October Pet Battles
October can be a busy month for many and it showed with the low numbers at this months pet battles but the die hard tamers still came out to rumble. Six lined up to take part in the battles including the defending champion Lady Keeper of Dragons.
First up was Samson’s Mutten versus Lord Virgil’s The Underdog. This battle took every last hit point to declare a winner and in the end it was Mutten who stood tall.
To my surprise Foo Fighter’s a BatOutaHell made quick work of Keeper’s Reptalon and just like that last months champ was knocked off. The battle was followed by an extravagant display of fireworks!!
Lady Wingfield brought along Fly Girl and a bit of a snag left her pitted against Mutten. Mutten won again and earned himself a spot in the final battle. With the low numbers Mutten and a BatOutHell were the last two left to scrap for the overall.
Samson’s Mutten took the win and was declared this months pet battles champion. As the celebration began one more competitor came forward and was granted the chance to challenge Samson’s Mutton. Mutton was already crowned champ but bragging rights were still up for grabs as Kulder escorted Godzilla into the ring. Mutton affirmed his superiority and Godzilla was left lifeless in the end. Samson won the right to choose next months pet and he decided on the Bane Dragon. The fun wasn’t over yet and EM Helios invited the crowd to a rat wrangling.
The players scrambled to tame as many rats as possible in the short time limit. Lady Keeper of Dragons taming experience showed as four rats lined up to obey her every command by the end. Keeper was awarded with a nice rare gift and with that came an end to the October pet battles.