Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (21)

June 04, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

9 June 2013

The Twenty-first Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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(Player Event) 31st Knuckleheads Ingame Auction.

June 04, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

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31st Knuckleheads In game Auction.

On Friday the 7th of June at 20:30 CEST.

Come to buy or sell or just for fun!

All and more info can be found here:

If you got more Questions you can also contact Gilmour.

The new auction house can be found In New Magincia.


Here is a map to the auction house.

Runes will be dropped around the bank to get to the auction house on the day of the event.

Or use the Teleportation Hub in New Magincia to go directly to the auction house.


Click the image to open in full size.

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[EM Event] The Jade Serpent.

June 03, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Jade Serpent.

The three eyed general summoned us again at the counselors hall.


We knew when he calls that he found the location of another stolen statue.

Before we could leave he asked some of us to get a few boats.

There was no time to loose and we headed to the moongate near the west Britain bank.

We went to Moonglow and from there we moved to Papua.


We had to make sure that we not left someone behind on our trip to our target.

We know that each man and woman are important in the fights to retrieve the statue.

We headed north to the desert and then west to the sea.

Ones we all boarded the ships we sailed to the west to a island.


As soon we arrived we where attacked by several defenders of the jade snakes.


We had to fight against several when we moved trough the jungle.


We fought our way trough the jungle until we arrived at a big open area.

There a big five headed snake attacked us.

Although it was a impressive beast, it was no match for all these brave hero’s!

He fell quickly!


The general searched the snakes corpse and found the stolen statue!


Another mission successfully completed.

The general was pleased again with the results.

And as always he will call on our help again when he locates the next statue.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XV

June 03, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XV

Friday was Doomsday.


On Saturday City election has started.

Candidates to become governor of the towns can put them on the city stone.


In the evening a group of pirates plundered several merchant ships on the high seas


Sunday EM Borbarad had a few announcements.

The second reward hall is ready to be used.


EM Dramnar from Chesapeake helped with this task.

Anyone who got a suggestion for a sensible division of the individual reward section can do that in a mail to EM Borbarad.

[email protected]

The Poll decided for the name of our mascot.

Karli – Hüter der Zeit

The proposal with the most votes came from Elli.

Borbarad will build an enclosure where our mascot can move around in.

A new event has started , it is time to find the best fisherman of Drachenfels!

The fisherman with the most records of fish, crabs and lobsters will win!

The event is from today and last until 1 September 2013.

The fisherman will be awarded with a special title , which can be seen in its paperdoll!

The title will be rewarded by Mesanna!

All current records can be found here:

Drachenfels Fishers Hall of Fame

Then we went to help the three eyed general to return a jade serpent statue.


Trinsic seems to be free of the spider webs ….


But now Cove is covered in them!

We have not seen the last of Zalindera her followers!

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(Player Event) Piracy!

May 29, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


On Saturday the 1st of June we are having our second High Seas adventure.

We are going to try to plunder several merchant ships!

We need crew to fight and to arm and shoot the cannons.

At 20:30 CEST Jigsaw will open a gate to our ship from West Britain Bank.

When everyone has boarded the ship the Captain will appear that will lead the event.

Before the event starts the crew will discuss with the Captain how the plunder will be divided among the crew after the event.

We are all wise and adult enough to make a fair decision .

The Captain of the ship will have the final decision how it will be!

This could be a first of many pirating adventurers, all depends how well things go .

I have faith in you all to make this fun!

(High Seas Booster is Required)

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(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 31/5/2013

May 28, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

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The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Friday the 31st of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST on top of West Britain Bank!

Be there!

Click the image to open in full size.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XIV

May 27, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News




The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XIV

We where invited for a public harrower on Friday.


Many thanks go to the defenders who stood bravely against some murderers!


Saturday we went to the center of the Stygian Abyss.


Slasher gave us a “warm” welcome!


On Sunday we had our twentieth Exodus event.


Our ears picked up a few more new rumors:

Zalindera is to be elected as governor in Trinsic. At the moment, she improves her reputation in Trinsic, by weaving Raiders and bringing them to Trinsic jail.

The power of the weaver in Trinsic disappears. Her altar is damaged, the spider nets and cocoons disappear and dissolve.

The priest of the weaver Alrik Ploetzbogen wanders around in Trinsic and prays at the altar and at the dissolving spider nets. He seems to hope for a miracle.

The weaver has realized that she has no chance facing Elesil Daelwon and the heroes. She pulls back and plans to make a new attempt in a few decades.

Jigsaw is responsible for freeing Trinsic from Zalindera. He and the Zalindera-priest Ploetzbogen have been fighting in Britain. Jigsaw grabbed Ploetzbogen by the throat, threw him to the ground like a rag doll and broke him several bones.

The weaver moves from Trinsic to Yew. The Lord of the Council of Yew, Lord Yders ap Thul, has promised Zalindera and Alrik Ploetzbogen widespread support. The Lord even contacted the elves to also secure their consent.

In Yew a Zalindera altar will be erected. The church of the weaver pays (privately) a sum of 45 million gold to the Lord of the city.

The Lord of the Council of Yew, Lord Yders ap Thul, has thrown Alrik Ploetzbogen out of his city and will punish him with death if he ever should come back.

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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (20)

May 22, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

26 May 2013

The Twentieth Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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(Player Event) Public Harrower!

May 22, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Drachenfels Presents:

Public Harrower!


Original Post by Gilantas


On Friday the 24th of May we give you 1 or 2 Public Harrower’s to fight!

Adventurers, Murderers and Daredevils are all invited to join the fight!

Do you have what it takes?

Are you brave enough to take up the glove to fight the harrower’s in Felucca?

Hero, Villain or Chickens!

Have your ears open (General Chat) To know where the harrower’s will be fought!

The fight will start at 20:30 CEST!

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 19!

May 22, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 19

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Saturday the 19th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight The Slasher of the Veils!

On Saturday the 25th of May.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at West Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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