[Player Event] Fishing Competition & Sea Battles (Trinsic)
Ahoy Mates!
It be me great pleasure to announce a coast to coast fishing competition open to all, and sponsored by The Port of Trinsic and me very own fishing shop, The Surf Shack, soon to be opening on the city’s southern beachhead.
Catch Window : Saturday, 27th July -> Friday, 9th August. (2 weeks)
Weigh-In Event : Saturday August 10th, 9:00pm EST.
Place : Trinsic Docks, Trammel
The catch window will be from July 27th to August 9th, 2013. Only fish caught within, and including, these dates will be eligible for entry in their appropriate category.
To submit a fish for judging, all ye need to do is drop it in the mailbox at the Surf Shack on Trinsic south beach, which be here..
Then, at the Weigh-In event on August 10th, we be announcing the winners for all categories and awarding prizes to the lucky anglers. Ye can also turn in any last minute entries by hand at the event. However, please note that fish caught on the day of the Weigh-In will be outside the catch window, and so will not be eligible.
After the prizes have gone out, it’d be our great honor if all hands would join us for some good ol’ fashioned cannon cracking in the waters around Trinsic. We’ll be taking on two of the sea’s greatest beasties…
If ye bringing yer own ship, be sure to load yer hold with plenty of cannonballs and powder, seeing as we’ll be fighting these critters away from the shore. A good supply of wood, cloth, and iron might come in handy too for repairs. Vessels captained by experienced sailors will be on hand to ship land lubbers to the battle.
Anyways, ye probably be wanting to know a little more about the fishing competition, so here be the fiddly bits as they were told to me.
*Holds up a crumpled scrap of parchment*
The rules, categories, and fish assigned therein be as follows…
Categories Of Entry
A – Enchanted Shore Fish (Autumn Dragonfish, Fairy Salmon, Holy Mackerel)
B – Legendary Shore Fish (Spring Dragonfish, Zombie Fish)
C – Enchanted Deep Water Fish (Big Fish, Giant Koi, Great Barracuda, Yellowtail Barracuda)
D – Legendary Deep Water Fish (Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Giant Samurai Fish, Golden Tuna, Kingfish, Stone Fish)
E – Enchanted Dungeon Fish (Bull Fish, Crystal Fish, Fire Fish, Lava Fish, Reaper Fish, Summer Dragonfish, Unicorn Fish, )
F – Legendary Dungeon Fish (Abyssal Dragonfish, Dungeon Pike, Lantern Fish, Rainbow Fish, Seeker Fish, Winter Dragonfish)
G – Enchanted Crustacean (Blue Lobster, Stone Crab, Spider Crab)
H – Legendary Crustacean (Blood Lobster, Dread Lobster, Tunnel Crab, Void Crab, Void Lobster)
X – The Biggest Enchanted Kahuna! (All fish listed in the “Enchanted” categories above.)
Z – The Biggest Legendry Kahuna! (All fish listed in the “Legendary” categories above.)
Category A : Orc Ship + 2 million gold.
Category B : Animated River Rock + 2 million gold.
Category C : Orc Ship + 2 million gold.
Category D : Ghost Anchor + 2 million gold.
Category E : Orc Ship + 2 million gold.
Category F : Ghost Anchor + 2 million gold.
Category G : Orc Ship + 2 million gold.
Category H : Seahorse Statue + 2 million gold.
Category X : Full fishing Suit.
Category Z : The Commodor’s Bundle (Britanian Ship + Pilot’s Wheel Deed + Two-Tone Paint + Weathered Ship Paint.)
Bonus Prize : King Blackthorn has graciously offered to lock the very biggest catch of the competition in his castle for all to see!
Thank you to our Prize Sponsors: Governor Lew of Trinsic, Govenor Khalessi of Vesper, Govenor Andrasta of New Magencia, Govenor Sage of Skara Brae, Lady Lioness & The Cartel Guild, and Kylie Kinslayer!
The Ways Of the Contest
– Ye can submit as many fish as ye like, in as many categories as ye like.
– Only fish submitted in game via the designated mailbox, or handed to the judges on the day of the Weigh-In event, will be accepted. (No screenshots)
– Ye may only win one of the listed categories, with the exception of the two “Kahuna” categories X & Z (see below).
– The final winners will be announced, and prizes awarded, at the Weigh-In event. It may be possible to pick up yer prize after the event if a time can be arranged.
– In the case where one fisherman submits multiple fish that win different categories, the fisherman will be awarded victory in the category covering his largest fish only. If the fish are of the same weight, the judges will decide which category to award.
– The two “Kahuna!” categories will be awarded to the biggest submitted fish from the previous Enchanted and Legendry categories.
– The weight of biggest fish submitted thus far for each categories will be listed in the table at the bottom of this post. The table will be updated once a day, in the early morning hours.
– If ye would like yer fish returned after the competition, please pick them up at the Weigh-In event. However, we are encouraging people to donate them to the Fishing Record Museum, and this is where all record breaking un-claimed will be sent.
– Lastly, in the event of any controversy, the judge’s decisions be final in all things.
*turns parchment over and finds nothing*
Looks like that be all the whats n’ hows of it mates.
We’d like to encourage ye all to donate yer winning catches to the Fishing Record Museum, run by the fine mariners of Castaways. It be up to yeself of course. If ye be interested in seeing the museum, ye can visit anytime at this location…
I be looking forward to meeting ye all and weighing up some mighty catches on Trinsic docks a fortnight from now.
Fair winds and bent poles to ye mates!
Salt of the Sea, Compas.
(Shanghai’d into service by Lord Lew, Governor of Trinsic.)
Looks like this has been fun!