Archive for the ‘Drachenfels News’

(Player Event) The Gauntlet Returns! 20/06/2014

June 19, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Click the image to open in full size.

The Gauntlet Returns!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Dungeon Doom to fight in the Gauntlet!

On Friday the 20th of June.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST from West Britain Bank!

Be there!

Click the image to open in full size.

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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (44)

June 16, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


The Exodus Encounter

22 June 2014

The Forty-forth Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: LXIX

June 16, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: LXIX

We started our week-end with a battle in despise on Friday the 13th!


Saturday we digged up 18 Level 6 treasure maps to fund the Minoc Treasury.


All gold was donated and several items will be put on the next Knucklehead auction that will go to the treasury as well.


The new governors for the next six months have been elected on Sunday morning.



Britain: Anjanca, Eternal Friends

Jhelom: New Frarc, Camannon Aman Thalion

Minoc: Lilli, Eternal Friends

Moonglow: Nicnivin, The Unseliee Court

New Magincia: Susanne Wallen, Danish Knuckleheads

Skara Brae: Nandus, Die Wilde 13

Trinsic: Ta’ira Tal, Freie Stadt Trinsic

Vesper: Zacharias, Semper Fi

Yew: Anima Mortis, Nunc Moriendum Est


In the evening we had a meet and greet with EM Borbarad.


We help him fix the surround sound for the next governors meeting with the king in Blackthorns castle.

The Bagball practice was delayed for another day.


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(Player Event) The Treasury. (3)

June 12, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

The Treasury


Skara BraeSkara Brae Minoc City BannerMinoc Trinsic City BannerTrinsic New Magincia City BannerMagincia
Vesper City BannerVesper Britian City BannerBritain Jhelom City BannerJhelom Moonglow City BannerMoonglow Yew City BannerYew

The Treasury is a new type of events to help the cities treasury funding.

In these events we ask the participants to donate all the gold we collect during the event for 1 town we choose to donate too.

We can not force anyone to do this but it would be highly appreciated.

The third event will be A Treasure hunt with level 6 and 7 maps.

All gold will be collected by MJ and be donated to the city treasury at the end of the event.

The event will last between 1 and 1,5 hour.

We leave from West Britain Bank at 20:30 CEST on Saturday the 14th of June.

I hope to see many people to help out the towns.

Thank You!

The third town is : Minoc.

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(Player Event) Battling the Behemoths! Round 43!

June 11, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Battling the Behemoths!

Round 43

From the adventurers that created “The Gauntlet Returns” events, they are going to offer you, even more dangerous adventures against the most deadliest monsters!

This Friday the 43rd Battle!

We would like to invite all adventurers for a trip to Despise to fight The Lords of Despise!

On Friday the 13th of June.

Leaving around 20:30 CEST at Britain Bank!

Or Contact us in General Chat.

Are you brave enough!?

Be there!

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: LXVIII

June 09, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: LXVIII

We started the week-end with the knuckleheads auction on Friday.


It was not a easy fight against the daemon spawn in Blackthorns dungeon on Saturday.


We thank all the people who keep making the Sunday Exodus event a success!


There is always a lot of action to be found on Drachenfels.

I know that there is a Treasure Hunt planned for next week-end.

See you there!


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(Player Event) 43rd Knuckleheads Ingame Auction.

June 05, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


43rd Knuckleheads In game Auction.

On Friday the 6th of June at 20:30 CEST.

Come to buy or sell or just for fun!

All and more info can be found here:

If you got more Questions you can also contact Gilmour.

The new auction house can be found In New Magincia.


Here is a map to the auction house.

Runes will be dropped around the bank to get to the auction house on the day of the event.

Or use the Teleportation Hub in New Magincia to go directly to the auction house.


Click the image to open in full size.

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(Player Event) Guardians of Britannia. XVI

June 05, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News

Guardians of Britannia


Skara BraeSkara Brae Minoc City BannerMinoc Trinsic City BannerTrinsic New Magincia City BannerMagincia
Vesper City BannerVesper Britian City BannerBritain Jhelom City BannerJhelom Moonglow City BannerMoonglow Yew City BannerYew

The Governors of Britannia are combining their forces to stop the invasions in Blackthorns Dungeon.

We calling out to all Citizens to help us with this danger.

Please assist us and meet us on Saturday the 7th at West Britain Bank at 20:30 CEST.

We are stronger in numbers!

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(Player Event) The Exodus Encounter (43)

June 02, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News


The Exodus Encounter

8 June 2014

The Forty-third Exodus Encounter will be next Sunday.

We gathering at West Britain Bank and Leaving at 20:30 CEST.

Be sure to read all about the Summoning of Exodus : Here

If you can, try to make sure you have at least 3 of the 4 Keys. (Robe,Dagger, Rite).

Each group only needs 1 altar but need the other 3 keys for everyone else.

We will gather as many extra keys we can before Sunday to pass around if needed.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Hope to see you all on Sunday.

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[News] The Week-end Madness: Edition Number: LXVII

June 02, 2014 By: Frarc Category: Drachenfels News





The Week-end Madness

Edition Number: LXVII

We risked our lives at the Gauntlet on Friday.


The Treasury event went very well on Saturday.


The new governor election started on Sunday morning.

The King had a meeting with the current governors in the evening.


After the meeting he sended everyone to Fire Island to defeat some dangerous dragons.


The King was happy with the defeat of the dragons and their leader but will need us at least three more times in the future!


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