Hey Good Looking, Whatcha Got Cooking?
Cephas is having a contest. He needs entrants!
Here is the post on the shard event form for Napa:
“Sliced is a cooking competition with RP elements. Competitors will be given a basket (or possibly a small crate) containing a myriad of ingredients. These ingredients are to be used in some way, shape, or form to create a meal. Once cooking has concluded, chefs will present and describe their meals to a judging panel, who will critique their work, and dub a winner.
(Note well: the description is very important in the judging process. Some part of each ingredient must be used in the presentation, even if not actually used in the dish. For instance, a ginseng root can not be cooked or put into a food preparation in UO, however it can be used to flavor a broth that cooks a meat. Such a detail will not escape a judge or a successful chef. )
Scores will be based on the appetizing qualities of the dishes served, originality in use of the basket (crate) ingredients, and difficulty of the dishes presented. Extra credit will be awarded for exceptional foods, though a maker’s mark is unnecessary. Competition is open to non-GM chefs. Use of cooking talismans is prohibited.
Contestants will be required to stay in the cooking/serving area. A stocked pantry, chill cabinet, and wine & spirits cabinet will be provided. While the initial format is a single round, multiple rounds may be employed if the field of competitors proves sufficiently large. As such, pre-registration is required.
750k gold for first place. The inaugural “Sliced” competition will be held on Saturday, February 22, at 1:30 PM PST/4:30 PM EST. Location will be the new Veritas guildhouse, a sandstone and plaster structure located on the eastern shore of New Magincia, at roughly 45°S, 174°E. Anyone with questions to ask or looking to register, feel free to message myself, here, or on ICQ: 161607390″
Original link: http://uo2.stratics.com/community/threads/coming-soon-sliced.310873/#post-2356798