EM Event: Thursday October 17, 2013

October 17, 2013 By: Queen Mum Category: Sonoma News

From SONOMA EM EVENTS website:

This will be the last Thursday event before we move to Tuesday.

Daniel thought about all the places in Ter Mur that the Shadow or his minions would hide the vessel holding a fragment of his soul.. He shivered thinking of the vile act committed to do this dark magic. Did that make him week. Or was fighting against this making him strong. He needed balance. He looked into the candle flame and started to meditate. Soon he would have to lead his students into peril again. They were strong but was it right to get them to do this work. Perhaps he should try to do it alone and not risk them. Algenon died. Perhaps He could as well. If he died who would help rid the world of evil? He had always served the rightful rulers. Now he was unsure. He would serve for now but he was watching. His students were watching. He had to have help. The Shadow Dweller still had some power over him and he was not going to risk everything. Daniel hoped everyone would survive.

Meet at the West Brit Counselor Hall Thursday Oct 17 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET.

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