Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (14)

February 26, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

2 March 2013

The Fourteenth Exodus Encounter will be next Saturday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CET.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Saturday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Saturday.

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[News] The Week-end Madness

February 25, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: I

Welcome to the first edition of The Week-end Madness news report of Drachenfels.

The news that will look back to what crazy things happened over the week-end on your favorite shard!

On Friday the brave took a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the gauntlet.


Saturday we we joined the exciting 2nd edition of the Deal or No Deal game show.


Many Prices been won by the participants and here are the results:

Round 1 
Ghaila Bagha : 960.224

Bonus 1 Scorpio : 250.000
Bonus 2 Horus : 250.000

Round 2 
Imana St Jacques : 250

Bonus 1 Cal : 250.000
Bonus 2 Thanek : 250.000

Extra Bonus Round 
NinaLuna : Scroll of Valiant Commendation [Replica]
Nasrudin : 250.000

Round 3 
Der Dude : 2.000.000

Bonus 1 Nico : 250.000
Bonus 2 Arius Lad : 250.000
Round 4 
Kyrgon Malcheton : 3.000.000

Bonus 1 Sheana : 250.000
Bonus 2 Dr Alzheimer : 250.000

Round 5 
Laura : 100

Who missed it can still have a look back at it :

On Sunday we first set sail to the Island of Corgul.


After defeating Corgul we headed to Buccaneers Den where Captain Seoman trowed some white nets.


Hell broke loose when Dreamer pulled up three lobsterman at the same time!

As you can see,  it was another crazy week-end on Drachenfels .

I hope i can report to you weekly on your favorite shards madness!

Make sure you don’t miss one of the many events on Drachenfels!

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(Player Event) Corgul the Soulbinder.

February 21, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

Corgul the Soulbinder.

We sail to the Island of Corgul the Soulbinder on

Sunday 24th February at 20:30 CET.

Gathering at West Britain Bank.

The more people join, the easier it gets.

Come and join us to try to kill this monster and die a lot!

(High Seas Booster Required)

And afterwards a white net toss in Buccaneers Denn to fight Lobsterman!

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(Player Event) 2nd Deal Or No Deal (Drachenfels)

February 20, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News



Original Post by Gilmour

 Greetings Citizens

Seven and Crew is hosting another Deal Or No Deal on Drachenfels, Jackpot builds per event, up to 100 millions! This time 20 million as the 10 million was not won last time!

The Game
All visitors are asked to sign a book with their name and drop it in the mail box on top of the spectator rows. A contestant is then selected from the Audience on a voluntary basis.

The contestant choose a box to start the game, This contains an amount which is not revealed.

The contestant must then chose additional boxes, the amount of which is eminently revealed.

First the contestant select 6 boxes, then one box less per round, with a minimum of 1. and the last box cannot be selected.

After each round of selections the banker will the make a deal, which the host will offer to the contestant (based on how much value still in play), which the contestant can chose to accept by stating “Deal” thus ending  the game, or decline by stating “No Deal” thus continuing the game.

This continues until the contestant makes a deal.

If the 10 mill is a among the remaining boxes. The amount for this is multiplied by the by the amount of events where where it hasn’t been selected as the initial and unrevealed box (current included). Up to 100 millions!

Time and Place
Location: South East Luna Corner, on the inside of the Road.
Time: Saturday the 23rd of February ’13 @ 20:30 (8:30 PM) CET
Other timezones: 7:30 PM GMT/UTC, 21:30 EET, 2:30 PM EST (US)
Streamed Live: The event will be streamed live on with commentary.

middle round prizes will be drawn from the mailbox, for instant wins.


Hope to see spectators and contestant there to play.
– Seven, Stephen and Gilmour



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(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 22/2/2013

February 19, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Friday the 22nd of February.

Leaving around 20:30 CET on top of West Britain Bank!

Be there!

Click the image to open in full size.

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[EM Event] The Paintings.

February 18, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Paintings.

We have been called at the counselors hall.

We all where a bit surprised when we saw Tuan again!

We helped him before when they stole his mind…. ( Read: Help! )


“Good Evening, first of all I want to say thanks for the last time you helped me.

I was not very well this day , and a little confused.

What ever , I want to tell you more about me and how it came that I lost my mind.

I am Tuan the Wanderer , since my youngest years I am traveling around the world to seek adventures.

I’ve never been more than a few months on a place.

There were just a few stable things in my live.

For example , I was a Royal Guard  in Lord British’s army many years ago.

I went with Lord British on many adventures and wars.

During a particular war against Jou’Nar I was the one who made the mortal blow to end his life.

But before Jou’Nar died he vowed a curse at all those who have taken part of his death.

Since this fight , all kind of creatures try to steal my mind!

Since then my live is like a race …

The only hinds , I get , when this happens , are hidden in my dreams.

Course it seems to happen , during the night , and my dreams are telling me who or what and in which ways they try to do it.

Normally I was fast enough , always …

Except the last time…

I am not getting younger , and slowing down…

So I was very lucky to meet you guys!

I am old , and I don’t have the power like I used to have in younger years of my life!

I need to find a way to break this curse!

How ever , Yesterday night , I had another dream …

It was about an artist , who was drawing a portrait of me.

He had red glowing eyes and long black hairs …

I am not sure who he is or where he is…

In the background I saw already a few of my portraits.

So it’s not just one…

I hope you all can help to retrieve them.

If I don’t find them quickly the evil magic within the paintings will become stronger and will leave my mind forever…

My question now is , are you willing to help me?”

Of course we are here to help Tuan again!

“I knew it! Thanks for that already.

So in my dreams when the artist finished his evil work , he took them away and hided them in all kind of places allover Sosaria.

Your mission will be to find and steal them back!

You have 5 minutes to prepare yourself!”

This was a perfect job for my friend Buzzy, she a legendary thief and perfect for a task like this.

I rushed to our guild house and found her in her room.

When i explained what she had too do she smiled and left for Britain.

“I hope you all are ready.

My dream did not give me much information , where the evil artist placed the paintings.

Which is strange course normally i get enough information’s to find the spots.

That shows me that the curse is getting stronger…that they are placed in dungeons , I can’t tell you in which dungeon but it seems to be that they are on all facets and lands.

There are 10 in total!

I will be with you in the General Chat to keep you updated!”

Everyone left Britain to seek in all the dungeons.

They looked everywhere and some paintings where discovered fast.

But some of the paintings where tricky to get and only a legendary thief could get their hands on it.

Emanuel Goldstin found one in the Orc Dungeon but she had troubles getting the painting.

Buzzy hasted her to the dungeon to see if she could be of any assistance.


Even with her great skills it took several tries to get the painting.

But eventually she got it!

This was a nice price for a thief but Buzzy gave the painting to Emanuel , after all she discovered it.

The searched went back on and a call was given that 9 paintings where found.

The 10th painting too but it was in a secret room in Dungeon Doom.

Several people where needed to work together to solve the puzzle to get inside the room.


It took some time before the people finally got someone in the secret room and get the final painting.

It was time to go back to Tuan in Britain.


“All paintings are found!

That’s very good!

I knew you are able to fulfill the mission.

I need to find a way to break the curse , but i don’t know how!

Maybe i should talk to Professor Grimm.

What ever… I need to say thanks for your help.

I will go now.

Have a nice Sunday  evening and I wish you all a good night!



New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] Happy Valentines Day 2013 Drachenfels!

February 14, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Happy Valentines Day 2013 Drachenfels!

EM Borbarad Wishes us all a Happy Valentine!


A Special Cupid Statue was placed near the stables of Luna.


When you touch the statue you get a vase of roses.


Get your valentines gift in the next days!


Drachenfels thanks the UO Team and EM Team for this lovely gift.

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(Player Event) Public Harrower!

February 12, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Drachenfels Presents:

Public Harrower!

Original Post by Gilantas

 On Saturday the 16th of February we give you 1 or 2 Public Harrower’s to fight!

Adventurers, Murderers and Daredevils are all invited to join the fight!

Do you have what it takes?

Are you brave enough to take up the glove to fight the harrower’s in Felucca?

Hero, Villain or Chickens!

Have your ears open (General Chat) To know where the harrower’s will be fought!

The fight will start at 20:30 CET!

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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (12)

February 06, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

10 February 2013

The Twelfth Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CET.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 9/2/2013

February 06, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Saturday the 9th of February.

Leaving around 20:30 CET on top of West Britain Bank!

Be there!

Click the image to open in full size.

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