Dungeon Chests – Covetous

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Illustrated Guide to Dungeon Chests
Covetous Dungeon Chests, by Blackheath


Level One

Area One

Chests: One level 1, two level 2’s
Local monsters: Dazzled Harpies, Headless Miners, Vampire Mongbats
Notes: The monsters are not aggresive unless attacked.
Danger level: Low

Area Two

Chests: One level 2, two level 3’s – Chests removed during Covetous Revamp, May 2012
Local monsters: headless miners, Vampire Mongbats
Notes: The spawn is not aggresive unless attacked
Danger level: Low to medium

Area Three

Chests: one static chest only
Local monsters: none
Notes: Nearest spawn is strange gazers,
Danger level: Low

Area Four

Chests: One static chest only
Local monsters: Strange Gazers
Danger level: medium

Level 2

All Chests on Level 2 removed on the conversion of the level to the Void Pool.

Level 3

Area 1

Chests: One level 3, two level 4’s
Local monsters: Variable, Cora’s Army.
Notes: Covetous really takes a turn for the worse starting at level 3.
This room is just insane.
Unfortunately, most of the boxes you see here are statics.
Danger level: Extremely high!

Level 4

Level 4 Covetous is split into two distinct and separate areas. Each side is reached via it’s own staircase, one on the east side and one on the west. Images have been left for historic reference, but no chests are currently found in these areas.

West Side

Chests: Chests removed during Covetous Revamp.
Local monsters: Variable, Cora’s Army
Notes: Area no longer useable
Danger level: Extremely High

East Side

Chests: Chests removed during Covetous Revamp.
Local monsters: Cora The Sorceress
Notes: Area no longer useable
Danger level: Extremely High

Last modified: February 11, 2013

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