(Player Event) Open Fish Market! (Posponed to 11th)

October 10, 2013 By: Flair Category: Atlantic News


As we work to rebuild the Trinsic community, I would like to try an idea I had this week for an new service open to the entire realm.

The Fish Market

Where : Trinsic Docks, Trammel.
When : Friday, 11th Oct. 10pm EST -> Midnight

What It Is…

The Fish Market is a fish and bait open market and swap-meet, sponsored by Trinsic City and The Surf Shack (referred to below as the “House”).

The idea behind it is to help everyone keep their fish stocks even and functional for the professional fisher quests.

Basically the way it works is you bring along any fish, crabs, and lobsters you might have an excess of and trade them with other anglers or the House for types you are short of. For example, I always seem to have more Darkfish than I need, but never enough Orc Bass. :(

You can also sell or buy fish for gold, and we encourage people to try this out. There is even enough room for dock side stalls if you want to really make an impression. Prices are up to you, and everything negotiable, so don’t be afraid to haggle for that sweet deal.

The House will be opening the Surf Shack’s full inventory for trades, so we do have the capacity to fulfill some larger requests from guilds or other cooperative fish stocks. We will not be selling fish at the market however.

Fish are heavy. So please be sure to bring them in commodity deed form. There will be public boats available right there on the docks with a free supply of blank commodity deeds and moderated cargo holds. Hopefully this will eliminate the need to run to the bank. If you are working with smaller quantities then pack animals may suffice.

We also invite fisher folk to trade baits. There is guide below showing the approximate levels of rarity. I work a great deal with the professional fishing quest, and believe the numbers to be pretty accurate. Corrections are of course welcome.

Trades with the House will use these numbers, but trades between individual anglers are left to whatever deal is agreed upon.

FISH TYPE    |    Value  |
Shore        |      250  |
Deepwater    |      250  |
Dungeon      |      500  |
Crab&Lobster |    1500  |

The House will purchase fish for gold. The “Value” listed in the above chart is the house price in gold per unit. We invite other buyers to come to the market and shout their offers out loud. It adds to the fun and atmosphere, and helps the anglers of our community. The House will not change its prices to compete. These will be set at the start of the day and remain static.

Trading with the House will follow the above values. So…

Same Fish Types      : 1 for 1
Shore V Deepwater    : 1 for 1
Shore V Dungeon      : 2 for 1
Deepwater V Dungeon  : 2 for 1
Shore V Crab&Lob    : 6 for 1
Deepwater V Crab&Lob : 6 for 1
Dungeon V Crab&Lob  : 3 for 1

* The House may have to close its trades on a particular item if our stock becomes too depleted.

Bait Rarity Weights
(The higher the number, the rarer it is.)

-=Enchanted Fish=-
Autumn Dragonfish    : 2
Blue Lobster        : 4
Bull Fish            : 3
Crystal Fish        : 3
Fairy Salmon        : 1
Fire Fish            : 4
Giant Koi            : 1
Great Barracuda      : 2
Holy Mackerel        : 2
Lava Fish            : 4
Reaper Fish          : 4
Spider Crab          : 3
Stone Crab          : 2
Summer Dragonfish    : 4
Unicorn Fish        : 4
Yellowtail Barracuda : 1

-=Legendry Fish=-
Abyssal Dragonfish  : 5
Black Marlin        : 4
Blood Lobster        : 5
Blue Marlin          : 4
Dread Lobster        : 5
Dungeon Pike        : 5
Giant Samurai Fish  : 3
Golden Tuna          : 3
Kingfish            : 4
Lantern Fish        : 5
Rainbow Fish        : 5
Seeker Fish          : 5
Spring Dragonfish    : 4
Stone Fish          : 3
Tunnel Crab          : 5
Void Crab            : 3
Void Lobster        : 5
Winter Dragonfish    : 5
Zombie Fish          : 2

* These values only reflect the chances of getting the item from the fisher quest, not the actual demand for them.
* Add 2 levels of rarity for “Smelly” baits, and 4 levels for “Extra Smelly”.

(These are common price ranges for the various fishing equipment. They fluctuate depending on supply.)

Charybdis Bait (5) : 2 - 5 million.
Dredging Hook      : 200k - 500k
Junk Proof Hook    : 40k - 100k
Lava Lobster Trap  : 150k - 400k
Lava Proof Hook    : 200k - 500k
Power Scroll (105) : 50k - 200k
Power Scroll (110) : 750k - 2 million
Power Scroll (115) : 3 - 8 million
Power Scroll (120) : 16 - 25 million
Oracle Of The Sea  : 30 - 50 million

Hope to meet many of my fellow anglers there! :D

– Soar/Compas
ICQ : 78409004

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