Xena Dragon
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Hello adventurers, my name is
Xena Dragon
I am a member of the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter.
Let me tell you something about the adventures I had in Britannia when I participated in the Beta test of Ultima Online
 This is what I looked like when I had just entered the world Britannia. My only belongings were the dagger in my hand, the clothes I am wearing and my tailor tools. As you can see by looking into my backpack, I am a Tailor. I make clothes from cloth or hides and try to make a living by selling them. I met someone on the bridge in Britain who was in need of tailoring. He offered me some hides he managed to carve of a deer he killed. Using my tailor kit I managed to make some very nice leather sleeves for him. As you can see, he payed me some gold for the work I was doing. |
I decided to go hunting and went into the forest looking for deer. Great was my astonishment when I discovered that Llamas lived in the woods. I hunted one down to get some hides and meat. I managed to kill the beast, but it only provided me with fur and meat. For hides I still needed to find a deer. Soon after the encounter with the Llama I encountered my first deer. After a fierce battle I managed to kill it and skin the corpse. From the hide I created a nice looking female leather armour. Now that I was wearing some protective clothing I decided to hunt something bigger. A great hart. After some tracking I managed to locate one and tried to kill it. But a great heart is so much stronger than a deer. It wounded me badly, but I managed to stay on my feet and kill it eventually. |
From the hides I was able to create several types of leather, studded and female armour and leather shoes and boots. I was really getting excited with so much leather to make things from. |
Unfortunately I was not able to make a leather hat or cap. I tried and tried, but could not fiugure out how to do it. But I definitely needed something to put my hair under. It was getting in the way when I was fighting all of the time. Then I realized I have been carrying a lot of cloth around, perhaps I could make me a nice bandana. I sat down with my tailor kit and before I knew it I had created the finest bandane I ever saw. I killed enough deer and great harts to make myself en entire leather wardrobe. This is just what a female warrior needs. Every day a new outfit to protect her strong body and drive all male warriors crazy at the same time… Which outfit do *you* think suits me the most ? |
This is the outfit I like the most. And it seems a lot of other people like it too. Check out the comments people are making. Even when I am talking to someone in the woods I am complimented about my looks. If you ever see me walking in my sexy outfit somewhere in Britannia don’t hesitate to say hi. |
In the short period of time that I roamed the surface of Britannia I have been a lumberjack, a tailor and a swordswoman. I do not know which profession I like the most. Perhaps I will try to keep my skills up for all those professions. And I will definitely start to learn the magic that I have heard so much about. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could enter one of the many dangerous dungeons and not be afraid because I have magically protected myself.
Last modified: September 8, 2011