HUGE Pacific Crowd @ Blackthorn’s Coronation – Dupre WOW’s!
Yesterday, the 11th of October has seen a historical Event like no other before on the Pacific Shard.
7pm PST, Lord Dupre entered the throne-room of Lord Blackthorn’s Castle – beeing totaly impressed of the huge crowd allready waiting, Dupre even shows emotions totaly stunned about so much interest – see yourself!
After his Speech in front of this impressing crowd, a gate appeared out of nothing and, wearing a Dark Robe, the Lord Blackthorn himself stepped out of it:
Now the crowd went totaly crazy and could barley get stoped jumping the stage – the Guards had a hard time to get them back and several of Dupre’s and Blackthorn’s Bodyguards have been seen whipping their swords ready to protect both of the Lords. In the end everything settled and Lord Dupre was able to crown our new King.
Dear Lords and Ladies of the Realm, may i present you our new King – KING BLACKTHORN:
After our new King finished his speech, thanking everyone taking care of the land while his long absence (and ignoring some harsh words and protests from visitors not happy with their new King) he stepped off the stage and gating the crowd (while alot of them ran the wrong direction out of total craziness it seemed, to exited to think clear!) to a secret place to honor everybody with the possibility to receive a special gift for this day – THE REPLICA OF HIS THRONE!
If you want to watch the full coronation video, please visit Sosaria Reals:
Thank you Watchertoo for the livestream and video, thank you for LBT’s Throne Pic and special txs to Ron Silverbeard, PNN Pacific News Network President.