Gargl to English A-J

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Gargl to English A-J
Gargl English
A, Sol But, Yet
Abis Bee
Abis-ailem Wax
Abis-kans Honey
Abis-reg Beehive
Abu Misuse, Squander, Waste
Ac Act (verb)
Ack Proof, Receipt
Ac-tas Act (noun), Process
Acu Detail, Needle, Pin
Ad On, Upon
Ade However
Adictas Addition
Adix Add
Adsenkt Agree
Adsenktas Agreement
Adsenkt-de Approve
Adsi Constant, Incessant, Regular
Aes Copper
Afin Acquaintance, Relation, Relationship
Afin, Fed-tas Bond (noun)
Aglo Armor
Agra Attack, Fight
Agra-char Weapon
Agra-char-in-lem Blacksmith
Agra-char-in-lem Weaponsmith
Agra-lem Guard, Warrior
Agra-lem, Mek-lem Fighter
Agra-Lem-Mur Army, Military
Agra-tas Struggle
Ah Sixty-four
Ai There is, There are
Aig Nail, Rivet, Spike
Ailem Dust, Matter, Substance, Thing
Ailem-Char Material
Ailem-de Solid
Aio Yes
Ai-re There will be
Ak Sharp
Aki Hawk
Aksi Law
Aksi (Axi) Principle
Al Salt
Alb White
Ali, Sek-de Other
Alt Deep
Alv Belly, Stomach, Womb
Am Honesty, Honest
Amb Stroll, Walk
Amit Give up, Lose
Amit-tas Loss
Amo Love
Amo-agra-tas Competition
Amo-lem Friend, Loved One
An Negate, Negative, Not
An, Ni No
An-ad Off
An-Adsenk-tas Against
An-agra Peace
An-ai Absence
An-ailem Nothing
An-amo Hate, Hatred
An-amo-lem Enemy
An-ang Loose, Loosen, Wide
An-aniw Normal
An-aur Credit
An-bal, Ben Good
An-bal-sil-fer False Prophet
An-ben Ill
An-ben-tas Disease
An-cel Short
An-cel-lem Commoner
An-cirk Far
An-do Front
An-ex Enslave, Slave
An-ex-por Closed, Lock, Locked
An-Flam Cold, Douse, Put out
Ang Cling, Tight
Ang-ku Clingy
Ang-ter Narrow
Angulem Angle
Ang-vid Observation, Scrutiny
An-Hur Calm
An-in Crush, Destroy, Smash
An-in-tas Demolition, Destruction
Aniw (anish) Strange
An-jux Remove danger, Safe, Secure, Untrap
An-kad-sa Infallible
An-kal Banish
An-kans Famine
An-kred Disbelief, Doubt
An-ku Without
An-ku-kred Impulse, Impulsive
An-lai Sad, Unhappy
An-lim Rough, Sketch, Sketchy, Unrefined
An-lor Dark, Darkness
An-lor-tim Night
An-mani Harm (verb), Hurt
An-mis Different
An-mul Shame
An-mur Few
An-mur-de Countless
Ann Year
An-nax Cure (poison)
An-nax-ailem Antidote
An-ord Chaos
An-ort Dispel
An-plen Drain
An-por Motionless, Stop
An-por, Sit Rest
An-pur Complex, Dirty
An-quas Real, Reality
An-rap Slow
An-rel Static, Unchanging
An-saengkt Curse, Cursed, Unprotected
An-son Quiet, Silent
Ant Pump
Ante Among, Enter, Into
Ante, Ku-ante Within
Ante, Te In
An-ten Lack
An-tim Never
An-uus Low
An-vas-ku Slender, Thin
An-ver Left
An-vold-de Wingless
An-wis Forget, Unwise
An-zen Inanimate
An-Zu Awake, Conscious, Wake, Wake up
Aper Open (verb), Unlock (verb)
Aper-an-tu Private
Aper-ter Door, Gate
Aper-tu Public
Apta Correct
Apta, beh-de Proper
Apta-de Correctly
Apta-de, ben-de Properly
Aran Orange
Arb Vegetation, Bush
Arb-char Plough/Plow
Arb-de Nature, Natural
Arb-Flam Forest Fire
Arb-kans Fruit
Arb-lem Farmer
Arb-ped Root
Arb-reg Farm
Arb-teg Bark (tree)
Arch Arc, Bent, Bow, Curve
Arg Silver
Ari Berserk
Ark Hide, Keep
Ark-lem Stealth
Ark-tas Secret
Arr Ask, Interrogate, Question (verb)
Arr-tas Interrogation, Question (noun)
Ars Art
Ars-lem Artist
Ars-solu Stage
Art Master
A-sa Cannot
Asper Despise, Disdain, Scorn, Spurn
Assuk Insurance
Ast At
Ater Brick
Atra Ink
Atri Hall
Au Or
Aud Ear, Hear
Aud-char Song
Aud-de Hearing
Auks Help
Auks Support
Aur Gold, Money
Aust South
Aut Self
Avatar Avatar
Avir Bird
Axi-mur Three Principles (the)
Azer Bitter
Baka Berry
Bal Bad, Doom, Evil
Bal-mus Rat
Bal-olef Stench, Stink
Bal-sil Evil one, Prophecy
Bal-sil-fer Prophet
Bal-son Noise [Cacophony]
Bal-ungo Chafe, Grind, Wear out
Bal-zen Monster
Basi Kiss
Bea Fortunate, Luck, Lucky
Beh Justice
Beh-lem Just one (person)
Beh-reg Courthouse
Belis Anger (verb)
Belis-ku Angry
Belis-tas Anger (noun)
Bel-lem Judge
Ben Healthy, Well
Ben-fin Success
Ben-in Craft
Ben-in-ailem Artifact
Ben-in-lem Crafter, Goodscrafter
Ben-in-tas Precise, Precision
Ben-ku, Kind, Kindly
Ben-lem Virtuous
Ben-mon Manage
Ben-mon-lem Manager
Ben-mon-tas Administration, Politics, Political
Ben-om-mani Prosperity
Ben-reg Hospital
Ben-sop Excite, Surprise
Ben-sop-tas Excitement
Ben-tas Health, Virtue
Bet Small
Bet-arb Plant
Bet-drak Drake
Bet-fil Thread
Bet-Lem Baby
Bet-mantik Pouch
Bet-mens Shelf
Bet-op Village
Betra (name) Betra
Bet-sarp Worm
Bet-ter-mir Well (water)
Bet-tim New, Young
Bet-zen Insect
Beur Butter
Bib Drink
Bif Crossroad, Fork
Bij Jewel
Braca Breeches, Pants, Trousers
Brak Arm
Gargl English
Bris Broken
Buci Horn
Buk Mouth
Buk-kul Tooth, Teeth
Buk-marga Lip
Buto Button
Can Allow, Let
Cani Dog
Car Part
Car-de-arb Branch
Carn Meat
Cas Accident, Chance
Cel Noble
Cel, Vas-uus High
Celsus Tall
Cerub Brain
Ceu Example
Cev Goat
Chan-por Admit
Chan-por-tas Admittance
Char Part, Tool
Char-zen Member
Circem About
Cirk Close (Proximity), Near
Clav Key
Clen Dependent
Clens Client
Cliv Incline, Slope
Clok Bell
Clud Complete
Cod Tail, Trail
Coel Climate, Weather
Cons Effect
Cor Breast, Heart
Coxi Digest
Coxi-tas Acid, Digestion
Cras Dense, Heavy, Thick
Crin Hair
Crios Blood
Cu Collar, Neck
Cu-de Throat
Cui Spoon
Culk Cushion
Cult Culture, Education
Cur Cart
Curo Run
Daemon Daemon
De Belong, From, Of, Possess, Than
De, Ve Like
Deji Cast (throw), Hurl, Throw, Toss
De-ku-est Probable
Del Row, Verse
De-lem Owner
Delsa Soft
Delsa-teg Smooth
Delsa-teks Linen
Denae Again
Des Down, Lower
Des-ailem Hail, Meteor Storm
Des-de Below, Under
Des-in-tas Foundation, Underpinning
Des-lem Handyman, Laborer, Worker
Des-por Descend
Des-ter Valley
Des-ter-mur Underworld
Dig Finger
Dig-kir Ring
Dim Remit, Return, Send
Dis Apart, Asunder
Do Back
Dol Cunning, Deceit, Treachery, Trick
Domu Building
Don Drop, Give, Yield
Don-an-hur Comfort
Don-lai Please
Don-mur Distribute
Don-mur-tas Distribution
Don-poen Grief (verb)
Don-sadis Punish
Don-sadis-tas Punishment
Dot Debt
Drak Dragon
Duk Guide
Dur Duration, For (period of time), While
Eger Desire, Need
Eger-ku Necessary, Needed
Ek Six
Eks, Ex Free, Freedom (noun), Release (noun)
Eks-rap Burst
Ekui Horse
Enu List
Er, Ita So
Erb Grass
Esh, Ew And
Est Are, Be, Exist, Is
Esta Such, That
Esta, Lem-mur Those
Esta-de Thereby, Therewith
Esta-tim Then
Et Albeit, Although, Though
Evol Development, Growth
Ex-por Hatch (noun), Open (Adj), Unlocked (adj)
Fai-an-kred Do
Feb Delicate
Fed Bond (verb), Connect, Tie (verb)
Fed-tas Affinity, Connection, Tie (noun)
Fel Wrong
Fel-tas Error
Feluka (the moon) Felucca
Fel-wis Fable, False, Falsehood, Lie (untruth)
Fem Female
Fem-bet-lem Girl
Fem-in-lem Mother
Fem-lem Woman
Fem-orn Dress (noun)
Fem-prol Daughter
Fen Vent, Window
Fer Bear (verb)
Fer, Por Bring
Fervi Boil
Fervi-ku Boiling
Fest Disgust
Fest-as Contempt, Disgusting
Fig Fix, Fixed
Fil Cable, Cord
Fin End
Fin-ku Over
Firm Close (verb), Shut
Fla Whip
Flam Fire, Flame, Heat
Flam-char Oven
Flam-ku Hot, Warm
Flam-tim Summer
Flur Flower
Fodus (name) Fodus
Fol Leaf
For Strong
For a Aperture, Fissure
Fora Hole
Fora-ku Hollow
Formi Ant
For-por Shove
Frèt Brother
Fu Crazy, Deranged
Ful Brown
Fum Smoke, Steam, Vapor
Gargl Gargish, Gargoyle
Gat Cat
Gen Knee
Gens Gender, Sex
Glor Glory
Glub Ball
Grat Thank, Thanks
Grav Authority, Energy, Field, Power
Gres Exit (noun), Out, Way, Way Out
Gres-por Begone, Come out, Exit (verb), Go out, Hatch (verb), Leave
Har Hour
Harm Harmony
Harp Clamp, Grappling, Hook
Hiuman Human
Hoc Til, Until
Horel Clock
Horffe (name) Horffe
Hori Gray, Grey
Hur Air, Wind
Hur-ex-cu Cough
Hur-son Whistle
I Me
I, Ilem I
Idde Mine (Possession)
Ide My
Ilem, Lem He, She
Ilem, Lem, Ulem They
Ilem, Ui, Uilem Us, We
In Become, Cause, Create, Form, Make
In-ailem Produce
In-aur Profit
In-aur-ku Profitable
In-bet Focus, Shrink
In-des Diminish, Reduce
In-ex Free (verb), Release (verb)
In-Flam Burn, Ignite
In-hur Blow
Init Start
Init, Re-in Begin
In-jur Promise (verb), Swear
In-jux Endanger, Threaten
In-ker Convince
In-korp Die, Kill
In-lor Illuminate
In-mani Heal
In-mani-lem Healer
In-mis Copy (verb), Duplicate (verb)
In-nax, In-nox Poison (verb)
In-ort Enchant
In-por Go
In-por, Tim-por Come
In-por-dis Avert, Avoid
In-saengkt, Jux-ark Protect
In-sel Decision
Insep Attempt, Test, Try
In-spak Range
Insu Island
Int Join
In-ten Maintain
Intes Between
Int-rep-ku Assemble, Match, Merge
Int-zu Marry, Married
Int-zu-tas Marriage
In-vas Enlarge
In-wis Learning, Study, Teach
In-wis-de Teaching
In-wis-lem Teacher
In-wis-lok Interpret
In-wis-lor Draw (paint)
In-wis-lor, Prop Design
In-wis-lor, Ting Paint
In-wis-tas Lesson
In-zen Birth
Ista This
Ita Thus
Iten Journey
Jist Fiction, Story
Juks, Jux Damage, Danger, Harm (noun)
Jup Skirt
Jur Oath, Promise (noun)
Jux-ark Defend
Jux-wis Alert
Edited by Stupid Miner. June 2009.

Last modified: September 10, 2011

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