Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

Buc’s Den in official recognition shocker

October 19, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


What was shaping up to be a fairly routine meeting of the King’s Council in Serpent’s Hold turned into a shocking one after the people of Buccaneer’s Den apparently ended their decades of lawlessness and rejection of the Crown and petitioned for a seat on the Council.

In an address to the assembly, Marcus Rotgut, representative of the people of Buc’s, said that the support (such that there was) from Britannia’s citizens during the recent spider attacks had left a debt of gratitude that needed to be repaid and, in consultation with the town elders, they had decided to seek proper admission to the King’s realm.

“For ages now, Buccaneer’s Den has been a lawless city of those who chose to live outside of the Kingdom. We now recognize that our isolation deprives us of the protection that we need and also deprives the crown and citizens of Britannia of our skills and knowledge. We have therefore decided that it is time for us to give up our isolation and join with the people of the Kingdom and to become true citizens of Britannia and loyal servants of the Crown.”

Rotgut went on to say that his town would swear an oath of fealty in return for a seat on the Council so that they may be fairly represented in deliberations on the realm.

Initial reaction to the request was somewhat muted, with may governors apparently being too stunned to offer much opinion, although Hoffs, Kelmo and Morgan Ironfist all displayed some degree of suspicion towards the application. The others were more amenable, though, with Victim and York being most enthusiastic at the prospect. “Mages were once disliked too,” ventured the Moonglow governor, “However, a second chance by the Crown has shown it to be a fruitful relationship ever since.”

There was quite a vocal reaction from some members of the gallery, but mostly on the side of caution. “It’s a trap,” shouted Luka Melehan, a descendant of the famous naval lord, Ackbar.

After much further deliberation, it was suggested that there should be some kind of trial period both to access the town’s commitment and to ensure that Rotgut was speaking for the majority of its citizens. In the end, it was left to King Blackthorn to give an official response, “Understand that ancient enmity will not heal overnight. Though you may be accepted to the Council, individual members will still have concerns and may possibly resent your addition. Are you prepared to be patient and work with them regardless?”

“…we will abide by your wisdom,” responded Rotgut.

“Then we shall accept this offer on a short-term trial basis,” announced the king, “We shall remain wary and watchful while the citizens of Buccaneer’s Den work to prove their benefit to the realm. We shall reserve a final opinion to be based on the mutual benefits we all seek. Let it be noted that as of today, Lord Rotgut is installed as governor of the city of Buccaneer’s Den.”

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Perilous Inquirer – Sixteenth Issue

October 18, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Sixteenth Issue
October 18, 2013

Norman Bates crossed the Gallowine River into Sosaria disguised as an itinerate graverobber during the DOS Age. Dropping his heavy accent & old surname (Batesky) like a hot grenade, he set up toll booths on the highways, accosted the King’s Messengers and sent the Royal Family threatening & suggestive letters.

Lady Bingo!, handmaiden to the Princess Gladwrap, found the Princess’ collection of Norman’s more suggestive letters and became intrigued by his “fevered delusions” as she coyly opined. Being of helpful heart, Lady Bingo! set out one morning with Lord Protector Sir GaggingLance to save Norman’s immortal soul and to bring his body into civilized society. They found him under a nearby bridge toll booth singing lurid elf songs with guffawing trolls.

The good Lady prevailed upon Norman to accept a full pardon and jobs as Motel Keepers for he and his mother, at a salary highway men can only dream of, in exchange for which he reluctantly gave up his sordid outlaw ways.
Under the good Lady Bingo!’s guidance, Norman done good.

Tragic news came on a dark and stormy night when Norman reported Lady Bingo! had, “Disappeared in a shower.” Norman developed a stutter, became reclusive and today is seen only on rare occasions. Sometimes, he appears in a window of the Bates Motel with his wheel chair bound mother. If you wave, she will, with Norman’s assistance, wave back.

when Ultima was being created, Richard Garriott had a programmer who snuck Disney characters into the art work. When Garriott found out, he ordered them removed.
The programmer left one in though and you can today, in the caverns below Bucs Den, see Mickey Mouse giving the finger. (DeadBob has a rune to this spot, if you wish to see it for yourself.)

There is a Hall Of Players on Atlantic with exhibits naming over 350 UO players. The exhibits were donated to the Hall by the players themselves or by their friends. The roof is reserved for previous UO players, now deceased.
Visit the Atlantic Hall Of Players on the South Road out of Luna across from the Brigand Camp at 41N,24W.
Check it out.
Is anyone up for establishing a Hall Of Players on Siege Perilous?

The original UO tune, “Stones,” was written by the wife of one of Ultima’s programmers.
What was her name and where in our lands is her Memorial?
<drop your answer in our mailbox>

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Monthly Treasure Hunt is this Saturday at 3:PM EST.  The coordinates of the Treasure Box will be revealed on general chat.
Up for grabs this time is a pair of Kelp Leggings. I will give you the coordinates of the box, but what facet it is on is up to you to figure out.
First one to the spot gets the prize, which will be in a blue wooden box placed at the spot.
– Ilexia of Waterfalls Bridge Shop

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
| Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Published by the

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~sine die~


October 15, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Oct 19th, Saturday Morning until ??

Rescue the fair lass Liandra from the clutches of the inept KAOS Pirate, Otero!
The Pirates of Arrr have offered a reward to anyone who scuttles Otero’s ship on the High Seas and rescues their Liandra.
Listen on general chat as Liandra tells you, as best she can, where she is.

Tavern gossip has it that Otero plans to take his captive out for a bit of fresh sea air & a rant this Saturday morning, October 19th.
However, as that senile & drooling old tavern regular, Haf Gangree, puts it, “Otero is a landlubber! The boy doesn’t know his hold from an outhouse.”
“He’s an odd one, all right,” agreed Poop of Blackwater. “He was in here the other night blurting out nonsense like, ‘Cogito ergo Pirateum.'”
“Aye,” chimed in Perilous Pauli, a b-girl known to roll a troll faster than you can say Rumpelstiltskin. “Otero’ll be lucky if Liandra doesn’t kill him.”

S.O.L. (Save Our Liandra)
Join the Chase!
Every seaworthy vessel is needed to track down Otero’s ship! Look for a badly painted Orc ship named, “This Side Up.”
You can fight him yourself or scream for help. The pirates of Arrr will come to help save their fair lass Liandra!

From Saturday morning until …??

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Behind The Robes: Morgan Ironfist

October 15, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

He is a deadly assassin who had lived in many parts of Sosaria before settling here on Siege. He now heads up the White Council’s efforts to maintain law and order and more recently has forged a successful political career as governor of New Magincia. I caught up with him to discuss his travels and experiences.

The interview is to take place in Mr Ironfist’s New Magincia Town Hall, the closest building to the bank. I arrive several minutes early, and as there is no sign of the owner, I decide to take a look around. A grand staircase leads up to a flowered platform containing an almost empty Davies’ Locker, and smaller steps then lead up to a vendor area. Back on the ground floor, the south-east corner is occupied by the governor’s office, although the lack of any door into the room seems to make it unsuitable for any private discussions. Gazing around the main courtyard, I can see an assortment of shrubs, a noticeboard, a red and black Gilfane banner, and a statue of Ironfist together with a scroll commemorating his bravery during the siege of Exodus City. Still, the decoration is not exactly widespread, and the word “functional” comes to mind when I contemplate the building as a whole.

New Magincia Town Hall

Morgan Ironfist

Taking out my timepiece, I see that the hour of the appointment has arrived, yet still I appear to be alone. As I turn back around toward the main rooms to the north, searching for another clock, I am startled to be suddenly confronted by a tall figure in a vibrant crimson robe. He smirks at my discomfort as he draws back his hood, and I recognise the visage of governor Ironfist. He appears to be in his early forties and his skin is of a dark grey. In his hand he is holding a formidable looking, dark green bow.

My host welcomes me in a voice which bears a distinctly Teutonic inflection, hinting at his origins, and he leads me into the Town Council chamber, where our dialogue is to take place. I sit down at the nearest chair to his desk and place my pocket watch on the adjacent seat. I then ready my writing slope and begin the interview.

By all accounts, you have travelled far and wide throughout Sosaria. I understand you spent several years in the far east?
That is correct. My life took me to the fair islands called Japan, and as the population of my old home was on the wane, and facing the dark throat of the lag monster, I decided to give Sakura a try. Ten years ago that was; time surely flies.

What did you mostly spend your time doing there?
Generally hunting monsters either in small groups or solo, partly because of the language barrier.

And you also spent some time in Oceania?
The language barrier kept my conversation on Sakura almost strictly to simple terms and commands being shouted at me or me giving them, but I was looking for a little more interaction and my Japanese did not develop as quickly as I hoped. So I looked around and the travel time to Oceania was still very fast from Japan, so I spent almost three years there.

What differences have you observed between the populations of the eastern and western lands?
As I mentioned, the population of Drachenfels, my old home, was already declining and in the Japanese lands I saw a huge number of people. It also receded somewhat while I was there, but never as much as I had the feeling happened in the west. There is also a somewhat different attitude in the east. Many people spend their time just chatting with friends, which is a big reason why I had trouble getting involved as my Japanese is basic at best (at least the written form). But everyone was very interested as to why a foreigner was there among them and out of that curiosity a few friendships evolved.

Can you think of anything in the way they do things in the east that would benefit us over here?
[ooc] Publicity! In game stores and family marts, UO is still purchasable (I was back there two months ago for three weeks). It is sold as “the classic MMORPG that still evolves”. Salesmen actually have played the game. That alone shows the support that the game still has in Japan and also encourages people there to play.

Before and after your time in the east, you were on Atlantic?
[ooc]I started out on Atlantic, but when Drachenfels was established I jumped at the chance to have a better connection (back then I was, as almost everyone in Europe, still on a 56k dial-up). Then after my return from Japan I started playing on Siege, but a few people from here “dragged” me back to Atlantic and I established myself again there a little.

When did you first move to Siege?
Well, during the days Siege was established, I peeked in, was blown out, and returned five years ago. I was not ready back then.

Do you ever travel back to other lands now?
Hardly ever. I sometimes look in, but if I am awake it is almost exclusively on Siege.

When did you first change to fighting people? And why?
In Oceania, because I was sick and tired of getting raided at spawns.

Did it take you long to learn the ropes?
After a few instant deaths, and a few hectic stress errors, I adapted and actually started to enjoy the adrenaline rush. I got my first kill after two months of getting my ass whipped, and from then on I started to win more than I lost.

So you enjoyed this style of fighting almost straight away?
I enjoyed the challenge, but I definitely rage-logged after a few deaths. But the periods between log and returning got shorter with every death I experienced, since I often realized where my mistake had been.

You are best known as using stealth and assassin tactics. Why is this?
Throughout most of my time in Sosaria, I have been afflicted with the condition known as porpyngitus, which means my muscles are unable to respond as quickly as most of my opponents. So when I switched from fighting monsters to people, I had to look for a set of skills which allowed me to compete.

Are you able to take any medicines to treat your affliction? And do they work?
In recent times I have been using the potion called WTFast. It has increased my reflexes by about a third [ping down from low 300s or high 200s to very low 200s]. Furthermore, the world seems much smoother to me with WTF than without. I can definitely recommend it for people who suffer from my condition; it has really improved my experience on Siege.

What are your favourite skills?
Hmm, I have tried a lot of skills and thanks to these wonderful soulstone devices I still can rely on that experience. But I have to admit my favourite skill would be archery.

What weapons do you favour?
*looks at his trusted ‘Skullsplitter’* Well, that would be my composite bow.

It is said that you can drop an unwary opponent in just moments. How exactly are you able to achieve this?
I doubt any assassin would part with this information willingly. *smiles* Let’s just say my skill combination supplemented by the optimal equipment can add up to an amount of damage that is too much for many inhabitants of Sosaria.

So how many arrows would you expect to use to take down a normal target if they didn’t try and heal themselves?
Plain arrows, four. In combination with spells and triggers, two or three.

The casual manner in which he delivers the previous statement makes me wince inwardly, and I decide to skip further talk of his offensive capabilities.

How about armour? Do you tend to use the best equipment available?
From my understanding, yes. I custom build armour that suits my style. Many people try to argue that there are better options, but I like my set-up. Sometimes I even put on a Crimson and a Quiver of Infinity so if I get killed my opponents find something they can use.

Is there any advice you could pass on to aspiring assassins on Siege?
Patience and remain strong headed. If you have an idea for killing someone, do not trash it just because you could not finish the job on your first or second try. Hang in there, fine-tune your tactics, and you have a good chance of succeeding.

I understand you were one of the originators of the sampire fighter?
Well, it is hard to really figure out who thought up a fighting style first and who just followed. The self-healing fighter with a whirlwind weapon obviously came into existence when people started using necromancy. A good Japanese friend and myself discussed a lot skill set-ups and he went through the Japanese noticeboards a lot, looking for new ideas. But since the damage output was limited (no reforging or imbuing back then), you needed to have tactics and anatomy. So the idea of this necro bushido warrior that would only heal through a vampire’s life leech did not really work out. Until, that is, I discovered that you could put necromancy on a soulstone, replace it with bushido, and you remained in vampire form. So I told my friend that you do not need to keep the necro skill on to maintain vampire form, and from there on the style was born. He posted this “loophole” on the Japanese noticeboards and a week later the land was full of vampire dexers using bushido/parry and most also had resist. So let’s say I helped make it common knowledge that necromancy could be soulstoned after you cast the vampire form spell.

Can you explain the differences between a whammy and a sampire?
A whammy is a wraith samurai whereas a sampire is a vampire samurai. Both templates survive by leeching: the whammy thanks to the curse weapon spell and the vampire because of its inherited life leech ability. The wraith leeches mana and because of that is usually better able to chain weapon specials than the vampire. I guess it is a question of preference and what opposition one faces.

So which monsters do the two styles struggle with?
A whammy does not have resisting magic available to him, so any spell-caster with mana vamp can be certain death for a whammy. Sampires struggle most with the new breed of monsters that have this tainted life force aura which prevents opponents leeching life.

Is a whammy/sammy suited to fighting other people?
With no lag monster and a suitable weapon, it can have its moments. But I would definitely not use it as my other template is a first choice.

Do you tend to stick to the same tactics and skills, or are you frequently changing them?
I stay with the same, does not matter if it fighting people or monsters, although I have to admit that I changed back recently to my whammy template when we discovered that sunken ship, and Asteroth had to be killed.

So you also hunt monsters as well as people here on Siege?
I do. Much of New Magincia’s trade deal is financed through the sale of imbuing ingredients, which are collected by our citizens and often me personally.

What do you most like to hunt?
Hmm, for me, I really like the Abyss as a hunting ground, no monster preference really. Spawn-wise I have to say that I particularly enjoy the Abyssal Infernal spawn.

Which monsters give you the most trouble?
None that I can think of.

And what are your impressions of this new foe, Asteroth?
A tough opponent, but we have defeated him. We were one of the first on Siege, if not the first, to defeat this formidable foe.

But would it be fair to say that you would prefer to be fighting people rather than monsters?
Hmm, people give more adrenaline rush. But hunting monsters can be soothing to the mind.

Have you ever used the arcane arts as primary skills rather than just support skills?
Actually, when I first came to Sosaria I trained as a scribe mage. I sold recall scrolls at Britain bank for 40gp each. Back then, I went by the name of Wolfman, a nickname I still use to this day.

Not long after arriving on Siege, you joined the Gilfane guild. What made you choose the lawful path?
Since I was just fighting monsters at the time, I was looking for like-minded people to hunt alongside. Gilfane seemed the right fit from the moment I read their guild noticeboards.

Have you always been on the good side?
Yes I have, but let’s say I’ve also killed some deserving ones in my past. *laughs*

Do you ever feel frustration with having to be good and not being able to attack anyone you like?
No, it is the path I have chosen, and I honour our guild’s policy.

Your alliance, the White Council, has always struggled to field many fighters in recent years. Why do you think this is?
Because we are a defensive force. We are not usually looking for battles, we try to avoid them. Almost every fighter is eagerly looking for combat. Those differing attitudes make recruiting difficult.

You are now leader of the Gilfane “House” called Nemesis? What is its role?
We are the protectors of Gilfane. If there are killers troubling our crafters, hunters or gatherers, or if a big guild hunt needs protection, House Nemesis tries to provide it. Since most of our guild members are not fighters of other people, it is an interesting task.

Who are your chief lieutenants in Nemesis at the moment?
Since we are all awake at different times, it is more a matter of being available when needed. Whenever a cry for help is heard, any Nemesis member is bound by his/her oath to protect, to rush to the victim to help.

Who are your biggest enemies at the moment?
I have no enemies, only our guild has. And as far as I know we are in opposition to the pirates of Arrr, basically any SL faction guild, SCUM and any guild or person that is an alliance with these.

Are there any famous victories or defeats that stick in your mind?
Every battle gets my adrenaline flowing, so there are no special ones for me.

Are there any particular types of fighter that you fear more than others?
No, every opponent can be dangerous to my life and every opponent can be dead after a few seconds. It is just a question of who the Sosarian gods favour that day.

Who is the most formidable opponent you have ever faced?
That has to be Righty, no ifs or maybes attached.

You have, more recently, become Duke of New Magincia and now the governor, too. What drew you to this particular town?
The new architecture and the new vendors. Also, the houses inside the guard zone make it special.

As a solider, what made you decide to get into politics?
Politics determine our future. I felt it was too an important subject to just skip and let someone else do it. If I want my opinion to be heard, I believe it is easier as a governor than as a soldier.

New Magincia is the only city that has maintained a trade deal from the very beginning. Has it been difficult to raise the funds for this?
Well, I’ve had five years on Siege and have acquired some wealth. The first term was funded almost exclusively by myself, but now in my second term more and more loyal citizens chip in, not only in gold but also imbuing ingredients which can be sold easily. So I would say that is a good development.

Are there any improvements you would like to make to Magincia if the king approves?
In general, I would like to see a fee implemented that goes straight to the city treasury when the trade deal is utilized. Besides that I would assign lumberjacks to cut down the forest so that the arena near Khaldun could be relocated close to New Magincia’s moongate. It would then be much more accessible, and our citizens need some entertainment.

How did you acquire the town hall?
It was given to me by a guildmate when he heard that I was running for office.

Did you design it yourself?
No, it was designed by one of Gilfane’s master house designers.

Do you see yourself continuing to run for governor for the foreseeable future?
I would say so, or at least until I see another candidate who corresponds with my interests.

Apart from combat equipment, is there anything in particular that you collect?
Not really with a passion like others do, but I have some oddities and nice deco items in my villa in Gilfane town.

Are there any changes you would like the gods to make to the lands of Siege?
Some combat imbalances need to be addressed. For example, faction artifacts are too easy to acquire compared to the non-faction equivalent. But besides that, I love to be here and I spend a lot of time in Siege. That is all that matters to me.

And any changes that you would like to see the gods make to Sosaria?
Any change that would bring back people to the lands.

Any thoughts on what might do that?
[ooc] Advertisement along the lines: “Why do you think this game is still running after sixteen years? Check it out yourself!”

On that note, I decide it is a good time to end the interview. We exchange pleasantries as I pack away my things, and he bows as I make my way out the door. As I am about to close the portal behind me, I realise that I left my timepiece on the chair, and I return to retrieve it. But of the Duke there is no trace. Nervously, I recover my property and then hurriedly make my way out of the building…

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HAWKEYE PIKE -UO’s First Pirate

October 15, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Catskills News, Siege Perilous News

HAWKEYE PIKE -UO’s First Pirate

The Leader of the United Pirates of Catskills, Captain Trinsac and his friend, Wench Margaret, have arrived on Siege to serve as judges in Arrr’s Limerick Contest. I was Intrigued by their commitment to strong pirate roleplay (I had to throw all the windows open. Apparently, pirates fart alot.) I wanted to know more, so….

I tracked down Andreas Schulze, German born author and Trans-Alp bikepacking enthusiast who, as the UO character Hawkeye Pike, founded The United Pirates, UO’s oldest pirates guild.

Q: Why did you start the United Pirates of Catskills?
Hawkeye: When we started the United Pirates back in 1998, Britannia was haunted by lots of player killers. Those who preferred to play UO for the purpose of role-playing were quite annoyed by the “violence” that was forced onto them. They simply did not want to participate in pure unconsenting fighting contests with the result of being looted dry afterwards. (There was no such thing as a safe Trammel world at that time.) That’s when we decided to try something new by playing evil characters just for fun, without negative side effects for our “victims”.

Since we loved the pirate theme in general, UO offered items like tricornes, cutlasses and krysses and there were no pirates in UO yet, we found a handful of like-minded people, dressed up and started our shady business.

Q: What was pirating like back then, before the High Seas Expansion?
Hawkeye: The life of pirating should be divided into three eras: The first age before Trammel and Felucca. The second age before the High Seas Expansion. And the third age which came afterwards.

In the first age, players had lots of freedom and playing was more risky. You actually could play a highwayman, wait at some crossroads in the wilderness for travelers to come by and rob them. People traveled more on foot or horse and they had to react in some way to the threats of a criminal.

The reactions were mostly quite surprising. When people discovered that we were no typical PKs but actual role players (and they noticed quickly by the way we were dressed and acted), they played along, payed a little ransom or offered some wares in exchange for their safety. We took what was offered and let them pass. Same was done on sea where we seeked out fishermen and miners. Only rarely we actually had to kill somebody because he was very stubborn or macroing unattendedly.

The second age changed everything, since practically all role players moved to Trammel and role-playing an evil person was not possible anymore. That’s where we focused stronger on building a large net of guild relations. Due to game mechanics, this was the only way to actually impact the gameplay of other people. Extensive rules had to be established to avoid griefing, and as in real life, with the rules came a lot of problems. The job of a guild master consisted mostly of ironing out misunderstandings, teaching players who disobayed rules and keeping a good relationship to “enemy” guilds. (Most of the guilds we were connected to were our “enemies” in a role-playing sense.) Especially since the Age of Shadows (the expansion in 2003) more and more rare and powerful equipment was introduced into the game. In order to be able to compete in fights you had to put a lot of effort into equipping your guild. Which meant: More time went into items, less time into role-playing.

Although the third age sounded promising due to the High Seas Expansion, it did not change much. The expansion was about 10 years late. UO and especially role-playing guilds had suffered from a dwindling number of players. There simply weren’t enough people to make use of all the nifty ships, cannons and stuff. We managed to pull off a couple of sea fights, but it included lots of preparational and organizational work. Another disadvantage was that sea fights were extremely resource-extensive, which would have required even more time for mindless resource gathering and less time for role-playing. Thus, the expansion did not change a lot about role-playing a pirate.

Q: What could UO do, to attract more players to the High Seas?
Hawkeye: The question is, what could UO do to attract more players to the game in general. Because I think the High Seas expansion itself is actually quite good. In 2010 I have written a short essay about my opinion about this ( ). The most obvious changes would be in short:

Solve the problem with complexity. UO has become a very complicated game with uncountable features. A new player has a hard time learning the game. UO needs comprehensible guides and tutorials. It also needs step-by-step in-game instructions and quests making new players acquainted with the game content.

Solve the problem of Trammel. I know many of the remaining veterans will have a different opinion. But the invention of the Trammel facet (no non-consensual PvP) took away the freedom from the players. Since most players will choose the safe zone if it is offered to them, non-consensual PvP practically died out. But taking away this freedom also killed the UO community, because unneglegible good and evil is what triggers strong emotions and builds the foundations of our society. Taking away the last bit of responsibility and freedom from the players turned them into item-hunters and killed the spirit of the game. But at the same time, especially new players need to be somehow protected from massive griefing.

Find new solutions against mindless killing and griefing. Create up-to-date graphics. Nobody will start playing a game which has graphics that are outdated since 10 years. It’s as simple as that.

To be honest, I don’t think that UO can change as extremely as it would be necessary to turn it into a magnet for new players again. It would require changes that 90% of the current player base would not accept. Nobody will risk losing the active players, but rather milk the cow until it dies and then maybe invent a new game.

Q: What is your best advice to any player seeking to enjoy pirate role play?
Hawkeye: To me, the first step to enjoying pirate role-play is to free yourself from the item-equipment-treadmill. Make a new character, get some cheap pirate equipment and get into a pirate mood! Try to stay in character most of the time. This makes you authentic. Try to strike a balance between being an evil pirate and not annoying other players too much. If you stay in character, people will understand that your swearing, bad manners and harsh words are no personal affront against other players, but actually the attributes of your character in game. Take into account to be treated accordingly.

Q: Last question: What the hell have you been doing with yourself lately?
Hawkeye: That’s hard to put into one sentence. Aside from a full-time job I’ve been doing several projects in my spare time. I’ve been planning and going on several outdoor adventures by mountain bike and on foot. I usually make short video documentaries of these trips and put them on YouTube (just look for the name “gletschersau”). In October 2013 I will release a new video about my Alps Traverse by mountain bike. I also am writing two books. One is almost finished and will be released this year. It is a guide about wilderness, bushcraft and survival. I’m also doing some creative work for friends who have a small business and need stuff like logos, flyers, ad material etc. And of course lots of sports to keep me in shape for my outdoor activities. This pretty much keeps me busy and leaves no time for TV or computer games. Well, I play the old game Titan Quest for maybe 1 hour a week to relax. I wish UO had such graphics… :)

Thank you Hawkeye :) for the entertaining and informative interview!

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October 12, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Rules clarification 24 Sep 13: Entries are limited to one per player.


The Pirates of Siege Perilous [Arrr] are holding a Limerick Contest.
The Limericks will be judged by the United Pirates of Catskills, UO’s oldest pirates’ guild.
Many useful and rare items can be yours if you WRITE AND SUBMIT AN ORIGINAL LIMERICK (no plagiarism ;p)

SUBMIT YOUR LIMERICK  by writing it in a UO book and dropping it in the Mailbox at the Perilous Inquirer; located out the Luna south gate, 3rd house on the left.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION  is Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013.

WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED  by DJ Def on, Saturday, October 26th, 2013.

1. Pirate Theme only – Limericks must be about pirates or pirating or the pirate life.
2. 3 Verse limit – One verse is fine, and no more than three verses will be considered.
3. The Limerick must be the original work of the person submitting the limerick.
4. Winner must be a Citizen of Siege Perilous.
5. Decisions of the judges will be final.



Cards (valued at 30 mil)
Legacy Token
House Teleporter Set
A Flaming Head Deed
Deed for a Stone Ankh
Ethy llama
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne


Rubble Blessed Wearable Pants
Complete Virtue Tile set
Deed for a Stone Ankh
A Flaming Head Deed, A Flaming Head Deed
A Clothing Bless Deed
Weapon Engraving Tool
A Heritage Token
Flowerpot, Flowerpot
Ethy Horse
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne


Ruined Painting
Bag of 12 Bulk Order Covers
Ethy Beetle
White Leather Dye Tub
A Shadow Token
A Crystal Token
A Flaming Head Deed
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne


Tome of Lost Knowledge
Shipbuilding Hammer
12th Anniversary Gift Ticket, 13th Anniversary Gift Ticket, 14th Anniversary Gift Ticket, A Holiday Gift Ticket
Weapon Engraving Tool
Swords of Prosperity
Sleeping Hamster
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne

Asked why, Famine’s answer was simply, “I want to give back. This game has given me so much.”
Famine’s “Siege Perilous Museum” will soon be open to the public in the north end of Zento at 40N,40W, next to the trail going north to the desert of Deathwatch Beetles. The purpose of the museum is to preserve many of Siege’s rare and interesting artifacts.

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

Don’t get too hung up on the “rules of limericks”. To quote a favorite pirate, they be “…more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.”

Updates will be posted as the contest progresses.

Join the discussion at:

Perilous Inquirer – Fifteenth Issue

October 11, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Fifteenth Issue
October 11, 2013

– by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Halloween is here,
Time for candy, tricks & cheer.
A rustling of a tree?
Oh No! Reds are chasing after me!
Now my candy is all gone, A thief stole it, which was a ton.
Candy, arrows and smoke bombs in the air
Splattered. Is a Vampire there?!
Run, Run, as fast as you can,
I think I see the Headless Horseman!

before UO, there were the Ultima box games.
Ultima 5 included a massage & gaming parlour below Bucs Den. If you paid for a massage, you blacked out & awoke with all your belongings missing.
There is still a hole in the ground in UO, behind the Buccaneer’s Bath house at 38,40Sx95,54E that will drop you into those old caverns.

 – From a forthcoming interview with the founder of UO’s oldest pirate guild, The United Pirates of Catskills.
“To me, the first step to enjoying pirate role-play is to free yourself from the item-equipment-treadmill. Make a new character, get some cheap pirate equipment and get into a pirate mood! Try to stay in character most of the time. This makes you authentic.
Try to strike a balance between being an evil pirate and not annoying other players too much. If you stay in character, people will understand that your swearing, bad manners and harsh words are no personal affront against other players, but actually the attributes of your character in game.”

for submitting your limerick to Arrr’s Limerick Contest.
You can win incredibly rare & useful items. Details at: Or ask Arrr for a book about it.

According to UO spokesperson Ira Strait, “There are no, let me repeat, NO pornographic pumpkins. Rumors about a rare ‘yin & yang’ carving kit from the Yamato shard are fabricated scams. Do NOT pay for one of those.
You really feel foolish afterwards, if you do.”

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Monthly Treasure Hunt is 3:PM EST, Saturday, October 19.
The coordinates of the Treasure Box will be revealed on general chat. Up for grabs this time is a pair of Kelp Leggings. I will give you the coordinates of the box, but what facet it is on is up to you to figure out.
First one to the spot gets the prize, which will be in a blue wooden box placed at the spot.
– Ilexia of Waterfalls Bridge Shop

Just say “Trick or Treat” at the front door of the Perilous Inquirer.

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze!
Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Lawsuits: Dewey, Cheatum & Howe
Published by the

~sine die~

Join the discussion at:

Next King’s Council meeting set

October 04, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


The king has scheduled the next meeting of governors for Sunday 19th October at 4:30pm EST. As usual, this will be held at the Serpent’s Hold Council Chamber. All members of the public are welcome.

Perilous Inquirer – Fourteenth Issue

October 04, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Fourteenth Issue
October 4, 2013

Hoffs is a Cylon.
– By Cylon Watch
Following an exhaustive, fact-breaking investigation it can be meritriciously stated that Hoffs is a Cylon. His friends confirm this, for the most part volunteering doubt about the stability of Hoffs’ OS. Mystery surrounds his past, but it seems his appearance amongst us is the result of a practical joke played by a deranged moongate. “Surprised me,” confessed Hoffs. “I was on my way to a motivational meeting for dog walker models when I ended up here.”
If you meet Hoffs, respect the Cylon culture. He may greet you with, “Hail OxyBreather. May your hemorrhoids shrink without surgery.”
To which you are expected to reply, “Are your Everreadies in upside down?”

– by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Have you been bothered ’cause a Thief stole from ya? Or stole from a friend? Welp, everyone endures that problem alot. Here are some tips:
1. Get to know your Thief friend.
2. If they steal one thing only, perhaps buy them that thing.
3. If ya don’t want them to bother ya, sometimes they accept sissors, lanterns and other items.
4. Number 4 only lasts 1 per week.
5. Sometimes, Thieves are really nice.
6. Find a Thief named Romana. She is crazy about scissors.
7. Ladra steals anything, ‘specially if she knows it’s important to ya.
8. II steals anything he likes.
9. If none of that works, most likely they just don’t like ya.

In Old UO, bandages were cut one-at-a-time. Very frustrating, this encouraged macroing & people ended up in the jail on Bucs Den.
– History bit courtesy of Lupe

(To the tune of “South Park”)
Chicken Fighters everywhere,
Fighting fowl & never fair,
Ripping flesh & eyeballs popping,
Opponents slipping on our droppings!
Fighting on for gory glory,
Singing sagas of our story.
Chicken Fighters Every Where!
(repeat ad nausium :)

Arrr’s Limerick Contest You can win incredibly rare & useful items.
Details at:
Or ask Arrr for a book about it.

On Blade Runner:
“I’d cut him if he stands, and I’d shoot him if he’d run, Yes I’d kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun.”
(w/apologies to Steppenwolf)

* Siege Estates Halloween Edition 1.0 is leaping at you. Candy and booze at a high time. If you drink enough booze, what’s so spooky? Besides your own shadow. Drink responsibly.
– Grimlex

** Waterfall Bridge Shop
Located within the guard zone at the waterfall across the bridge from Justice shrine Northwest of Yew at coordinates 95″49′ N x 0″54’E
♥Love All, serve All♥
– Your Pixel Crush

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze! Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Contributor: Lupe
Deliveries: Doug The Fugitive
Lawsuits: Dewey, Cheatum & Howe
Published weekly by the

~sine die~

Follow the discussion at:

Buc’s Den Disappearances

October 02, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

From the pen of Mr E.M. Troubadour:

“Though the spiders were successfully beat back from the town, they still lurk in the dark corners of the city and the deep woods of the island awaiting their chance to strike. Unwary citizens have again begun to disappear and it is only a matter of time before the brave warriors will be needed once again.

More will be revealed:

Saturday, October 5th, 2013 at 3pm Eastern at the EM Hall in Britain.”