Archive for the ‘Siege Perilous News’

Taxation change a boon for crafters

October 01, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


One detail that went virtually unnoticed at the end of Sunday’s meeting of the King’s Council could be as significant as almost anything else that was discussed therein. It came when Arrr’s Captain Sureno announced that the Council of Mages had lowered the taxes in all the towns under their control.

“Prices have been very high for some time,” he said, “I hope this helps people out.”

Asked if this was just a short-term publicity stunt or a permanent change of policy, the captain insisted it was the latter. “As long as we pirates control the towns, the taxes will be lowered. We have no interest in paying high taxes ourselves. We have also added some reagent vendors in the great cities of Trinsic and Vesper.”

The news was almost universally welcomed throughout Britannia and it is hoped that it could lead to a boom in crafting. Certainly, fans attending Monday evening’s bagball game at Empath Abbey, where the Yew Saints shellacked the Gilfane Dolphins, seemed delighted at the announcement.

“It’s great, we appreciate it,” said Optik Nerve.

“Wow, great,” said a staggering Sam, trying to hide his bottles of Moonglow Red.

“It will make it easier and cheaper to make potions for my plant addiction,” said Bindy the crafter, also from Moonglow. “And it’ll mean cheaper scrolls to try and make slayer books. I will have to start stocking up.”

Only Rue Tor injected an element of scepticism. “It could be a pirate plot to keep more gold on the potential victims!” he speculated

But Ryan, a tanner who lives on a hill and the starting quarterbagger for the Dolphins, seemed quite disinterested in the news. “Yeah, so I can buy my lime and tools cheaper now. But it’s not going to bring back my three interceptions!,” he moaned.

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King’s Council meeting, 29th September

September 29, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The King’s Council got off to a good, and peaceful, start yesterday, with seven of the nine governors in attendance. Only Hugibear of Britain and Victim of Vesper were absent due to commitments elsewhere, although Captain Sureno deputized for the former. Among the ordinary citizens present at the meeting were Becca, Bishor, Dann the leper, Flair, Goldie Pawn, Grenuille, Hattori Hanzo, Jackhammer, Live Firestone, Rue Tor, Sam, Tia and Wegandi.

In his initial address, King Blackthorn welcomed the new governors and reminded them that their purpose was to help promote the towns of Britannia and find ways to increase activity within them. He also urged the governors to nurture the individual characteristics of their towns, “Each town is unique in its own way and I encourage you to build upon this uniqueness.”

The priority in all towns for this term, he announced, would be the construction of a governor’s office, and each was asked to contribute materials for the project: 5000 boards, 250 sand, 100 granite and 100 ingots. In regard to other possible town improvements, Blackthorn stressed that his architects were currently severely overworked and that whilst all requests would be considered, no guarantees could be made on their enactment.

The king then called for each governor in turn to make a statement, the important parts of which are presented here:

Salinger of Jhelom
“Jhelom is without a trade deal at present. The town treasury is sparse. The natives here are demanding forty-five berries in exchange for a deal. First to deliver the berries can choose the trade deal, otherwise it will remain without I am afraid. The resources of the town have been taken. The pens are no longer safe. We cannot afford the guards. This has led to a most unfortunate takeover or take back. That is all I can share at this time.”

Morgan Ironfist of New Magincia
“Magincia is still running the Assassins trade deal and the streets have been safe. [the deal] will be upheld throughout my term and the current week was sponsored by Baby Doll of I4NI. Business in imbuing ingredients is up and so we are able to maintain the deal. I thank the king for the option to construct an office. We will surely bring the necessary resources quickly. I would like to see towns be able to sell from vendors which would route the money right to the city treasury. Item donations could then be made which could be sold at those vendors.

King Blackthorn doubted how feasible the idea of item donations for a town vendor would be, but promised to discuss it with his engineers and the Merchant’s Guild.

Ladra of Minoc
“We, the people of Minoc, are grateful for the opportunity to get an office. But, we do have more pressing matters to attend to! The city is pretty poor and the shop keepers are having trouble shifting their goods because we are getting far too few visitors. We would like to request the building of a new moongate close to the bank. The gate we have is too far out in the woods, so people forget about Minoc. But we will try our best to gather the few coins we have and put them to the building of an office if that is what the king wants.”

In response, King Blackthorn pointed out that most moongates were far from towns and that the knowledge of permanent moongate construction was lost with Nystul the magician. However, he promised to speak on the matter with the Council of Mages in Moonglow.

Captain Sureno, speaking for Hugibear of Britain
“I am here to speak for Lord Hugi. He could not attend but would like to inform all the citizens of Britain that he is pleased and would like more suggestions on the trade deal. We pirates have no preferences on which one. As far as questions about the city in general, I cannot speak for Lord Hugi.”

Kelmo of Trinsic
“I represent the proud city of Trinsic. I wear the colours of my city. This city is falling apart. Cracks in the walls, a damn volcano starting up in there. There is an unwanted dungeon. It is hot there, too. But, the one thing I ask is a crafters centre near the docks. I wish for a soul forge. It is in the guard zone and crafters could gather there. Oh, and a bank there too. It could be a crafters pavilion with just a little work. This is all I ask for now.”

In response, Blackthorn asserted that the town already has two banks and that adding a third may cause riots in the capital if it was seen as favouritism. But he promised to bring the matter before his engineers and architects and added that he did not think the soulforge would be a great problem.

Hoffs of Skara Brae
“I represent the interests of the town of Skara Brae, and its larger neighbour, the city-state of Gilfane. I aim to serve the peoples of both communities, and work to bring them still further together. As governor, I am committed to maintaining the trade deal with the Bardic Collegium for the benefit of all those who dwell in the area. As for the governor’s office, Gilfane Citadel has proven perfectly adequate for this purpose in the last few months, and I would rather the king’s architect looked into the state of six dangerous buildings on the borders of Skara.”

Blackthorn’s response was that the office might be needed by future governors, but said that he would request that the buildings in question be investigated.

Samantha of Yew
“The deal with the Guild of Arcane Arts has expired, but will be renewed within twenty-four hours thanks to generous donations from the city’s residents, especially AJ and Becca. As money permits, we will continue to deal with the Guild of Arcane Arts. The city is in good shape, though some shepherds have complained of their sheep being slaughtered. Other than the governor’s office, I have no requests at this time, and look forward to continuing to serve the fair citizens of Yew.”

York of Moonglow
Governor York’s arrival at the meeting was delayed, and he had sent a courier with a report from the city. Lord Blackthorn announced that the report contained a petition to lower the fees required by the trade guilds for their deals and a request for a trash can. Other governors endorsed the request for lower costs.

In other business and announcements, King Blackthorn asked Captain Sureno when entries closed for his guild’s limerick contest. Sureno said that it was on Tuesday, October 22nd. And Lady Hoffs was informed that the Master Architect had approved the design for the Gilfane town banner and that construction would begin soon.

Finally, the King asked if there was any other business that anyone would like to raise. New Siege resident Grenuille asked if any of the towns would be hosting harvest festivities in the coming month. Governor York responded by saying that he was planning a few events for around a fortnight from now, and that he would like to hear any suggestions that anyone has.

And so the Council adjourned after what was generally agreed had been a productive meeting. Any citizens who wish to help with their town’s office project can make donations of the resources to the city heralds at the bank.

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Perilous Inquirer – Thirteenth Issue

September 27, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Thirteenth Issue
September 27, 2013

Greater Dragons in the wild can suffer constipation from eating armored humans. Concerned animal lovers from the guild, Do Right Knights [DoRK] have formed a squad to help the poor things.
This reporter embedded with the Dragon Squad on a recent mission, stealthing up behind a GD in obvious discomfort.
“You just have to reach in and pull stuff out,” TheDrAJ whispered, holding up his long-gloved arm.
“Really?” I inquired. “And what is the dragon’s reaction to that?”
“Well… surprise, at first. Then shock then deep resentment.”

by Kattasrophe (age 12)
A guy named My Rock yelled in chat one day. I asked Your Pixel Crush to explain what happened.
She told me, “It all started when Redwolf made a log for all the daily rares. Ysabella is often awake at server up, she went to Bucs Den, the rock was still there, so she grabbed it!!”
A few minutes later, Ander came over the global chat flipping out that the rock was gone. He yelled, “IT IS MY ROCK!! MINE!! I’VE B EEN TAKING THE ROCK FOR 15 YEARS!!
The next morning a new character came up, named My Rock. He yelled at Ander and said, “IT’S MY ROCK ANDER!!!” The person began saying sentences with rock. At a point he sang we will rock you.
By that point quite frankly Ander was pretty… well, i think you know.
Me and others have asked around to see who it may be. No luck yet! If you think you may have an answer please do tell!!!

THE PIRATES ARE COMING! The United Pirates of Catskills are sailing the perilous inter-shard seas to Siege. They come on invitation from our own pirates to serve as impartial judges in Arrr’s Limerick Contest.
If you see one of these members of UO’s oldest pirate’s guild, make them feel welcome. We’d like to see some take up residence here.

Frog hopped over to ask: How does a Frog get girls to stop trying to kiss him?? Frog likes being a frog, don’t want to turn back to peoples, please help! *ribbit*
Dear Hopping Frog: Please see me sometime to begin work on getting over your fear of being a peoples again. But until then, showing your warts should deter the ladies! Best of luck!

In Old UO, boats sailed the lakes in  Dungeon Shame. Archers & casters, adrift, safely killed land bound monsters, skilling up at no risk.
Ahh… the Good old days.

* Shrines! Siege Estates Shrine edition runebook is here!
Buy it from the vendor “Siege Estates” at the Perilous Inquirer (out Luna south gate, 3rd house on left.)
– Grimlet
** Waterfall Bridge Shop Located within the guard zone at the waterfall across the bridge from Justice shrine Northwest of Yew at coordinates 95″49′ N x 0″54’E
♥Love All, serve All♥
– Your Pixel Crush

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze! Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Contributor: Severn
Lawsuits: Dewey, Cheatum & Howe
Published by the

~sine die~

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Barter Town, Gilfane hoping to lead way

September 25, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


Since time immemorial, the rulers of Siege have jealously guarded their autonomy. When settlements have grown up outside of the official chartered towns, they have been met with the royal cold shoulder at best, and downright hostility at worst. No ruler was more insouciant than Lord British himself, who in his desperate quest to keep Order no doubt feared the consequences that too much self-government might bring.

But times they are a-changing. With the crowning of Lord Blackthorn last October, it seems there may now be a regent who is willing to loosen the strings of the marionette. After all, Chaos is Blackthorn’s mantra, and he would probably welcome the upheaval that a few upstart communities might bring. Earlier this year, the King announced that he would be accepting applications from settlements wishing to be granted official recognition. He even appointed a special officer, a Mr E.M. Troubadour, to oversee the process, and at a packed meeting in Britain back in April, Troubadour enthusiastically outlined his plans and encouraged all communities to put in an application.

Following the meeting, two established settlements, Gilfane and Barter Town, wasted no time in putting in their petitions. The city-state of Gilfane is by far the largest. Covering the areas east and north-east of Skara Brae, it currently contains over forty buildings, almost half of which are open to the public including such diverse interests as a tavern, rune library, arena and zoo. For Lady Hoffs, Keeper of the Hall of the Gilfane community, official status cannot come soon enough.

“When I look at all the work that people have put into creating our city,” she told me, “not to mentioned all the trade and employment that the building process created, I think it is only right that the Crown should give some kind of recognition. Communities like ours have helped drive the economy of Siege for years, not to mention all the blood we spilled repelling common enemies like Minax and the Shadowlords.”

And whilst Barter Town cannot compete with Gilfane in terms of size, it is equally well known throughout the lands of Siege. Sitting as it does just a little north-east of Minoc, the town already claims parts of the official city – including the mines and the stables – as its own, and now that Barter Town’s mayor has been elected as the governor of Minoc, who knows what might happen? But for Ladra, who vigorously campaigned in vain for Queen Dawn’s endorsement of the area, gaining official town status would be more than just extending the settlement’s power.

“For me personally it would make me feel like I have contributed something to the community on Siege,” she said. “The important part is that it’s a historic town here and it’s about time we recognize it as such. I know the founder, Chad Sexington, has wanted it official for a long time, and it would make me very happy to preserve his legacy.”

Both Barter Town and Gilfane have now had their applications approved, months ago in the latter’s case. But the final step requires combating possibly the most fearsome adversary known to man: governmental bureaucracy. Any official town must have a proper monument, or “banner”, to mark its status, which can only be constructed under the direction of the King’s Master Architect. And with only one such architect and numerous building projects in the works, there is nothing anyone can do but wait.

Still, it is not just Barter Town and Gilfane that are eager to see the plans come to fruition. At the April meeting, many present felt that once the first official towns were established, others would be encouraged to make applications for their own settlements. Probably first on the list will be Pirate Cove, the new home town of well-known guild, Arrr.

“It is in the making,” said spokesman Captain Sureno. “It will have a tavern, workshops and a plush fighting area. We will certainly be applying for official status when we are ready.”

Sadly, all this comes too late for some of the great cities of yore. The once mighty settlements of Iantown, Stonehaven and Wintermoor are now only ruins, their very location lost to most of today’s youth. And whilst some vestiges of Safe Haven and Wispwood still exist, they have clearly either fallen into neglect or lost their identities. But there may be some hope here, too, as Mr Troubadour mentioned the possibility of commemorating them.

“It wouldn’t be a full banner,” he told me recently, “but more of a marker stone at the location that lists the name, rough dates and some relevant facts, although the concept may yet be shot down above my level.”

Kelmo, former mayor of Iantown, was supportive of the idea, “It is hard to go back,” he said. “I did once attempt to rebuild Iantown, and there was some support, but people and situations had changed so much. But I would like to see some kind of historical marker, something small and unobtrusive.”

And Lady Freja, the vampire who has been championing the area of Safe Haven for some years, is yet hopeful that her town can become recognized in its own right, although she sounded a note of caution in regards to the older settlements.

“I would love to get Safe Haven officially recognized,” she said. “I’m not so sure about the forgotten towns, though. Maybe those areas should be left for new towns to emerge. Barter Town was known under a different name in the past, but that is long forgotten.”

And this may be the ultimate fate of Iantown, too. The fields west of Gravewater Lake, where the once-proud city formerly stood, are now occupied by a series of building plots owned by Lord Tazar and his colleagues. Tazar is a fairly recent arrival from the lands of Atlantic, where his fame and influence are second to none. One of his greatest accomplishments there is the extraordinary Falling Waters Fortress, a must-see destination on the itinerary of anyone visiting those shores.

“It feels strange building on the ashes of Iantown,” he explained, “but that spot of land just feels like home to me. If the plans go right, the plots will eventually become a beach-front resort community. It’s a long, slow process, and we have a ways to go before applying for official status. But we will get there eventually.”

Given his past record, I would not doubt his words. And as with Gilfane and Barter Town, probably the only thing that truly stands in his way now is going to be the formidable Master Architect.

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September 24, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Catskills News, Siege Perilous News


The Pirates of Siege Perilous [Arrr] are holding a Limerick Contest.
The Limericks will be judged by the United Pirates of Catskills, UO’s oldest pirates’ guild.
Many useful and rare items can be yours if you WRITE AND SUBMIT AN ORIGINAL LIMERICK (no plagiarism ;p)

by writing it in a UO book and dropping it in the Mailbox at the Perilous Inquirer; located out the Luna south gate, 3rd house on the left.

is Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013.

by DJ Def on, Saturday, October 26th, 2013.

1. Pirate Theme only – Limericks must be about pirates or pirating or the pirate life.
2. 3 Verse limit – One verse is fine, and no more than three verses will be considered.
3. The Limerick must be the original work of the person submitting the limerick.
4. Winner must be a Citizen of Siege Perilous.
5. Decisions of the judges will be final.


Cards (valued at 30 mil)
Legacy Token
House Teleporter Set
A Flaming Head Deed
Deed for a Stone Ankh
Ethy llama
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne

Rubble Blessed Wearable Pants
Complete Virtue Tile set
Deed for a Stone Ankh
A Flaming Head Deed, A Flaming Head Deed
A Clothing Bless Deed
Weapon Engraving Tool
A Heritage Token
Flowerpot, Flowerpot
Ethy Horse
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne

Ruined Painting
Bag of 12 Bulk Order Covers
Ethy Beetle
White Leather Dye Tub
A Shadow Token
A Crystal Token
A Flaming Head Deed
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne

Tome of Lost Knowledge
Shipbuilding Hammer
12th Anniversary Gift Ticket, 13th Anniversary Gift Ticket, 14th Anniversary Gift Ticket, A Holiday Gift Ticket
Weapon Engraving Tool
Swords of Prosperity
Sleeping Hamster
A Holiday Timepiece, A Copper Shilling, Jaana’s Hangover Remedy & A Bottle of Pink Champagne

Asked why, Famine’s answer was simply, “I want to give back. This game has given me so much.”
Famine’s “Siege Perilous Museum” will soon be open to the public in the north end of Zento at 40N,40W, next to the trail going north to the desert of Deathwatch Beetles.
The purpose of the museum is to preserve many of Siege’s rare and interesting artifacts.

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

Don’t get too hung up on the “rules of limericks”. To quote a favorite pirate, they be “…more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.”

Updates will be posted as the contest progresses.

Join the discussion at:


Blackthorn sets date for next Council meeting

September 23, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The King’s representatives issued the following press release earlier today:

King Blackthorn has requested the presence of all Governors at the first Meeting of the 2nd term.

The meeting will be on Sunday, September 29th, 2013 at 4:30pm EST and will be held at the Council Chambers in Serpent’s Hold.

Please note that ALL Siege citizens are invited and encouraged to attend the meeting.

The mysterious carnival

September 22, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


A strange travelling troupe visited our lands yesterday. They set up their extravaganza near the south gate of Luna and began handing out clothing of such gaudy and nauseating appearance that one had to wear something mundane to be able to stand out in the crowd…




They said it was the sixteenth anniversary of their company, and in commemoration were running events and competitions with astounding prizes, including offering to build a castle in Malas for one lucky winner…




Some of the fellowship bore extraordinary weapons which have never been seen in these lands before…




The finale was a magic show performed by a drunken and inept conjurer known as Heckles…





But the crowd should not have jeered or complained, because the magician’s assistant began slaying the throng merely by pointing at them and invoking a single word of power…




I was knocked unconscious, and when I eventually awoke, the carnival had vanished without so much as a trace…




But I suppose we should all wish them well, and hope that we will see them back for their seventeenth…





Perilous Inquirer – Twelfth Issue

September 20, 2013 By: DeadBob Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

The Perilous Inquirer
Vol. 1, Twelfth Issue
September 20, 2013

– by Kattasrophe (age 12)
Is it just a rumor? Some have wondered that very question. But there is a quite simple answer! Yes, Pirate Cove is real! The reason for it not being on the map is it has yet to be approved. Grace says, “Dac is working on it.” Captain Sureno says, “Pirate Cove is our pirate player town. We have many houses in the safe spot. We are trying to get approval by the town maker and will be adding houses very soon.”

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.
You wanna be where you can see our troubles are all the same.
You wanna go where people know people are all the same.
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
– Cheers Theme Song

Says Grimlex, “Ninety percent of reds give the rest a bad name.”

A house deed for a blue or green tent could be purchased from an NPC Architect. It featured a 7×7 footprint and one container, a chest which came with a key to lock it, in the middle of the tent.
The chest could be lockpicked by any player with sufficient skill and the tent had no front door. Players & their possessions were never safe in a tent, and it was discontinued in 1998.
– Thanks to Camaenion for the history tip

T’yari the fisher asks: “I keep hearing about this rock that belongs to someone? And that peoples lives have been threatened over a rock?! Should I be worried?”
Dear T’yari: Have no fear, it’s not anyone’s rock, if anyone had the right to claim it would be Buc’s Den. As for any threats, the only real threat is if someone stubs their toe… on the rock of course….  – [email protected]

53.4 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

* The Pirates guild, Arrr, is finalizing a Limerick Contest. Prizes to include an ethy mount & a soulstone. Impartial judges from “The United Pirates” of Catskills will pick the winners. Bug Parium the Black & Captain Sureno for details.
* * The guild NBT is planning a House Decoration Contest. If you’re interested in entering your house, talk to Kattasrophe.

* Siege Estates Vendors runebook now updated. For the latest shopping runes, get V2.1 at the Perilous Inquirer on the vendor named, “Siege Estates.”
– Grimlex
** Waterfall Bridge Shop Located within the guard zone at the waterfall across the bridge from Justice shrine Northwest of Yew at coordinates 95″49′ N x 0″54’E
♥Love All, serve All♥
– Your Pixel Crush

The Perilous Inquirer
3rd house on left out the Luna south gate.
News & Booze! Free current issues are on the “News” steward; Free named liquors are on the “Booze” steward. Back copies are free on the shop named, “Siege Droppings.”
Submission guidelines are posted on the bulletin board.
Reporter: Kattasrophe
Contributor: Severn
Now seeking UO veteran who can write a weekly column about “Once Upon A Time” in UO.
Published by

~sine die~

Join the discussion at:

York appeals to his citizens

September 19, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

Newly elected governor of Moonglow, York, has issue the following notice his citizens:

A Call to the Citizens of Moonglow

Any successful community needs a method to expand the voice of the citizens. This is why I would like to invite the citizens to represent their respective field and be the voice of the people. I am looking for some citizens of Moonglow to volunteer to help create a livelier atmosphere in our town. The positions are listed below. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to express interest.

Positions Needed

Trades (blacksmiths, tailors, carpenters, bowcrafters, fisherman, etc.): to promote trade within the town and to speak for the merchants and crafters of Moonglow.

Animal Tamer: to promote donations to the zoo. Also to speak for the tamers.

Magical Arts: to speak for the mages, alchemists, and other magic users.

Combative Arts: to speak for the warriors of Moonglow.

Town Host: to promote and host events. Also to be the voice of outsiders that visit.

Arts and Treasure Seekers: to provide a forum for bards, treasure hunters, painters, and the like.

Guards: to patrol and to seek out those lurking on the island that wish to murder our fair citizens. Also to patrol the city limits to kill any stray water elemental or mongbat that happens to wander into the town. If, and I understand a big if, we have five or more guards, a captain will be named.


Be a citizen of Moonglow.

Reply to a (simple) questionnaire a few days before the King’s Council meetings.

A high level of skill in the position applied for (e.g. The Speaker for Magic would probably need to be at least GM in magery, necromancy, etc.).

The ability to help with fund raising (for the trade deal) and events. This would require helping refine ideas into a workable plan and working together to help it come together.

Non-faction – this should help foster a non-PvP environment within the town.

If in a guild, must be a non-PvP guild and not working with the factions (exceptions: PvP guilds not at war can be considered for guards).

Non-red – reds are of course welcome in the town, but it would be nice if they chose to keep their lust for blood outside the city limits.

You need a fast pigeon [ICQ] – it’s an easy way to keep in touch.

Keep in mind that all I can offer in return is a title (your choice, within reason) that lasts only for the duration of my term. Your service will be largely voluntary. Due to how small the town population is, one person can represent more than one grouping. For example, a mage/tamer could represent the magic users and tamers and they could also be a guard. All positions have a maximum limit of one with the exceptions of the guards which can have as many as we can get.

You can let me know you’re interested using a fast pigeon. My coop number is 684283582 (York-Siege).

Thank you,

Governor of Moonglow

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Behind The Robes: Captain Sureno

September 18, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News


As part of the cut-throat pirate band, Arrr, he has been bringing terror to an ocean or wilderness near you for over a year now. But benind the robe, is he truly a cold-hearted killer or just a pussycat with an eyepatch? I was invited aboard his flagship, The Trinsic Main, to find out…

I join the ship a little offshore from the docks at Trinsic, having been picked up there in a jolly boat rowed by four muscular crew members who do not appear to have washed in weeks (a fact that I diplomatically neglect to mention). As I struggle up the side of the vessel, an imposing gargoyle-built galleon with an impressive array of cannon to port and starboard and a smaller bow chaser up front, I am struck by the rather shabby state of the crew. Many are standing around half asleep, still others mumbling incoherently on the deck with empty bottles by their side.

They get the job done,” said a rough voice to my right, “and drinking during battle is not permitted.”Captain Sureno

Turning around, I see a tall, black-robed figure standing by the mizzenmast. He has long, auburn hair and a carefully manicured goatee. I would judge his age to be early thirties; the weather-beaten and slightly scarred visage belongs to someone a good deal older, but the piercing blue eyes have an unmistakable quality of youth. On his head he is wearing the traditional cap of a pirate officer, around his waist the not-so-customary ninja belt. And much to my surprise, he appears to be barefoot.

My host introduces himself with a somewhat perfunctory bow, and I am swiftly guided beneath decks to the captain’s quarters, a relatively spacious room but one that is surprisingly spartan in decoration. There is a sturdy wooden table aft, a small bed against a side wall, and several stout metal chests. But pretty much everything on display seems purely functional: maps, tools, weapons, armour and various accoutrements, but no pictures, prizes or mementos are to be seen. The only exception appears to be a number of stacked crates in the corner, and from one of these the captain pulls out a pair of bottles, handing one to me together with a plain glass.

Once again, he correctly reads the look on my face. “I am certainly no deco man,” he laughs. “In fact, I think the only thing that I collect these days is murder counts!” Then, after a brief pause, “Oh, and the plans for an orc ship. Still working on that.”

He seats himself at the far side of the table and gestures for me to take the opposing one. I take a moment to pour the contents of the bottle, a seemingly fine merlot, into the glass and then set myself down and ready my writing slope. And so, on to the interview….

You have been in these lands for over a year now. What brought you here to begin with?
I came here with two companions, Grace and ISpredum, to find new and exciting adventures.

What land did you used to inhabit?
I came from Great Lakes.

Do you still travel back there?
Some of our time is spent on Great Lakes. But Siege is our home.

And before you came to Sosaria?
I lived in a place known as Oklahoma.

Is there anything about Siege that you wished was NOT different to Great Lakes?
Siege has not disappointed me, and it shouldn’t be anywhere near the same as the other lands.

What is it about the pirate life that appeals to you?
Killing people, things like that! Pirating is the best. Also, pirates have a code of honor and we try to follow it.

Have you always been a pirate?
I have not always been a pirate. My first love was necromancy. But one faithful day I turned to piracy. It’s a long story…

You are, of course, a leading member of the pirate guild, Arrr. What exactly is your role within the guild?
My role…hmm. I am a Captain in Arrr. I am in charge of new pirates and PR control as much as possible. *laughs*

Who are your closest pirate friends?
Parium the Black, Bo, Kano, Jickler to name a few, and of course my good friend Spred who went rouge.

What made him go “rogue”? Are the two of you still on speaking terms?
Well, to answer you second question first, yes, we are still real good friends and we speak everyday. And for your first question, well the pirate way isn’t for everyone. It’s a hard life.

What has been your greatest haul as a pirate?
Ah…well that is a hard one. Hmm…have to say that one day we were hunting boats on the seas and we ran across an unmanned ship that had crates of fish and some assorted nice items.

Who supplies the ammo for your ship?
As of late we have been using looted ammo. But if supplies were needed then Victim is the man!

What sort of fighting methods do you mostly employ?
I am a death striker: swords, tact, ninja, bush, stealth, hide, a little parry, plus zero-skill spellweaving. I haven’t changed anything since I came to Siege. Oh, and I run a bokuto.

A bokuto? No cutlass then?
Oh sure, I would enjoy using the classic cutlass. But, alas, such a weapon is not quite what the modern pirate can use to be able to hold up against our foes.

Do you use the best equipment you can get hold of, or do you just equip whatever is to hand?
For the most part I run Shame/Wrong/Covetous loot. But since we left factions I have been wearing good suits.

Ah yes, factions. Arrr recently withdrew from all that. What lead to this decision?
Well, as everyone knows, there was a big war between SCUM & FSP not too long ago. I know all the SCUM people, but my pirates were being targeted due to being in Minax. So to calm the storm, we left factions.

Were you happy with the decision, and how has it affected your life?
Yes, I am happy we did, but it changed our lives. No MI, faction arties or runes. But due to a good amount of us pirates liking factions, we will be returning once the storm has calmed.

What are your thoughts on the removal of factions and the possible replacement?
Well the removal of factions is hard to grasp. We have a kind of broke system but I feel that it can be improved. And as far as the replacement, from what I’ve seen it’s geared toward other lands, not Siege. So we kind of got left out.

Speaking of changes, are there any general ones that you would particularly like to see the Gods make?
As a pirate, more pirate stuff! And maybe a change to SOS loot. But generally, improvements rather than changes.

The captain drains his glass and reaches over to one of the crates to retrieve a second bottle. I decide to bring up a potentially delicate subject…

You are often reported as being less than sober. Would you consider yourself an alcoholic?
Nay. As a pirate, rum is my main source of sustenance. Without it I’d be a very dull pirate.

What is your favourite drink?
RUM!!! All day, although I’ll make these exceptions for landlubbers. *laughs* Actually, before I took up the pirate life I preferred Crown Royal and tequila. [OOC I rarely drink in real life!]

Can you remember a particularly embarrassing incident that occurred whilst you were drunk?
*laughs* One time when I was younger, we had bought a checker board that you use shots on. You get jumped, you got to drink. Well a friend of mine decided it would be a good idea to play with Captain Morgan Tattoo. So okay, I like rum, but this was wrong! Anyway, I’d had pancakes a few hours earlier and by about halfway through the game and I wasn’t feeling too good. I got jumped and I remember saying “my brain is too scared to drink”. Five seconds later I emptied my system all over the checker board. My friends laughed for months after that.

Do you spend much time obtaining booty from monsters?
That’s a complicated question. I am not well equipped to fight monsters, so I tend to just act as a guard for my guildmates.

What has been your greatest memory from your time here on Siege?
I would think my greatest memory would be one of our numerous victories defending Minax base against the Shadow Lords. We had lured them into the base then blocked off the entrance. And then us pirates jumped out and cleansed the base. I’m sure there are more details involved but with so many battles it’s hard to keep them straight.

And the worst?
*sighs* I would have to say the event at the Labyrinth. Well, going to it. We were headed there to lend support. Well as we know the SL crowd isn’t the most honorable and as we were on our way out of Umbra we were waylaid by more then six of them. Wasn’t my proudest moment.

So would you say SL are your biggest enemies at present?
Yeah, but there are a few other targets that I wouldn’t mind fighting, but they hide way too much. Parker Swift is on the list as well as Starr, although I got my sweet revenge against him. *laughs* But I will get Parker and his buddy Blade Runner one of these days!

How easy is it for you to find fights?
Well, I imagine I could find fights easily just by saying where I am. I know tons of people that would like a go at Captain Sureno. But I’m a PK, so I hunt people, which is a challenge due to people hiding and not hunting. But I find them.

What are your thoughts on the current state of Siege?
I enjoy Siege. The slow weeks, the busy weeks. I would like to see more people try and give Siege a go. But they run into the griefer PKs and tend to leave. I just wish they would stick it out. But I know how discouraging it can be to be killed over and over before you are able to fight back.

Was that something you experienced when you arrived?
Bo was the first one to PK us on Siege. I was never griefed here, but was elsewhere in the far past and I’ve witnessed how some of the newer PKs, and some of the old ones too, just don’t have compassion or honor. At least that’s how I feel.

And is that reflected in your looting policy?
Well, victims don’t get looted, enemies do. That is just how I do it. I feel that if I kill a victim then I don’t need their armor. But enemies are a different story. I don’t need armor, but they don’t either.

Do you find this relaxed looting policy conflicting with some of your guildmates, though? I mean, you may not loot people but they would, so those people would loot you because of what your associates had done?
No, I got out everyday expecting to loose what I have. And as for my guildmates, well they are pirates and I’ll follow the way the wind blows them. It has never bothered me.

Your wife, Grace, is also in your guild. Does she embrace the pirate lifestyle?
Grace, oh Grace! Yes, Grace is in our guild and she is a pirate. She’s not really a sea pirate as she hates boats, but she lives the lifestyle and she likes to fight.

Do you sail together?
I have to force her to sail when I need her, but she would rather hunt.

So the two of you don’t live together on the ship?
No, she has a castle on Ice Island and I either live there with her or here on board. I also have a small place on the island of Moonglow, but I don’t keep anything there. It’s a guild outpost.

Have you taken citizenship in any town?
I am and always will be a Trinsic native and am loyal to Trinsic.

Will you likely be voting for Kelmo as governor there?
I most likely will be voting Kelmo.

Your wife is often referenced with a degree of lust by your fellow pirates, particularly in references to melons. Does this concern you?
Well, its a good thing she’s my wife! But no, we pirates all have a love for “melons” and I’m not the jealous type.

Are there any Sureno juniors in your lives at present?
We have three little ones: ten-year old daughter, eight-year old daughter, and Sureno Jr., my seven-year old boy. He is presently learning his craft on the seas of Catskills.

Do you think Sureno Jr. will ever be joining you aboard The Trinsic Main?
Maybe next summer we will have him sailing with us. He has more training to do before he ventures off into Siege, but I would soon like him to join us.

As the captain flushes down the last contents of his second bottle, a more distant expression seems to come over his face. Up above, I hear seven bells ring out on the forenoon, and I decide that I should take my leave before the chaos of the change of watch begins. Time for one last question…

Have you had any thoughts about leaving Sosaria?
I was in Sosaria from 2000 to 2003 and then left due to other commitments. I came back in 2010 and brought Grace with me and we’ve been here ever since. We will only leave again once Grace has had enough.

I thank the captain for his time as I pack away my writing equipment, and he rises and bows in an alcohol-induced, theatrical fashion. I make my way out of the cabin, and as I’m helped down to the jolly boat and we make our way back to shore, I catch a glimpse of Sureno barking orders from the quarterdeck and see sailors scurrying to make the vessel ready for sea. I wonder which laden fancy will be feeling the wrath of the sea thieves next?

Still, I reflect, there are undoubtedly far worse people that could make you walk the plank…