The first ever Pitmuck Auction!

January 23, 2015 By: Dreadlord Lestat Category: Chesapeake News

Pitmuck Auction


January 23rd, 2015 8pm EST

Goblin Auction 1

Pit muck hosted it’s first ever goblin run auction Friday night. It was considered a success and enjoyed by all. Governor Vic II of Minoc posted the following results:

Number of lots: 20
Total Sold ?? (goblins can’t count)
Average ??
Largest Item: Pitmuck Pinworm Cure sold for 1 mill and a piece of licorice
Smallest Item: Coupon Book sold for 4 green toenails
Most fought over item: Goblin Playdoh sold for 15 invis pots
Most interesting item: Box of 38 bananas from Nu’Jelm sold for 89 zoogie fungus

Item – Amount 
Broken Statue – 5 ks
Finger Painting Set – 5 squishy turnips
Grow your own goblin kit – 2 pewter bowls, white pearl, pair of scissors
Bag of bad loot (35 scrolls) – 10 Zoogie Fungus
Box of 38 bananas from Jhelom – 89 Zoogie Fungus
Pitmuck Pinworm Cure – 1 mill and a piece of licorice
Room Deodorizer/Fart in a bottle – Tarot Cards
Coupon Book – 4 green toenails
30 Stories in a book – 1 ornithologist map, 1 bag of sending, 4 teleport scrolls
Goblin Play Doh – 15 invisibility pots
Two runes and a bag of sending – The word “boubala”
A pair of mittens and a handcuff for a one armed man – Scissors and partial spellbook
Bag of delightful treats – Mongbat and Boat
Damaged Poinsettia and 3 red leaves – 100 band aids
Spy ring, to spy on goblins – Hinge, Yeast, Arrow shaft
Mystery Bag – 100 Valorite Ingots and 1 big ruby
Goblin Chia Pet – Bamboo Flute and Magic Book
Dried Goblin Pee – 50 Garlic
Mystery Bag – 100 Valorite Ingots and 1 big ruby

Goblin Auction 2
They sold an odd assortment of items and accepted even more bizarre payments.
Goblin Auction 3 
The auction was a success despite the typical goblinism that you would expect at a goblin auction. Goblins are not known for their education and ended up breaking a rare obsidian statue while fighting over it trying to read the label. Towards the end of the auction, goblinism struck again when one of them dropped a package containing a valuable poinsettia.
Goblin Auction 4
When asked about future auctions, the goblins responded with a resounding “Me don knows!” If you run across a goblin auction, make sure you bring all the pocket lint, green toenail clippings, and and squishy turnips you can find!
Goblin Auction 5

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