable, but it’ll allow them to sneak in from the edge of the Island, and into the main tunnels.” Agaris considered what Whitebeard had told him. “Yes, far enough away no one would be looking. Dahlia seems to think… ahem, Gallia, seems to think it’s good. The information, that is.” he quickly looked to see if anyone noticed the slip. I shook my head.  “I will check it out, wait here. Just in case it is false….” said Agris started walking away. Captain Whitebeard stopped him. “We need to speak after your guard has stopped the  mercenaries. Meet me in Britain.” Scowling, Agrais looked at him, “Where exactly Whitebeard? I don’t feel like hunting you down.” “The Pub below West Britain Bank, I won’t speak of the matter here. It has to do with Merrick.” Whitebeard replied walking away.