Archive for the ‘Europa News’

[EM Event] Halloween! Event 31st October 8pm UK time

October 28, 2011 By: Kayne Category: Europa News

There will be an event October 31st at 8pm UK time.

Starting location Counsellors’ Hall , North Britain Trammel.

Best come prepared to fight!


Source: Halloween Event


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[Fiction] Meanwhile in Felucca..

October 17, 2011 By: Kayne Category: Europa News

Lord Herbert Luxford prodded the roast on his plate with his fork. The food was still hot and while it smelled delicious, he wasn’t hungry. With a bored look on his face he stared into the fountain.

“These dinner parties are so exceedingly boring!” Lord Luxford thought, “And desert is still hours away…”

Lord Luxford looked around the table. All the plush and nobility of Nujel’m had gathered at the palace to celebrate the birthday of Harry, Lord Luxford’s son.

The Mayor’s wife leaned over and said: “He turned in to a fine young man, your son.”

“Yes, a young man at last,” Lord luxford thought, “the time has come for him to help me out with my little… Project. The boy has a keen eye, he can recruit the people I need for my plans.”

For a brief moment a predatory smile played across his face. Then he turned towards the woman and replied: “Yes, he’s a chip of the old block!”

Source: Meanwhile in Felucca..


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[EM Event] Meeting with Antonio and Hannah (Sunday 25th)

September 24, 2011 By: Mapper Category: Europa News

DATE: Sunday 25th September 2011
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CEST, 3pm EDT, 11pm MSK
LOCATION: Counsellor’s Hall in Britain, Trammel

Antonio and Hannah wish to discuss their wedding plans.

[OOC Come prepared for battle … just in case!]

Source: Meeting with Antonio and Hannah

[Fiction] Highway to Hell

September 22, 2011 By: Mapper Category: Europa News

From the depths of the darkest dungeon a huge howl escaped from the ghostly form of the long undead being which was once known as Mericles. If it had possessed hands it would have smashed them down on the huge stone table in front of it.

It was undead but it was powerful and it had been waiting a long time to find its daughter. It had spied glimpses of her as she had meddled with her abilities as a medium. Hannah had not seen him as he had lurked in the background during her trips into the place between life and death. The place where ghosts dwelled. Whether it was by luck or design she had eluded him and he had waited knowing that at some point her emotions would give her away.

The enormous outburst of emotion known as love and happiness had alerted him to her presence and her plans. There was no way she could hide this from him…

Half deranged with madness and anger as his humanity slipped from him he finalised the spell which would allow him to open the Black Gates from the Void and allow the abominations which dwelled therein to feast upon the citizens of Sosaria.

Soon the spell would be finished and he would have his revenge on the cities of Trammel.

Mericles smiled a monstrous smile grinning from ear to ear as his ghostly form changed into a more substantial one as his desire for revenge fuelled his metamorphosis. The gaping maw of the deamon known as Mericles gaped with row upon row of razor sharp teeth. Mericles flexed his powerful muscles and laughed and smashed the stone table into a thousand fragments.

“Soon”, he said aloud, “Soon my children shall flee from the Void and feast…”
Mericles stomped away, the earth shaking beneath his cloven hooves.

Source: Highway to Hell

Wally Swiftknife’s Treasure Found! (Tuesday 30th)

September 14, 2011 By: petra Category: Europa News

By Mapper

Clues from Thursday led everyone to Trinsic at 8pm last night. Colonel Clegg arrived and recaped the clues, One of the clues stated ‘Hold your breath’ which led him to believe diving would be involved!

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Click the image to open in full size.

Clegg had scouted Trinsic earlier and told of a rather unusual whirlpool at the park, Everyone followed and right enough.. An interesting whirlpool had formed in the small town pond.

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Holding onto a rope Clegg jumped into the water and swam towards the ripples, Suddenly he vanished down the hole!

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In amongst the stealing of underwear in the crowd, The rope tightened as it was pulled back, bringing Clegg back to the surface.

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Clegg said we should all go together and using the keyword ‘Moonlit whirlpool’ you were forced into the pool.

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Inside a water filled cavern, jumping from rock to rock and log to log the water got deeper!

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Click the image to open in full size.

A final jump awaited however in the distance people in their dozens died from the cold water!

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Finally I made it across the cold water (Not without dieing!) and was surprised to find sea beasts being fought whilst others still at the cold water sat awaiting rescue.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

The water vanished as everyone ran towards a blue moongate.

Click the image to open in full size.

Through the moongate a very decorative chest stood in the middle of a cold room, locked, Clegg suggested we look around for a key.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Through a small maze and up some stairs a huge underwater body of water was found and it wasn’t without it’s pests!

Click the image to open in full size.

An arrowing shooting Siren was quickly dispatched to Davy Jones locker..

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Around the other side of the water a rather fat creature was in the water pummelling poison.

Click the image to open in full size.

After a harsh battle Clegg yelled to run back to the chest and see if it was now able to be opened.

Click the image to open in full size.

The chest opened! Inside A Fragment of a Golden Plate With a Gemmed Mosaic Depicting Lord Casca’s Coronation.

Double clicking the item (eventually) would give you a copy!

Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.

Thanks Mesanna for fixing the reward giver.

Also a huge thank you to Google Chrome, Had a power cut whilst typing this and it managed to restore the page AND this report. *phew*

[EM Event] Meeting With Colonel Clegg (Tuesday 30th)

September 14, 2011 By: petra Category: Europa News

DATE: Tuesday 30th August 2011
TIME: 8pm UK, 9pm CEST, 3pm EDT, 11pm MSK
LOCATION: West Gate of Trinsic, Trammel

Meeting with Colonel Clegg at the West Gate of Trinsic. We’ll be continueing the hunt for Captain Wally Swiftknife’s treasure.

[Report] Opening Wally Swiftknife’s Box

September 14, 2011 By: petra Category: Europa News

At Colonel Clegg’s Office in Serpent’s Hold where a group were debriefing him on clues they had found regarding the mysterious box, currently outside Cleggs office in. A clue led them to Mistas where the key was located!

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Click the image to open in full size.

Excited Clegg opened a gate for the short trek to Mistas.

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In a wooden box at Mistas Clegg opened it and slowly took out the key and showed it to the group.

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A quick gate back to his office and he wasted no time in inserting the key into the old rusty lock.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

*Click!* Finally the chest was open, Inside a Journal:

I found it when I was just a young swashbuckler, looking for a crew to join in the harbour of Buccaneer’s Den. It was entirely accidental…I was at the tavern with Captain Blackheart and after a few drinks… well nature called. I must have entered the wrong door cause next thing I knew I was in some sort of cave. I went around a corner to relieve myself. 

The rum had done more than fill my bladder though. When I wanted to turn back, I found myself lost. For hours I wandered though what seemed an endless system of caves, until I could go no further.

That place will come in handy now. It’s perfect for hiding things…

A very short discussion confirmed that the Journal’s Story was talking about the Tavern in Buccaneer’s Den.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Inside the tavern a secret door down some creepy stairs led to the underground tunnels! Clegg asked the group to split up and find whatever Wally was hiding.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Through a secret door a lower tunnel was found FULL of spiders!

Click the image to open in full size.

Once the spiders had been defeated in the tunnel were four locked chests, Clegg said that according to the laws of treasure and all that, the first person to find the key owned the treasure. So the group quickly rushed around the small cavern looking for clues to find keys for the four chests.


The only key search I was able to see, Thanks to Aron, was the final one.

Curses! How could I have been so stupid? It just slipped, fell right
from my hands! And as if that wasn’t bad enough… some horrific creature swallowed it! But I’ll retrieve it. If it’s the last thing I do! 

Luckily we saw where it swam off to: 49o 56’N, 58o 34’E

The coordinates in the book were near Cove, So boarding Aron’s Orc Ship, We set sail!

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

At the location a nasty creature, A Scalis, Was found! Surely the key had to be on it? After dragging it to land Clegg and a larger group of fighters arrived and a large scale battle began.

Click the image to open in full size.

After a very long deadly battle the beast was killed!

Click the image to open in full size.

On the corpse, Ailea from [ELV] was lucky in finding the final key to one of the chests.

Click the image to open in full size.

Back at the cavern Ailea sucessfully used the key to open the final chest.

Inside the four chests were the following:

A Scroll Engraved: “Say the magic words and you will be drawn in. Hold your breath! It’s a wild ride…”

A Deed Engraved: “Moonlit Whirlpool”

A broken clock and a book saying: “The clock appears to be broken. The time it indicates i Sunday 8pm.”

And finally a book named “The Burning of Trinsic”

Clegg suggested everyone meet at Trinsic Moongate on Sunday at 8pm UK time to see what the four clues could possibly mean!

Also given out during the event were these Jin-Baori’s:

Click the image to open in full size.