Game with Stratics for the Kids

October 22, 2014 By: kirthag Category: Community News

Stratics Staff has once again created a team for the Extra Life charity event on October 25th, 2014 to support the Children’s Miracle Network. Stratics wants to help save kids through video games, and we need your help to do that.

Our team is here as many on our staff are parents, and we know many in our community are as well. If you believe children are our most precious resource, we want you to join us! Become part of this international celebration of the social impact we gamers have with Extra Life.

To join Team Stratics, just clicky the cog:



As a Team Stratics member, you will choose your own, local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital for which your efforts will benefit. Your participation and pledging will not only bring awareness, but will go directly to the hospital you choose where thousands of children are treated each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents.

Then, anytime during Saturday, October 25th, 2014 – meet up with us in the games we are playing, or play your own game! To see what Team Stratics is playing, visit If you have the same game, then by all means – we’ll join up! We’re working on other tech as well, and will update everyone in this thread of our forum.

firstDonationEL2014If you don’t wish to join the team, then please donate to help us make our goal. Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids. To contribute to this most worthy of causes, click on the donation-meeter to the left, simply select a team member, then click the “Support This Participant” button on their page. Donating is safe, easy, and your donation is tax deductible.

Last year, Team Stratics helped Extra Life raised more than 4 million dollars to save kids. This year, we hope to do so again. We can’t do this without your help. Thank you, and game on!



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