[EM Event] Blackrock Prisms Summon Mysterious Woman

January 23, 2013 By: Phayde Category: Great Lakes News

Damon the Necromancer

Damon the Necromancer

Jeremy the Jeweler

Jeremy the Jeweler

Last evening, Royal Spymaster Magnus Grey summoned the Royal Spies in order to continue working with Damion the Necromancer on the issue concerning the blackrock prism.  For the safety of Britain, King Blackthorn ordered the experiment be conducted in the nearby graveyard to prevent any unexpected and undue casualties.  Meeting with Damion in the graveyard, the Spies were quickly greeted by his usual “cheerful” countenance.  “I can’t work under these conditions,” Damion spouted off to the nearby spies.  He then revealed, “This prism isn’t the right shape.”  With a little prompting from the nearby Spies, Damion suggested heading to a jeweler at Britain’s own A Girl’s Best Friend, and Martyna Z’muir, one of the Assistant Royal Spymasters, picked up the blackrock prism and headed off to do just that.

Upon arrival, Z’muir and the remainder of the Royal Spies herded into the east Britain jewelery shop, but were quickly asked outside by Jeremey the Jeweler, who was most certainly finding it difficult to breathe with so many people suddenly inside.  Z’muir revealed that the prism needed to be cut, and while surprised, Jeremy did not seem to be beyond the task.  “May I ask what it is for?” Jeremy inquired.  “Um… It’s something special,” was Z’muir’s response.  Several others had various answers, but Jeremy seemed satisfied as he inspected the prism further.  “This piece hasn’t been cut,” he noted, “Like it was a single crystal.”  Looking it over carefully, Jeremy agreed that he could make it into a perfect diamond shape, but asked for the sum of 5,000 gold coins to cover his time and expenses in doing so.  Several of the Royal Spies rushed off to return and pay him — likely paying him more than he had asked for.  Once paid, he instructed the Royal Spies to give him a half-hour to complete the work.

Returning to Damion, the Royal Spies informed him that the piece was being worked on.  “I guess we should do the other missing piece then,” Damion announced, and then revealed that he needed a book from a dead person of “great power” that had conveniently left a book that would have instructions on “transfering world-shaking magics around.”  This required a journey into the bowels of Malas’s dungeon Doom.  Wading through the usual habitants of the vile place, Damion and the Spies worked their way to the southwest corner of Doom, passing through unusual guardians that seemed to indicate the group was nearing the tomb of the powerful mage, Unthar.  Once the Tomb of Unthar was secured, Damion removed the lid from the sarcophagus.  Unthar, now a lich, asked, “Who dares trspass in my tomb?” but quickly caught sight of Damion and called out, “Traitor!”  While the Spies were quick to dispatch Unthar, Damion warned they should quickly leave, as Unthar would mend himself in short time.  Tome in hand, Damion and the Spies returned to Britain, there, Damion sending the Spies back to collect the prism.

Unthar's Tomb

Unthar’s Tomb

Martyna Z’muir led the charge back to A Girl’s Best Friend, where a rather angry jeweler awaited them.  “How dare you use me for your king’s foul magic!” Jeremy the Jeweler cried out.  “The king’s blackrock prisms.  Everyone must have heard about them but me.  Another trick by ‘king’ Blackthorn.”  Though some gathered tried to diffuse the situation, others served to press the issue, and Jeremy finally yelled, “We won’t allow Britannia to fall into Chaos!”  Members of the Bastion of Light then appeared and a skirmish quickly broke outside of the jewelers.  Once dispatched, Damion showed up, and was immediately accused of setting the Spies up for a fall.  “I want an apology,” Damion demanded.  Entering the jeweler’s, the prism was found by Damion, who, giving up on an apology, said, “I don’t like you.  You don’t like me.  But we need to finish this stupid ritual so we can be apart.”

Prism Ritual

Prism Ritual

Returning to Britain’s graveyard, the ritual involving the prisms finally began, with Damion and some of the braver Royal Spies chanting, “Vas Ex Por Ort In Ylem Por.”  Swirling vortices of unleashed void energy ripped through the area, interrupting the casting of the spell, but again, the Royal Spies held fast.  Another casting of the spell, more void energies, and then a gigantic explosion wrapped up the ritual, a gate appearing in the center of the blackrock pieces, and there, standing, looking quite shocked, stood a myserious woman who regained her bearings, and then immediately fled.  Clad in chain and plate armors, donning a violet cloak, no more was seen of her as the Royal Spies lost her in a frantic chase throughout the graveyard.  When asked who she was, Damion responded, “I don’t know… but she isn’t from here,” but as the Royal Spies were chasing her, he cast a spell to dispel the gate through which she had come.

Mysterious Woman

Mysterious Woman

Lord Blackthorn appeared shortly after, and gathered the pieces of the blackrock prisms, asking the Royal Spies to escort him and the pieces back to the hidden vault. “I will look into these prisms more,” Blackthorn announced as the pieces were again secure, “and the stranger who entered Britannia.” King Blackthorn then returned the Spies to their normal duties, asking them to report in to the Royal Spymaster.

The debriefing wrapped up the eve’s mission with the assembled spies reporting on what had transpired throughout the night. Before dismissal, Lady Sarah Paumera had an announcement of her own to make: On Saturday at 8:00pm CST, Lady Louisa Clark will lead the annual celebration of the journey of the great explorer, Brialla of the Seven Tears. Meet in front of Empath Abbey and be sure to wear a monk robe. You can purchase a monk’s robe for a nominal sum from the monks at the Yew Winery. At the end of the walk, anyone who would like to may read a story they have written. The best stories will be placed in the Award Hall.

The Royal Spies meet on most Tuesdays at 8:00 PM (Central) beneath the Britain Counselors Hall in West Britain (near the bridge leading to King Blackthorn’s Castle). Everyone is invited to attend these events. The next meeting of the Royal Spies will be on 29 January 2013 at 8:00 PM (Central).

[EM Event] Necromancer, Tinker Sought to Repair Blackrock Prism

January 15, 2013 By: Phayde Category: Great Lakes News

Damon the Necromancer

Damion the Necromancer

Royal Spymaster Magnus Grey summoned the Royal Spies this evening to follow up on a prior adventure to locate the remains of a blackrock prism that had crashed into Fire Isle near the Demon Temple.  “While the prism didn’t seem to cause any permanent harm when it returned to Britannia, the King believes this is a problem, and has tasked you with working with an expert to repair it,” Grey told the assembled crowd.  When the expert was revealed to be one Damion, a necromancer of ill repute, several of the spies seemed to question the wisdom in relying upon him.  Grey acknowledged that Damion’s Umbran roots were the source of trust issues, he also noted that King Blackthorn believed working with him was “a necessary evil.”

The assembled spies proceeded to Blackthorn’s Castle, and met up with the necromancer.  After a lengthy conversation with initial suggestions of time travel or hundreds of years searching Fire Isle for the remaining fragments in order to restore the prism, Damion finally noted that he had an idea that seemed to be of merit.  Experimenting with a small piece of blackrock, Damion noted, “For a moment, the blackrock [prism fragments] on the table seemed to transfer the spell to this other piece.”  While that piece eventually exploded, it gave Damion hope that were a new prism grown from crystalline blackrock and formed in the appropriate shape, the spell within that prism might transfer into the new one.

Vas-Lap-Lem of Minoc

Vas-Lap-Lem of Minoc

With that information in hand, the Royal Spies were tasked with accompanying Damion into Malas to locate a pure heart from a greater crystalline elemental or two.  Although the task seemed daunting, the spies quickly performed the task, and then accompanied Damion to Minoc in order to secure a mining claim for blackrock.  Vas-Lap-Lem, the gargoyle in charge of claims in and around Minoc, responded to the request for a blackrock claim, noting, “That is unusual and restricted.”  However, learning that the assembled spies were a part of the Ministry of Security, Vas-Lap-Lem acquiesced to the request.  Damion seemed excited to be owner of a blackrock mine, but Martyna Z’muir, a member of the spies, reminded him, “You do not [own the mine].  You are an agent of the crown.”

The mine itself was located through the Minoc pass into the Lost Lands, where a huge deposit of crystalline blackrock was found.  Damion quickly realized that something was eating the deposit, and in short order, huge, mutated beasts returned for another meal.  With coordinated effort, the Royal Spies easily dispatched them, and Damion recovered the necessary blackrock components.

Krett the Tinker

Krett the Tinker

The last stage of the mission turned out to be locating a tinker who could build a mold to shape the crystalline growth.  Vas-Lap-Lem suggested reaching out to Krett, a local tinker at Gears and Gadgets, who seemed at first challenged by the problem, but then came up with an potential solution.  “Did you ever grow crystals as a kid?  From salt or sugar?” Krett asked, “And notice how they grow on everything?”  Noting that power crystals used by creatures inhabiting the Exodus dungeon were likely grown, Krett indicated the method to make them had never been closely studied because getting ahold of them was so easy.  However, a special process was certainly used in creating them, and so an excursion to the home of Exodus was the final step in order to find a device used to create power crystals.  Quickly making their way to the dungeon, the Royal Spies readily dispatched Crystal Growth Overseers within who had exactly the devices that Krett felt necessary to institute his plan.

With everything in hand, Krett set about to work on the device to form the crystal, which Damion will then use to create a duplicate prism.  Work for the evening done, the Royal Spies returned to their base to report in to Spymaster Grey.  The spies reported the details of the mission, with Galen adding “Damion will betray us before this is over,” prompting Grey to set additional guards to watch over Damion’s actions.  Though the future is uncertain, the plan to restore the blackrock prism is well on its way.

The Royal Spies meet on most Tuesdays at 8:00 PM (Central) beneath the Britain Counselors Hall in West Britain (near the bridge leading to King Blackthorn’s Castle).  Everyone is invited to attend these events.  The next meeting of the Royal Spies will be on 22 January 2013 at 8:00 PM (Central).