Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

Perilous Inquirer – Twentieth Issue

November 15, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
20th Anniversary Issue!
November 15, 2013
Contributors: The Siege Spy, Hoffs, RueTor, Wolfman, Norman Bates, Luka Melehan, Kattasrophe

I was stealthing along in Luna one Monday when something caught my attention. It was a person named Tien Kaelus and another one named Kattasrophe. They were in Luna bank and seemed to be having a fight. I watched quietly. I finally understood that Tien had stolen a power scroll from poor Shadowen and Kattasrophe was there to get his scroll back. Tien simply asked for his money first to put into his bank box, before giving Kattasrophe the scroll.
She refused and they argued for over 30 minutes. Finally, he could stand it no longer and left the bank. The argument continued in chat, him versus Kattasrophe.
As I also learned, Tien Kaelus scammed Edward Teach out of 12 mil that Sunday.
As for I, I am a spy – The Siege Spy
[Editor: In fairness, we contacted Tien Kaelus who denied it was a scam but failed to provide any other explanation.]

Citing a  problem with “The walking dead” NPCs, “Stinking up the docks,” The Well-Known Collector has requested a transfer away from The Albatross tavern. “God told me to hang out in Luna,” the old quest giver explained, “I have to get new players drunk & send them out to reform PKers.” The King’s Council, known colloquially as the counsels of the small & the silly, has yet to act on Elwood’s request.

– Hoffs
The annual Miss Siege beauty pageant will be taking place at the end of the month where we’ll once again find out who the most desirable lady on the shard is. Those who enter will be assessed in four different areas and she who finishes with the highest score will be crowned Miss Siege 2013. As always, we are using independent judges from off-shard to perform the assessments, and this year we have some senior members of the Stratics news agency as well as Sosaria’s most famous cook. They will be using a split of 2d and EC clients.
For de’tails see the “Miss Siege 2013 – Sign-up thread” on the Siege Stratics forums.

– by RueTor
Wolfman: All other Shards my fighters/Dexers had the name Morgan Ironwolf (from the red D&D-Box as a suggested name). When I came to Siege I wanted a clean start and lose all ties to my real name (Wolf, true and given name) so I thought about with what I should replace the “wolf” part of my name and came up with the Ironfist….
Norman Bates: “I was named after my M-M-Mother…NORMA…Norma Bates.”
Luka Melehan: Luka and her sister Rowena are from a text based fantasy RP I did online years ago. There I primarily played Rowena, who was a warrior. In the RP, Luka was still a teen that Rowena was raising on her own, and she used to dress Luka as a boy to protect her from bandits. Rowena never made it to SP because I was told that there was another Rowena who didn’t play anymore, and while it was a different person it would undoubtedly cause problems.

To receive a prize, be the first to go to the Trivia Monk on our front steps & speak the answer to this question:
What was the character name of UO’s original Lead Designer?
This week’s prize will pop into your backpack.

The Perilous Inquirer V1,20
Vol. 1, Twentieth Issue
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward.
Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Published by the

~sine die~

Join the discussion at


November 08, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

– by Kattasrophe, age 12

This month is Diabetes Awareness Month. I, Kattasrophe, have diabetes and would like to raise awareness!
 So on the 14th, there is going to be a Diabetes Awareness Carnival. With Games, Prizes, Booze and more!
Come learn about diabetes and the signs that lead to it. All while having fun!
For details, ask me on chat within the next week.

For more information on Diabetes Awareness Month, please visit the American Diabetes Association:

Join the Siege Perilous discussion at:

Perilous Inquirer – Nineteenth Issue

November 08, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
November 8, 2013
Contributors: Lupe, Kattasrophe, RueTor, Hoffs, Sprago, Victim Of Siege, Tang, Otero

Doesn’t smell “Too Bad”   – by Lupe
Friday evening was filled with laughter and merriment as the citizens of Siege Perilous unwound at Moonglow’s Harvest Festival. Spirits were flowing freely when the game of Musical Chairs began.
My good friend Talia told me, “As soon as I was done decorating, I got wicked pissed! I was watching the festivities, when I heard all this fuss. I turned around, and there he was, King Blackthorn himself.”
Talia tells me, it was all she could do not to stare. “Nothin was fallin off him, like fingers or anything, and for a Frenchman/Zombie, his smell was not too bad. Still… he just LOOKS different”

This month is Diabetes Awareness Month. I, Kattasrophe, have diabetes and would like to raise awareness! So on the 14th, there is going to be a Diabetes Awareness Carnival. With Games, Prizes, Booze and more! Come learn about diabetes and the signs that lead to it. All while having fun! For details, ask within the next week.

To receive a prize, be the first to go to the Trivia Monk on our front steps & speak the answer to this question:
The Ultima original tune, “Stones,” was written by the wife of one of Ultima’s original programmers. What was her name?
This week’s prize will pop into your backpack.

WHY THAT NAME?   – by RueTor
Hoffs: “Named and styled after my muse, Susanna Hoffs, singer/guitarist/songwriter in 80s group The Bangles.”
Sprago: “Its nothing special just a shortened version of my last name got it during high school.”
Victim of Siege: “The first character I made on Siege was Possum (George Jones fan) and he kept getting ganked whenever he stepped out of town. I was creating a character for the other account and I thought to myself, ‘Self, if you are going to be a victim ….'”

Perhaps the oldest PvP guild, Killing As Organized Sport [KAOS] originated as far back as AOL’s Neverwinter Knights in 1993. This was before games were played over the Internet.
KAOS gained widespread noteriety for posting PKs at the AOL game’s login-in points, indiscriminately killing players as they logged in. The members were thought to be professionals in real life, like the infamous MERCS, who took pleasure griefing gamers in the earliest days of UO until they were permanently banned.
– Otero

“Happy Birthday, November 8th to our illustrious *cough* and diligent publisher, DeadBob. Great job! Hope you have a great day with plenty of cake and Hagen Daaz!”
– Tang

The Perilous Inquirer V1,19
Vol. 1, Nineteenth Issue
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward;
Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward.
Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Published by the

~sine die~

Join the discussion at

The governor is…

November 07, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


…OUT, or at least he was when I visited. But I’m sure York will be delighted with the new office that King Blackthorn’s public works department has erected for him. Each of the other eight towns has one now, too. Why not visit your own town and try and find yours?

The Moonglow governor's office.

Behind The Robes: Victim

November 05, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

For my next interview, I wanted to get the thoughts of an experienced crafter, and there are few better qualified in that regard than Victim. I joined him at his bar in Luna to hear his views.

The Dead Horse Saloon is located in north-east Luna and serves a good selection of traditional food and beverages. Its rustic interior is somewhat at odds with the stone metropolis that surrounds it, but the wooden furnishings can be easily replaced when damaged in the all-to-frequent disturbances associated with the neighbourhood. The location means it’s not the sort of bar many folk would consider visiting and its clientele tends to be a hard-nosed bunch who are not afraid to swing a fist or throw a vas flam when called upon.
Dead Horse Saloon
VictimMy host is waiting for me when I arrive. His appearance is…well, he’s a gargoyle, and I have too little experience with the denizens of Ter Mur to really differentiate one from another except to say that he has crimson horns and violet skin and wings. He could be sixteen or sixty for all I can tell, although I am reliably informed that he will shortly be celebrating his fiftieth birthday. He is wearing a robe of some strange cloth or pigment which seems to vary between a cream colour and a sort of sickly green depending on how the light catches it, and in his right hand he holds a Scrapper’s spellbook.

As he motions me to take the seat opposite him, Jordon the barkeep approaches to take my drinks order. To my discomfort, I am seated with my back to the entrance. But perhaps this is for the best, as I would no doubt be unable to maintain my focus if I had full view of every shady character passing by the doors. We spend the first couple of minutes with general small talk, but Victim does not seem to be very forthcoming, so as soon as my mug of ale arrives I elect to start the formal interview.

How long have you lived in Sosaria?
I came here in early 2000.

Where did you live before that?
East Tennessee.

How long have you been on Siege?
Since I first came here. I have travelled to many of the lands, but my first real homes were on Origin and Siege.

Do you live exclusively on Siege these days?
Mostly, yes, but I will occasionally travel back to Origin to check on old friends.

What particularly appeals to you about Siege as opposed to the other lands?
I think that besides not having the Trammel lifestyle anywhere, it’s the community that appeals to me most.

How would you sum up the difference between the Siege community and that elsewhere?
Siege seems more like a family to me.

Is there anything in the other lands that you wish Siege had?
I wish we had a Felucca Haven for the accelerated early skill gains.

What are the most dramatic changes you have noticed on Siege in your time here?
Other than the population decline, I would have to say how spread out things feels with all the additionally discovered landmasses.

Is there one memory that stands out for you in your time on Siege?
[ooc] Back many years ago, there was a time that, for one hour, you could get a gain every time you crossed a server line. It was funny to see the creative ways people came up with to squeeze as many gains into that hour.

What one event have you enjoyed more than any other?
I would say probably the destruction of Magincia.

What did you mostly do during that – artifacts or rubble?
I did artifacts but I got some rubble as well, although nothing fancy or special.

What do you think could be done to bring more people to Siege?
I really think, and this is my opinion only, that nothing else could, or should, be done. There have been many things changed over the years to try to draw folks in, and if too much more is changed or added, then we will lose Siege’s identity.

You are best known as a crafter. Do your abilities extend to all forms of crafting?
I have all crafting skills except poisoning, if you consider that a crafting skill.

Do you have a personal favourite craft?
I really enjoy crafting furniture and suits, actually.

Do you have any vendors at present?
I do, although they are woefully under-stocked.

Why is that?
Time. I recently got promoted in the spirit world and I am supervising thirteen employees now. Time is very scarce.

Where are your vendors located?
They are at my house in south Zento, plus the one here at the saloon.

What sort of items do you sell on them?
I usually try to sell a little of everything.

What are your best sellers?
Cannon, dyes, and spellbooks.

Do you gather your own resources for crafting, or do you buy them in?
I usually gather my own, but if I get large orders then I will buy in bulk.

Do you think it is possible to make good money running vendors, or is it mainly a labour of love?
You can get rich running a vendor, but I see it as a labour of love because I simply enjoy crafting things.

Do you think that crafters generally sell their goods for too low a price?
I think that if a person is happy with what they receive, then it is a good price.

What are the main problems, if any, that crafters face on Siege?
Staying ahead of the game. It can be hard keeping up with demand.

Is there anything that the gods could do improve crafting?
Not in my opinion.

Have you any ambition to own a New Magincia home, or one of the Luna/Zento vendor houses in a prime location?
I have a Zento home that is available from the guard zone, but I do not aspire to have the best, I just make the best of what I have.

What is your opinion of brokers?
I love them. I used to have two, one to buy/sell resources and the other to sell pets. I am down to the pet broker now due to lack of time and losing the spot.

Many find the broker fees too high. Is that your opinion, too?
Not in my opinion. The fees are a part of it, and if you have a good product to sell, you will make money.

Do you fish?
Yes, but I am not a legendary fisherman.

Do you do fishing quests?
Not any more. At one time though I was very dedicated to doing them.

Most people seem fairly critical of the fishing quests. What is your opinion?
I don’t have any real issues with the quests, except that they seem too grindy.

Do you hunt monsters?

What sort?
I’m mostly down to hunting the new dungeons these days (Shame, Wrong, Covetous).

Is that because of time?
Yes, that is correct.

Did you used to enjoy thing like champion spawns and peerless?
I do enjoy those, yes.

Do you fight other people?
When I can.

What sort of style of fighting do you employ for this?
I really enjoy being a dexxer.

Care to elaborate?
Just a basic dexxer, nothing fancy. Gear is whatever I can find/make quickly. And my style is to have fun and try hard.

From the sound of it, you rarely wear top equipment for fighting people. Some say that you need to do so to be able to compete. What is your thinking on that?
I have competed naked. You need top gear to be the top-end competitor, but to have fun, naked with a butcher knife can work.

Are you a PK?
No, although I have killed a few “preoccupied” individuals.

Although you fight monsters and people, would if be fair to say crafting is your first love?

Do you collect anything here on Siege?
Only friends.

And who do you consider your best friends to be?
That’s a really tough question. I consider any friend as my best friend, but I spend most of my time with Liandra these days.

Why have you never joined a regular guild?
I was always a loner in the past, and Victim is a tribute to that past.

You seem to work closely with Arrr. Are you actually allied with them?
My associates, Suleiman and Xanzu, are members of Arrr.

Have they been members of any other well-known guilds in the past?
No, just my personal guild before Arrr.

So what brought them out of their shell to join a major guild?
Great bunch of people in Arrr. They are misunderstood sometimes, and a little rough around the edges, but they are great folks and we enjoy working with them.

Do they spend much time pirating at sea?
As much as they can.

As a crafter, do you consider the cost of making ship ammunition to be excessive?
Not really, you can technically farm everything you need, but the saltpetre is a bit on the slow side.

The noise of some explosion nearby interrupts my writing and I am alarmed to hear shouts and the thunder of hooves growing louder. There is the sound of metal clashing on metal just outside, but to my relief, the fight appears to pass by the tavern and the clamour gradually disappears into the distance. Turning back toward Victim, he appears to have a smirk on his face, but I cannot be sure. Regaining my composure, I continue with the interview.

What do you consider to be your primary residence here on Siege?
My Safe Haven keep.

Why your keep and not your castle?
I spent a lot of time getting it set up the way I want it, and I just like it better.

What is your opinion of castles?
Great homes if you have plenty of teleporter tiles.

And if you don’t?
Still a good home, just a little awkward to navigate.

Would you like to see Safe Haven become an officially recognised town?

Do you consider Safe Haven to be rather uninviting given all the keeps and castles there now?
No, there are smaller homes here and there, and I find it quite welcoming to people as we all try to be friendly and make anyone feel at home.

You and your associates ran for the governorships of Vesper and Minoc in both elections so far. Why those two cities?
Minoc was the first city I arrived at when I came to Sosaria in 2000. I was training mining, smithing and tinkering and there was an orc invasion at the time. It was a challenge to get that done and it made me have deep feelings for Minoc. When they started the governorship for the town, running Possum for governor there was a natural choice. As for Victim running in Vesper, Victim’s first home was in Vesper and it is the closest city to where I live now. Simply put, it is home.

Now that you have actually become a governor, how are you liking it?
I would like it better if there were more citizens to govern, but it gives me great pleasure to watch the minions working hard to keep the town clean, in between their duties as Luka’s groundskeepers of course.

Luka Melehan? Are you saying that you are using public employees to do private work for a friend?
No, I am using private minions for cheap (free) public labour.

You have not set a trade deal in Vesper. I assume you don’t have any financial support from the population for this?
I put in 400k of my money, and have only talked to one other citizen of Vesper (and that was via the bulletin board) and as of now, there is still only 400k in the funds. So I will assume there aren’t that many citizens, and the ones that there are do not want a trade deal.

Do you plan to run again next term?
In Vesper maybe, but there does not seem to be any citizens there as all of the ballot boxes I put up were never touched (well the first one got a single vote).

Do you have any long-term plans for Vesper?
I would like to see it grow and become a place that everyone enjoys going to.

Have you done anything to help repel the invasion when it has been in Vesper?
I have fought twice to repel the invaders, but was unable to finish them off, although Kelmo, Luka, and myself took care of a rogue mage that made it all the way to my keep in Safe haven.

Your campaign manifesto seemed somewhat disparaging of King Blackthorn. Do you have a general dislike of authority?
Yes, that and a great dislike of zombies!

What is it with you and zombies?
A zombie ate my childhood dog. *shakes fist* That and they are an unnatural creature that deserves to die!!

If you had more time to spare, what would you be doing more of?
Probably everything.

Are there any goals that you have yet to achieve?
Not really, but maybe finally master Forensic Evaluation and Taste ID so I can feel like a real Sosarian.

The sudden sound of another altercation on the streets makes me lose the grip on my quill and it falls to the floor. Although I still have a few areas left to cover, including his gargoyle heritage and how he came to own the saloon, I decide that such matters can be left to a more courageous reporter. I extend thanks to my host and can’t help but notice him exchanging grins with Jordan as I hastily stuff my equipment into my satchel. Then, after nervously checking the roadway in either direction, I hurry off in the direction of the moongate.

Perilous Inquirer – Eighteenth Issue

November 01, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Eighteenth Issue
November 1, 2013

Citing opportunities bestowed by redefining traditions, Lord King Blackthorn legalized marriage between players and their pets yesterday in a ceremony attended by his beloved swampy, “Lapdancer from Hell.”
“Lord knows it’s about time,” the Lord said.

WHY THAT NAME?   – by RueTor
Bo: “Bo was picked out by my bother when we were in college playing uo in the late 90s. He had some Chinese classes and he picked Bo for two reasons. Bo is a Chinese title translated as “Count” or “The Count.” It also is a nearly extinct minority population in Southern China famous for hanging coffins of the dead. Since I came to siege about 8 years ago I assumed the character and decided to make the character “The Count” (aka red). I decided to put my own twist on it, by only talking in the third person. It worked out well since Bo Jackson was famous for saying Bo knows.”
Hugibear: “Hugibear was created at the same time in the late 90s. I have always been a huge fan of old cars and there is none finer than a 1976 Limited edition Ford Gran Torino. I thought Starsky & Hutch were boring names and i really didnt want to be a cop in game. So I thought of the most interesting character on that show, Huggy Bear who was a pimp that was always willing to help. I shortened the name to Hugibear, i dont know why, maybe it is because I am a horrible speller. who knows?”

Ariana~Riverwind: “You paid 20 mil for that dye tub?!!”
Pendragon: “It’s guaranteed for 600 years. I got it in writing.”

Norman Bates First Place Limerick
Thar once were a pirate named KEYES…
‘ew terrorized the High Seas…
’til the day he got caught,
bein’ hung was his lot
An they leff him ter twist inna breeze :]

Delilah The Mad Second Place Limerick
Knew a seafaring lass named Rouxx
She found herself quite a nice crew
But they thought her a fool
Her acts misconstrued
Alas how I miss that sweet Rouxx

Gregette Third Place Limerick
On Siege, mean nasty pirates inhabit Arrr
They sail the seas near and far
From sea farers they extract booty
Which is pilfered by Liandra the cutie
Making the pirates shout -Arrr!

Tang Fourth Place Limerick
There was a young pirate named Parium,
Who escaped from the Siege Sanitarium,
When confronted with capture,
He exclaimed in rapture,
“Cogito Ergo Pirateum!”

Join the discussion at:

Thank you Arrr for the great Limerick Event. I had fun writing and rhyming. The participation was great and the competition stiff.
The prizes were terrific especially for a newcomer to Siege Perilous and exactly the items I needed!
– Tang

Can’t find that special gift for that special someone?
Seek out Bert, Ariana Riverwind’s worker. He is located in the inner North-West corner, which is inside guard zone of Luna.

Where would you like to go? Siege Estate Runebooks will take you there.
Shop at player vendors, NPC vendors; visit towns & cities & libraries across the land, play at the Hub Pub, check out the Radio Station or roll the dice at the Dead Horse Saloon.
You can go anywhere with Siege Estates Runebooks. Look for them at your favorite vendors or tell Grimlex to get off his duff & make more.

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward.
Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Contributor: RueTor
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Published by the

~sine die~

Join the discussion at:



October 27, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Catskills News, Siege Perilous News


Norman Bates
First Place Limerick
 Thar once were a pirate named KEYES…
‘ew terrorized the High Seas…
’til the day he got caught,
bein’ hung was his lot
An they leff him ter twist inna breeze :]

Delilah The Mad
Second Place Limerick
 Knew a seafaring lass named Rouxx
She found herself quite a nice crew
But they thought her a fool
Her acts misconstrued
Alas how I miss that sweet Rouxx

Third Place Limerick
On Siege, mean nasty pirates inhabit Arrr
They sail the seas near and far
From sea farers they extract booty
Which is pilfered by Liandra the cutie
Making the pirates shout -Arrr!

Fourth Place Limerick
There was a young pirate named Parium,
Who escaped from the Siege Sanitarium,
When confronted with capture,
He exclamed in rapture,
“Cogito Ergo Pirateum!”

Hearty thanks to the members of The United Pirates of Catskills who crossed to our shard and served as impartial judges:
Trinsac, Guild Captain
Blind Tom, Captain’s Hand
Margaret, Lovely Arse-Kicking Wench
Mikie – Member Who Can Read
They all spent hours into the late night judging dozens of limericks.
Note that if you disagree with their choices, they were not unanimous themselves. But after much rum was swilled and some blood was spilled, they made their decisions final.
We like ’em and would definitely like to see some of these role playing marvels join us here on Siege.

DJ Def of did a marvelous job announcing the winners Saturday night. UOradio set a record for the number of listeners as the good DJ played music requested by the players who listened in for the news. Chat was abuzz with wishes of good luck between those who had entered a limerick. DJ Def staggered the news and with each announcement the winner was good naturedly congratulated by the others.

The Pirates Of Arrr and Yarrr have given us two events recently that were hallmarked by the humor and the good nature of the participants. The Limerick Contest and last Saturday’s Pirate Chase gave Siege citizens the opportunity to have fun whether they directly participated in the events or followed the participants in Chat.
These events attracted more players than we normally see involved in Siege life.
The Pirates are successfully increasing player participation in events.

Thanks again! to Parium the Black for most of the Limerick Contest’s fabulous prizes  & to Captain Sureno and Liandra the Cutie for the Pirate Chase.

Famine donated some of the incredible variety of prizes totaling many millions in value. He did this because, “This game has given me so much. I want to give some back.” Famine’s museum on the north side of Zento will open soon. The museum’s purpose is to preserve some of the rarer UO artifacts. When y’go, tell Famine “Thanks.” UO is a richer experience because of Famine.

Join the discussion at


Perilous Inquirer – Seventeenth Issue

October 25, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Seventeenth Issue
October 25, 2013

have been chosen and will be announced  This Saturday evening, October 26th!

– by RueTor
Ladra: “Ladra is an Italian word literally meaning “female thief.” And I thought it sounded like a good name. Short enough? ^^” Captain Sureno: “Ahoy!! Well i was to be a pirate, and of course i wasnt just going to be Sureno. So it became Captain Sureno. And the history behind the name Sureno is Spanish for Southerner. No other meaning then im from the southwest where Sureno is common.”
Kelmo: “Kelmo came to be my nick name at work almost 2 decades ago. It was during the Tickle Me Elmo craze. A “friendly” waitress at the restaurant I worked at discovered I was very ticklish. My name is Kelly, so Kelly + Elmo became Kelmo. It has stuck with since the mid 90’s.”
Grimlex: “I don’t remember. When I first started, I fought a lot of battles without a helmet.”

– Kattasrophe, age 12
Attacks on the cities! What’s next?
Many have been out this week fighting off the horrible monsters and their captains. Many have died, causing an increased population of skeletons in the graveyards. Now, along with the battles in the cities, the undead has come out more than ever.
What must happen in order to slay all these monsters? The answer is we need more groups out fighting! And as for the problem with the undead, Less Dying!  Many have fought bravely and died.
We thank all who made the ultimate sacrifice. Let’s hope when the next paper comes out, we won’t have these reports.

“ha ha my cat just fell off the window into my bowl of cereal.”
– Czarina

Books Wanted for the players’ library Dann the Leper is building in Bartertown.
It’s a small tower, open to the public, just north of Minoc & just east of Ladra’s cabin.
Please drop donated books into the drop box.

– Kattasrophe
Don’t worry your pretty little mind,
Think about happiness and sunshine.
Never give up, you just gotta try again.
Think about your favorite time.
I know the stakes can be high, but it will never be the end.

Runebooks for shopping. Full runebooks of Tailor shops, player vendors and other resourceful locations. See our vendor at the Perilous Inquirer.

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward.  Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Contributor: RueTor
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Published by the

~sine die~

Join the discussion at

Britannia mobilizes to combat invasions

October 22, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


As dawn broke over Minoc this morning, the various early birds on their way to work were startled to see a large lighthouse looming over the town just by the bridge. Some may have dismissed it as some sort of grand illusion, possibly just a publicity stunt by a group of attention-seeking mages, but closer inspection of the cold stone proved that this was no apparition, and must be the work of some altogether more powerful force.

Confirmation of this did not take long. At around 7am, waves of monsters began issuing from the structure, and in little time all corners of the town were under attack. Each group consisted of an assortment of cold monsters such as snow elementals, ice demons and giant serpents. Controlling each was a captain, humans with immense skill in some area such as barding, wizardry or fencing. Terrified citizens began fleeing from the city any way they could, some into the woods in the south, some into the mines over the bridge, some toward the relative safety of Barter Town, and a few into whatever small boats they could find moored around the coast.

It did not take long for word of the attack to each the rest of Britannia, and soon the town criers everywhere were barking out news of the assault. The call brought an immediate response from various citizens of the realm, with a group from Gilfane and the Legion of Honour guild spearheading the initial counter-attack, including Becca, Darci, Elroi, Landonaire, Leprechaun, Mohab, Rhiannon, Salp and Shakespeare. Also on hand was governor Ladra herself, who assisted the effort by personally inspecting the defender’s packs to ensure that they had all the supplies they needed (or so she told me).

The first thought of the defenders was to see if a direct assault on the lighthouse could be made, but this proved futile as some kind of magical barrier made it impervious to any attack. So attention turned to the monsters themselves and fortunately most proved to be fairly weak and could be taken down without huge effort.

But the captains were a different matter. Even without their minions, it took a fairly long, coordinated effort from several people to finally kill them. Nevertheless, the attackers, working together, managed to make steady progress and cleared most the east and southern portions of the town. And it seemed that the captains were somehow magically linked to the mysterious lighthouse. When around seven of them had been killed, the magical barrier that has previously protected the structure broke down, enabling a sortie on the source of the terror. However, the guardians of the tower were much more capable than those out on the streets, and included the likes of hydras and reptalons. These were beaten back, but it provided sufficient time for the lighthouse’s defences to be restored, although it had clearly taken a fair amount of damage during the interlude.

The defenders returned to battling the raiding groups, having particular trouble with those headed by bard captains, which were generally just lured out of the way. But after another batch of the leaders had been removed, the lighthouse once again became vulnerable, and this time the subsequent attack took huge chunks of masonry from the stronghold before the barrier was once again reinstated, and it was felt that one more attempt would be enough to bring it down.

By now, several others had arrived to help with the efforts, including Fartbarf, Rufio, Parnella of Arrr and Sam of I4NI. With all the reinforcements, the bodies of more captains started to pile up all around the city and the lighthouse barrier once again failed. “To the lighthouse!” came the cry, and all defenders began converging upon the crumbling tower. There followed a gruesome scene, with many being mercilessly cut down by a pair of hydras making a last, terrible stand. The assault almost faltered, but the call went up to all those still standing to concentrate their efforts on to the structure lest the shield could once again be brought back to life. Finally, after almost four hours of close-quarter fighting and with a tumultuous explosion, the lighthouse came crumbling down and the invasion was defeated.

The exhausted defenders stood around cheering and congratulating one another. “With a lot of teamwork we drove off the invaders, though hindered somewhat by the governor taking a tax from the dead,” said Becca. “She stole my dragon food.”

But for some, the attack had brought only frustration. “All the monsters were impervious to my barding abilities,” said a disappointed Rufio.

The celebrations were only short-lived, however. Within the hour, news reached everyone that a second city, Trinsic, was now under attack, with a similar lighthouse structure having appeared close to the docks. Over the course of the afternoon, an eclectic mix of loyal Britannian citizens appeared in the city to help with the fight. As well as some veterans of the earlier encounter (the governor of Minoc included), there was also All Mighty, Aud Sadis, Carrick McGee, Chlorz Fang, Filas, Kattasrophe, Kiri, Morgan Ironfist, Suripam ErgoSum, York and several others.

In Trinsic, the invasion forces consisted of an assortment of arachnids, but each group was still controlled by the same captains as had been seen in Minoc. And just as before, several captains had to be killed before the lighthouse could be attacked. This time, the fighting went on for around six hours and ended once again with a bloody encounter at the lighthouse, where several hydras wreaked havoc.

Destruction of the Trinsic lighthouse.

“It was a great logistical battle,” said Chlorz Fang, who had been there from the start of the Trinsic invasion and helped defeat around five of the captains.

“The villainous were numerous, the destruction immense, but the valorous were greater this day!” pronounced a proud Suripiam ErgoSum.

“I’m better at whacking on trees,” opined Ariana Riverwind, a crafter who had come to lend whatever support she could.

Yet everyone realised this was surely just the beginning, the start of a coordinated series of raids across Britannia. And sure enough, news soon filtered through that Jhelom had become the third city on the list.

One of the most interesting questions of the events so far remains the role of the Crown in all this. In both the first attacks, the guards remained in the town area but did nothing to combat the enemy and instead only intervened in fighting between ordinary citizens. But perhaps this is a new tactic from the king following the recent debacles in Buccaneer’s Den and Umbra, when loyal Britannians were cut down by various brigands, allowing the attacking monsters to go unmolested.

“We had our orders,” said Colin, sergeant of the second watch in Trinsic. “Stop any in-fighting but otherwise leave well alone.”

And King Blackthorn is certainly doing all he can to encourage the population to take up arms. In an initiative that must have been planned in advance for just such a happening, the king’s agents are accepting turn-ins of any minor artifacts recovered from the fallen invaders, and these can be exchanged for various decorative items and artifacts bearing Blackthorn’s crest. But acquiring the more powerful items will be hard work indeed.

“It’s not too bad, sometimes frustrating,” said Landonaire, who managed to pick up seven minor artifacts in the two initial encounters, “though to get one hundred turn-ins for the best artifacts will take forever it seems.”

Fortunately, my sister’s boyfriend’s third cousin works at Castle Blackthorn in the highly prestigious position of Cleaner of the Royal Chamber Pot. He managed to pull a few strings and get me a sneak preview of one of the items, a decorative shield with the Siege emblem.

The Siege shield (is actually a deed which can produce any shard shield)

And so, with the evening edition written, I must return to the front line to continue following events. To Jhelom!

King’s Council meeting, 19th October

October 20, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


The second King’s Council meeting of the autumn term brought another good turnout with six governors present and Hugibear once again represented by Captain Sureno. This time around, the king allowed Sureno to occupy the Britain governorship seat. Ordinary citizens present included Deliliah the Mad, Elroi, Fartbarf, Grimlex, Kattasrophe, Luka Melehan, Rob, Rue Tor, Salp, Slugga, Suripiam ErgoSum, Texas Black and Tick.

The king began by reviewing the various requests from the previous meeting. He also mentioned that all cities had successfully deposited the required resources for their governor’s office and that construction of such would begin in the near future. Interestingly, one town, believed to have been Yew, dropped off a double allocation to cover any shortfall elsewhere.

The following is a summary of what he had to say about the September requests:

New Magincia [regarding town-owned vendors]: “The suggestion from the Governor of New Magincia is being looked into, but this will be a long, slow process.”

Minoc [regarding a new moongate]: “The suggestion from the Governor of Minoc is rejected for now. There are concerns that the delicate balance of the moongates could be disrupted should an additional permanent gate be added, unless another town should volunteer to give up their gate.”

In lieu of the moongate, Ladra asked if a pair of portals could be placed inside the bank. Blackthorn responded that this may be possible, but he wasn’t sure that the devices would operate outside a recognized house. He promised to consult with experts regarding the matter.

Skara Brae [regarding several abandoned houses on the outskirts]: “The request has been submitted for review, but a final determination has not been reached. Hopefully our demolition team will begin work soon.”

Trinsic [regarding crafting centre and additional banker near the docks]: “The request from Trinsic has also been submitted and is still pending final approval from the engineers. There is still the problem of finding a banker without a home who is willing to stand out in the weather, but we have not given up hope yet.”

Moonglow [regarding placement of a trash can at the bank]: “This request was met with shock and concern by the engineers, who question whether trash removal is something that the king should be dealing with or whether that should be up to the individual cities. Regardless, I have submitted it as a request.”

In regard to York’s request for lower fees from the trade associations, Blackthorn said that negotiations would require substantial work, but as the request had been heard from many quarters it was indeed under review.

The king next invited all governors to address the meeting with any news or fresh concerns:

Victim of Vesper
“I would simply like to thank the Crown for providing the new stable.”

Blackthorn said that he hoped to have the new building staffed soon.

Hoffs of Skara Brae
“Skara continues to run the Bardic Collegium trade deal and I would like to thank all those who are making financial contributions, especially Pirate Roberts. On a more general note, the annual Miss Siege beauty pageant is scheduled to take place at 2:30pm EST on Saturday, November 30th. As usual, we have a number of independent judges visiting for the event, including some senior members of the Stratics news agency, and Sosaria’s most famous cook! Hopefully many of our town governors will try and get someone to represent their fair city. Further details will be pinned on the noticeboards soon.”

Kelmo of Trinsic
“Well I have no vocal citizens. I will post up and offer some titles and ask what trade deal ya want. I will seek a Lt Gov’ner as I am a busy man. I will try to reach out to the citizens. I am working on a crafters assembly and hope to have a bitch and stitch circle soon. So there.”

Lord Blackthorn suggested that perhaps Kelmo should not consume so much rum at future meetings.

York of Moonglow
“ I would like to start by thanking the citizens for their valor during this troubling season. I of course speak of the diligence they have shown in crushing the recent uprising of warrior zombies and the butchers in the graveyard. The killer pumpkins have also shown to be no problem for these fine warriors. This has allowed the farmers to continue harvesting the crops without pause.

“A few successful smaller events have taken place since the last Council meeting. These have been scavenger hunts based on the trick or treating taking place in the town. The items were donated by a citizen that wishes to remain anonymous. In other event related news, all of the items have been collected to put on a harvest festival. The festival will include a feast prepared by Sosaria’s finest chefs, musical chairs, and more. Details on the date, prizes and location will be posted on the noticeboards within the next few days. Also, there is research currently being conducted on an event that will require honesty. This will commemorate the raising of Dagger Island.

“The town has received many generous donations and I would like to send out a special thanks to Lupe, Sara Dale, Jack Nickelson, Landra, Nevela, and Razzle Pendragon for their contributions. I hope I did not leave anyone out. It is also my pleasure to see that Moonglow was successful in raising the resources for the governor’s office. It will be a fine addition to the town and we eagerly await its construction.

“Other improvements to the town have been discussed and the top two changes would be fixing the broken teleporter and adding a few vendor stalls like those in New Maginicia, spread out through the town. The [reason for these vendors] is that there are many vacant buildings in guarded zones that are in danger of decaying. These vendors would be able to provide the much needed upkeep and provide reason for people to venture into these sections of the town. I understand this is a monumental request but I feel this change would give the town the greatest chance for success.”

Victim pointed out that the teleporter was deactivated due to the presence of the new Council of Mages base. York suggested that maybe it could be relocated to the zoo and Blackthorn said that further investigation would be required. He also mentioned that the placement of brokers within other towns would be a long-term project indeed.

Captain Sureno, speaking for Hugibear of Britain
“The state of Britain is fair. From Lord Hugi’s notes, it says that he has not made progress for a trade deal and wishes if ye be a citizen of Britain, to holla at him and he will work something out. I did want to personally thank everyone today who attended our chase. It ended well. Lord Victim saved the day and the Scalis was defeated.”

Ladra of Minoc
“The request for a portal is all.”

Morgan Ironfist of New Magincia
“New Magincia continues to run the Trade Deal with the assassin’s guild. I would like to thank Frost and Pirate Roberts for their huge contribution. Furthermore, I just want to remind you, my king, that New Magincia has the exclusive rights to broker stalls for the next two years until our renewal option comes up.”

Blackthorn denied knowledge of any exclusive deal and stated that the stalls were introduced to bring back life to a destroyed town.

Most of the remainder of the meeting was taken up with Buccaneer’s Den’s startling request for official recognition, as has been reported elsewhere.

Finally, the king opened up the floor to other citizens of Britannia. He was asked to address the various rumours circulating in the capital, apparently fuelled by a respected soothsayer forecasting terror and doom.

“I have also seen signs and omens that hint that all may not be well on the horizon,” replied Blackthorn, “This is also why I believe that unity is our best path moving forward. We must prepare for the worst as dark days may be on the horizon.”

Finally, Suripiam ErgoSum rose to announce the imminent opening of his book collection, located in Barter Town, to the public, and added that he would be glad to accept further donations. Blackthorn said that any institution that adds to the learning of his citizens would be a boon, and then went on to call the meeting to a close.

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