Scrolls of Power
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Scrolls of Power |
Scrolls of Power are items that allow veteran players to continue the development and/or specialization of their characters.
There are two different types of scrolls available through gameplay:
- Scrolls of Power that allow you to raise individual Skills up to 120
- Scrolls of Power that allow you to raise your total amount of Stats up to 250
Additionally when the character reaches 6 month of age it will receive a +5 Stat Scroll gift. Stat scrolls stack with this gift, it does not matter if you use a regular stat scroll first, or if you use the +5 Stat gift initially, you will receive the full cumulative stat bonus. Taking the maximum total stats possible to 255. The stat limit for an individual stat is 125 for ALL players. This means that you can have 125 Strength, Intelligence or Dexterity, without having to use a power scroll.
In a nutshell, these are the limits you have to consider:
- Without a skill scroll for a skill, a skill cannot go higher than 100 points.
- With a skill scroll for a skill, that skill can be 105, 110, 115 or 120 points maximum, depending on the scroll used.
- All skill points added together cannot be higher than 700 points for ‘new’ accounts. Older accounts will see their skill cap raised with 5 points per year, up to a maximum of 720 points.
- Any single stat can be 125 points maximum. This is so for ALL players.
- A stat can never drop below 10 points.
- Without a stat scroll, all stat points added together cannot be higher than 225 points for a new character, 230 points with the 6 month stat gift.
- With stat scrolls, all stat points added together cannot be higher than 230, 235, 240, 245, 250 or 255 points.
Skill Scrolls |
Skill Scroll of Power
- A skill scroll allows players to raise the limits of their possible maximum skill values beyond 100.0 (up to 120.0).
- The player’s skill will not actually be raised upon using the scroll, but the cap on that skill will be raised to the appropriate level, depending on which scroll was used.
- These scrolls can only be found on Champions of Evil that spawn in the Dungeons and Lost Lands areas on the Felucca facet.
- For each eligible skill, there are 4 different types of scrolls:
- wonderous scoll of [skill] +5.0 (raises the appropriate skill’s limit to 105.0)
- exalted scroll of [skill] +10.0 (raises the appropriate skill’s limit to 110.0)
- mythical scroll of [skill] +15.0 (raises the appropriate skill’s limit to 115.0)
- legendary scroll of [skill] +20.0 (raises the appropriate skill’s limit to 120.0)
- The skill scrolls are not cumulative (you must use one +20.0 skill scroll to reach a maximum value of 120.0 skill, that character cannot use four separate +5.0 skill scrolls to achieve the same result).
- Once a scroll of a given type and value has been used, scrolls of lesser or equal type and value can no longer be used (ie: if you use a +10.0 Magery skill scroll to raise your Magery skill limit to 110.0, that character can no longer use any +5.0 or +10.0 Magery skill scrolls).
- The more powerful scrolls spawn less frequently than less powerful scrolls.
- Once a player uses the skill scroll and raises their skill limit, they will then be able to gain in that skill (through normal means) until they reach their new skill limit.
- All skill points gained above 100.0 continue to count against the player’s skill cap (if the player is a 7x GM with a skill cap of 700 and wants to raise 5 skills to 120.0, they would have to lower 1 of their gm skills and eventually become a 5x 120, 1x 100 character).
- Skill scrolls are cursed items, which means they will always drop to the player’s corpse upon death, regardless of any other looting rules, and are consumed upon use.
- Players may trade and/or sell skill scrolls to other players (it is not required for the player that found them to use them).
- Lesser scrolls can be bound together to create a higher one using a Scroll Binder
- Only the following skill scrolls are available:
- Swordsmanship
- Fencing
- Mace Fighting
- Archery
- Wrestling
- Parrying
- Tactics
- Anatomy
- Healing
- Magery
- Meditation
- Evaluate Intelligence
- Magic Resistance
- Stealing
- Stealth
- Animal Taming
- Animal Lore
- Veterinary
- Musicianship
- Provocation
- Discordance
- Peacemaking
- Chivalry
- Focus
- Necromancy
- Bushido
- Ninjitsu
- Spellweaving
- Spiritspeak
- Only the following skill scrolls can be obtained as a bulk order reward:
The interface for skill scrolls will function as follows:
- Player uses the skill scroll (double-click).
- The appropriate skill now has a cap of 100.0 + the value according to the type of scroll (i.e.: 105.0 for a +5.0 skill scroll).
- The player may view their maximum skill value in the skills window. For example, a player might see: Magery 92.1/115.0
Stat Scrolls |
Stat Scroll of Power
- Stat scrolls can only be found on The Harrower (the super boss monster of the Felucca Champion Spawns found in the dungeon and
Lost Land areas of Felucca, not to be confused with the mere Tentacles of the Harrower).
- When used, stat scrolls change the characters actual stat cap, thereby allowing players to gain stats beyond the normal 225-point limit.
- Stat scrolls can be found in 5 varieties: +5, +10, +15, +20, and +25. Note that these scrolls add to your stat cap.
- For that reason, the stat scrolls are not cumulative with each other (you must use one +25 stat scroll to reach a stat cap gain of 25, you cannot use five separate +5 stat scrolls to achieve the same result).
- The limit on any one stat is 125. This is independent of the stat scroll additions, and will be applied to all players.
- Once a scroll of a given type and value has been used, scrolls of lesser or equal type and value can no longer be used (ie: if you use a +10 stat scroll to raise your stat cap to 235, that character can no longer use any +5 or +10 stat scrolls).
- At age 6 months you have an option to add another 5 points to your current maximum. It does not matter if you first use a Stat Scroll of Power or the 6 month gift bonus. In either case the effect will be cumulative.
- The more powerful scrolls will spawn less frequently than less powerful scrolls.
- Once a player uses a stat scroll and raises their stat cap, they will be able to gain in any stat (through normal means) until they reach their new stat limit.
- Stat scrolls are cursed items, which means they will always drop to the player’s corpse upon death, regardless of any other looting rules, and are consumed upon use.
- Players may trade and/or sell stat scrolls to other players (it is not required for the player that found them to use them).
The interface for stat scrolls will function as follows:
- Character uses the stat scroll (double-click).
- The character now has a stat cap equal to 225 + the value according to the type of scroll (i.e.: 240 for a +15 stat scroll).
- The player may view their stat maximum status window.
For example, a player might see: Stat Maximum 230
6 month gift Stat bonus
 A stat bonus that directly adds 5 points to whatever your current stat cap is, This is offered through a gump which appears at log on when your character reaches the qualifying age.
Last modified: October 31, 2012