Archive for the ‘Catskills News’

April’s Treasure Hunt Challenge – Catskills vs. Legends

April 21, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

The following was posted on UO Herald
Kai Schober                                                                                                                                                                  20 Apr 2012 14:24:26 EST

   A new (old) Challenger has come forth!

Last month the Gold Diggers of Legends Shard defeated a surprisingly fierce team Awesome Sauce of Lake Superior. There will be no surprises this time around, however, as the Gold Diggers face a seasoned team of veterans, the Blue Beetles of Catskills. The following is the Challenge laid forth by Catskills, and the response issued by Legends:

My Dearest Helios and Miko,    How are things? It has been some time since we have spoken. How has your shard been, and Miko – did you ever get that boil removed? Adris and I have been quite well on Catskills – busy as always, of course. There always seems to be something, you know?    Anyway, I am writing to you to say “congratulations” on your two victories in the Cross Shard Treasure Hunt Challenge. You and your team truly are Legends. Well, in your own minds, perhaps. But don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t begrudge you your hard-earned victories. I mean, as the saying goes, I’d rather be lucky than good, eh?    To the point – if you fancy a bit of competition, I think Catskills would like its’ trophy back. What do you say? We EAGERLY await your response.


Barnaby, Adris, and the Blue Beetles of Catskills

Appreciative of the concern for Miko, the Legends EMs responded promptly:


   It will be interesting to see if such civility will stand when the competition between these two proud teams heats up. The Gold Diggers are looking to become the first team to win three Challenges in a row, but the Blue Beetles (former two-time champions themselves) should prove a difficult opponent. As if this wasn’t enough to provide drama to the match, EM Sangria has promised a surprise for this Challenge – something special to mark the occasion of two veteran teams meeting.

Interested in seeing how this all plays out? Come to the Chessboard in Nujel’m and watch Catskills take on Legends in the Cross Shard Treasure Hunt Challenge!

Date: Sunday, April 22nd

Time: 9pm EST

 Place: Nujel’m Chessboard, Test Center

 Shard Spectators are encouraged to come and cheer on their favorite team!

Gates will be provided from the New Haven bank prior to and during the event.

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[EM Event] Saturday Evening Event: 4/7 8pm EST

April 06, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

The following was posted to EM Adris and EM Barnaby’s Website and to Stratics Catskills EM Forum


by Barnaby


Just a short note to expect an event Saturday evening at 8pm EST. Meet at the EM Hall in Britain. Come armed.

I will post a more detailed, proper announcement before then.


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[EM Event] “Fracture” [Fiction][Event]

April 04, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

by Barnaby

It started with the rain. It began suddenly, with big drops of water that seemed to take forever to hit the ground – the kind that you could feel through your hat as they fell upon you. Then, thunder. A distant booming that could very well have been cannon fire if it did not linger in the ears so long as a gentle hum, hiding there until the next great thud replaced it.

In a small cabin hidden in the woods west of Trinsic, a man awoke to a scream. Sitting up in a small bed, he paused for just a moment, listening further. Hearing nothing but the storm closing in on him, he rose from the bed. He winced as he took his first step, favoring his right leg as he quickly shuffled towards the cabin’s living room. There, in a heap upon the floor, he found the owner of the cabin who had taken him in.

With wrinkled face, ruffled clothes, and a wiry beard that stretched the length of his torso, the man on the floor looked every bit the ancient seer he claimed to be. As his injured guest knelt to help him, the old man spoke;

“I’ve had a vision,” he quietly stated. “A number of them, in fact.”

Determining the old man to be unhurt, the guest backed away, “What did you see?”

“A cave. A man is writing on the walls. There is another man laying nearby. He is dead,” he closed his eyes for a moment before continuing, “I believe this was many, many years ago. He seems to be in a hurry.”

“How did the man die? What is he writing?” the guest inquired.

The old man responded in a tone that carried a small amount of frustration, “I don’t know that. I saw other things, though. Many years later, another man enters the cave and finds two skeletons laying below the writing. He has two children with him.”

“Children?” the guest asked, eyebrows raised.

“Aye. One a boy of perhaps nine or ten years of age. The other a girl – she is perhaps fifteen or sixteen, but her demeanor makes her appear older. She seems to be watching over the boy as their…father…examines the writings.”

The old man’s guest handed the him a glass of water before encouraging him to go on.

“Ah, thank you,” the old man said, gulping a bit of water before continuing, “Next I saw a battlefield. There were bodies everywhere. In the distance I saw a group of humans and elves fighting what appeared to be a horrible daemon. I think they defeated it, because I lost sight of it just as I heard a terrifying scream from that direction. Off to the side, on the edge of the battlefield, I saw a gaunt figure slip away into the darkness of a forest.”

Pausing to rub his forehead, the old man continued, “Shortly after the battle, there is a man and a woman arguing – it is the boy and girl from the cave, grown into adulthood. She is clad in armor, and seems to be upset at the presence of another man…a healer from the looks of it. Both men seem to be healers.” He paused to take a drink, “After that, the images start to come quicker, but I think you know what they are. A meeting of nobles and dignitaries at the Castle, attacks on Skara Brae, a hooded figure of great power…”

The guest stiffened his back, and narrowed his eyes at the mention of the hooded figure, “What else?”

“A great disease in Trinsic. Riots…everywhere. A trial…no, an execution at the Castle. An attack. Chaos. Justice will triumph but Honor will die.” The old man rasped.

“Take it easy, go slow,” the guest said, hoping to calm the old man down.

The seer gripped his arm and pulled him closer, “I saw…YOU. You are well enough now, you must leave.”

The guest nodded, “I can prevent this from happening?”

The seer’s eyes widened, “No. You must leave so that this DOES happen – the alternative is much worse.”


Taking one last look around the place where he had spent the last few weeks healing, the injured man said bade the seer, the person who had saved his life, farewell. As he prepared to step through the door, out into a fierce rain driven by the terrible winds, the wizened seer spoke once more.

“Lieutenant Jeffrey. Make sure you tell the Detective to mind his ink – it is a terrible thing to wash out of one’s shirt.”

Jeffrey turned to look at the seer once more. He was gone. Concerned, but strangely not at all surprised, he shook his head. Just as he was about to turn to leave, he caught sight of something on the floor where the old man had sat – a small dreamcatcher.

Jeffrey stepped out into the rain, wondering what it all meant.


Jeffrey glanced at the Guards and pulled his hood further across his face. Even during a downpour like this they patrolled the sandstone streets with the vigilance of men who didn’t feel they could trust anyone. Hurrying across the street, he arrived at his destination, and stepped inside. Almost as soon as he did, a man dressed in an oddly colored chainmail bellowed in his face, “Oi! What’s wif all the robes and cloaks these days? They musht be in fashn, eh!?”

“Moody! Sit down and mind your business. Bloody drunk…,” a voice cried from a nearby table.

Jeffrey grinned, and clapped his new acquaintance on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, my friend. Come, I’ll buy you a drink. I’m waiting for some…friends…but I think it may be some time before they get here.”


WHEN: Thursday, 4/5

TIME: Midnight. Eastern time.

WHERE: A tavern. Somewhere…

This will mainly be an RP investigation. It will not be worth any points in the investigator system, but it will be vital in influencing the event on Friday, 4/6.

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[EM Event] Sentencing for Olivia Kanlocke – Friday, 4/6 – 7:30pm EST

April 04, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

by Barnaby

Citizens of Britannia,

As you are no doubt aware, Olivia Kanlocke recently turned herself in to face punishment for suspected crimes against the kingdom. After a thorough investigation, a decision has been reached, and the former Commander of the Royal Britannian Guard will be sentenced, in public, at Castle Britannia three evenings hence.

As her actions in support of the criminal Janus endangered the lives of those she had sworn to protect, all citizens are encouraged to attend this sentencing. Though it may be with a heavy heart, Justice must be served. Signed,

Brother Lian Vinre, Royal Council


WHEN: Friday, 4/6

TIME: 7:30 EST

PLACE: Castle Britannia, Trammel

This is the FINAL EVENT in the “Path Forwardstory arc that began in March of last year. It is HIGHLY recommended that you read THIS POST if you are not familiar with the story.


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[EM Event] Meeting With Jack Passer (Friday 30th March)

March 28, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

by EMAdris

Date: Friday 30th March 2012 Time: 8pm EST

Meet with Jack Passer at his office (Gate at EM Hal at 7:45pm) to find a Crimson Dragon.


The above was posted in the Catskills EM Forum and on EM Adris and EM Barnaby’s Website


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Town Criers Announce: “Kanlocke has turned herself in!”

March 26, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

The following was posted in the Catskills EM Forum here on Stratics and on the Catskills EM Website

by Barnaby

News spread quickly across the realm this morning that Olivia Kanlocke, former Commander of the Guard, has turned herself in. Kanlocke has been in hiding for some months after she was seen aiding a monk named “Mark” (otherwise known as Janus, the criminal responsible for attacks on Skara Brae, Trinsic, and Britain).

Why she has chosen to turn herself in now is currently unknown, though it may have to do with the killing of Janus at the hands of a raiding party led by Brother Lian Vinre during the previous evening. Officials connected to the Royal Council have said there should be a public trial in short order.

With the removal of Kanlocke from her post, and the reported death of her second in command, Lieutenant Jeffrey, the Royal Guard has been commanded by Sir Andrew of Britain.


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[EM Event] Raiding Party – Sunday, 3/25 – 8:30pm EST

March 23, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

The following was posted on the Catskills EM Website and in the Catskills EM Forum

by Barnaby

Attention all Royal Guard Regiments and Volunteers,

Information regarding Janus’ mercenary base near Skara Brae has been recovered thanks to Lord Eamon and his scouts. Unfortunately, some of these scouts were sighted by the mercenary guards and as a result they have stepped up their fortifications. Nonetheless, the time has come for us to remove this scourge from our lands. A summary of the information gathered by the scouts will be forthcoming – please use it wisely.


Sir Andrew of Britain


DATE: Sunday, March 25th

TIME: 8:30 EST

PLACE: Meet Sir Andrew at the Castle in Britain – the invasion force will leave via moongate

We are nearing the end of this story – for a recap of everything that has happened thus far, visit


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[EM Event] Meeting with Jack on Saturday March 24th

March 21, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

by EMAdris

Date: Saturday 24th March 2012  Time: 8pm EST

Meet Jack at his office in Buc’s Den (Will be gate at EM Hall before event) for a check on Trinsic, and Lakeshire.

The above was posted in the Catskills EM Forum and on the Catskills Event Moderators Website

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[EM Fiction] Protection…..

March 15, 2012 By: Dayton Category: Catskills News

Posted in the Catskills EM Forum and on the Catskills Event Moderators Website

by EMAdris.

Jack stepped off the boat quickly and paid the Vesperian as agreed. It had been a long trip. Jack stepped into his office to a desk full of letters, he sighed as he sat down, Licking his lips he flipped over the first letter, his eyes scanning the paper quickly… too quickly, he looked up and stared at the walls of his quiet office.

Many minutes later Jack looked back down at his desk before quickly jumping up, walking towards his bedroom. He opened the door as a startled noise came from the corner.

Jack: “How are you old friend?”

Stranger: “Well you know, Busy busy, I could have done without this short notice assignment!” the mysterious being said, slightly apprehensive. “You have heard the news?”

Jack: “I have yes… But please, I have greater things to worry about. Trinsic, How is it?”

Stranger: “Trinsic is still there you need not worry, the curse is contained as you left it.”

Jack: “And the Mayor?”

Stranger: “He is being dealt with as we speak”

Jack: “Good, good…”

Jack took a step towards his bed and sat down, keeping his stare out of the bedroom window.

Stranger: “I have to say though sir, this ‘plan’, it’s… It’s not working. He isn’t telling us anything.”

Jack: “To be expected… I suggest you try the plan we talked about before I left.”

The unknown person let out a short gasp before coughing and straightening themselves back up in the chair.

Stranger: “Yes sir, I will get the men onto that right away… Sir… I must ask… Our deal?”

Jack moved his gaze from the window to his bedside cabinet where an elderly Meer sat, holding a quill furiously writing on a large canvas.

Jack: “Don’t worry… Your services are noted, Lakeshire will be protected.”

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A New Year, A New Look, A New Attitude ~ Enter The Dragon

January 02, 2012 By: Lady Lava Category: Catskills News, Great Lakes News

~ . ~

Greetings And A Happy New Year To All,

For the past nine years I have posted a year end letter in early January. Usually I reflect on the year past touching on both world and personal topics that happen through the year and also changes and new history made in the realm. I could ramble on about the exciting new things we acquired in 2011 like the change in Shame, our amazing EMs, the wonderful Stratics staff, holiday gifts, ect ect ect. This year I decided to focus on the upcoming year and mainly dragons.

Dragons, different types of dragons, play a large part of the realm we call Ultima Online.  Just ask any tamer how important their Greater Dragon is. Often on hunts a call goes out for the need of a Greater Dragon or two, even three.

This month starts the Year of The Dragon throughout Asia and celebrated all over the world. Tet in Vietnamese, Seollal in Korean and Chun Jie in Mandarin Chinese are all known as the first day of the lunar calendar. January 23 is the day and marks ENTER THE DRAGON. Feasts, parades and drumming all assist in this entering. Last night while laying in bed I thought to myself how wonderful it would be if the EMs, game Devs or even player run events somehow focused on this special year and also highlight dragons in some manner.  If anyone is listening out there please think about this.

A new year often inspires people to play and/or create new characters, change thier ” looks ‘ and also change thier plot design. MOA on Great Lakes has done just that. MOA is the oldest and longest player run auction house and keeps its plot design  for extended periods of time so a new look is refreshing, shocking and I must add rather well done. Then again MOA does everything well.  For anyone out there feeling the after holiday blues think about tearing down that old plot and give yourself a new attitude.

MOA on Great Lakes


MOA on Great Lakes


As a gal that has been around a long time I still look forward to a new year in the realm. Over the years I have heard countless times by a wide variety of people on a wide variety of shards ” I’m bored “.  This comment always baffles me as there are so many skill/character types to choose from and such a huge choice of locations for hunting, people to talk to and things to create. One can truly be creative with Ultima Online and that is the reason why I have stayed with it for so many years.

I wish you all an amazing creative 2012 in and out of the realm!

Fondly, Lady Lava