Disciple of Vaeg New Outpost
Thanks to Lady Devil Hanzo for the tip on her discovery this morning.
Located just a short run north of the Britain Moongate you will come across a
gruesome site.
I am saddened to report one of our own Royal Guards has been captured and
sacrificed by the Disciples of Vaeg. Apparently it was a sacrifice to a crystal
they are chanting spells around.
Royal Guards please use extreme caution and be aware of your surroundings.
Our fallen comrade will be avenged!

Disciples of Vaeg Camp.
I am saddened to report one of our own Royal Guard has been murdered. An apparent sacrifice to a crystal.
Lady Devil Hanzo, Lord Armageddon, and I conducted a patrol that led us to
a Moonglow mage shop.
Disciples of Vaeg are no longer content to just ignore the Royal Guard patrols.
They now are fixated on recruiting disciples and insulting the intelligence of the
Royal Guard.
From there we followed clues in the journals to the Mage Tower.
We are uncertain if a Disciple at the Mage Tower was reported previously.
The bloody pentagram and Disciple of Vaeg on the second floor may be a
recent development.
What plan does Vaeg have for the Mage Tower? The Royal Guard must hunt down
Vaeg before his plans come to fruition.

Be on alert! Add the Mage Tower to your patrol list Royal Guards.
There is a Disciple of Vaeg now in residence at the Mage Tower.