Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

[EM Event] Robe Wars!

July 29, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Robe Wars!

Em Borbarad had prepared a new PvP event called robe wars.

Our Meeting place was this time the counselors hall in Britain on Felucca facet.


When every one arrived Borbarad explained the rules again.

Rules: EM Web page

The first thing to do was to divide everyone in two equal groups.


Each team got a special designed robe for the event.


One team got the red robes and the other team got the blue robes.

Each team had to collect the others teams robes by killing them and then deliver them in a mailbox.

The mailboxes could be reached to go trough a gate in the center of the hedge maze.

After a chaotic start while dividing the team each team was taken to there own base.


We all waited in our base until Borbarad gave the signal to start the battle.


It did not take long before the two group engaged each other in mortal combat.

And shortly after the first people got killed and lost their robe.

It was now a race to kill everyone from the opposite team and collect all the robes and drop them of in the mailboxes.


The red team took a good start but the blue team seemed to be more organized and started to gain a big advantage.

After almost a hour of fighting it was clear what team won.

The battle was ended when the last red robe was given to EM Borbarad.

We all traveled back to the counselors hall where the blue team was official declared as winner of the robe wars event!


And as a small reward , everyone of the winning team got a special pants as a memento of their victory.

Here is Daniel, a member of the winning blue team, showing his new pants.



Although we had a bit of a rough start with a few trouble makers, the event went pretty good.

It just too bad hat a few bad apples can give a very bad impression of the “good” people of Felucca.

I hope we can have it less chaotic at the start of  the next Felucca event.

We really don’t want that a few trouble makers are the reason for no events in Felucca anymore!

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XXIII

July 29, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XXIII

Its Monday again and its time to look back what kept us busy on Drachenfels.

Let see…Ah yes Friday , we visited Slasher.


Its a nice guy really ….. but you just have to catch him in a good mood!

Saturday we went fishing for lobsters…. well….kinda! *winks*


Inken was so kind to deliver us four big lobsterman to play with!

EM Borbarad prepared a robe war on Sunday.


As always in most Felucca events things always start chaotic!

But in the end of the robe war.. the blue team won!

More to come next week-end… I will be there and you?


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(Player Event) White Net Toss

July 23, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

White Net Toss

We Like to invite everyone for a white net toss event on Saturday 27 of July 2013.

Gathering at 20:30 CEST at New Magincia Docks.

We going to try to summon Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer a few times.

Be prepared for some heavy fighting!

Please feel free to join in the fun!

Donations of extra white nets to be used is welcomed!

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 23!

July 23, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 23

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Friday the 23th Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight The Slasher of the Veils!

On Friday the 26th of July.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at West Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XXII

July 22, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XXII

Burning hot summer days but on Drachenfels they stay cool!

The gauntlet was our destination on Friday.


Here you can see the first group preparing to leave.

Saturday we played several round with Medusa.


As far i know the only place where it is legal to be stoned!

Our two weekly return to Exodus is still a success.


Our big thanks go to all the people who make all the events possible.


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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (24)

July 16, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Exodus Encounter

21 July 2013

The Twenty-forth Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 22!

July 16, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 22

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Saturday the 22nd Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to The Abyss to fight Medusa!

On Saturday the 20th of July.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 19/7/2013

July 16, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Friday the 19th of July.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST on top of West Britain Bank!

Be there!

Click the image to open in full size.

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[EM Event] The Jade Horse.

July 15, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


The Jade Horse.

When the three eyed general summons us to help him we know he located another stolen statue.


First he thanked us again for all our help over the last months.

He knew where the next statue was but he warned us to be prepared for some heavy fighting.

But thats really no news to us, we are always well prepared.

We headed out and took the moongate at the Britain bank to the Shrine of Honesty in Ilshenar.


We traveled north and then crossed the bridge towards the town of Mistas.


We followed a narrow path to a big open area where the serpentine dragon dwells.

Arrows flew around our heads when several centaurs attacked us from several sides.


It was a intense battle against the defenders of the jade unicorn and watch out for the serpentine dragons.

When all defenders where defeated the evil jade unicorn came down the steps of a building nearby.


He had some incredible powers!

It was like we got nailed to the ground at some times.

I think we almost burned the building down while we tried to defeat the jade unicorn.


It was not a easy task but eventually we where victorious!


The general search the evil unicorn corpse and found the stolen statue.


The seventh statue recovered and now we wait until the general call on us again to retrieve  the next statue.

New Frarc, Drachenfels News reporter.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: XXI

July 15, 2013 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: XXI

Friday Jason was on the loose and Jigsaw wanted him stopped again!


After fifty minutes he was found by Gizmo and killed.

But knowing Jason… he will return!

On Saturday we collected some bounty’s from pirate Captains.


The small crew did extremely well!

Sunday the three eyed general asked our help again to get back another statue.


We had our hands full to kill the evil jade unicorn.

For all who have vacation, enjoy it!

We keep Sosaria safe till you return!


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