Hello LA!
Sunday evening’s event was an adrenaline trip through dangerous places! I truly “feverishly” followed Sunday night’s event activities, but as a result while I have pics, a complete ‘sense’ of the wild activities of the evening probably escaped my fevered brow!
Here are pics of the sequence of events that I was able to capture. Sadly, I was often dead during these interviews, or became dead trying to take the pics, making things certainly interesting for my intrepid reporter! I can definitely say that few events in my memory were more of a challenge to stay alive in, or more fast-paced than this night’s event action our august EM gave us! I tried to keep from reporting in “black and white” but a few pics had to be that way!
Our event started at 6:30 pm US Central time on Sunday evening, April 29th and ended about two hours later. During that time we visited about five locations according to my count ranging from Hanse’s Tavern in Ilshenar to the Prism of Light – and many will remember THAT experience for a lifetime…
We embarked on a quest after hearing reports of distress from many inhabitents.

We began a search for the huge blue monster.

We got more information at Hanse’s Hostel in Ilshenar where the inhabitents were wary and concerned. We discovered that the monster was called “The Wickren” and it was ancient.

We followed the trail to the Prism of Light, where we found the beast and a mighty battle ensued. Many of our comrades gave their lives in this protracted battle in very close quarters! A mighty effort was made to defeat this monster!

We regrouped after this battle, and took on the search for the mage who had called up this beast from the dark recesses of the universe. Our quest led us again to Ilshenar and the Meer people.

We located two books in two separate places that gave us information on the Wickren, and its dangers. We took off to find this mage, Mesmer, who had called up the monster in a spell. The path led us to a stronghold of the Ratmen, and there we found the mage hiding in the basement!

Another battle ensued as Mesmer told us of his life and accomplishments. He was a powerful wizard, but very misguided I believe! The group fought valiantly against a powerful opponent and won the day.

We will all meet again in our journeys next weekend to continue our quest against the evil monsters and inhabitents of Brittania!

I lost my books to a death, and could not therefore present you all with the Wickren books in this article, but here is the first page of each of them. Perhaps it can enlighten you a small bit.

Report Submitted by El of LA, May 3, 2012.