Calling all Citizens & Home Owners of New Magincia!
The first New Magincia Town Hall Meeting will be held on New Magincia Beach at the Gazebo on Tuesday, June 25th, 8:00 pm EST
The purpose of this meeting is to hear your ideas and concerns and collaborate on those that you would like the Governor to bring to the attention of the King.
The Governor’s Office has been set up on the porch of Goodman’s Memorial Rune Library where citizens can communicate with a Bulletin Board, Mail Box & Ballot Boxes. More detailed communication can be sent to [email protected] for this term. Governors in subsequent terms will announce their own forms of communication.
Most Governors monitor the Ingame Chat Channel “Governors” where any person of the realm can talk to them in character.
New Magincia will also form a City Council & fill the following positions:
Three City Councillors (numbers subject to change depending on participation)
High Priestess
High Priest
All applicants must be at minimum, a citizen of New Magincia. High Loyalty is not required. Please post on the Bulletin Board [B]before [/B]Tuesday’s meeting if you wish to hold any of these positions.
Titles for Regular Citizens
Any citizen of New Magincia can contact me for a unique title as long as the guidelines for titles are met. I am particularly interested in giving titles to Player Establishments, Guilds, Townships and Stall Owners to promote their businesses. This includes Citizens with Establishments that are not on New Magincia soil.
During my tenure I will be writing up and publishing news stories to be posted to all fansites that will promote the City of New Magincia as a whole and any interested Establishment owner including stall owners.
New Magincia has a wealth of unique establishments like Castaways Fish Museum.

The Mystical Ancient Ruined Temple of Zeus.

We share our shores with the Republic of Magincia whose Town Stone rests on Magincia Beach.

Our favorite pile of sticks and rocks, Ug Rankbreath’s Famous Orc Fort also inhabits our land.

Our homes are some of the most beautifully decorated as found in any in the Realm. We have unique Market Stalls for merchants selling and buying commodities and our Markets provide magnificent animals of all sorts the Peoples of Britannia.

Should you wish your establishment to be promoted please email me at the address above and we’ll collaborate in the coming weeks. In order to be considered your Establishment must be open to the Public and you must be a Citizen of New Magincia.
New Magincia as a city will hold a few public events during my term. I hope to see a high level of participation. It is my sincerest hope that this new Royal Council that I am honored to be an inaugural part of brings new life to the Cities of Britannia.
My main agenda will be to promote the beauty and uniqueness of our Fair City while bringing back a sense of community to a land ravaged by Greed.
The Citizens of this newly reborn City have cast out our prideful ways and learned our lesson the hard way. We welcome everyone to her shores.
Come be a part of the New Magincia Community!
Important Locations For Magincia Citizens
The Bank of New Magincia where the City Stone and City Treasury are located. This is where all titles will be issued and Donations to the City Treasury are most welcome. Here also can be seen the Current Trade Deal. If you are at least a Respected Citizen you can come here every twenty four hours to benefit from the Trade Deal for free! Compliments of the Governors Office!

The Minister of Trade and his bottomless crate accepts your donations to increase your city loyalty. See the Minister to find out what you can bring.

The Guard Captain still patrols the Docks from the Riots but these days he still hands out ropes and sells our City Banner to those of sufficient loyalty.

The City’s Cleanup Officers can be found here. Reap the rewards of throwing out all your trash.

Town Hall Meeting Place. Hopefully in the future we can petition the King for something more comfortable.

And for now the Governor’s Office on New Magincia Beach.

Game content and materials copyright 1997-2013 Electronic Arts Inc. Article is written by Andrasta, Goodman’s Rune Library. All rights reserved.