[News] All Hallow’s Eve Party in Umbra

November 03, 2013 By: Wildstar Category: Baja News

First up at the party was a costume contest.  Even EM Crysania showed up in costume.  Participants were asked to stand on a wooden floor.  The following seven people entered and dressed up as:  TOBY – Pirate, Xelious Norwood – Green Jolly Rancher, Mama Faith – Wonder Woman, WildStar – A Monk, An Vas Zu – Ghost of Gargoyle Past, Aiden Jenkins – Gandalf, and Lamont Sanford – A Lucky Dealer.  The winner, as determined by claps from the audience, was Mama Faith of AFK.


EM Crysania

Costume Entries

An Vas Zu Costume

Mama Faith Costume

Next the winner of the Halloween House Deco Contest was announced.  There were four entries.  Runes to the houses were locked down on stone tables near the moat at West Britain Bank, Trammel.  As above the winner was determined by the players, only this time using ballot boxes.  They were asked to view the house and then vote on their favorite.  The winner was Stormguard.  The rest of the entries were TOBY, A Haunted Dawn Tower and Manticore.


Stormguard 1

Stormguard 2

Stormguard 3




Dawn Tower 2013 1

A Haunted Dawn Tower




As the Boogey Man had not appeared yet, it was decided that it was time to hunt him down and eliminate the threat he presented.  We ended up at the same clearing north of the west city gate of Umbra that we had been to before.  EM Crysania eventually provoked the Boogey Man to come out of his hole after several of companions were killed by us, but not before inflicting heavy injuries to us first.  Eventually he was killed as well, but it was a long and difficult fight.


The Boogey Man


As there had not been enough death this evening, EM Crysania decided to open the Death Maze located at the Baja Shard Museum.  Given the ease with which people were navigating and surviving the maze, and EM Crysania’s disappoint, I strongly suspect “improvements” will be made to it.


Death Maze Entrance

The Death Maze

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