[EM] March Events!
Posted to the EM news site;
No we are not dead…
This post was a touch delayed getting out, sorry…
Sunday March 10 – Darts
Meet and greet, we will play some darts, and have a good time
8PM Cst / 9PM Est
Meet and greet us at:Reward Hall Malas (gates will be provided from WBB and NH bank area)
Tuesday March 12 – Exodus
1 hour of exodus bashing! *Caution, may contain high levels of dragons or evil monsters*
7PM Cst / 8PM Est
Meet at the bridge to Blackthorn’s Castle
Tuesday March 19th Nimrad Talks
Nimrad will summarize what has happened so far. RP only event (no hack and slash). Come to talk, clarify up on the Nimrad story thus far.
8PM Cst / 9PM Est
Meet in Nimrad’s Lab (gates will be provided from WBB and NH bank area)
Friday March 22nd – Nimrad’s Nuts
Nimrad is in need of some ingredients for something he is cookin’ up… Will you be able to help Nimrad find his nuts?
8PM Cst / 9PM Est
Meet in Nimrad’s Lab (gates will be provided from WBB and NH bank area)
Monday March 25th – Trade Investigations
Jonas Grumby hasn’t been living up to the Guard’s expectations. Will he solve this rising trade crisis in time?
7pm CST / 8pm EST
Meet at The Barnacle (tavern in Minoc, gate provided from New Haven)
Thursday March 28th – Royal Guard to Try Void Pool… Again…
We have tried and tried, but will this time be the time we reach 100!?!
7PM Cst / 8PM Est
Meet at the bridge to Blackthorn’s Castle
(Event dates subject to change. (If it does change, there will be a posting) )