Help Needed – 3rd Election Night Hoopla Planning Thread
Heya All
Three months already? Where have the days gone?
It’s time for another election, and that means time for another Election Night Hoopla!
Last term Queen Arya and Andrasta did an excellent job coordinating the 2nd Hoopla party, so I will step up and tackle the 3rd. If you have time I would love your assistance with it, ladies. Who knows, perhaps this will become an Atlantic tradition.
It’s all happening from 9:00pm to midnight on Saturday 15th, and we need many helping hands to put together the party. The usual suspects will be there, the candidate interviews, the voting tally board, and I do believe we’ll have an open bistro this time around. UO Radio ( will also be giving us live coverage for the evening.
But we need some party games!
We are putting out a call to all cities, player towns, guilds, event coordinators, and candidates to come forward and add to the night of festivities. We need some mini-events such as competitions, games, or even personal campaign centers. We are open to all ideas and will support you in any way we can.
If you are a candidate, running a mini-event is a great way to spread your name and show the community that you will be a governor of action.
The location will be the same as last time, the neutral grounds of the Counselor’s Hall in Serpent’s Hold. The goal is to have activities running inside, outside, and perhaps the roof. Here are some screenshots of the location.
Bistro Area
I’ll coordinate the program and space usage for the night in this thread. If all goes well, we’ll have our party plan locked down and an official news post released by early next week.
Please reply below if you can help, or need help with making your idea happen. You can also contact me via forum conversation, or on ICQ 78409004 (Soar).
Thank you to all who come forward.
– Soar
*puts on his workin’ apron & dancing shoes*