News listings from Townships and Guilds
The Library of Arcane Knowledge
Library of Arcane Knowledge – September 07, 2012
by Merik/Gareth Library of Arcane Knowledge, Kijustsu Anei Village in Tokuno *Imperium News Service*
News listings from Townships and Guilds
News listings from Townships and Guilds
News listings from Townships and Guilds
News listings from Townships and Guilds
W A R R E N T O F A R R E S TTO ANY PATROL GUARD OF THE IMPERIUMThe Keep and Castle Association, having found that probable cause exists for the Issuance of this warrant hereby commands you to arrest:Sarberius Mara Lightenburg, Countess of Britain H/W/Fand bring her before the Keeps and Castle Association in and for THE IMPERIUM OF THE ETHEREAL VOID for the offense against the -Y- Trade Act Law of said IMPERIUM, to wit:Criminal Spawn Mischief >=500gold < 500,000goldMurder >=Savage Community Service < Executionof which she, the said suspect, is accused by finger painting portrait, under the oath of one Jampire Bull, Spawn Control Officer, filed before Mula prior to the issuance of this warrant.HEREIN FAIL NOT AND IF FAILED DO NOT RETURN
News listings from Townships and Guilds
The past few months Kijustsu Anei Village has been undergoing major renovations to implement Lady Cat’s proposal for specific vendor shops. The shops are being constructed all across the area to enhance the RP experience when visiting certain public Establishments like the Void Gateway, Britannia Mage Tower, H-J Rune Library Etc.
You will find that many of the vendor shops being constructed aren’t the most profitable in the world but are fully stocked with items that have been severely lacking on the shard for many months. These shops are what we call “Community Work Vendors” with inventory such as Plants/Vines, Furniture, Doom/Dojo Stealables, Full Spell Books etc. priced at or below crafting cost.
[*] Requests to Build a new shop in the area can be sent to Lady Cat, WildStar, Angelica or Lord Gareth to get setup.
[*] Requests to Replace and Maintain Specific vendors/shops already built and maintained by OOC Leadership can be sent to WildStar or Lord Gareth.
Contact Information
Lord Gareth ICQ# 267944224
WildStar ICQ# 8040775
Angelica ICQ# 34244614
Lady Cat ICQ# N/A (In-game contact)
*Requests to place and/or takeover vendors are only for Kijustsu Anei Village locations. KAV OOC Leadership is not attempting to Regulate who can or cannot Place a house and/or open a shop in the area.
**Vendors stocked with Scripted Goods are unwelcome and unwanted
***Vendors stocked with repriced Goods purchased from another players vendor without their permission will have their vendors dismissed.
News listings from Townships and Guilds
Township Construction- (but I followed the Blueprint!)
I have what I believe to be all of the build requests for Mesanna finally complied. You should see them pop up this week.
August EM Event Schedule- (It’s where you want to be)
Our Fall Schedule of events for August will be available on Tuesday. You can check it on Stratics or on UO’s Facebook page.
Healers’s Guild Admission- (The Healer will be with you shortly)
Kerrs Holley of Port Baldmore presented 50 cures for his township to EM Dudley for a Healers Hut to be constructed on the Island.
Kerrs Holley– Aye, first I would like to thank everyone who made it out to our Tavern Night out at Sea Cruise. T’was fun to toss some nets with yee folks. Next Sunday we will have a special event planned for all of you so please try to come at 7pm EST to the Soggy Barnacle on Port Baldmor.
News listings from Townships and Guilds
Saturday, July 14th 2012 By Lord Gareth & Andrasta
Kijustsu Anei Village, Tokuno Islands
Updated Runebook Sections
Over the last few weeks we have been updating several sections of the runebook library. Our first section was the Dungeon and Peerless runebooks. All of the Re-vamped classic dungeon books are now up to date and additional runes have been added to the Peerless books along with a few miscellaneous locations we overlooked in the last update. For the Tamers and Bards we’ve added a new skill training section to help you gain Animal Taming and Provocation from 0 – 120 skill. The new section can be found under the Cu Sidhe Statuette near the center of the Library.
Adventure Vendors
Following Lady Cat’s suggestion to implement, “Themed Shops” we have placed two vendors at the help desk to compliment the newly updated Dungeon/Peerless section of the Library. The vendors sell a variety of peerless equipment required to enter different lairs such as Bone Machetes, Acid proof rope and more. Blow is a list of current inventory prices.
Bone Machete- 100gp
Acid Proof Rope- 500gp
Snake Charmer Flute- 250gp
Butcher’s War Cleaver- 5,000gp
Ship Runes & Sailor
On the second floor located in the center of the teleporters are two ship recall runes. The Blaze color rune leads to the EVI Flagship Corpic anchored just North of the Sea Market which can be reached by placing a row boat. If you don’t have a rowboat you can find one for sale on Holly The Sailor for 6,500gp.
The white color rune will take you to the EVI – SKS Howling Raider. The ship is located south of Destard Dungeon on the west coast of the swamp where the Blightborn Slimes Spawn. Feel free to fight the Blightborn Slimes from the ship just be sure to scrub the slime remains off the side when you’re done.
Global Arc Runebooks
With so much going on in our lands we find many people either unaware of new quests or unsure of how to begin new participating in them. To help eliminate some of these issues we have created Chapter specific runebooks to keep you informed and on the right path so you can be successful in whichever quest you decide to accept. As more quests are released our goal is to have a runebook ready for you to use on your epic journey through our currently chaotic world.
New Treasure Map Set
This collection is the first new Treasure map set since the addition of random maps. It is a comprehensive collection of books that will get you close to your treasure map no matter where it is in the world. The Kijustsu Anei set has a full set of maps found here (google short link case sensitive) and will take you to a spot on any landmass or facet close to your treasure map.
The new Treasure Map set can be found on the 1st floor. The old Treasure Map books can still be found in the marble colored wooden box next to the new set for those of you still wishing to access it. The collection was an incredible amount of work and the following people put many hours in to create it.
Lord Gareth of the Britannia Mage Tower, Kijustsu Anei Village
WildStar of Baja and Chesapeake, Kingdom of Dawn & Kijustsu Anei Village
Shadefox Of Europa, Wintergarden Retreat Art and Rune Library [WoY]
Angelica of Angelica’s Attic, Moria Village
Dreadlord Lestat, Guild Leader Lost Treasure Acquisitions, Port Ethereal Keys
Pooper of Alien Beings Guild, Area 51 Township
Big John, Co-Guild Leader of Punishment In The System
Vad of Alien Beings Guild, Area 51 Township
Lord Cheever, Guild Leader of Knights of Shriad, Kijustsu Anei Village
Bishop, Guild Leader of Empire of Valor, Kijustsu Anei Village
Mr Clean, Guild Leader of Friends Seeking Halibut, Kijustsu Anei Village
News listings from Townships and Guilds
This event will immerse those who haven’t already in Act VI of the Awakening Arc, with a few surprises mixed in. Expect some combat, roleplaying, and puzzle solving.
Wednesday, July 18th @ 8:30pm ET – Royal Guard Exercises, Royal Guard Depot at Serpent’s Hold
This event is a Royal Guard muster. Show up in uniform, we’ll take care of any house cleaning with promotions that are outstanding. Expect combat.
Saturday, July 21st @ 8:30pm ET – The Madness of the Infernal Fire, Gate from Luna
This is the rescheduled event from the end of June. More information to follow.
Tuesday, July 24th @ 8:30pm ET – Sosarian Solstice Fair, Luna
Join us for a night of zany fairy fun!
All times eastern. Events subject to change. See the Town Criers in game for the latest information.
Stay toon’d!
News listings from Townships and Guilds
Right Click Notepad
Select: “Run As Administrator”
In the top right corner Search box Paste: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
In the bottom Right Drop Down Menu select: “All Files”
Select File: “Hosts”
Click the “Open” button
Add the following line at the bottom:
*Also Remember to Remove that line once EA/Mythic/Bio/MesannasArmy or whatever the company name is announces the problem has been resolved. If you dont it could cause problems should they move servers*
News listings from Townships and Guilds
Covetous Advertisement
Paid for by the Cluckers for a Luckier Tomorrow
Are you tired of doing the same old level only to get Void Pool points for Ephemeral weapons?
Sick of talking about the people who “Magically” show up on the Scoreboard?
Or perhaps you are unable to stand one more Backhand from Cora?
Then Its Time For You To Experience Jail!
Have a REAL Chance for an Arty Drop
Prismatic Lenses
Blight Of The Tundra
Bracelet of Protection
Birds Eye View Of Level 4 (Image Below)
*Don’t unlock the Cell Door unless you’re ready*
Ghost Scout which Cell is Empty then, use the Covetous Runebook at the H-J Rune Library located in Kijustsu Anei Village on( Homare-Jima Island, Tokuno
-Top Right Cell #1
-Bottom Right Cell #4
-Top Left Cell #5
-Bottom Left Cell # 8